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Sunday, November 7, 2010

[shia_strength] ZYARAT OF Hazrat Imam Ali Raza a.s (fwd it)


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--- On Wed, 11/3/10, Abbas Shahid Baqir (LUMS) <duasonline@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Abbas Shahid Baqir (LUMS) <duasonline@yahoo.com>
Subject: [shia_strength] (Part-2) Pearl's Advises of Hazrat Imam Ali Raza a.s (fwd it)
To: duasonline@yahoogroups.com, liberalmuslimclub@yahoogroups.com, fourteenstars@yahoogroups.com, shia_strength@yahoogroups.com, hb21520@gmail.com, ahmedbaqir526@hotmail.com, thenetguy1294@hotmail.com, m-alifarhan@hotmail.com, ImamEZamanaTT@yahoogroups.com, ali.kamran@pelgroup.com.pk, fidahusseinasaria@yahoo.co.uk, mutahirjavaid@yahoo.com, articles@jafariyanews.com, rabz_ume@hotmail.com, sultan.mubashir.sadiq@hotmail.com
Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2010, 7:51 PM


Pearl's Advises of Hazrat Imam Ali Raza a.s


Assalamoalaka ya Hazrat Imam Ali Raza a.s.


  1. Almightiness is reserved for God the one. He who claims the possession of this status will be perished by God.
  2. He who does not offer his thanks to his benefactor has not actually praised God the great and the glorious.
  3. Your mouth is one of the channels through which you make contact with God. You had then better keep it clean by brushing your teeth.
  4. He who wishes to be the most dear to the people must be virtuous both in public and in secret.
  5. Human intellect is a divine blessing but politeness is acquired through endeavoring
  6. Prudence keeps repentance away.
  7. Gifts cast out hatred, from the heart.
  8. "Man's intellect is his friend and his ignorance, his foe"
  9. Humbleness means treating others the same way as you expect them to treat you.
  10. Imãm Reza (AS) stated: 'A generous person eats the food offered to him by others so that
    they eat his. But a miser would not eat the offered food by others lest they eat his'.
  11. To be in the company of villains will result in suspecting the good.
  12. "Imãm Ridã (AS) stated: 'Women of the Bani Israel deviated from the path of chastity because
    their men were not bothered about cleanliness and their good looks.'
  13. The Imãm then added: 'What you expect of your wife, she expects the same from you'.
  14. "A woman was complaining about her husband. She said: 'I was working hard at home and went
    through many happy and harsh times with my husband. However, now that I have become ill my
    husband wants to leave me'.
  15. Never become angry with others and do not ask anything from them. Wish for the people whatever you wish for yourself.
  16. Are you sahib al-'amr (Master of the Undertaking)?"
  17. The Imam said:Yes, I am the Master of the Undertaking.
  18. However, I am not that Master of the Undertaking who will fill the earth with justice and equity.
  19. How can I be that Master of the Undertaking when you are witness to the prevalent weakness and helplessness?
  20. The promised Qa'im will be old in age but young in appearance when he emerges.
  21. He will be so powerful and strong that if he extended his hand to the most huge tree it would fall uprooted.
  22. And if he screamed among the mountains the rocks would be crushed into pieces.
  23. The rod of Moses and the seal of Solomon are with him.
  24. That person will be my fourth descendant.
  25. God will keep him in occultation for as long as He deems necessary.
  26. Then, He will cause him to appear, and through him God will fill the earth with justice and equity as it is filled with tyranny and oppression.
  27. The highest degree of wisdom is self-cognition.
  28. This world is a prison for a momin and a paradise for the unbeliever.
  29. Imam reza (a.s.) shed tears and then said: 'o de'bel, the trusted spirit has spoken through your tongue....
  30. 'The appointed time (in quran) refers to the day of emergence of our 'qa'em'.
  31. Then it was asked from hazrat as to who is the qaem and he replied: 'he is the fourth of my descendant, the son of a princess of slave-maids who shall purify the earth from every cruelty and oppression'.
  32. Once Hazrat told a person as such: 'o abdulla! be satisfied with what Allah wishes and be prepared for that which is inevitable for you to occur. then on the third day abdulla died.
  33. This incident has been narrated by hakem. also, he narrates from muhammad-ibn-isa who narrates from abu habib who said: i saw in my dreams that i had visited the holy prophet and greeted him. at that very moment, i saw a tray of saihani dates next to him and he offered eighteen of those dates to me. then i woke up and interpreted my dream in this manner that i would live for another eighteen days. however, after the twentieth day,
  34. Abul-Hassan Ali ar-Raza arrived from medina and came to the same mosque where i had seen the holy prophet in my dream. people hastened towards him in order to offer their greetings. i too went close to him and saw him sitting in the very place which the holy prophet had sat and besides him was kept a tray of saihani dates,
  35. The same tray of dates which i had seen in my dream. later, i greeted him and he called me close to himself and offered me a handful of those dates. when i counted them, i realized that they were exactly the same number of dates the holy prophet had offered me in my dream. i asked for more but he said: if the holy prophet had offered you more than this amount, i too would offer you more.
  36. When Hazrat arrived in naishabour he was mounted on a mule and on top of the mule-litter was a cover which was not visible from behind. then two persons from the experts of traditions, i.e. abu zarra raazi and muhammad-ibn-aslam tusi went in his presence along with a large number of scholars. they asked Hazrat to disclose his blessed face and narrate for them traditions which he had received from his fore-fathers. then, as per his commands the mule-litter came to a stand-still and his slaves drew back the curtain. when the people's eyes fell on his blessed face they began to rejoice. a group was jubilating while another group was crying out of excessive happiness. yet others threw themselves on the ground and those who were near were seen kissing the hooves of his mule. then the scholars cried out:
  37. 'O people, be quiet and listen to what hazrat says'. when the people prepared themselves to listen, Hazrat started to deliver this tradition and as the crowd was great in number those too i.e. abu zarra and muhammad-ibn-aslam were calling out hazrat's message to the people. later,
  38. Hazrat said: 'my father musa kazim narrated to me from his father Jafer sadeq who narrated from his father Muhammad baqir who narrated from his father Zain-ul-abedeen who narrated from his father Hussein who narrated from his father Ali-ibn-abi talib (may allah be satisfied with him) who said: my dear and beloved Messenger of Allah (s.a.w a.) said: Gibra'eel (Gabriel) told me as such:- i heard the exalted lord saying: the words of:
  39. Is my castle. so anyone who recites it shall enter my castle and the one who enters my castle will be saved from my chastisement.thereafter, he removed the cover from the mule-litter and moved ahead. about twenty-thousand writers have narrated this tradition.
  40. In another tradition it has come that hazrat said: 'faith' is recognition by the heart, confession by the tongue and action by the limbs. perhaps he said both of them. ahmad says: 'if this tradition which is having a chain of transmitters is read for an insane person he shall be cured of his madness.'
  41. 95 hadith on: "Mahdi is the fourth descendant of Imam 'Ali Razas.
