> Subject: 1st ZilHijjah - Marriage anniversary of Imam Ali(a.s.) and Hazrat Fatima(s.a.)
> As Salam-o-alaikum,
> 1st ZilHijjah 1431 A.H. - Anniversary of the marriage of Imam
> Ali(a.s.) and Bibi Fatima Zehra(s.a.)
> I wish to extend my felicitations to the Prophet Muhammad(sawaw), his
> Ahl-e-Bait(a.s.) and to all Momineen and Mominaat on this occasion of
> happiness in the household of the Prophet Muhammad(sawaw).
> A detailed account of the marriage ceremony is now available on the
> site in the main page.
> 1st ZilHajj is the 8th of November in Thailand and Pakistan whereas it
> is the 7th of November in Saudi Arabia.
> << All proposals rejected >>
> ============================
> When Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) attained the age of maturity and was ready to
> get married, the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) started receiving proposals
> from various people for her daughter. Hazrat Salman Farsi(r.a.) and
> Hazrat Umm-e-Salma(r.a.) narrate that "When Hazrat Fatima(s.a.)
> attained the marriageable age, the important people among the tribe of
> Quraish started sending proposals to the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) but
> the Prophet (sawaw) did not accept any proposal saying that he was
> waiting for the order of Allah(swt) to decide this matter". Among the
> aspirants for the marriage was Umar ibn-e-Khattab as well but he
> received the same reply.
> << Imam Ali(a.s.) makes the proposal >>
> Hazrat Umm-e-Salma(r.a.) narrates that : One day Imam Ali(a.s.)
> approached Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) at his house. Imam Ali(a.s.)
> entered and greeted the Prophet(sawaw) and the Prophet(sawaw) replied
> in the same kind manner. Imam Ali(a.s.) sat down and he was so much
> shy that he continued staring at the ground and could not utter a
> word. The Prophet(sawaw) smiled and said to Imam Ali(a.s.) that he
> knew what Imam Ali(a.s.) had to say but he wanted to hear it from him.
> He told Imam Ali(a.s.) that he does not need to be shy and to say
> whatever he wanted to say.
> With this encouragement and soft tone from the Prophet(sawaw), Imam
> Ali(a.s.) said "My parents be ransom for you, you know that since my
> childhood, I have dedicated myself for your service. You have educated
> me from the beginning and brought me to this status. It was because of
> your influence and training that Allah(swt) saved me from all sins and
> guided me to the Sirat-e-Mustaqeem. It is because of your
> encouragement that I feel this courage in myself to express my
> heartfelt wish that you give me the honor of becoming your son-in-law.
> I have concealed his wish in my heart for a long time thinking that
> this might not be according to your wishes. Is there a possibility
> that this could happen?".
>> <<
Proposal accepted >>
> =======================
> Hazrat Umm-e-Salma(r.a.) narrates that "I was watching this affair
> from a distance and I saw that as soon as Imam Ali(a.s.) completed his
> request, the face of Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) lit up and he asked Imam
> Ali(a.s.) - what have you got to realize this act?". Imam Ali(a.s.)
> said "O Prophet of Allah(swt), you know my condition very well, I have
> only a sword, an armor and a camel". Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) said:
> "Ali, you definitely need your sword for fighting in Jihad and camel
> for traveling, however, you armor could work. O Abul Hassan(a.s.), I
> want to give you the good news that Allah(swt) has made the decision
> and already recited your Nikah with my daughter Fatima(s.a.) in the
> Arsh. Just before your arrival, Allah(swt) sent an angel to give me
> this good news."
> This event has been narrated in "Maarij an-Nabuwwah" of Moeen Kashfi,
> "Sifwatul Safada" of ibn-e-Jozi, "Madarij an-Nabywwah" on 2:75 of Shah
> Abdul Haq Dehalvi.
> << Nikah recited on the Arsh >>
> ===============================
> "Maarij an-Nabuwwah" also states that Hazrat Jabreel(a.s.) narrated
> the story of the Nikah recited on the Arsh. He said "O Prophet of
> Allah(swt), Allah(swt) has chosen you and made you the most respected
> and high among his creatures and has selected Ali(a.s.) as your
> brother and has decided that the Nikah of your daughter and the
> servant of Allah(swt), Fatima(s.a.) would be with Ali(a.s.).
> Allah(swt) arranged for their Nikah in such a manner that he addressed
> the dwellers of Jannah to dress themselves with ornaments of Jannah
> and then ordered all the angels to assemble together on the 4th Sky.
