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The Sages said: "It is better to jump into a flaming furnace than to embarrass somebody." Rather interesting thought, isn't it? One might even say it is extreme... and maybe it is. On the other hand, maybe it isn't. Of course, the message is not to be taken literally, but to serve as a very pointed reminder that shaming or embarrassing another human being is something to avoid at practically any and all costs. I've personally never seen anything good come out of embarrassing someone. Never heard a joke so funny that it was worth coming at the expense of another person's feelings. Never seen an employee make a mistake that could be effectively corrected by the use of shame. Or, a lesson to a child so profound that it was worth embarrassing or shaming him or her, especially in front of others. I actually saw this happen recently and can only hope the child doesn't carry the embarrassment with him forever, or learn that that is how one teaches a lesson to one he loves. If you (and I'm sure you don't) have a tendency to, or have formed the habit of, embarrassing or shaming others as a way of teaching or getting them to do what you want, you might choose to print out the above quote and keep it somewhere where you can see it until you begin to notice an end to that particular trait. People who win without intimidation always carry an awareness, and act with the awareness that a person's ego is the most fragile thing they have. Remember what the great author, Les Giblin said; "What counts is attaining personal satisfaction without trampling on the ego of the other person." Those who win without intimidation also know that when we get our point across in a way that leaves the other person's ego intact (via tact and kindness) we earn their respect, loyalty and a desire to more readily accept our point of view the next time a situation to persuade arises. Here's a positive affirmation you can write down and repeat to yourself when you need a quick burst of inspiration. "I will strive whenever possible to leave the people I come into contact with feeling good about our encounter. I understand that my words can cut deeply, just as they can build up others in a positive way. I'm far from perfect, but through an awareness and a willingness to keep in mind that I have the power to leave others feeling good about the interactions they have with me I can keep the scale tipped in the right direction." It is no doubt then that the Holy Quran exhorts: “Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good advice”. (16:125) | ||||||||
DAR-UL-MUSLIMEEN NEWSBITS TUTION PROGRAM FOR T.I.C. STUDENTS Effective 17th May 2009, Tanzania Ithna Ashariyyah Community (T.I.C.), Dodoma Branch in collaboration with the management of Dar-ul-Muslimeen, have successfully started tuition program for Shia students in Dodoma city. The students enrolled for the tuition program are 31 so far and they are given assistance free of charge in the following subjects every Sunday: English, Kiswahili, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science for Standard Seven students, in addition to Physics, Chemistry and Biology for Form Two and Form Four Students. Many more students are in the process of enrolment. The aim of this tuition program is to uplift the academic performance of our students in Government Schools which lack conducive facilities to help the students perform well in exams. We sincerely thank Alhaj Ghulamabbas Datoo of Dar es Salam who initiated this project and spearheads the program in all Shia centers in Tanzania. May Allah (swt) reward him ample for this ‘Sadqae Jariyah’ efforts. Amin. Alhaj Ghulamabbas bhai personally visits all Shia centers to make sure this project is started, and he has already visited Dodoma twice. | ||||||||
Forwarded by Dar ul Muslimeen, P.O. Box 2736 - Dodoma, Tanzania | ||||||||
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