"In the Name of Allah,the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful"
Salamun alaykum, we pray you all are in the best of health and happiness. We hope You all will be very well and performing your duties in the ways to Allah &fore seeing Imam Mehdi's (a.s) reappearance.
We congratulation to you all, Whole Muslim world specially Hazrat Mohammad (s.a.w) and Aal-e-Mohammad (s.a.w), Hazrat Imam-e-Mahdi (a.t.f.s) and Grand Leader Ayatullah Al-Uzma Syed Ali Khamenei (H.A) on this auspicious and divine occasion, 37th Foundation Day of Imamia Students Organization Pakistan (May 22,1972 - May 22, 2009), we extend our Heartiest and Happy Greetings.
Please find the attached file and article (given below). With best regards, Khoda Hafez 'n' Eltemas-e-Dua ============ Respected Editor/In charge Articles Section Or Special supplement Section.
May 22 is the foundation day(Yumae-tasis) of Imamia Students Organization (ISO) Pakistan which was founded in May 22 ,1972. So, according to this May 22 ,2009 is the 37th Foundation day ,in this respect we are sending Articles both in English & Urdu along with pictures in below links & It is hoped that u will publish this Article as a Special Supplement or in Article Section as the Work of ISO Pakistan for the Students Rights , Dignity of Islam, Stability of Pakistan & Unity of Ummah ,Solidarity & Support to oppressed people of World & Raising its Voice and protests against the evil powers especially USA & ISRAEL are known to all. ARTICLE ON 37th FOUNDATION DAY ( YAUME-TASEES) OF ISO PAKISTAN. Organizational Structure:May 22 is the foundation day(Yaum e tasis) of Imamia Students Organization (ISO)Pakistan which was founded in May 22 ,1972. The founder of ISO Shaheed Dr Muhammad Ali Naqvi and his collegues founded ISO in that time to attract the Young Generations towards the teachings of the Holy Quran & Ahlul-Bait(AS ) /Holy Family of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as on that time the youth was flowing in the ocean of Cammonisim & westren cultuure. So according to this May 22 ,2009 is the 37th Foundation day ,in this 37 years period work of ISO Pakistan for the Students Rights , Dignity of Islam, Stability of Pakistan & Unity of Ummah ,Solidirity & Support to oppressed people of World & Raising its Voice and protests against the evil powers especially USA & ISRAIIEL are known to all. Following are the important departments of ISO PAKISTAN. 1. Education Department
2. Publication and propagation department
3. General affairs department 5. I T / Information department 6. Finance department 7. Scout department 8. Muhibeen department
Training Department :The department is meant for providing the training requirements of the organizations. The regular programs, which the department peruses, include weekly lectures, seminars, proceedings of prayers, and proceedings of the exegesis of Holy Quran, study of knowledgeable book, symposium, different contests, educational and informative fours and seminars. The well-informed and highly esteemed personalities assist and control the tanning system. Education Department: The main purpose of this department is to guide the students in the right direction the responsibilities of this department include to give suggestion, to government authorities regarding educational policy, to provide scholarships for the intelligent and deserving students, to provide study- aid matters in the forms of brochures, booklets and handbills to assist the students for higher education, to protect student rights and to unite all student organizations- working in the framework of solidarity of Islam and Pakistan are also some activities of this department.
Department of General Affairs:This department is responsible for management of general programs, the teaching crises, for maintenance and protection of record. The secretary of the organization filly assists department of general affairs public relations is a key function of this department.
Publication Department:This department is for providing standard political, social and educational printed matters, timely, for the organizational needs. However, the matters are not restricted to the printed ones instead any matter helpful in promoting the divine aims and objectives of the organization can be presented. Information DepartmentThis department is meant for presenting the organizations point of view to public and members via print and electronic media. The department has link with different person, and institutions related to the mass –media.
Finance Department:This department supervises, ruins and coordinates the finance system of the organization. There is a subordinate and supportive institution known as "Board of income development" abbreviated as BID is to strengthen and enhance the resources. The respectful ex-members and the believers are requested to cooperate with BID.
Scout Department:This department is meant for preparing a young cadre who is always ready for the practical service of Islam and humanity. This department is also responsible to train the scouts so that they are helpful in promoting and protecting the motto and aims and objects of ISO Pakistan. Imamia scouts are a registered scout group of Pakistan.
MuhibeenThe student of metric and below classes are called "Muhibeen" . This department is wholeheartedly ready for providing educational, social and ideological training to these students. To guide the students in career planning and to take step in solving their problems are the preferences for this department.
Role of ISO in Educational Institutions:I.S.O Pakistan has always played a leading exemplary model and positive role in educational institutions. It tried to revive the Islamic thought and rules among students. It has always raised the slogan of unity among the Muslims its activities are directed to the dignity of Islam, solidarity of Pakistan and educational peace. It has always protested against class differentiation, injustice, cruelty and terrorism in the institutions. It has always given at most importance to the respect of teachers. We will continue our positive role based on logic and knowledge in that we will be able to change the system ans. give priers to the responsible persons, who have not only knowledge but they consider them responsible before ALLAH and they have firm belief in the resurrection day.
THANKS. ADIL BANGASH General Secretary I.S.O Pakistan, 5-A Al- Mustafa House, Muslim Town Morh Lahore. 042-5834689 03008487460
Attachment(s) from Imamia Students Organization Pakistan Press Section 2 of 2 Photo(s) -- اللهم كن لوليك الحجة بن الحسن صلواتك عليه و علي آبائه في هذه الساعة و في كل الساعة وليا و حافظا و قائدا و ناصرا و دليلا و عينا حتي تسكنه ارضك طوعا و تمتعه فيها طويل ALLAAHUMMA KUN LE-WALIYYEKAL HUJJATIBNIL HASANE SALAWAATOKA A'LAYHE WA A'LAA AAABAA-EHI FEE HAAZEHIS SAA-A'TE WA FEE KULLE SAA-A'TIN WALIYYAWN WA HAAFEZAWN WA QAA-EDAWN WA NAASERAWN WA DALEELAWN WA A'YNAN HATTAA TUSKENAHU ARZAKA TAW-A'N WA TOMATTE-A'HU FEEHAA TAWEELAA. O Allah, be, for Your representative, the Hujjat (proof), son of AlHasan, Your blessings be on him and his forefathers, in this hour and in every hour, a guardian, a protector, a leader, a helper, a proof, and an eye. until You make him live on the earth, in obedience (to You), and cause him to live in it for a long time. O One who directs all the affairs, O One who will raise those who are in the graves, O One who makes the rivers flow, O One who softened the iron for Dawood, Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, and do for me . . . (ask for your wishes), in this night, this night. O ALLAH FOR HIS (IMAM E ZAMANA)'S SAKE LET OUR PRAYER BE ACCEPTED AND FOR HIS SAKE OUR SINS BE FORGIVEN AND FOR HIS SAKE OUR SUSTENCE BE ABNDNT.(DUA E NUTBA) |
Attachment(s) from szafarhaider@yahoo.com
1 of 1 Photo(s)
1 of 1 File(s)
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