  42. The honest man has not betrayed you, but you consider the betrayer as the honest one.
  43. "My father Musa Al-Kadhim narrated to me from his father Ja'fer As-Sadiq from his father Mohammed Al-Baqir from his father Ali Zaynul Abedeen from his father , the martyr of Kerbala from his father Ali ibn Abu Talib saying :
  44. "My loved one, and the pleasure of my eyes, the Messenger of God (S.A.W.) told me once, that Jibrail told him from the Lord
  45. Ibn Qulawaih, on the authority of Kulaini, on the authority of Hussein bin Muhammad, on the authority of Khariani, on the authority of his father, said: "I (i.e. Khayrani's father) was standing in front of Abul-Hassan al-Reza (A.S.), in Khurasan. Someone asked him: 'My master, if something happens, to whom will authority belong?" "To Abu Ja'far (al-Jawad), my son," he replied. The speaker indicated that the age of Abu Ja'far was too young. So, Abul-Hassan al-Reza (A.S.), replied: "Allah, may He be praised, sent Jesus, son of Mary, to be an apostle, a prophet, the bringer of a revealed law (Shari'a), to begin (his mission) when his age was younger than that of Abu Ja'far(al-Jawad), peace be upon him."
  46. Narrated Mu'ammar bin Khallad that he heared Imam al-Reza (A.S.), saying: "When he mentioned something and, then, said: 'What need have you for that? Here is Abu Ja'far, whom I have brought into my meetings and whom I have made to be my successor.' Then, he added: 'We are the family of the House (Ahlul-Bayt). Our young inherit from our old, like one feather (on a wing) followed by the next.'"
  47. Ibn Qulawaih, on the authority of Kulaini, on the authority of Hussein bin Muhammad, on the authority of Khariani, on the authority of his father, said: "I (i.e. Khayrani's father) was standing in front of Abul-Hasan al-Reza (A.S.), in Khurasan. Someone asked him: 'My master, if something happens, to whom will authority belong?" To Abu Ja'far (al-Jawad), my son," he replied. The speaker indicated that the age of Abu Ja'far was too young. So, Abul-Hasan al-Reza (A.S.), replied: "Allah, may He be praised, sent Jesus, son of Mary, to be an apostle, a prophet, the bringer of a revealed law (Shari'a), to begin (his mission) when his age was younger than that of Abu Ja'far (al-Jawad), peace be upon him."
  48. Narrated Mu'ammar bin Khallad that he heard Imam al-Reza (A.S.), saying: "When he mentioned something and, then, said: 'What need have you for that? Here is Abu Ja'far, whom I have brought into my meetings and whom I have made to be my successor.' Then, he added: 'We are the family of the House (Ahlul-Bayt). Our young inherit from our old, like one feather (on a wing) followed by the next.'"
  49.  "The kalima of LA ILAHA ILLALLAH is my fort; whoever said it would enter my fort; and whoever entered my fort was safe from my punishment".
  50. Those who wrote down the hadith numbered twenty thousand. People started reciting the Kalima when Imam put his hand up and continued: "Yes, the kalima is Allah's fort.
  51. It will provide you with excellent safety but on one condition only and that is that you obey and follow us - the holy Imams in the progeny of the holy Prophet (S.A.W.).
  52. On reaching Marw Mamun forced Imam to accept the heir apparency (To be the leader after him). Imam accepted unwillingly.
  53. That is to say, the emergence of imam and his leadership is a certainty. he shall rise in the name of Allah and will be a blessing. he shall separate the truth from falsehood and recompense as per good and evil actions. Hazrat cried bitterly and then said:
  54. 'O Gabriel, the holy spirit has spoken through your tongue. do you know who this imam is? i replied: no, i do not know him. but, i have heard that an imam shall emerge from your household, the one who shall fill the earth with equity and justice.
  55. Hazrat said: the imam after me shall be my son Muhammad and after Muhammad will be his son Ali and after Ali will be his son Hassan and after Hassan will be his son Hujjat al-Qaem and he is the awaited one.
  56. Ahmad-ibn-Ziyad who has narrated from Debel-ibn-Ali khuza'ee a tradition wherein Debel
    approaches Imam Raza (a.s.) and - Ode and refers, in some places of his recites his '--' Ode to Mahdi and
    imam's reply to Debel is as such: Gebriel has spoken through your tongue. do you know who that imam is?...
    he is the one for whom people will await and they will be submissive to him at the time of his
    emergence....Regarding the time of Mahdi's emergence, my father has narrated from his father and they from 
    the Messenger of Allah as such:  the example of Mahdi is like the example of Qiyamat which will not come 
    but all of a sudden'.
  57. The author says: in some of the traditions about occultation it has come down that Mahdi shall emerge
    like a glittering star. yet some other traditions mention that God would set right Mahdi's affairs in
    one night.
  58. It appears that all these sayings refer to this fact that Mahdi's emergence is unknown and except for the
    one who has created him, none are aware of the time of his reappearance.
  59. Verily, amongst the affairs which has greatly been emphasized in the tradition for us (i.e. the shias) is
    the non - fixation of the time of Mahdi's emergence and leaving this matter to almighty Allah.
  60. Yet some traditions mention that those who ordain a time for his emergence are liars. it can be said that the
     philosophy of not fixing his reappearing at any time and in any year, month and on any Friday may be 
    due to the following:
  61. firstly, the divine bada' (change) in which we shias believe plays interference in the matter of Mahdi's
    emergence and is resolute. verily, the will of Allah proceeds in all the divine destinies and it is proper
    to reverse the order and bring change in his destinies. 
  62. Mahdi's emergence too falls in the category of those
     incidents in which 'bada' is akin to occur just as the same has been clearly stipulated in the shiite traditions.
     as a matter of fact, if the time of Hazrat's emergence had been fixed and the matter of 'bada' (too) would
    have played its role, then the very matter of (tradition of) emergence along with its narrator would
    have been subject to doubt and suspicions. thus Imam (a.s.) has said: 'we have not fixed the time of
    Hazrat's emergence nor shall we do so in the future.'
  63. secondly, refraining from ascertaining the time of emergence and leaving it to divine discretion of and
    considering the possibility of Mahdi emerging today or tomorrow forcibly creates an urge and desire in
    praying for his early reappearance since it is possible that his emergence may be linked to 'dua'
    (praying) and insistence in request.
  64. thirdly, the period of Mahdi's emergence is known and the people are aware of this matter even though they
    may belong to the few special class, it would mean that Hazrat has to emerge forcibly and the special and
    ordinary class of people especially those desirous of this matter, must recognize him and the enemies
    themselves right form the beginning of his emergence in killing him. amongst the impossible affairs is this
    that on the day of Mahdi's emergence, his powers will be the same as the powers of his enemies.
  65. fourthly, when the affairs of the people are in imam's hands, he would be the pivot of the millstone of the
    muslims and the focal point of their social body. undoubtedly imam's occultation even though for a short
    period will bring the movement of that society to a standstill. however if the people bring faith in his
    emergence and have hope in his return especially so in the near future, it would then be possible for that
    society to remain protected from disorder.
  66. fifthly, awaiting for emergence at any period will bring an acceleration in the reformity movement. a
    person who awaits the arrival of his companion will be bound to make speed in the preliminary preparation for
    his arrival lest his friend arrives suddenly and he may not have fulfilled his duty.