> He then filled the 4th sky with Noor and then appointed Hazrat
> Adam(a.s.) to recite Khutba to begin the Nikah ceremony. After khutba
> of Hazrat Adam(a.s.), Allah(swt) ordered an angel named Raheel to
> recite Hamd. Raheel is the most beautiful of angels and possesses the
> most beautiful voice. After recitation of Hamd, Allah(swt) informed me
> (Jabreel(a.s.)) that He has performed the Nikah of His servant Hazrat
> Fatima(s.a.) with His chosen person Imam Ali(a.s.) and that I should
> spread this news among the angels. I acted accordingly and made all
> the angels testify the event. Allah(swt) then ordered me to write all
> this event on this silk cloth of Jannah and present it to you."
> After mentioning this event, Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) said "O Abul
> Hasan(a.s.), the order of Allah(swt) has been served and I invite you
> to come to the mosque so that this Aqd should be formalized on the
> earth as well among witnesses."
> Such was the importance of this marriage that Allah(swt) arranged the
> ceremony on Arsh and then Himself decided and recited the Nikah of
> Imam al-Muttaqeen, Ami-ul-momineen Ali ibn-e-Abi Talib(a.s.) with the
> leader of the women of this world and in paradise Hazrat Fatima(s.a.).
> The above event has been mentioned in various other books as follows:
> - Muaraj an-Nabuwwah
> - Al asaba fee tameez as-Sahaba
> - Sawaeq-e-muharriqa by Ibn-e-Hajr Makki
> - Al Bayan wal Bateen by Allam Jaahiz
> - Nuzhat-ul-Majalis by Allama Abdur Rehman Safori
> - Riyaz un-Nazrah fee Manaqib-ul-Ashra by Allama Muhib Tabri
> << Nikah recited on Earth >>
> ============================
> Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) led Imam Ali(a.s.) into the mosque and asked
> him to sell off his armor and present that money to the
> Prophet(sawaw). The dress was sold in 400 dirhams according to some
> traditions, and the proceeds were presented to the Prophet
> Mohammmd(sawaw) who gave them to Hazrat Salman Farsi(a.r.) and Hazrat
> Bilal(a.r.) and asked them to buy some articles of use from the
> market. They went to the market and bought the following items as
> jahez (dowry) of Hazrat Fatima(s.a.)
> - Two mattresses made of Egyptian canvas. (One stuffed with fiber and
> the other with sheep wool).
> - A leather mat.
> - A pillow made of skin, filled with palm tree fiber.
> - A Khaibarion cloak.
> - An animal skin for water.
> - Some jugs and jars also for water.
> - A pitcher painted with tar.
> - A thin curtain made of wool.
> - A shirt costing seven (7) dirhams.
> - A veil costing four (4) dirhams.
> - Black plush cloak.
> - A bed embellished with ,ribbon.
> - Four cushions made of skin imported from Ta 'ef stuffed with a good
> smelling plant.
> - A mat from Hajar.
> - A hand-mill.
> - A special copper container used for dyestuff
> - A pestle for grinding coffee.
> - A (water) skin.
> When the items of dowry were received, Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) went to
> Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) and said "Your Nikah has been recited on the Arsh
> by Allah(swt) with my cousin Ali(a.s.) and He(swt) has ordered me to
> recite your Nikah on the earth as well. I have gathered my companions
> to do so and now seek your agreement and permission to recite this
> Nikah." Hearing this, Hazrat Fatima Zahra(s.a.) bowed her head with
> shyness which indicated her agreement. The Prophet(sawaw) came out of
> her hujra and ordered Hazrat Bilal(a.r.) to gather all Ansaar and
> Muhajireen. Once the companions were gathered, Prophet Mohammad(sawaw)
> recited Hamd of Allah(swt) and narrated to his companions that
> Jibreel(a.s.) had informed him that Allah(swt) has performed the Nikah
> of Hazrat Ali(a.s.) with his daughter on the Arsh and has ordered him
> to recite the same on the earth as well. He asked Imam Ali(a.s.) to
> formally request for the marriage in front of the witnesse. After
> reciting greatness of Allah(swt) and presenting his profound gratitude
> to him and reciting darood for Prophet Mohammad(sawaw), Imam Ali(a.s.)
> formally requested for the marriage. Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) accepted
> the request and made all the companions witnesses. Upon hearing this
> all the companions greeted Imam Ali(a.s.) and the Prophet(sawaw).
> Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) recited the Nikah himself and asked Imam
> Ali(a.s.) if he accepted the Nikah for a Mehr of 400 Misqaal of
> Silver. Imam Ali(a.s.) accepted and then the Nikah was formally
> concluded. Both offered Sajda-e-Shukr to Allah(swt) and all the
> companions present there congratulated and greeted both Imam Ali(a.s.)
