In The Name of Allah
..:: The Views On Writing The Traditions By The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and the Quran ::..
By: Mariam Islam
Quran and
History of collecting Hadith-1 Course
Fall 2010
Did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) recommend the writing of traditions and why? What is the Quran point of view on writing traditions? These two questions shall be answered briefly with explanations discussing the benefits of written traditions and the problems associated with and without them. Quotes of hadith by the prophet and verses from the Holy Quran shall be used to support the argument in this paper.
Hadith, Traditions, compilation of Hadith, prophet's Hadiths.
The Benefits:
There are numerous benefits for having traditions written. We gain a collection of writings that not only give us a historical account of social and cultural practises in the past but it also shows how Islam changed some practises and developed an Islamic way of life. By having a record of these narrations we are able to practise and refer to them after the prophet's (and Imams) time so we could continue living in the way of Islam. We gain intellect and wisdom and are able to deepen our understandings through the hadiths that reflect a broad range of issues. We gain another method of receiving the prophet's message of Islam (Sunnah) that is more accurate than through other methods practised by the prophet (including oral communication or physical demonstration) that can be passed on generation to generation. Lastly we gain the ability to differentiate between the true followers of the prophet and those who were against Islam. Whether it be those who wanted to swap the truth for lies and forge hadiths for their own benefit or those who wanted to weaken an Islamic foundation and pay money for false narrations, we gain an insight of who was loyal and who were deceptive.
One such historical event that shows the Prophet himself verbally speaking of the benefit of writing down his words and the consequence if not followed through. It is the known as the "ink and pen" incident which occurred on the second last day of his life in which the prophet requested a paper and pen to write down something so the nation would not be mislead or mistaken. Unfortunately his request was denied (with Umar ibn Khattab objection) and history shows what happened to the Islamic nation after the prophet's demise.
The Problems:
As mankind is erred many traditions were falsely transmitted or written and even prohibited from being written. This creates two problems. Firstly how can we know a true hadith from a false one? The answer: By studying them. The Shia have used a strict criteria to accept a hadith and they still do not guarantee every single hadith is authenticate because man does make mistakes, but still many factors are taken into account when reading a hadith before its accepted. These include factors such as the hadiths comparison to the Qur'an words and the Prophet's characteristics, consideration of the time the hadiths were narrated, the narrators themselves and their trustworthiness, the circumstance and aim of the hadith, the use of reason and logic and there are many others.
Secondly, what results from prohibiting the writing of hadiths or forging them? The answer: Negative consequences. If we look back in history during the time of Abu-Bakr ibn Abī-Quhāfah and `Umar ibn al-Khattābs reign, the recording, reporting and writing of hadiths was outlawed and many steps were taken to stop hadiths being preserved. The referenced book (1) in chapter thirty one outlines twenty two negative effects of their actions resulting in grand consequences for Islam.
History has some well known leaders who were focused on destroying the Islamic empire for political or personal reasons. During the times of the Umayyads and the Abbasids (661-1258) the government would do any means necessary to break down the foundations of Islam and let it fall into their hands of power and remould it as they see fit. During Muyawia's reign of power many traditions were manufactured glorifying him and those who were beside him, the same people who were enemies of the prophet and his family. He would also have traditions written to disparage the prophet and his family's character. He rewarded people substantially for attributing virtuous hadiths towards Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and himself. The prophet's family and the true followers of Islam were up against some powerful and evil men but their strong beliefs and defiance held up and even after their demise their battle for the truth to be spoken was continued and was victorious. Fortunately Muyawia's traditions were publicly falsified and the truth prevailed.
The Prophet warned those who acted like Muyawia: "Surely there are many who forge lie against me, and their number is sure to increase; whoever intentionally tells a lie against me should prepare his abode in the Fire. Therefore, whenever a hadith is narrated to you, put it (for testing) before the Book of Allah and my (established) Sunnah, and whatever conforms with the Book of Allah, take it; and what goes against the Book of Allah and my Sunnah, reject it." (2)
Even though the Prophet allowed the writing of hadiths; it is up to oneself to ensure that the hadiths they are reading are truthful or reliable otherwise this would defeat the prophet's words. If one receives a book of Hadith one should check where the book of hadith originated from, its history, its narrators and their reliability. According to the Shia, there are four collected books of Hadiths that are acceptable (Al-Kafi, istibsaar, tahdeeb al-ahkam, and man la yadhuruhu al-faqih). Also there are the collections of books written by the prophet's Family such as the book of Fatimah, the Sahifa Books from the Imams and the writings, sayings and letters of Imam Ali (PBUH) known as Najul Balagah that are highly recommended. Now, let's take a look at some reliable references to the Prophets recommendations of writing narrations.
