By Avi Issacharoff
By Pepe Escobar
Happy Days are here again. It's as if the George W Bush years in Afghanistan had never left, with Washington still wallowing in an intelligence-
How The US Lost the War on Terror And The Islamists Won
By Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D.
America and Britain appear lost, not knowing how to come out of the self-engineered defeat in wars against Islam. Masses have sympathies with the true believers and the Islamists appear to have lost nothing.
Timeline Of a War Foretold
Bringing Iran In From the Cold
By Nader Mousavizadeh
A fateful consensus is forming around the proposition that war with Iran is inevitable. The failure of the past eight years' non-diplomacy has resulted in a worst-case scenario whereby Iran, most experts agree, has passed the point of no return in terms of technical nuclear weapons capability without violating its legal obligations under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Ex-AIPACer Against Military Action in Iran
By Daniel Luban
He argues that the U.S. and Israel will "have to end up accepting some kind of peaceful Iranian nuclear energy program - and they actually need it; it's already too late to stop it entirely."
Majority of Americans see Iran as Danger
In a poll released this week, 71 percent of Americans say the United States won't be safe with a nuclear Iran. Seventy-nine percent said if Iran acquired a weapon, it was likely to provide it to terrorists to attack an American city. A slightly larger number, 80 percent, said Iran was likely to fire a missile at Israel.
Torture and 9/11
By John S. Hatch
If Mr. Obama were to take a deep breath, look back and take a lesson from some of America's darkest days, here's what he would find:
Facts and Myths about Obama's Preventive Detention Proposal
By Glenn Greenwald
In the wake of Obama's speech yesterday, there are vast numbers of new converts who now support indefinite "preventive detention." It thus seems constructive to have as dispassionate and fact-based discussion as possible of the implications of "preventive detention" and Obama's related detention proposals (military commissions)
Indefinite Detention? Shame on you... President Obama
By Rachel Maddow
Don't miss this 7 minute video.
Day of Reckoning for the U.S. Dollar
Alia McMullen
"By many measures, the U.S. appears just a few short steps away from losing its coveted triple-A status"
Fear of Crime and Things to Come
By William John Cox
Can we expect President Obama to be more respectful of individual rights than President Bush was? An answer can be found in his recent request for the Supreme Court to reverse its own 23-year-old decision prohibiting police from questioning a represented defendant until his lawyer is present.
Who is to Blame for the Tent People?
By Garda Ghista
This is America today. It is "poverty amidst plenty." That phrase is from the 1929 Great Depression. And in 1929 the police conducted the same sweeps that they are doing today across America. Is it not heartbreaking?
Over The Rainbow
By Stephen Lendman
The original Oz book conceals an unsuspected depth....(Although) a children's story, (it) delineated a Midwesterner'
Mogadishu street fighting kills 45, wounds 182:
"At least 45 people including 28 civilians died in today's fighting," Ali Yasin Gedi, vice chairman of Elman Peace and Human Rights Organization told Reuters.
Raw Video: Gun Clash Among Somali Troops, Rebels:
Renewed fighting between government troops and Islamist insurgents in the Somali capital
Ethiopia never left Somalia-It was a deceptive charade:
They may have left Mogadishu but they certainly did not leave Somalia. The Ethiopian regime has lied abut its presence in Somalia from day one.
Pakistan: 17 militants killed, 4 arrested in last 24 hours: ISPR:
Seventeen militants were killed and 4 miscreants were apprehended, whereas 3 security forces personnel including an officer embraced Shahadat and 10 others were injured in various areas of Swat in last 24 hours.
Pakistan: Car bomb explodes in marketplace, 10 killed:
A car bomb exploded in a congested marketplace in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar yesterday killing at least 10 people and wounding 70 others, some of them seriously, a minister said.
Pakistan army 'surrounds key city':
The Pakistani military claims to have surrounded Mingora, the Swat valley's main city, seeking to wrest the area from Taliban fighters.
Pakistan appeals to US public for aid: -
Pakistan on Friday appealed to the US public to make small donations through their cellphones to help care for some 1.7 million people displaced in a major campaign against Islamic extremists.
