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Saturday, January 2, 2010

[MahdiUniteMuslims] May Allah Stop The USA!


You all know about this new drama, Yemen is the name! To continue invasions, the USA needs to tell us these stories. USA cannot say a word against IsraelChina, Russia etc.; but very active against almost disarmed Muslims and Muslim countries. We are happy to believe these propagandas, without judging these. I wonder if the Nigerian student was trained by CIA or just an innocent and recent Movie of so called new Al Qaeda faces are CIA agents. I just wonder how these Govts find the links very quickly, isn`t it this quick findings clears the idea that these stories were saved in their stores before the dramas were staged! Allah knows the best!

Just to remind, when there is no power left to stop A oppressive regime, God handles this personally. Many nations, regions were destroyed by imposing diseases or natural disasters. Perhaps the USA is the NEXT! We read History only to forget and cannot believe that those disasters can return. US Govt killed its own people during 9 11 which was an inside job, that helped them to claim Insurance for out dated twin towers and to find a clue to attack on Afghanistan and later on Iraq. Their agent Osama Bin Laden was killed and former PM of Pakistan confirmed it and she was killed as well.

To show gratitude to his Zionists Masters (for selecting him as a candidate) Obama will invade some Muslim countries on fake claims. We had enough, before anything happen in the name of fake claims May Allah Stop the USA!

I feel sorry for the ordinary and innocent US citizens but their Govt did not care about the ordinary and innocent people of the countries they invaded but killed them like ants.

Get ready!



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