Amendment Of Int’l Crimes Act : Governent Realises At Last
The government had been telling all the time that that they will try the war crimes under the Inrternational Crimes Act .The human rights groups and some politicians had been telling that it is a draconian law and it does not conform with international law and juristic principles. Now the government has decided to amend the International Crimes (Tribunal) Act 1973. Law minister has now said that ‘The Act needs to be amended for the effective trial of the war criminals…We have already referred it to the Law Commission from which we expect recommendations for necessary changes in the Act,’, The minister said the law, which was written in English, would be translated into Bangla to make it more comprehensible to the people. The amendments to check any loopholes in the law, if necessary, should be made without delay and the government should have done it earlier, he added.
The minister, however, denied that the amendments to the act might delay the trial process. The minister, in reply to a query, said the latest move of the government for amending the law would not delay or hamper the process initiated for holding trial of the war criminals. ‘There is no legal bar on investigating the war crimes before amending the law,’ said Shafique.The minister also denied that any influence had been exerted by any quarter to stop the trial of war criminals.
He said that the government was fully committed to conducting the trial of war criminals and would do so come what may. Formation of an investigative agency and appointment of prosecutors for the war crimes trials are almost at the final stage, claimed the minister.
We have been always against this trial after 38 years of independence for various reasons.It will be an act which is insulting to the founder of Bangladesh who forgave all in the spirit of forget of forgive. It ia also against tripartite agreement .It will also divide the nation. After so long it will be difficult to find fair witnesses. In any case we welcome this move of the government o bring the law upto international standard.
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