U.S. General: Insurgents Crossing From Afghanistan Into Pakistan:
The top U.S. general in eastern Afghanistan said Friday he is seeing "some very interesting movement" of insurgents across the border into Pakistan this spring, possibly to join Taliban militants battling government troops.
Afghan, U.S. forces kill 34 militants in drug raids: -
Afghan and U.S. forces have killed 34 militants, almost half of them in air strikes, and made one of the country's largest drug hauls during an operation in southern Afghanistan, the U.S. military has said.
Afghan "unrest": Two soldiers, 15 rebels killed:
Two Afghan soldiers and 15 insurgents have been killed in new clashes, officials said Friday, while a NATO helicopter was forced into an emergency landing but casualties were not announced.
Manufacturing Consent For Attack On Iran:
U.S. Military: Nuke-armed Iran Would be 'Calamitous'
The consequences of Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon would be "calamitous" and major powers must act together to prevent it, the top U.S. military commander said on Thursday.
'1 in 4 Israelis would consider leaving country if Iran gets nukes':
41 percent believed Israel should strike Iran's nuclear installations without waiting to see whether or how the talks develop.
Israel Air Force holds drill simulating all-out war:
During the exercise, the scenario included war against Hamas in the South and war against both Hizbullah and Syria in the North.
Fact or fiction?
The military option is dead:
Israel's military option against Iran has died. The death warrant was issued courtesy of the new U.S. administration led by Barack Obama.
Fact or fiction?
Audio: CIA to Israel: Prepare for a Nuclear Iran:
Aaron Klein, Jerusalem Bureau Chief for www.WorldNetDaily.
Fact or fiction?
Defense Min. shuts down Iran unit:
Mossad chief Meir Dagan is displeased with the Ministry of Defense decision to shut down the unit dealing with Iran and headed by Uri Lubrani, a former ambassador to Iran.
Two Islamic Jihad militants killed in S Gaza:
The Islamic Jihad said in a statement that two of its militants were killed when they were trying to attack an Israeli army force near the fence of a border crossing. No injuries were reported among the Israelis.
Israeli PM says Jerusalem will never be divided:
The remarks followed talks with U.S. President Barack Obama earlier this week in Washington where the Israeli leader said he hoped to widen the peace process across the Arab world but stopped short of embracing the creation of a Palestinian state.
France: Jerusalem should be capital of two states:
France accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday of prejudicing the outcome of the Middle East peace process by declaring that Jerusalem would forever be Israel's undivided capital.
Biden in Lebanon warns Hezbollah:
Confident its alliance will win, Hezbollah criticized Biden's visit as a U.S. attempt to influence the June 7 vote and held a mass rally to show its popular support.
Senate OKs war funding, blocks release of detainee pictures:
The Senate late Thursday easily passed a $91 billion spending bill for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. After stripping it of funds to close the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and placing restrictions on the transfer of its detainees, the bill was adopted 86 to 3. The Senate included an amendment to prevent the public release of photographs that reportedly document the mistreatment of post-Sept. 11 detainees in U.S. custody.
Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, and lasts six seconds before saying its torture:
Chicago radio host Erich "Mancow" Muller decided he'd get himself waterboarded to prove the technique wasn't torture. It didn't turn out that way. "Mancow," in fact, lasted just six or seven seconds before crying foul.
Change.... What change?
Obama Endorses Indefinite Detention Without Trial for Some:
President Obama acknowledged publicly for the first time yesterday that some detainees at Guantanamo Bay may have to be held without trial indefinitely, siding with conservative national security advocates on one of the most contentious issues raised by the closing of the military prison in Cuba.
US urged to resettle Uighur inmates:
Seventeen men cleared for release four years ago still held at Guantanamo.
Exclusive: How MI5 blackmails British Muslims:
'Work for us or we will say you are a terrorist'
GM might still be headed toward Chapter 11:
Despite a tentative pact with the United Auto Workers, Obama administration officials continue to signal that bankruptcy might be the best option.
Trouble Ahead: Millions of Mortgages Will Ratchet Upward Soon:
"If the equity in your house is gone and your monthly mortgage payment suddenly jumps from $2000 per month to over $3000 per month, what do you think is going to happen?
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