Israeli Proposal: set up a Palestinian state within the kingdom of Jordan
An Israeli proposal to set up a Palestinian state within the kingdom of Jordan has enraged Amman officials who asked for an explanation from Tel Aviv. Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser "Judeh summoned the Israeli ambassador today to inform him of Jordan's protest and absolute rejection of the proposal at the Knesset [Israeli parliament]," a foreign ministry statement said on Tuesday.§ionid=351020206
Amnesty: Israel repeatedly breached rules of war in Gaza
By Yossi Melman, Haaretz Correspondent
Amnesty International has accused Israel of repeatedly violating the rules of armed conflict during its recent offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
Dutch liberal leader: Holocaust denial should not be a crime
By Cnaan Liphshiz
By Cnaan Liphshiz
A proposal to decriminalize Holocaust denial in the Netherlands by the leader of the Dutch liberal party touched off controversy in the party on Wednesday and drew criticism from prominent Jewish figures and from the political establishment.
EU: Muslims suffer discrimination
Discrimination against Muslims in Europe is far more widespread than reported, with one in three affected, a European Union human rights agency has said.
Several killed in Iran mosque blast
A blast in a mosque in the southeastern Iranian city of Zahedan has killed 15 people and wounded 50 others, the official IRNA agency says.
Mahathir Mohamed: US diktat no longer feasible
Mahathir Mohamed, former Malaysian prime minister, describing US foreign policy as "intolerant" told a news conference that "US foreign policy must change."§ionid=351020405
Miliband urges talks with Iran's Leader
Britain's Foreign Secretary David Miliband has called for talks between Iran's Leader and the West to find a solution to the country's nuclear issue.§ionid=351020104
US holds Iraqi journalist without charges
A Reuters cameraman arrested in Iraq in 2008 accused of being a 'high security threat' is still being held by the US military without charges.§ionid=351020201
Indonesia: US ignores Gazans, sticks to Tamils
Indonesia strongly condemns the West for adopting double standards as US pushes for a rights violation probe into Sri Lanka's final battle against the Tamil rebels.§ionid=351020406
Netanyahu: If Israel Doesn't Take out Iranian "Threat", No One Will
By Haaretz Staff
"Israel is not like other countries," Netanyahu told his Likud faction in a meeting which came one week after his meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House. "We are faced with security challenges that no other country faces, and our need to provide a response to these is critical, and we are answering the call."
Israel's Nuclear Hysteria Contrasts with Korean Calm
By Gwynne Dyer
Why are Koreans so much braver than Israelis when faced with the threat of nuclear weapons?
Nukes 'Politically Retarded', says Ahmadinejad
By Press TV
As the West continues to press Iran on its nuclear program, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the country considers developing nuclear weapons as "politically retarded".
Armageddon Now?
By Nadia Hijab
Of all the analysis generated by the Obama-Netanyahu meeting Robert Satloff's is the most significant. Satloff is executive director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, which serves as AIPAC's think tank. His piece, circulated Thursday, provides insights into what the lobby -- and Israel -- might do next. And it should ring alarm bells.
Torturing the Rule of Law
By Rep. Dr. Ron Paul
"Enhanced interrogation" as some prefer to call it, has been used throughout history, usually by despotic governments, to cruelly punish or to extract politically useful statements from prisoners. Governments that do these things invariably bring shame on themselves.
Another Outrage
By Cindy Sheehan
I have spoken to men who were still in their teens who were sodomized with broom handles in Guantanamo. I have seen the horrific photos of the US's inhumanity to man and cannot forgive my country for the terror it has unleashed on the world. I can't stand the fact that our government operates with such craven cowardice and has harmed so many people while Americans revel in blissful ignorance.
The Eight-Year-Long Psychological Operation
Osama Bin Laden: Dead Or Alive?
By Tod Fletcher - Review of a new book by David Ray Griffin
Griffin strikes at the root of this pretext for war by closely examining all the evidence that has come out since September 11, 2001, either indicating that bin Laden is still alive or that he is in fact dead.
The Bases of Empire:
The Global Struggle Against U.S. Military Posts
By Chalmers Johnson
There has been no public discussion by the Obama administration over starting to liquidate our overseas bases or beginning to scale back our imperialist presence in the rest of the world.
Tell Me Why, Does It Have To Be Like This
3 Minute Video and Text
Click to continue
The Next Leg Down
By Mike Whitney
Collapsing home prices and credit markets continue to put downward pressure on consumer spending, forcing the Federal Reserve to take even more radical action to revive the economy. Last week, Fed chief Ben Bernanke raised the prospect of further monetizing the debt by purchasing more than the $1.75 trillion of Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities (MBS) already committed.
The Greatest Swindle Ever Sold
By Andy Kroll
How the Financial Bailout Scams Taxpayers, Subsidizes Wall Street, and Props Up Our Broken Financial System.
63 killed in Darfur battle: :
Twenty Sudanese soldiers and 43 Justice and Equality Movement (Jem) were killed in the clashes at an army base in the settlement of Umm Baru on Sunday, Brigadier Uthman al-Agbash, a military spokesman, said on Monday.
35 killed in Pakistan's Swat Valley:
The Pakistan Army said it had killed 29 militants and lost six soldiers Tuesday in the north-western Swat Valley and its neighbouring districts as a rights group warned of a humanitarian catastrophe
Pakistan risks 'human catastrophe':
Human Rights Watch says the military must lift its curfew of the area, which has been in place for a full week, and airdrop essential food, water and medicine to the 200,000 residents trapped there.
Pakistan: Police on the run in Malakand region:
Almost 310 cops out of the total 400 policemen have reportedly deserted the force in Buner while 820 have quit jobs in Swat. The Swat police comprise of around 2000 policemen," a source disclosed.