> and the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw).
> << Marriage and move of Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) >>
> A non-planned period of time elapsed between the nikah and the wedding
> ceremony, because Imam Ali(a.s.) was too shy to ask the Prophet to
> assign a day for the wedding, while He(sawaw) wanted to protect
> Fatima's pride by refraining from asking Imam Ali(a.s.) to do so.
> A month or more passed by before Imam Ali(a.s.) said anything
> regarding the wedding. Aqeel (Imam Ali(a.s.)'s brother) asked him
> about the reason for the delay in holding the wedding ceremony and
> encouraged him to prepare for the wedding and to ask the
> Prophet(sawaw) to assign a date for it. Despite Imam Ali(a.s.)'s
> shyness, he accompanied Aqeel to the Prophet's house to fulfill his
> wishes. On their way to the Prophet's house, they met Um Ayman(r.a.)
> who, when told the reason for their visit, asked them to leave the
> matter to her. She, in turn, informed Um Salama(r.a.) who brought the
> matter to the attention of the Prophet(sawaw) who called for Imam
> Ali(a.s.) and asked his opinion. Imam Ali(a.s.) expressed his desire
> to bring Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) to his home which was donated by one of
> his followers. The Prophet(sawaw) asked Imam Ali(a.s.) to hold a
> dinner (walima) because Allah(swt) is pleased with those who do so;
> for the social good it does-such as bringing people together and
> implementing love and harmony among them.
> Imam Ali(a.s.) arranged for the dinner and invited the people to the
> feast. Men and women from all around Medina gathered in the house.
> They ate, drank and even took food to their homes. The blessings of
> the Prophet(sawaw) were obvious on that day, for not only the food was
> enough to feed everyone, but also it did not decrease at all. The
> Prophet(sawaw) asked for food containers to be brought and filled them
> and sent them to his wives and left a special container for Hazrat
> Fatima(s.a.) and her husband.
> By sunset, the wedding night had begun; it was time for Hazrat
> Fatima(s.a.) to depart to her new home. Everything went well, for the
> Prophet(sawaw) had made all the necessary preparation for the wedding.
> Despite the simplicity and modesty of her wedding, Hazrat
> Fatima(s.a.)'s marriage ceremony was surrounded by signs of greatness,
> excellence, and beauty.
> The Messenger of Allah(sawaw) ordered his wives to embellish Hazrat
> Fatima(s.a.) before the wedding; they perfumed and dressed her with
> jewelry. They all helped her to get ready; some combed her hair while
> others embellished and dressed her in the dress brought by Gabriel
> from the Paradise. Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdadi in Tareekh Baghdad V.5, P.7,
> Al-Hamvini in Durar Al-Simtain, Al-Dhahabi in Mizan Al-Etedal, Garani
> in Akhbar Al-Dowal, and Qandouzi in Yanabi' Al-Mawaddah have narrated
> that Ibn Abbas said:
> 'When Fatima was taken to Ali's house on her wedding night, the
> Prophet(sawaw) preceded her, Jibraeel was on her right, and Mikaeel on
> her left, and seventy thousand angels followed her. These angels
> praised and glorified Allah(swt) until dawn!
> The Hashemite men, Abdul Muttalib's daughters, and Muhajarin and
> Ansar's women all accompanied Fatima's caravan that night. The
> Prophet's wives joyfully led the caravan; they were also the first to
> enter the house.
> Upon arriving, the Prophet(sawaw) placed Hazrat Fatima(s.a.)'s hand in
> Imam Ali(a.s.)'s hand and said:
> "May Allah bless his Messenger's daughter;
> Ali, this is Fatima, you are responsible for her (or I entrust her to
> you)
> Ali, what an excellent wife Fatima is!
> Fatima, what an excellent husband Ali is!
> O Allah, bless them, bless their lives, and bless their children.
> O Allah, surely they are the most beloved to me from among your
> creatures, so love them too, and assign for them a guardian.
> I place them and their progeny under your protection from the curse
> devil."
Gar Ho Mere Hayat Meray Ikhtayar Main, Sadiyaan Guzaar Doun Ga Teray Intazar Main,
Mola Ab Ap Perda-e-ghaabat Uthyae 2 Din Tu Zindagee kae Guzaroun Bahar Kay
Wasalam :- Nadir Ali Shah
Trying To Build Society based on Peace and Justice
The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) must be prepared to struggle and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi
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