  67. truly if 'intezar' (awaiting) for Mahdi's emergence is based on sincerity and non-fixation of time (of his
    emergence) it would indeed be regarded as two important factors for the salvation and comfort of a society.
  68. I wish that the author of 'tafseer-e-al-minar' would take back some of his words in this regard.
    Mahdi's emergence at the end of time 
  69. One day a Jewish scholar was brought by Mamun to debate with Imam. The scholar asked: "How can you accept Muhammad to be the prophet of God when he showed no miracles ? "
  70. Imam replied : "The greatest of miracles of Allah is the human mind.
  71. It allows ideas to be thought through and reasoned out.
  72. Islam appeals to human reason.
  73. Man must accept God through reason and not through miracles ".
  74. "What you stretch your necks for will not occur until you are able to discern and to be tested. Only a few of you will remain."
  75. Then he recited: Alif  Lam. Do the people consider that they can abandon saying " We believe whenever they are tempted? 
  76. He said: "Among the signs of the relief is an event which will occur between the two mosques (of Mecca and Medina). So-and-so from the descendants of so-and-so will kill fifteen leaders of the Arabs."
  77. (Al-Rida) said: "(It is as if I see) standards, dyed green, coming from Egypt until they come to the Syrian (standards).
  78. Then they will be guided to the descendant of the one who gave the testamentary bequests of authority (to the Imams)."
  79. "(It is as if I see) standards, dyed green, coming from Egypt until they come to the Syrian (standards). Then they will be guided to the descendant of the one who gave the testamentary bequests of authority (to the Imams)."
  80.  Nothing is more worthy than good temper.
  81. Prudence keeps repentance away.
  82. One who torments his neighbor is not one of us.
  83. A generous man is close to God, close to paradise, and close to everyone.
  84. He who wishes to be the most dear to the people must be virtuous both in public and in secret.
  85. Humbleness means treating others the same way as you expect them to treat you.
  86. Gifts cast out hatred, from the heart.
  87. [al-Fadl b. Shadhan (reported) on the authority of Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Abi Nasr, on the authority of Abu al-Hasan al-Rida, peace be on him:] (Al-Rida) said: "What you stretch your necks for will not occur until you are able to discern and to be tested. Only a few of you will remain."
  88. Then he recited: Alif Lam. Do the people consider that they can abandon saying " We believe whenever they are tempted? [XXIX 1-2].
  89. He said: "Among the signs of the relief is an event which will occur between the two mosques (of Mecca and Medina). So-and-so from the descendants of so-and-so will kill fifteen leaders of the Arabs."
  90. [Ali b. Asbat (reported) on the authority of (Abu) al-Hasan b. al-Jahm, who said:] A man asked Abu al-Hasan (Musa), peace be on him, about the relief. He asked: "Do you want most of it or shall I give you a summary?" "Would you give me a summary?" he said. "(It will be) when the standards of Qays are carried in Egypt and the standards of Kinda in Khurasan," he replied.
  91. [Al-Fadl b. Shadhan (reported) on the authority of Muammar b. Khallad, on the authority of Abu al-Hasan (al-Rida), peace be on him:] (Al-Rida) said: "(It is as if I see) standards, dyed green, coming from Egypt until they come to the Syrian (standards). Then they will be guided to the descendant of the one who gave the testamentary bequests of authority (to the Imams)."
  92. Imam Raza has related from Imam Ali that the latter stated: "The night of the 15th of Sha'ban is that in which occurs the distribution of sustenance and the registration of fates."
  93. The best and most respected virtue of a man is to do good and to fulfill the desires of the needy.
  94. Imam who will arise Hazrat Mahdi (Qa'im), peace be on him, and the events which will take place before his appearance, together with the indications and features of it.
    Among them are:
    - The Sufyani will come out in revolt;
    - the Hasanid will be killed;
    - the Abbasids will dispute over worldly kingdom;
    - there will be an eclipse of the sun in the middle of the month of Ramadan;
    - there will be an eclipse of the moon at the end of that month in contrast to ordinary happenings;
    - the land will be swallowed up at al-Bayda'; it will be swallowed in the east-it will be swallowed up in the west;

    - the sun will stay still from the time of its decline to the middle of the time for the afternoon prayer;
    - it will rise from the west;
    - a pure soul (nafs zakiyya) will be killed in the outskirts of Kufa with seventy righteous men;
    - a Hashimite will be slaughtered between the corner (of the Ka'ba) and the station of Abraham);
    - the wall of the mosque of Kufa will be destroyed;
    - black standards will advance from Khurasan;
    - al-Yamani will come out in revolt;
    - al-Maghribi will appear in Egypt and take possession of it from Syria;
    - the Turk will occupy the region of al-Jazira;
    - the Byzantines will occupy Ramla;
    - the star will appear in the east giving light just like the moon gives light;
    - then (the new moon) will bend until its two tips almost meet;
    - a colour will appear in the sky and spread to its horizons;
    - a fire will appear for a long time in the east remaining in the air for three or seven days;
    - the Arabs will throw off the reins and take possession of their land, throwing out the foreign authority;
    - the people of Egypt will kill their ruler and destroy Syria; and three standards will dispute over it (Syria);
    - the standards of Qays and the Arabs will come among the people of Egypt;
    - the standards of Kinda (will go) to Khurasan;
    - horses will come from the west until they are stabled in al-Hira;
    - the black standards will advance towards them from the east; the Euphrates will flood so that the water comes into the alleys of Kufa;
    - sixty liars will come forward, all of them claiming prophethood, and twelve will come forward from the family of Abu Talib, all of them claiming the Imamate; a man of important rank of the supporters of the 'Abbasids will be burnt between Jalula' and Khaniqin;
    - the bridge next to Karkh in the city of Baghdad will be established;
    - a black wind will raise it at the beginning of the day and then an earthquake will occur so that much of it will be swallowed up;
    - fear will cover the people of Iraq and Baghdad; swift death (will occur) there and there will be a loss of property, lives and harvests;
    - locusts will appear at their usual times and at times not usual so that they attack agricultural land and crops and there will be little harvest for what the people planted;
    - two kinds of foreigners will dispute and much blood will be shed in their quarrel;
    - slaves will rebel against obedience to their masters and kill their masters (mawali);
    - a group of heretics (ahl al-bida) will be transformed until they become monkeys and pigs;
    - slaves will conquer the land of their masters; a cry (will come) from the sky (in such a way) that all the people will hear it in their own languages;
    - a face and a chest will appear in the sky before the people in the centre of the sun;
    - the dead will arise from their graves so that they will return to the world and they will recognize one another and visit one another;
    - that will come to an end with twenty-four continous rainstorms and the land will be revived by them after being dead and it will recognize its blessings;

    - after that every disease will be taken away from those of the Shia of the Mahdi, peace be on him, who believe in the truth;
    at that time they will know of his appearance in Mecca and they will go to him to support him.
  95. (These signs) are as the reports have mentioned. Among the total of these events are some which are bound (to happen) and other which are conditional.
  96. God knows best what will take place.
  97. We have only mentioned them on the basis of what is recounted in basic sources of tradition (usul) because of their inclusion in traditions which have been handed down.
