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Sunday, October 17, 2010

[shia_strength] Faith & Action--Iman aur Amal


تَآصُرُ الإيمانِ وَالعَمَلِ

Faith and Action

14ـ رسولُ اللهِ‏ِ (صَلَّيَ اللهُ عَلَيهِ وَ آلِهِ) : الْإيمانُ والعملُ أخَوانِ شَريكانِ في قَرَنٍ ، لا يَقْبلُ اللّه‏ُ أحدَهُما إلّا بصاحبِهِ.

14– The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'Faith and action are two brothers, bound together with a single rope. Allah will not accept either one without the other.'[Kanz al-`Ummal, no. 59]


15ـ رسولُ اللهِ (صَلَّيَ اللهُ عَلَيهِ وَ آلِهِ) : لُعِنَتِ المُرْجِئةُ على لِسانِ سَبعينَ نَبيّاً ، الّذينَ يقولونَ : الْإيمانُ قَولٌ بلا عملٍ.

15– The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'The murji'a have been cursed by seventy prophets. They are those who say that faith is attestation without action.'[Ibid. no. 637]


16ـ الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) : لو كانَ الْإيمانُ كلاما لم يَنْزِلْ فيهِ صَومٌ ولا صلاةٌ ولا حلالٌ ولا حرامٌ.

16– Imam Ali (AS) said, 'If faith was a mere statement, then fasting, prayers, the lawful and the unlawful things would not have been prescribed for it.'[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 69, p. 19, no. 2]


17ـ الإمامُ الكاظمُ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) : الْإيمانُ عملٌ كلُّهُ ، والقَولُ بعضُ ذلكَ العملِ بِفَرضٍ مِن اللّه‏ِ بَيَّنَهُ في كِتابهِ.

17– One of the infallibles (AS) said, 'Faith is all action, and the statement is but part of the action that Allah has made mandatory, which He has explained in His Book.'[al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 38, no. 7]

عَلاماتُ المُؤمِنِ

The Signs of the Believer


84ـ الإمامُ زينُ العابدينَ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) : عَلاماتُ المؤمنِ خَمسٌ : الوَرعُ في الخَلوةِ ، والصَّدقةُ في القِلّةِ ، والصَّبرُ عند المصيبةِ ، والحِلْمُ عنـد الغضـبِ ، والصِّدقُ عند الخوفِ.

84- Imam Zayn al-Abidin (AS) said, 'The signs of a believer are five: piety [even] when in seclusion, giving charity in spite of lack, patience in the face of calamity, clemency when angered, and truthfulness in spite of fear.'[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 67, p. 293, no. 15]


85ـ الإمامُ الصّادقُ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) ـ وقد سُئلَ : بأيِّ شيءٍ يَعلَمُ المؤمنُ بأنّهُ مؤمنٌ ؟ ـ : بالتَّسْليمِ للّه‏ِ ، والرِّضا فيما وَردَ علَيهِ مِن سُرورٍ أو سُخْطٍ.

85- Imam al-Sadiq (AS), when he was asked, 'How does a believer know that he is indeed a believer?', replied, 'Through submission to Allah and satisfaction with whatever joy or [source of] annoyance comes his way.'[Ibid. v. 72, p. 336, no. 24]


أفضَلُ المُؤمنينَ

The Best of Believers

86ـ الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) : أفضلُ المؤمنينَ أفضلُهُم تَقْدِمَةً مِن نفسِهِ وأهلِهِ ومالِهِ.

86- Imam Ali (AS) said, 'The best of believers is the one who is best at dedicating himself, his family and his wealth [for Allah].'[Sharhe Nahj al-Balagha li Ibn Abi al-Hadid, v. 18, p. 41]


87ـ الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) : أفضلُ المؤمنينَ إيمانا مَن كانَ للّه‏ِ أخْذُهُ وعَطاهُ وسَخطُهُ ورِضاهُ.

87- Imam Ali (AS) said, 'The best of believers in terms of faith is he whose giving and withholding, and whose displeasure and pleasure are solely for Allah.'[Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 3278]

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IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi

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