Though the Prophet (S.A.W) had left
The army of Abu Jahal blowing trumpets confronted the Muslims. Three famous soldiers of Quraish (Utba, father in law of Abu Sufian) Shaiba brother of Abu Sufian, and Al Waleed came out of their ranks and challenged the Prophet (S.A.W) and his men to have a duel with them. Three Ansars, Maaz, Mooz and Aof accepted their challenge and came out of their ranks to meet them. But the Quraish refused saying, "We have not come here to fight such ordinary men. We belong to the great tribe of Quraish and have come here to fight the people of our status. O Mohammad send some one from Quraish." The Prophet (S.A.W) ordered Ali (A.S.), Hamza (his uncle) and Obaida his cousin to fight with them. The three duels were quick and decisive. Ali (A.S.) killed Al Walid, Hamza killed Shaiba and as Obaida was wounded by Utba, Ali (A.S.) and Hamza pounced upon Utba and finished him. Three more soldiers of Abu Jahal came forward but they too were finished by these three soldiers of Islam. Another three ventured and they too went the same way. When the Prophet (S.A.W) saw that no one from the Quraish army is coming forward to have a duel he ordered his men to attack the entire army. The bravest and the noblest of Quraish fell. The clans of Bani Umayya, Bani Makhzoom and Bani Asad were the main losers. Out of seventy enemies killed in this war, Ali (A.S.) alone had killed thirty six. They were the very people who assembled to kill the Prophet (S.A.W) on the night of his immigration. Ali (A.S.)'s sword had finished Abu Jahal, Walid bin Atba (maternal uncle of Muawiyahh and brother of Hinda, Abu Sufian's wife), Shaiba bin Rabia (Hinda's uncle), Masood bin Mogheera (Khalid bin Waleed's uncle), Saeb bin Saeb, and Abu Umar bin Abu Sufian. Forty-five Meccans were taken prisoners. Among those injured was Amr ibne Abdawood the famous Arab soldier whom Ali (A.S.) killed in another war. This war was fought on 17th of Ramzan 2nd Hijri. In the following year, Ali (A.S.)'s first son was born. The Prophet (S.A.W) named him Hasan and also called him Shabbar, the name of Prophet Haroon's (A.S) first son. Shabbeer was the name of Prophet Haroon's (A.S.) second son. It is interesting to note that the Prophet (S.A.W) always described his relation with Ali (A.S.) as that of Prophet Haroon's (A.S.) relation to his brother Prophet Moses (A.S). The defeat at Badr had made the Meccans more angry, specially the Bani Ummayads, who had lost all their stalwarts. Preparation for another war to take the revenge of those killed had begun. Abu Sufian and his wife Hinda were now taking personal interest in organising the army. Her only wish was to see that the Prophet (S.A.W) his brother Ali (A.S.) and uncle Hamza were killed. Not finding her own people capable of killing these three men, she hired the services of Jabir Mutam's negro slave who was considered as one of the best archers of
The Jews of Madina too did not like the victory of the Muslims at Badr. Before the arrival of the Prophet (S.A.W) in Madina the Jews were controlling the economy and were considered as the upper class because of their money lending and other businesses. As a matter of fact they had also welcomed the Prophet (S.A.W) to Madina considering his mission to be the same as their own. The Muslims then offered their Namaz facing
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