  98. From God we seek help and Him do we ask for success.
  99. The best and most respected virtue of a man is to do good and to fulfill the desires of the needy.
  100. The highest degree of wisdom is self-cognition.
  101. To be in the company of villains will result in suspecting the good.
  102. Never become angry with others and do not ask anything from them. Wish for the people
    whatever you wish for yourself
  103. Imam Reza (A.S.) said: My father, talked of his father, Imam Sadeq (A.S.), as saying that the Ghadir feast is much more famous in heaven than on Earth.
  104. "Giving alms is the most valuable savings."
  105. Imam ' Ali ar-Riza (a. s.) about it. When 'Ubaydullah asked the Imam about it, the Imam
    said, "There is no problem as long as he uses any part of his own body upon her, but he
    should not use any thing other than his body on her."
  106. Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq and Imam 'Ali ar-Riza about anal intercourse: "Woman is a means of
    your pleasure, therefore do not harm her."
  107. Imam Rizä (AS) stated: 'The greatest gain for a man is a faithful woman who, when she sees
    him, becomes happy and protects his property and her own honqur in his .
  108. 'Imãm Riza (AS) stated: 'Some women are blessings for their husbands who express their love and affecton'.
  109. The Seal of the Prophets was asked if a believer could possibly be cowardly and timid.
  110. `Yes,' he replied. Then they asked him if he could be stingy.
  111. `Yes,' he said. `Can ale be a liar?' they asked him.
  112. `No!' came the Prophet's reply
  113. Hazrat From Imam Ar-Reza (a) On the authority of his forefathers who said that the Prophet (s) said: He who says every day 100 times [the following] will attract richness through it and drive away poverty:
    Laa ilaaha il'lal-laahul-malikul-Haqqul-mubeen  (There is no god, except Allah, the Ruler, the Real, the Manifest)
  114. Khalid b. al-`Absee has narrated that: `Ali b. Moosa (a) taught me the following instructing me to teach fellow believers for it works with all sort of pains and aches.
    U`idhoo nafsee bi'rabbil-ardhi wa rabbis-samaa' U`idhoo nafsee billadhee laa yadhurru ma`a-smihi daa' U`idhoo nafsee billadhee-smuhu barakatun washifaa'
  115. I seek protection for my soul in the Lord of the earth and the Lord of the heavens I seek protection for my soul in the One in whose name no sickness can hurt I seek protection for my soul in the One whose name is Blessed and a Cure. Reference: Ad'iyah No. 16, 19 and 47 from As-Saheefah ar-Rezawiyyah, Qum.
  116. Imam al-Reza, peace be on him, did not find any escape from responding to al-Ma'mu`n, so he went to the grave of his grandfather, the Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family, and said the final farewell to it, for he came to know that he would not visit it again. Muhawwil al-Sijista`ni has narrated, saying: "When the post regarding sending Ima`m al-Reza`, peace be on him, on a journey to Khurasan came, I was in Medina.
  117. He entered the mosque in order to say farewell to the grave of his grandfather, Allah's Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family. He said farewell to it several times. He wept and wailed loudly, so I walked towards him, greeted him, and he returned the greetings.
  118. Then I congratulated him on that which he would reach, but he, peace be on him, said: 'Leave me, for I am going to leave neighboring my grandfather, may Allah bless him and his family, so I will die strange and buried beside Ha`ru`n (al-Rashïd)."
  119. The Imam had gone to the Sacred House of Allah to say the final farewell to it before he headed for Khurasa`n. Most his family accompanied him, among them was his son Imam al-Jawa`d, peace be on him. When he arrived the Sacred House, he greeted it, circumambulated it, performed prayers in the Standing-place of Ibra`him, ran, and circumambulated it along with his son al-Jawad.
    When al-Jawa`d arrived at the Stone of Isma'ïl, he sat by it for a long time. So Muwaffaq al-Kha`dim asked him to stand up, but he refused and looked sad and sorrowful. So Muwaffaq hurried towards the Ima`m and told him about the state of his son.
  120. Imam al-Reza`, peace be on him, hastened to his son and asked him to stand up, and he wept, sighed, and said: "O Father, how can I stand while you are saying the final farewell to the House with a farewell after which there will be no return?"
  121. Ima`m al-Jawa`d, peace be on him, saw sadness appear on the face of his father, so he concluded that his father was in the last part of his life. That happened, for Ima`m al-Reza`, peace be on him, did not return to the Holy Houses and martyred poisoned through the hand of al-Ma'mu`n, the 'Abba`sid.
  122. In a Tradition Imãm Ridã (AS) stated: 'There are a group of women who raise many children.
  123. They are kind and sympathetic.
  124. They support their husbands in times of difficulty and in the affairs of this world and the next.
  125. These women do not commit any acts which would incur a loss upon  their husbands nor multiply their difficulties'.
  126. Concerning him, Ima`m al-Reza said: "O (you) who split open knowledge (making it available) to the people of piety and the best of those who seek to answer the call of the Exalted.( Jawhart al-Kalam fi Madh al-Sada al--A'lam, p. 133).
  127. [al-Fadl b. Shadhan (reported) on the authority of Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Abi Nasr, on the authority of Abu al-Hasan al-Rida, peace be on him:] (Al-Rida) said: "What you stretch your necks for will not occur until you are able to discern and to be tested. Only a few of you will remain."
  128. Then he recited: Alif Lam. Do the people consider that they can abandon saying " We believe whenever they are tempted? [XXIX 1-2].
  129. He said: "Among the signs of the relief is an event which will occur between the two mosques (of Mecca and Medina). So-and-so from the descendants of so-and-so will kill fifteen leaders of the Arabs."
  130. [Al-Fadl b. Shadhan (reported) on the authority of Muammar b. Khallad, on the authority of Abu al-Hasan (al-Rida), peace be on him:] (Al-Rida) said: "(It is as if I see) standards, dyed green, coming from Egypt until they come to the Syrian (standards). Then they will be guided to the descendant of the one who gave the testamentary bequests of authority (to the Imams)."
  131. [Ali b. Asbat (reported) on the authority of (Abu) al-Hasan b. al-Jahm, who said:]
    A man asked Abu al-Hasan (Musa), peace be on him, about the relief. He asked: "Do you want most of it or shall I give you a summary?" "Would you give me a summary?" he said. "(It will be) when the standards of Qays are carried in Egypt and the standards of Kinda in Khurasan," he replied.
  132. They agree that after being born and undergoing a long occultation the Mahdi will appear again, filling with justice the world that has been corrupted by injustice and iniquity. As an example, 'Ali ibn Musa ar-Rida (the Eighth Imam) said, in the course of a hadith, "The Imam after me is my son, Muhammad, and after him his son 'Ali, and after 'Ali his son, Hasan, and after Hasan his son Hujjatu'l- Qa'im, who is awaited during his occultation and obeyed during his manifestation. If there remain from the life of the world but a single day, Allah will extend that day until he becomes manifest, and fill the world with justice in the same way that it had been filled with iniquity. But when? As for news of the 'hour,' verily my father told me, having heard it from his father who heard it from his father who heard it from his ancestors who heard it from 'Ali, that it was asked of the Holy Prophet, 'Oh Prophet of God, when will the "support" (al-Qa'im) who is from thy family appear? ' He said, 'His case is like that of the Hour (of the Resurrection).
