Manifestation of the High Honour of Ahlulbait (A.S.):
Allah will reveal His other bounties and blessings on the day of Qayamat, one of them will be the manifestation of the high honour and position of Mohammad(S.A.W.S.) and his Progeny.
The Standard of Praise (Liwaul Hamd):
Abdullah ibne Salam asked the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) regarding the Standard of praise (Liwaul Hamd) to be presented to him in Qayamat. He (S.A.W.S.) replied that, it's length is equal to the distance of a thousand years. It's pillars will be of red rubies, and it's handle of white pearls. while it's flag will be of green emeralds. One flag
will be swirling in the east, the second in the west, while the third one will be swirling in the middle. On it three sentences will be engraved , "In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, Merciful", "All praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds", and "There is no God except Allah, Mohammad (S.A.W.S.) is the Messenger of Allah, and Ali (A.S.) is the friend of Allah".The length of each of these sentences will be equal to the length of a thousand years. Abdullah asked, "Who will be carrying this standard"? The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) replied, "The same person who in this world is my Standard-bearer viz . Ali the son of Abu Talib (A.S.)".Abdullah replied, "verily you speak the truth. But also inform me as to who all will remain under the shelter of this standard". He (S.A.W.S.) replied, "The believers (Mo meneen) friends Shi'ahs of Allah, my friends a Shiahs, and the friends and Shi'ahs of Ali (A.S.).verily this position is very high. And Allah's wrath be on the one who believes me, or argues over his (Ali's exalted) creation by Allah".
Ref: Manazelul Akherah
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