I'm 39 years old, sitting in a wheel chair and have studied business administration at the advanced technical college in Munich. Right after studying I gained work experience in a Munich consultancy for about ten years. After a relatively short period of vocational adjustment I became the chief of the EDV department of the company and was assigned my own consultancy projects.
Since October 2006 I've been working at the Bavarian Ministry of Social Affairs and am in charge of projects within the scope of public relations. Privately I'm happily engaged for some time and moved to my own barrier-free housing recently.
Certainly it is difficult to define clearly what I have achieved with homeopathy in my life. But I'm sure homeopathy has influenced my path of life positively.
For an introduction I would like to describe my disease pattern in brief. I was born at the seventh month. I suffered from lack of oxygen during birth which caused a spastic tetraplegia. This was aggravated by the quadruple vaccination (polio, whooping cough, tetanus, hepatitis) given when I was a nursling. Nobody knows exactly what functions were damaged due to the vaccinations. But one can assume that the anoxia only caused a "slight" motoric dysfunction of the right hand. The additional damage is possibly due to vaccinations.
Unfortunately, therapeutic treatment only started at the age of one year as the disability was only discovered quite late. Since then I've done physiotherapy twice daily. I was treated according to Bobath and Vojta. Moreover three operations were done by Dr. Storz in the Munich Polyclinic.
1976: bilateral prolongation of hip flexors and adductors
1977: Prolongation of the Achilles' tendons
1985: Prolongation of the medial knee flexors
They did not offer a bright prognosis for me. According to the statements of "experts" I should go to a special school for the learning-disabled. Further predications were that I would never learn to walk and there should never be able to drive.
Let me relate my current condition, performance and prognosis. In my opinion homeopathy was just as important as the "classical therapy". That is to say, I wouldn't dispense with physiotherapy, massage etc. These do have their own therapeutic value, but are influenced by homeopathy positively in their outcome.
I would like to report about some of the changes I experienced due to homeopathic treatment and describe what could be achieved with homeopathy.
I could seldom produce fever, but since homeopathic treatment I'm able to get fever again. I constantly had cold feet. Now the circulation of my feet is almost normal and they are warm usually. My spasmodic cough only appears under stress, during bloom of several plants and when I get colds. Otherwise I have found a tool with homeopathy to get my cough under control.
One of the great achievements I attribute to homeopathy is getting a driver's license. Many experts still claim that people like me, who suffer from spastic paralysis, should not get a driving license because of their limited mobility and spatial perception. These abilities are without doubt of fundamental importance for motoring. Homeopathy has helped me to ameliorate the perception and sensibility in these areas. Without homeopathy I certainly would not have gotten the driving license. Today I drive a handicapped accessible VW bus independently.
Without homeopathy I didn't have the necessary energy and perseverance to master my education and professional development. I don't think I would have managed my study and the challenge as an executive with the required intensity.
Even more important, I have clearly gained self-confidence and self-esteem by means of homeopathic treatment. It was important for me to learn to experience and accept my body. The changes in perception allowed me to learn to accept my conditions and to rise from the whole process with increased self-confidence.
Without this self-confidence it would have been impossible to manage by life, even with help and determination. Without this changed self-perception it would have been unthinkable to live together happily with my fiancee in my own dwelling for more than 10 years.
It was of uppermost importance for me that homeopathy helped me and is still of help for raising awareness and especially to recognizing my strengths and weaknesses. A therapy can only be successful if the patient recognizes its meaning. In that homeopathy also has had a role.
The most important thing for me in connection with homeopathy, was learning that I didn't need to accept the boundaries set by other people. In the beginning experts had stated: "He will go to a learning disabled school, he will never get a driving license, and he will never be able to live independently". None of those prognoses came true. I have proved with my own life, and especially homeopathic treatment, that the expert opinions don't need to come true. The boundaries only existed in the medical opinions !
I've learned not to accept boundaries set by other people, but to call them into question. I now have the courage to defy those predictions and look whether something can be done!
Christian Löhr
Translated by Katja Schütt.
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