  133. Hazrat Imam Reza (PBUH) - about him: "No infant has been born as blessed and good as this infant in Islam."
  134. In another text it has been recorded that Imam Reza (PBUH) said, "This newborn infant is him whom no other like him has been born to be so full of blessings for our followers."
  135. It is narrated from Imam Rida [a] that Imam Sadiq [a], in answer to a woman who wanted not to marry in order to gain a great virtue, said: "Do not do that, because if it was a virtue, Fatima (May God bless her and give her peace) would be more competent than you, and, surely, there is none (of women) who can excel her in any virtue." Reference: Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 103, p. 219
  136. A hadith of eighth Imam Hazrat Ali Bin Moosa Al-Raza (AS) as quoted in Biharul Anwar Volume 78, says that the intellect of a Muslim does not mature & complete until he has ten qualities:
    1) Benevolence & benefaction be expected & hoped from him
  137. 2) And people be secure & peaceful from his evil doing
  138. 3) He considers the small amount of benefaction from others as abundant & plentiful
  139. 4) And takes plenty of his own benevolence & goodness to be a meager amount of it
  140. 5) He does not get tired & exhausted by the demands & requirement asked to be fulfilled
  141. 6) He does not get fatigued & restless from seeking knowledge for all the length of his life
  142. 7) He loves poverty more than the plentiful ness & affluence, on the course of Allah
  143. 8) And he loves disgrace & abjectness of the way of Allah more than the honor on the course of His enemy
  144. 9) And anonymity is more liked by him than fame
  145. Then he (A.S) said: "The tenth one & what is the tenth?"
    The person asked him (A.S.) "What is that?" Imam (A.S.) reflected, "He does not see a person but that he says 'He is better & more pious than myself.'"
  146. Zakariyyaa ibn Adam narrates: ((I was with Imam Reda when Aboo Jacfar [Imam Jawaad], who had less than four years of age, was brought in. He put his hand on the ground and raised his head towards the sky and became lost in thought. So Imaam Reda asked him: I be your sacrifice, what made you become lost in thought? He said: What happened to my mother Faatimah…[119])).

  147. It has been narrated from Mohammad ibn Esmaaceel ibn Bazee' and Solaymaan ibn Jacfar who said: ((We went to Imam Reda while he performing the Sojood of Shokr[116], and he extended his sojood. So when he raised his head we asked him: You extended your sojood? So he said: Whoever recites this docaa' in the Sojood of Shokr will be rewarded as much as a Moslem who shot arrows with Rasoolollaah in the battle of Badr[117].So we asked: Can we write it? He said: Write: When you are in the Sojood of Shokr, recite: O Allah! Keep away from Your Mercy the two who altered Your religion…And killed the son of Your Prophet [Mohassin]…[118])). [116] A sojood especially performed for the purpose of thanking Allah. [117]

  148. In another narration, recorded immediately after this one in this reference, it is mentioned that the Imaam said: ((He will be rewarded as much as a soldier who shot a million arrows with Rasoolollaah in the battles of Badr, Ohod and Honayn)). Participating in battles with Rasoolollaah has a great reward, and its reward dramatically increases according to the importance, etc. of that battle; and the battles of Badr, Ohod and Honayn were three of the most decisive battles. And shooting every arrow with Rasoolollaah has a great reward, and its reward dramatically increases according to the importance, etc. of that battle. Here the Imam says that the reward of reciting this docaa' in the Sojood of Shokr is as much as shooting one million arrows with Rasolollaah in these three most important battles.[118] Behaar al-Anwaar / al-Majlesi = vol. 86, page 223.

  149. It has been narrated that when the Bakri ruler, Ma'moon, forcefully brought Rasoolollaah's eighth khaleefah, Imam Reda(AS)[55], to Marw his second capital in today's Turkmenistan, he gathered a number of top Bakri scholars from Iraq and Khoraasaan[56] in a public gathering, to challenge the Imam in a debate and prove that the Bakris are superior in knowledge. In that long discussion the Imam said: 

    ((…We are Ahl al-Dhekr about whom Allaah the Great, the Almighty, says: "So ask "Ahl al-Dhekr" if you do not know[57]"; so ask us if you do not know. The [Bakri] scholars said: On the contrary, Allaah meant the Jews and Christians!! So Aboo al-Hasan [Imaam Reda] said: Allaah is far above; and is that possible?! Then they would call us to their religion, and say that it is better than the religion of Islam.Then Ma'moon said: Do you have an explanation other than what they said O Abaa al-Hasan[58]? So Aboo al-Hasan said: Yes, al-Dhekr is Rasoolollaah and we are his Ahl; and this is quite clear in the Book of Allaah, the Great, the Almighty where he says in the soorah of Divorce: "Therefore be careful of (your duty to) Allaah, O men of intellect who believe! Allaah has indeed revealed to you a (Dhekr) reminder * An Apostle who recites to you the clear communications of Allaah[59]". Therefore al-Dhekr is Rasoolollaah and we are his Ahl[60].)).

  150. 1 - A believer is not a real believer unless he has three traits : A practice from his God , a practice from his prophet and a practice from his Imam ;the practice from his God , is keeping his secrets ; the practice from his prophet , is compromise and kind treatment with people and the practice from his Imam , is forbearance in distress and affliction .
  151. 2 - ( Reward ) of the concealer of a good-deed equals seventy good acts ,the discloser of bad-deeds is down-coasted , and the consealer of bad-deeds is forgiven .
  152. 3 - Cleanliness is of the prophets' morals.
  153. 4 - The honest was not ( and is not ) treacherous to you , however ,[ you ] trusted the treacherous .
  154. 5 - The eldest brother is as the father .
  155. 6 - The friend of each person is his intellect and his enemy is his ignorance .
  156. 7 - Friendship to people is half of reasoning .
  157. 8 - Verily , God dislikes idle talk , wasting wealth and increased asking .
  158. 9 - A Muslim's person's reasoning ( mind ) is not perfect unless have ten traits : good is expected from him , others are secured from his evil , sees the little good from others as great , considers his great goodness as little , is not annoyed by asking needs from him , is not tired from seeking knowledge , poverty in the way of God is more beloved to him than wealth , humiliation in the way of God is more beloved to him than dignity with the enemy , anonymity is more desirable to him than fame ; then added the tenth and what is the tenth ! He was asked : what is it ? He ( P ) replied : He does not see anybody unless say : He is better and more pious than me .
  159. 10 - Imam Reza ( P ) was asked : who are the low ? He replied : the one who has something to keep him away from ( remembering ) God .
  160. 11 - Faith is one grade higher than Islam , piety is one grade higher than faith , and the children of Adam were not given (any thing) superior to certitude .
  161. 12 - Feeding ( inviting for food ) when getting married is of the ( prophet's ) tradition .
  162. 13 - Observe relatives' bonds even with a drink of water , and best is to refrain from harming them .
  163. 14 - Imam Reza ( P ) said to his companions : have the prophet's weapons ; he was asked : and what is the prophet's weapons ? He answered : supplication .
  164. 15 - Of the signs of knowledge of Islam are : meekness and knowledge ; and silence is a door of the doors of wisdom . Silence causes love and is a guide to all goodness's .
