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Thursday, September 30, 2010

[MahdiUniteMuslims] Re: Fwd: Fwd: Economist: Shia Muslims in the Gulf


Dear All,
It is indeed the call of the time for all Shi'a organizations in the world to come together and do whatever is within their means to at least raise their voices (on the internet, in print and wherever else they can) against the blatant ZULM that has been going on in places such as Bahrain and Kuwait in recent days.
The Shi'a have always lived as a minority but have always been able to protect and preserve their specific identity -- and that is because they have not left the side of the holy Ahlul-Bayt.
With the advent of oil in the 20th century, the enemies have got a new tool to counter the Shi'a cause.
However, in this day of information explosion and world-wide immigration of the Shi'a all across the world, the Shi'a too have a new means to propagate the word.
We should use it to its utmost for our benefit.
What has happened in Bahrain in the last few days must be brought to the notice of the global community in the correct manner.
This is a new wave of oppression. A citizen of a country has been deprived of his birthright citizenship by an oppressive and tyrannical government, and why only because he seems to disagree with the policies of the ruler.
Non-Shi'a Muslims are bweing resident permits and nationality in the country of Bahrain to change the d emography of the state in case the rulers are eventually forced to hold general elections in the country.
But that does not mean that we should bandon the cause of the hapless Palestinians. Because they too are oppressed Muslims.
 Thank you.
Syed-Mohsin Naquvi

--- On Thu, 9/30/10, Agha Jafri <aghajafri@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Agha Jafri <aghajafri@gmail.com>
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Economist: Shia Muslims in the Gulf
To: imi@imamiamedics.com, MohsinJaffer@aol.com, "Sidrah Mirza" <sidrah.mirza@gmail.com>, "syed-mohsin naquvi" <mnaquvi@yahoo.com>, erkazmi@protransco.com, Amaa786@aol.com, inshira@verizon.net, info@max-rehab.com
Date: Thursday, September 30, 2010, 10:24 AM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mohammed Askari Chandoo <mac@chandoo.com>
Date: Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Economist: Shia Muslims in the Gulf
To: Agha Jafri <aghajafri@gmail.com>
Cc: Mohammed Hasan Chandoo <hasan@chandoo.com>, Ahmed Chandoo II <ahmed@chandoo.com>, Abbas Ali <alibilsam@hotmail.com>, Ali Inayatullah <alyosha14@hotmail.com>, Sultan Karamali <inshira@verizon.net>

Shaukat bhai,

I could not agree with you more.

What's worse is that even many Shia organizations and Iran itself are concerned less with the plight of Shias than with that of the Palestinians, when the Palestinians do not give a toss about the Shias (and, in fact, supported Saddam Hussein in both Gulf Wars.)  The Shia Ummah needs to get its own house in order to focus on the persecution of our brothers at the hands of Baathists and Wahabis.



From: Agha Jafri <aghajafri@gmail.com>
To: Syed E. Abidi <seabidi@pharm-int.com>
Sent: Wed, September 29, 2010 10:17:15 PM
Subject: Fwd: Economist: Shia Muslims in the Gulf

Assallamun Alaikum :
UMAA , and for that matter such other Islamic organizations , rather than getting entangleded with natural disasters , and other clamaties across the globe ( something totally outside their respective mission and vision as well as out of their control ) must direct their energies and resources towards combatting the criminal acts of persecution and discrimination of shia Muslims in Bahrain , Kuwait , Saudi Arabia , Pakistan , Afghanistan and a few other Islamic states .
A large number of Muslim organizations exists in North America and other free societies of the west , but not a single word of support is uttered by either of these entities against the tyrannical islamic regimes for perpetrating acts of terror and discrimination identified as such in a British magazine about Bahrain. Saddam , the biggest cannable of all times was able to conduct a systemic genocide of Shia and Sunni Muslims for decades , but not much was done to stop him , except a December 31, 2007 statement from a california based Muslim Public Affairs council that condemned the post saddam Shia government of Iraq for hanging the Iraqi butcher on the day of Eid- ul- Adha !  
Alas ! We the Muslims of the west have the audacity of shouting about Pan Islamism and appeals of unity to fight  Islamaphobia in this hemisphere .
May Allah (swt) bless us all .
Shaukat jafri 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Husain Abdulla <mohajer12@comcast.net>
Date: Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 1:16 PM
Subject: Economist: Shia Muslims in the Gulf
To: Husain Abdulla <mohajer12@comcast.net>



