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Thursday, January 28, 2010

� Ali Valiyollah Group � Death ...


'O son of the noble one! Be patient and forbearing. Death is nothing but a moment in which you leave behind difficulties and afflictions and enter into the valley of Paradise where there are eternal bounties. Who does not want to be freed from a prison and live in the comforts of a palace? But the death of your enemies is like the one who steps out from a large edifice and enters a prison. My father (a.s.) has narrated to me a tradition from my grandfather (s.a.w.w.) in which he (s.a.w.w.) informed – The world is like a prison for a believer while it is like a Paradise for an unbeliever. Death is that instant which transfers a believer from his prison into Paradise while for an unbeliever it sends him to Hell. I was neither lied to nor have I lied.'
Hussain ibne Ali ('a)

الحمدلله الذی جعلنا من المتمسکین بولایه امیرالمومنین و الائمه المعصومین علیهم السلام


به دوستداران اميرالمومنين علي (ع) بشارت رستگاري باد.از شما بزرگواران دعوت مي شود تحقيقات و مطالب و آيات و روايات پيرامون ايشان و سلاله پاكش را براي اين گروه ارسال دارند تا شيعيان ايشان از آن بهره مند گردند . از آنجا كه گروه آزاد است خواهشمند است در ارسال مطالب دقت فرماييد
     التماس دعا
دوستداران اهل بيت عصمت و طهارت


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