  165. 16 - A time will come to the people were soundness is ten parts , nine is in isolation from the people and one part is in silence .
  166. 17 - Imam Reza ( p ) was asked about the reality of reliance ( upon God ) ; he replied : That is to fear no one other than God " .
  167. 18 - Verily the worst of the people is the one who prevents his aid ( from the people ) , eats alone and beats his subordinates .
  168. 19 - There is no peace for the stingy , no joy for the envious , no loyalty for the ruler and no magnanimity for the liar .
  169. 20 - No one is to kiss the hand of another person, because kissing one's hand is as praying for him .
  170. 21 - Have good opinion in God , because whoever has good opinion , God will give him good ; whoever is satisfied with little provision , God is pleased with his little deed ; and whoever is satisfied with the little allowed sustenance , his burden is light , his family are at ease , God makes him clear-sighted towards the ailments and remedies of this world , and takes him safely from this world to the inn of soundness and peace in paradise .
  171. 22 - Faith has four pillars , reliance upon God , satisfaction with God's decree , submission to divine commandment , and entrusting the affairs to God .
  172. 23 - Imam Raza ( p ) was asked concerning the best slaves ( of God ) . He replied : the ones who get happy when do good , ask forgiveness when do bad , thank when given , are patient when affliction and forgive when angry .
  173. 24 - Whoever meets a poor Moslem and greets him in a way different from his greeting to the rich , meets the Exalted Glorious God in the day of resurrection while he ( God ) is angry with him .
  174. 25 - Imam Reza ( P ) was asked : regarding the pleasure of this world . He replied : spaciousness of the house and abundance of friends ( lovers ) .
  175. 26 - When governors lie , rain is prevented ( from falling ) , when rulers oppress their governments are weakened , and when alms are not given cattle's ( beasts of burden ) die .
  176. 27 - Whoever resolves a believer's problem , God removes sorrow from his heart on the Day of Judgment .
  177. 28 - Nothing is better than pleasing a believer after performing the duties , for the Exalted Glorious God .
  178. 29 - Have moderation in poverty and wealth , benevolence either little or great , because the Almighty Allah on the Day of Resurrection makes half of a date so big as the mountain of Ohod .
  179. 30 - Visit each other to have a love for each other , shake hands warmly and do not get angry at each other .
  180. 31 - Have secrecy ( in your works ) in the affairs of this world and religion . It is narrated that : " Divulging is infidelity " and was narrated that " The divulger and the murderer are partners " and was narrated that " Do not make your friend aware of what you conceal from your enemy .
  181. 32 - A human can not get released from the difficulties by promise breaching , and the oppressor can not get released from the clows of punishment by deceit .
  182. 33 - Be aware in accompanying rulers , humble with friends , cautious with enemies and smiling with people .
  183. 34 - Whoever is satisfied with a little provision and sustenance , God will be pleased ( satisfied ) with his little deed .
  184. 35 - Intellect , is a bestowment from God , and having politeness is bearing an effort ; so whoever makes effort to have politeness will be able to do so , but , whoever makes effort to have intellect will only increase his ignorance .
  185. 36 - Verily , the one who is after increasing his provision and sustenance to manage his family , has reward more than the struggler in the way of God .
  186. 37 - There are five things that if somebody does not have there will not be any hope in him for anything of this world and the Hereafter : whoever you do not see trust in his character , generosity in his nature , persistence in his morals , nobility in his self and fear of his God .
  187. 38 - Never two groups confronted each other unless victory is for the group with greater pardon .
  188. 39 - Do not leave good-deeds and striving hard in worship depending upon love of Muhammad's descendants ( P ) , and do not leave love of Muhammad's descendants ( P ) and submission to their commandments depending upon worship because no one of the two is accepted without the other .
  189. 40 - Worship is not increased fasting and praying , in fact worship is increased contemplation in God's decree .
  190. 41 - The owner of blessings ( wealthy ) should make ease in his family's life ( expenditure ) .
  191. 42 - Whatever is an excess needs excessive speech too .
  192. 43 - Your aid to the unable is better than alms-giving .
  193. 44 - Imam ( P ) was asked : " How did you start your day ? " He answered : " With a decreased life , a recorded work , death is attached to us ( our necks ), fire is following us and we do not know what will be done to us .
  194. 45 - The generous eats from others' food so that they eat from his food , and the stingy does not eat from people's food so that they do not eat from his food .
  195. 46 - We are a household that see our promise a debt upon us as did God's Messenger ( P ) .
  196. 47 - No slave ( of God ) reaches the reality of faith's perfection till he has three characteristics : obtain deep understanding in religion, observe moderation in living and patience in afflictions .
  197. 48 - The Imam ( P ) told Abi Hashem Dawood bin Al-Kasem Al-Jaffari : " O Dawood because of God's Messenger ( P ) we have a right upon you ,and you have a right upon us . Whoever recognized our right, his right should be regarded , and whoever did not realize our right has no right .
  198. 49 - Be a good neighbor to the blessings because they are evasive and if you move away from a group, they will never return .
  199. 50 - Ibn sekeet asked the Imam : What is the argument over the people today ? He ( P ) replied : It is the intellect by which can identify the truthful to God , accept from him , and identify the liar to God and refuse from him ; Ibn sekeet said : Swearing to God this is the answer .
  200. 51 - Whoever likens God to His creatures, he is a polytheist , and whoever attributes to God what He prohibited is a non-believer .
  201. 52 - Faith is performing obligations and refraining from the prohibited ; and faith is belief in heart , confession by tongue and action by members .
  202. 53 - Al-rayan asked the Imam ( P ) : " What is your opinion regarding the Quran ? " Imam replied : " Koran is the speech of God , seek guidance only from Quran and not other than it , otherwise , you will get deviated " .
  203. 54 - Imam Reza ( P ) while glorifying the Quran said : " Quran is a firm cable and the best way to Paradise . Koran is the human's rescue from Hell-fire .Quran does not get old and out-of-date with time and is an ever new speech because it was not set for a certain time . Quran is the guide for all humans and is the ( conclusive ) argument over the people . " Falsehood shall not come to it from before it nor from behind it ; a revelation from the Wise , the Praised One " .
  204. 55 - Solaiman Ibn Jaffar Al-Jaffari asked the Imam ( P ) : " What is your opinion regarding working for the regime " The Imam replied : " O' Suleiman , any kind of cooperation with the (oppressor and user per ) government is as disbelief in God ; looking at such governors is a great sin and makes one deserve Hell .
  205. 56 - Abdul-salam Ibn Saleh Harawi said I heard Imam Reza ( P ) saying :" God's mercy be upon the one who enlivens our aim " . I asked : " How can one do so ? " He replied : " Learns our teachings and teaches it to the people .
  206. 57 - Whoever reckons himself wins and whoever is heedless from himself loses . Whoever fears ( his future ) attains security . Whoever takes lessons from this world's events gains insight . Whoever gains insight understands matters ; and whoever understands matters is a knowledgeable person .
  207. 58 - Self-conceit has degrees : One is that a slave's ( of God ) bad-deed appear to him as beautiful , consider it as good and think has done a good-deed ; another is that a slave believe in God then lay God under obligation for that , while God did favour to him ( by guiding him ) .
