Ba-hamdillaahe wa be-shukre ne'matehi, We hope you would be in the best of your health and we pray for your sehhat-o-aafiyat on the pehli tareekh of Jumaadil Aakhar.
Du'a-e-masoor for mumineen in the days of Jumaadil Aakhar, the sixth month of Hijri Qamari Year, that gives us payghaam to make our imaan, Ibaadat, aqeedah, amal as well as each and every affair firmly based on the ta'leemaat of Ahlul Bayt (as). "Jumaad" means the thing which is solid and is long lasting in its existence. Therefore, a believer who thinks, speaks and performs anything as per the obligations and admonitions stemmed from deenullaah should be so consistent and determined that its sawaab should be with him in this world and Hereafter and Allaah Ta'aala selects him in the hizb and zumrah of His most selected ibaad and servants.
Forth Coming: Al-Haadi Newsletter & Career Guidance Program (31st May 2009, Alavi Jamaa'at Khaana, Wadi, Vadodara)
Special Features:
1. Matrimonial
2. Intiqaal pur-malaal
3. Shining Stars
4. Namaaz Timings
Team Alavi.
Salaamun Qaulum mir Rabbir Raheem.

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