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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

[MahdiUniteMuslims] Sarkozy's climbdown on Hijab ban


Sarkozy's climbdown on Hijab ban
"Nowadays, women have the right to take their clothes off in public – but not to put them on."
Last month, the French president Nicolas Sarkozy, a former Israeli Mossad operative, backed-down from the anti-Hijab crusade he himself started as French interior minister in 2004. Now he admits that it's not "workable":
"The full veil is not welcome in France because it is contrary to our values and contrary to the ideals of we have of a woman's dignity. But it is vital to conduct ourselves in a way that no-one feels stigmatized. We must find a solution which enables us to win the widest support". Sarkozy, once again, could not hide his pro-Israel hatred toward Islam and Muslims. I feel it amusing that Sarkozy is telling Muslim women how to dress up while his ex-wife Cecilla called him "a womanizer and cheapskate" in her book.
Reuel S. Amdur in his article titled Burqa, niqab and legislating French fashion wrote:
"It certainly is puzzling that in the midst of a major economic crisis the whole French political establishment is tied up in knots over what 2,000 women are wearing. The battle against the hijab was waged in the name of secularism, and the principle was that there would be a restriction on the wearing of large religious symbols, so along with the hijab the yarmulke and the Sikh turban also felt the pinch.
However, the egalitarian secularists missed one thing. In limiting their strictures to large symbols, they were targeting only relatively vulnerable minorities. They did not clamp down on all religious symbols. Will they correct this omission and force Christian women to remove their little crosses? You would not want to put too much money on that one.
It was preceded by the earlier attack on the hijab worn by a larger minority of French Muslim women, and it takes place during President Nicolas Sarkozy's provocative country-wide debate on "national identity," giving a platform to all shades of prejudice.
The reasons that women wear a niqab or burqa vary.
No doubt the critics are right that some have it imposed by husbands or other males in the family. However, such is not the case universally.
Where a woman grew up wearing a facial covering, especially where those around her also did, the covering may be part of her identity.
In some cultures, women do not cover their breasts, but many Western women would have difficulty "going native" if they found themselves in such a place.
Then, finally, there are women who wear a niqab or burqa because they see it as a religious statement that they want to make.
For my own part, I do not like the burqa and the niqab, but I look even less favorably on people having limbs full of tattoos or faces full of pins and studs.
So how would we go about changing the behavior?
Easier for the wearing attire than for the tattoos and piercings. Why not try tolerating it? "
Canadian Jew academic, Henry Makow PhD, in a September 24, 2009 article 'Bikini vs Burqa: The Debauchery of Women' wrote: "The role of woman is at the heart of any culture. Apart from stealing Arab oil, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan are about stripping Muslims their religion and culture, exchanging the burqa for a bikini…… The Muslim woman's focus is her home, the "nest" where her children are born and reared. She is the "home" maker, the taproot that sustains the spiritual life of the family, nurturing and training her children, providing refuge and support to her husband. On contrast, the bikinied American beauty queen struts practically naked in front of millions on TV. A feminist, she belongs to herself. In practice, paradoxically, she is a public property. She belongs to no one and everyone. She shops her body to the highest bidder. She is auctioning herself all of the time….."
Hijab means modesty and privacy in clothing. It's recommended for both men and women. However, its shape and size depends on climate and the local culture. It doesn't has to be covering from head-to-toe (burqa).

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