  208. 59 - If Paradise and Hell were not there , people had to obey God and not disobey Him for His favour and benevolence .
  209. 60 - The Exalted Glorious God has connected three to three , that are not accepted without each other ; has mentioned praying with alms-giving , so whoever prays but not give alms his prayer is not accepted . Also has mentioned thanking him and thanking the parents together , so if someone was not grateful to his parents is not grateful to God . Also in the Holy Quran enjoyment of ( having ) piety and recommendation of observing relation bonds are mentioned together . Therefore , if someone did not have benevolence to his relatives , is not considered a pious person .
  210. 61 - Refrain from greed and envy that these two destroyed the past nations ; do not be stingy because no free man or believer was afflicted with the blight of stinginess . Stinginess is inconsistent with faith .
  211. 62 - Benevolence and feeding people , redressing the grievance of an oppressed , fulfilling needs of the needy are of the highest recommended traits .
  212. 63 - Do not associate with the tippler and do not greet him .
  213. 64 - Give charity even little because any small deed when performed sincerely for God is great .
  214. 65 - A repenter is the one who has not committed any sin .
  215. 66 - Best wealth is what is spent for guarding dignity .
  216. 67 - Best reasoning is self-recognition .
  217. 68 - Indeed Imamat ( Guardianship ) is reins of religion , order of Moslems , soundness of this world , and honour of believers ; Imam is the growing pillar of Islam and its graceful branch , by the Imam , prayers ,
    alms-giving , fasting , pilgrimage and struggle are upright , land revenues and charities increase , penalties and rules are executed , and borders and districts are protected .
  218. 69 - Have good opinion in God , because the Exalted Glorious God says : I am with My believer slave's opinion ; if his opinion is good My treatment is good and if bad My treatment is bad .
  219. 70 - A man is not a worshiper unless is meek and if a man made worship in Bani-Israel was not considered a worshiper until he kept silent for ten years before that .
  220. 71 - Humbleness is to give the people what you like to be given .
  221. 72 - Isa Ibn Maryam ( P ) said to his disciples : " O' Bani-Isreal , do not regret for what you lost from this world as the worldly not regret for what they lost from their religion if had their worldly material things .
  222. 73 - Whoever is not content except with increased sustenance is only sufficed with increased work and whoever is sufficed with little provision is also sufficed with little work .
  223. 74 - Sometimes a man who only has three years left of his life , observes relatives bonds , so God increases his life to thirty years ; and God does what He desires .
  224. 75 - Momar bin khalad asked Imam Reza ( P ) : " Should I pray for my parents if they do not recognize the truth or right sect ? " Imam replied : " Pray for them and give charity on their behalf ; and if were alive have compromise with them because God's Messenger peace be upon him said : " God has sent me with
    mercy not with unkindness and disobedience .
  225. 76 - Whoever gave relief to a believer , God will give relief to his heart on the Day of Judgment .
  226. 77 - The Exalted Glorious God revealed one of His Prophets : " Whenever I am obeyed I get pleased , when I am pleased I bless and My blessing is endless ; and whenever I am disobeyed I get angry and when get angry I curse and drive away from mercy , and My curse gets to seven generations .
  227. 78 - whenever people commit new sins , they get troubled with new afflictions .
  228. 79 - People dislike one who treats them frankly and truthfully .
  229. 80 - People are of two types , a group who are after wealth but do not attain it and a group who attain it and want more .
  230. 81 - Don't get angry when you are told the truth frankly .
  231. 82 - Go after fulfilling needs of the needy with greed , because no deed after obligations is superior to making a Muslim happy .
  232. 83 - The ignorant causes trouble for his friends .
  233. 84 - A believer does not deviate from the right path when happy or angry , and if he gains dominance over the enemy, he does not ask for more than his right .
  234. 85 - Only two groups follow the path of contentment : the worshiper looking for the Hereafter's reward and the magnanimous who does not bear to ask base individuals .
  235. 86 - Death is the blight of hopes , and benevolence and kindness to people remains for the human forever
  236. 87 - The wise avails himself of benevolence to people , and the able d ( wealthy ) should make the most of the available opportunity otherwise he will miss .
  237. 88 - Stinginess destroys human's dignity .
  238. 89 - The human's heart has periods of fatigue and freshness when fresh can understand matters well and when tired become slow-witted . Therefore , he uses it when fresh and leaves it when tried .
  239. 90 - Follow up any goal from its own way whoever does so , does not slip and if slipped can seek a way out .
  240. 91 - Best wealth is what is spent for guarding dignity .
  241. 92 - Don't exhaust yourself with continuous work , have recreation and change but refrain from actions involving wasting or causing your degradation in the society .
  242. 93 - Humbleness has grades of which is that the human being recognize his position , not expect from anybody more than what he deserves , associate and behave with others the way he likes to be treated ; and if anybody did bad to him , instead he does good , restrains his anger, forgives and is benevolent .
  243. 94 - Benevolence should be considerable , so we shouldn't give things of little value as charity ( At a time when the majority of people are relatively wealthy, we should not suffice by giving dates ) .
  244. 95 - Whoever has many virtues , is praised by the people and does not need to praise himself .
  245. 96 - If somebody does not pay attention to your guidance , do not worry , because time will reach him .
  246. 97 - One who slanders others when advising you , he will be troubled with a bad fate .
  247. 98 - No ignorance is more harmful than self-conceit .
  248. 99 - Have a programme for learning religion , otherwise , you are considered as Bedouins and ignorant .
  249. 100 - Do not think of poverty because you will become stingy and do not think of long life because you will cause greed to material thinks .
  250. The best and most respected virtue of a man is to do good and to fulfill the desires of the needy.
  251. The honest man has not betrayed you, but you consider the betrayer as the honest one.
  252. You had better avoid the munificence that results in the greater loss to you than the benefits received by your brethren.
  253. True faith means: Oral acknowledgement, heart-felt knowledge and the good practice.
  254. The highest degree of wisdom is self-cognition.
  255. He who is sure about the divine rewards will be more generous.
  256. He who adopts someone as a brother in order to provide Allah's consent will be given a chamber in paradise.
  257. Giving alms is the most valuable savings.
  258. Good temper could be divided into two categories: 1. Intrinsic 2. Voluntary: The possessor of which is considered to be the better person.
  259. To be patient in the face of hard-ships is a virtue but to refrain from forbidden deeds is a greater one.
  260. Patience and resignation are considered as the worthiest devotions.
  261. True devotion not only means excessive sayings of prayers and keeping fasts. One ought to meditate on the divinity profoundly.
  262. Be modest before your friends and be prudent while encountering an enemy. Be pleasant with everyone.
  263. I wonder at one who purchases the slaves and releases them. Why doesn't he try to make the free people indebted by his good conduct?
  264. It is much better to be uninterested in other's properties than to be munificent.
  265. To help the disabled is much better than to give alms.
  266. Beast wealth is that which provides a good name for its owner.
  267. There is no better milk for the baby's nourishment than its mother's.
  268. He who exposes himself to an open accusation should not blame those who may suspect him.
  269. The oppressors will finally be punished.
  270. He who wishes to be the most needless, should put his full trust in Allah.
  271. He who shows patience in providing Allah's consent will no doubt get more than what he has lost.
  272. He who desires to postpone the time of his decease and wishes to have his sustenance increased should observe ties of kinship.