Hadith Quotes:
The prophet allowed the writing of tradition as he said in reliable hadiths:
"One of the rights of child is that (his) her parent should educate him writing." (3)
"The Holy Prophet after the Ohud battle had acknowledged that every slave who teaches writing to ten Muslims would be free". (4)
These are some proofs from the many others that recording traditions are allowed, beneficial and needed. One can also consider the hadith collections written by the Prophets closest family (in particular, Imam Ali and Fatimah) as evidence of his permission. He had said: "I am leaving among you the Two Weighty Things: the Book of Allah and my `Itrat (Progeny), my Ahl al-Bayt. So long as you (simultaneously) uphold both of them, you will never be misled after me; so, do not go ahead of them else you should perish, and do not lag behind them else you should perish; do not teach them, for they are more knowledgeable than you." (6)
It is commonsense that the prophet would see the actions of those he is surrounded by everyday and if the prophet did not permit their writings then he would have let it be known, so from this we can conclude his permission.
Quran's View:
The Quran unlike the hadiths is flawless and therefore can be accepted unquestionably. The Quran has many verses that emphasises the importance of mankind acquiring wisdom and intellect. One way we acquire such knowledge is through books. What better book to learn from than a book that compiles of narrations relating to the speech, biographical details and deeds of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Imams (PBUH). The writings of traditions are so numerous that many books of hadiths have been written. The Quran instructs mankind to read and write as well as convey the message to mankind to obey and follow the prophets' traditions (Sunnah). Thus the importance of traditions being written and preserved can be concluded.
Quran Verses:
Here are a few of the many Quran verses that support the writing of traditions as a means to educate mankind and by following the prophet (PBUH) one can gain Allah's Favour:
"Read: In the name of thy Lord who createth, Createth man from a clot. Read: And thy Lord is the Most Bounteous, Who teacheth by the pen, Teacheth man that which be knew not." (7)
This verse was the first revealed to the prophet that shows the importance for mankind to read, learn and become intelligent. How can one obtain wisdom if there is nothing to read? Therefore one must write down the knowledge in order to know and teach it. Then it can be passed on through the generations getting the people wiser and wiser. It is also a Muslims duty to convey the truth and not suppress it as the following verse says:
"Confound not truth with falsehood, nor knowingly conceal the truth." (8)
History has shown that the faithful, devoted and true believers of Islam fought against those that covered the true Hadiths and tried to replace them with false ones. The Quran also urges Muslims to obey the messenger and follow his traditions:
" ..And whatsoever the messenger giveth you, take it... ". (9)
"Whose obeyeth Allah and the messenger, they are with those unto whom Allah hath shown favour, of the Prophets and the saints and the martyrs and the righteous. The best of company are they!" (10)
The recording of traditions is recommended by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Qur'an. History shows some of the problems that occurred for those that did not follow the prophet (PBUH) recommendations and instead did the opposite and even prohibited the writings of traditions as well as the problems that occurred for writing false traditions. Even though there may be some discrepancies over some hadiths the overall importance of having them is vital in preserving Islam and this outweighs any negative connotations. The Quran is undisputed and favours mankind to become wise, to seek truth and to follow the Prophet and we can acquire this through the written traditions.
2. The Prohibition of Recording the Hadith:
3. The Qur'an: It's Protection from Alteration:
4. Restatement of History of Islam, Chapter 72:
5. The Shi'ah are (the real)Ahl al-Sunnah:
6. Meanings of the Holy Qur'an by Marmaduke Pickthall (English Translation)
1. The Prohibition of Hadiths:
2. Sheikh 'Abbas al Qummi, Safinatu 'l-Bihar, vol. 2 p. 474. Countless hadiths to this effect may be seen in the books of both sects, including Sahih al-Bukhari, vol. 1 (kitabu l- ilm: bab ithm man kadhiba 'ala n-Nabi ) p. 38.
3. Kanz ul-Ummal, vol 16, P.417
4. "Tabaghat", Najmuddin Kobra, Vol 2, P.22
5. "Al-Isti'ab, vol2, P.347
6. This hadith is recorded in al-Tirmidhi's Sahih, in Muslim's Sahih, in al-Hakim's Mustadrak al-Sahihayn, in Ahmad's Musnad, in al-Nasa'i's Khasais, in Ibn Sa`d's Tabaqat, and by the books of al-Tabrani, al-Suyuti, Ibn Hajar, Ibn al Athir, and many others (who all are Sunnis).
7. Quran Chapter 96 (Al-Alaq): Verses 1-5 (Marmaduke Pickthall, English Translation)
8. Quran Chapter 2(Al-Baqara): Verse 42 (Marmaduke Pickthall, English Translation)
9. Quran Chapter 59 (Al-Hashr): Verse 7 (Marmaduke Pickthall, English Translation)
10. Quran Chapter 4 (An-Nisaa):Verse 69(Marmaduke Pickthall, English Translation)
Trying To Build Society based on Peace and Justice
The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) must be prepared to struggle and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi
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