Pakistan lifts Sharif election ban:
Pakistan has lifted a ban on Nawaz Sharif, the opposition leader, and his brother which had prevented them from running in elections. The ruling in the Supreme Court on Tuesday enables the former prime minister to contest national polls in 2013.
Air strike kills 13 "militants" in Afghanistan:
The operation, consisting of ground and air force, was conducted in the country's central province of Logar, located around 60 kilometres from the central capital of Kabul.
Clash kills 8 Taliban in Afghanistan:
The coalition says two of its troops and three Afghan policemen were also wounded during Monday's clash in the southern province of Uruzgan. They were undergoing medical treatment and were in stable condition.
Afghan bomb attack kills three US occupation force soldiers:
A bomb attack on US troops north of the Afghan capital yesterday killed three soldiers and three Afghan civilians, military and Afghan officials said.
Gates Says Taliban Have Momentum in Afghanistan:
Defense Secretary Robert Gates has said the momentum in Afghanistan is with the Taliban, who are inflicting heavy U.S. casualties and hold de facto control of swaths of the country.
Refusing to go to Afghanistan:
Agosto enlisted in August 2005 after two years of study at Miami Dade College. "I joined for the usual reasons," explained Agosto in an interview. "All the things they tell you about America when you're growing up. But mostly, I was tired of sitting in classrooms. I wanted to do something. I wanted to see the world."
Four civilians killed, three injured in seperate attacks in Kirkuk:
A police source told KUNA that a booby-trapped car was detonated at an Iraqi checkpoint in the middle of Kirkuk, which resulted in the injury of two, a colonel and a captain, as well as a soldier.
Roadside Bomb Kills Three Americans in Western Iraq:
A roadside bomb struck a U.S. convoy in western Iraq, killing three Americans, including a senior State Department official, U.S. officials said Tuesday.,2933,521884,00.html
'The Israelis have returned us to the 5th century':
To Gaza residents, it sometimes seems as if the situation in the Strip could not get any worse. But then, another week or month passes, and Hussam and his fellows realize that indeed, it could.
ANALYSIS / Netanyahu bringing Israel closer to war with Iran:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu considers the lifting of the Iranian nuclear threat his life's mission. Before coming to power, he had mentioned that such an operation might cost thousands of lives, but the price was justified in view of the threat's severity.
Demonizing Venezuela, Bolivia :
Secret document: Venezuela, Bolivia supplying Iran with uranium:
Venezuela and Bolivia are supplying Iran with uranium for its nuclear program, according to a secret Israeli government report.
Bolivia denies supplying Iran with uranium:
Mining Minister Luis Alberto Echazu dismissed allegations in a secret Israeli government report, saying "there isn't even a geological study (of uranium deposits), much less export" of uranium to another country.
North Korea tests nuclear weapon 'as powerful as Hiroshima bomb':
Russian defence experts estimated the explosion's yield at between 10 and 20 kilotons, many times more than the 1 kiloton measured in its first nuclear test in 2006 and about as powerful as the bombs the US used against Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of the second world war.
U.S. notified of nuke test by N. Korea in advance: S. Korea:
"It is not an abrupt development because we thought the test may take place and monitored the situation closely," he said.
N Korea troops 'ready for battle':
In its first comments since announcing Monday's test, an editorial in one of the North's main newspapers on Tuesday accused Barack Obama, the US president, of following the "reckless policy" taken by his predecessor.
South Korea joins US anti-nuke club:
The North has previously said that Seoul's participation in the Proliferation Security Initiative would be seen as a declaration of war.,27574,25539891-38197,00.html
Japan Should Consider Pre-emptive Strikes, LDP Lawmaker Says:
"North Korea poses a serious and realistic threat to Japan," former defense chief Gen Nakatani said today in Tokyo at a meeting of Liberal Democratic Party officials. "We must look at active missile defense such as attacking an enemy's territory and bases."
Nine killed in Somalia insurgent attack on palace:
Somali insurgents fired mortar shells at the presidential palace in Mogadishu killing nine people and wounding 10 others on Tuesday, residents said.
Troops reinforce Somalia airport:
This follows reports that fighters from the radical Islamist al-Shabab militia have moved into the Medina district. Some civilians are fleeing the area, once one of the city's safest and a refuge for tens of thousands who had fled other parts of the war-torn city.
Somali Armed Group Says It's Poised to Defeat Al-Shabab:
A Somali armed group has vowed to defeat hard-line insurgent groups, including al-Shabab, which aim to topple the new government. The Alhu Sunna Waljamaca armed group claims it would have destroyed al-Shabab a long time ago if President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed had taken its advice soon after he was elected leader of the government.
Is Somalia in Ethiopian Army's Crosshairs Again?:
Ethiopia's previous intervention came at a time of strong parallel interests by Ethiopia and the United States. Both nations saw the need for a robust Ethiopian military operation in Somalia as part of a broader war on terrorism.
Hariri 'rejects any Hezbollah deal':
Saad al-Hariri, the leader of Lebanon's Future movement, has said he will refuse to join a Hezbollah-led coalition government should the Shia party and its allies win the country's forthcoming elections.
So Philip Gourevitch Can See the Torture Photos, But We Can't?:
"I saw many more pictures than were ever published in the press, including, I believe, many-if not most-of the photos that president would now prefer that you don't see," he writes. He can see them, but we can't.
Obama chooses Hispanic American as supreme court judge:
If confirmed by the US senate, Sotomayor, 54, will succeed David Souter, who is retiring. Both are considered to be "liberal" justices and the appointment is unlikely to change the ideological balance of the court, which shifted to the right under the Bush administration.
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