Shia Muslims in the Gulf

Worrying times

A rise in sectarian tensions and official jitters across the region

Sep 23rd 2010 | Cairo
FOR minorities, success is best in small doses. Too much may stir bigotry and charges of dual loyalty, or even make some within the minority dangerously impatient for change. Shias on the Arab side of the Persian Gulf have long lived with such ironies. Largely ignored through centuries under Sunni rulers, they now feel increasingly exposed.
First came the Islamic revolution of 1979 in neighbouring Iran, whose ripples frightened those rulers and emboldened their Shia subjects, leading to ugly clashes that subsided only in the 1990s. The more recent rise of Shia influence in Iraq and the success of Hizbullah, the Shia party-cum-militia in Lebanon, have caused similar waves, made stronger by Iran's bid to become the dominant—and perhaps nuclear-armed—regional power.
Conditions for Shias vary among the Gulf monarchies but had until recently been broadly improving. In relaxed and relatively liberal Kuwait, where Shias account for a third of the ultra-rich citizenry, they have long been prominent in business and in government. Some hold high office in Bahrain, too, but proportionately far fewer than their two-thirds share of the island kingdom's population.
Saudi Arabia has the largest number of Shias at 2m-odd, but they are thinly diluted in a population ten times bigger and are subject to more systematic discrimination. No Shia has become a cabinet minister or general—or even a headmistress in a state school, reflecting the Saudis' severe Wahhabism, in effect the kingdom's official doctrine. Still, in recent years the Saudi government has loosened some strictures on Shia worship and forced extremist Sunni clerics to lessen their anti-Shia vitriol.
Those gains look fragile amid a mood of rising sectarian tension across the region. In Bahrain, months of agitation by Shias campaigning for greater rights have led to growing government fears of worse to come in the event of trouble with Iran. Pressure from Saudi-aligned Sunni radicals has led to a full-scale crackdown on Shia politicking. Widespread arrests, the closure of mainstream Shia websites and newspapers, and the banning of some Shia preachers from mosque pulpits have combined to tilt much of Shia opinion into sullen hostility to the state.

Sectarian jitters
Many Bahrainis were shocked when a prominent Shia cleric, Ayatollah Hussein Mirza Najati, was ordered to be stripped of his citizenship. By contrast, Bahrain's Shias often complain that the government has secretly given citizenship to thousands of foreign Sunnis in a bid to alter the sectarian balance. Moderate Shias still counsel patience with the ruling al-Khalifa family, whose promises of reform a decade ago had quelled unrest until now. But clouds may be gathering ahead of a parliamentary election due next month.
Kuwait's authorities have grown jittery, too. Following sustained pressure from Islamist Sunni members of parliament, the emirate revoked the Kuwaiti passport of Yasser al-Habib, a Shia preacher exiled in London, whose sermons suggesting that one of Muhammad's wives had poisoned the prophet prompted widespread outrage, including condemnation by fellow Shia clerics. Alarmed by a spate of calls for Sunni protests, Kuwaiti police have banned all public meetings.
More quietly, Saudi authorities have for months been harassing local Shia campaigners, arresting dozens and holding many for weeks at a time. A ban on fatwas by independent Sunni clerics has muted public attacks on Shias, but Sunni chat-sites on the internet still describe them menacingly as a fifth column for Iran.
Middle East & Africa

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