  273. Allah will make happy on the day of judgment the person who has removed the grief from the heart of a believer.
  274. Be good companions of blessings because they are fleeting: once gone away, will not return.
  275. To use scent is a manner of the holy Prophet (S). Cleanliness is characteristic of prophets.
  276. One who breaks his promise will not be left safe and sound in the unpleasant events.
  277. If the men of knowledge present their knowledge to the ignorant people, they have spoiled it.
  278. Do not get angry when you are informed of the truth.
  279. One ought to see his guests off to the gate.
  280. True faith means the accomplishment of the religious obligations along with the avoidance of the forbidden acts.
  281. He who causes Allah's wrath in order to provide a king's consent is an apostate.
  282. Nothing is more worthy than good temper.
  283. You who can not satisfy people with your riches had better try to make them happy with a king-like face and good manners.
  284. Silence is one of the gates to wisdom.
  285. Man's intellect is his friend and his ignorance, his enemy.
  286. As soon as the intimacy appears the awe vanishes. Requisition for help is the beginning of misfortune.
  287. Almightiness is reserved for Allah the One. He who claims the possession of this status will be perished by Allah.
  288. If a person holds a malt ought towards another believer, then Allah will not accept his religious deeds.
  289. Keep aloof from avarice and envy. These two qualities have already destroyed the peoples gone by.
  290. One ought to be open-handed towards his household, lest they wish for his death.
  291. He who does not offer his thanks to his benefactor has not actually praised Allah the Greatest and the Glorious.
  292. A generous man will eat other's food so that they might partake of his food. A miser refuses to eat the food of others in order to deprive them of his own food.
  293. He who blames time should spend a long time blaming.
  294. The generous are the masters of the people in this world, while the pious are their chiefs on doomsday.
  295. Be patient in the face of truth, bitter though it might taste to thee.
  296. Your mouth is one of the channels through which you make contact with Allah. You had better keep it clean by brushing your teeth.
  297. Pure piety is not but avoidance of mortal sins and abstinence from persecuting the faithful.
  298. He who assesses himself carefully will finally benefit: the negligent will lose out.
  299. He who acts with no insight looks like a pedestrian who travels on a wrong path. The faster he walks, the more deviated he becomes from the straight path.
  300. Allah like the not the person who has not defended his assailed house.
  301. The forgiving warriors will enjoy divine victory in the battlefield.
  302. He who wishes to be the most dear to the people must be virtuous both in public and in secret.
  303. Human intellect is a divine blessing but politeness is acquired through endeavoring.
  304. Prudence keeps repentance away.
  305. Reflection is the mirror into which you can look and see your virtues and your evils.
  306. Magnanimity is unstable. Trust in Allah will give it stability.
  307. Gifts cast out hatred from the heart.
  308. Humbleness means treating others the same way as you expect them to treat you.
  309. He who tries to keep himself immaculate for forty days, Allah will let the waves of wisdom flow from his heart to his tongue.
  310. Giving alms repels the certain catastrophe.
  311. He who wishes to be the strongest of all should rely on Allah.
  312. The believer who is endowed with a good temper will have the strongest faith.
  313. Perfection in intellect is primarily to have faith in Allah and secondly to behave well towards others.
  314. Penalty in intellect is primarily to have faith in Allah and secondly to behave well towards others.
  315. Penalty for ingratitude occurs instantly.
  316. Remission is good when not accompanied by blame.
  317. Treasures of beneficence include concealment of your good deeds, tolerance in hardships and reticence in disasters.
  318. A faithful Muslim never exceeds his legitimate right when he is in power.
  319. The believer's fury will not deviate him from the right path.
  320. He who begins his day without being concerned about improving the Muslim's affairs should not be called a Muslim.
  321. The true Muslim never teases others with his hand or tongue.
  322. He who recognizes his merit will not easily perish.
  323. He who is ambitious will perish. Presidency must be owned by those who are worthy of it.
  324. He who chooses his path properly will not slip down. He will never confront a deadlock in case he falls.
  325. A generous man is close to Allah, close to paradise, and close to everyone.
  326. Keeping other's secrets, patience in hardships and tolerance towards others are all signs of faith.
  327. Tolerance, knowledge and silence are the signs found in a jurisprudent.
  328. To bear enmity towards the people is the worst provision for the journey to the hereafter.
  329. He who betrays his brethren, causes them losses and deceives them, is not one of us.
  330. One who torments his neighbor is not one of us.
  331. Never become angry with others and do not ask anything from them. Wish for the people whatever you wish for yourself.
  332. Wine and other intoxicating beverages are strictly prohibited by the religious legislation. One sip of such drinks is as illegitimate as a whole barrel is.
  333. To be friendly with others denotes one half of wisdom.
  334. A wealthy person ought to be generous to his family.
  335. A Muslim should not frighten his brethren.
  336. He who reveals his poverty before others will disgrace himself.
  337. To be in the company of villains will result in suspecting the good.
  338. Resignation, beneficence and certitude are the most precious blessings descended by Heaven.
  339. A man asked Imam Ali al-Rida: "What do you say about the Quran?" Imam said: Quran is the speech of Allah. Do not step ahead of it. And do not seek the guidance, except from Quran, for, you will go astray.
  340. A man asked Imam Ali al-Rida: "who are the best of the servants?" Imam replied: "Those who get happy when they perform a good deed & whenever they do a bad and evil work, they ask forgiveness from Allah. And whenever they are given any benediction (boon) they thank (for it) Allah. And while they get angry, they overlook it."
  341. There are few stages of self-admiration. One of those is that the bad actions of a person get so very decorated in his eyes that he admires them (as virtues). And another one is that a servant acquires faith in Allah, and boasts of a favor to him (Allah). And Allah has done a favor to him (the servant) in that (faith).
  342. Allah has commanded three things along with three others (in Quran). Prayers are with alms. Thus, one who prays and does not give alms, his prayers are not approved. The thank giving to Allah is ordered along with thank giving and gratitude to the parents. Therefore, one who does not thank his parents, he has not thanked Allah. piety has been commanded along with observing the ties of kinship. Therefore, one who does not observe the ties of kinship has not adopted piety (towards Allah).
  343. Allah has enmity with, and dislikes the futile talk and wasting of money and much begging and requesting.
  344. The miser does not have comfort and the jealous one has no joy and enjoyment, kings are unfaithful, and a liar has no manliness (courage).
  345. Do not acquire the company of a drinker and do not salute him.
  346. See and visit each other so as to get friendlier.
  347. One who repents (upon a sin) is like the one who does not have a sin.
  348. Silence is a gate from the gates of wisdom. Verily silence generates lone and it is a guide to all virtues.
  349. Fulfill the rights of your relatives with as little as providing a drink of water. The best way of fulfilling the rights of relatives is to refrain from harming them.
  350. Faith is one degree superior to Islam, Piety is superior by one degree to faith, and certitude (conviction) is a station superior to piety. Nothing better has been bestowed upon human beings than certitude.

  • Sayings 1 about Dua's      Sayings 2 about Dua's      Sayings 3 about Dua's     


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