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Friday, January 29, 2010

� Ali Valiyollah Group � Hussain ('a)'s sermon on the day of Āshoorā.


Relating to the events of the day of Āshoorah, the array of the two armies and Imām Husayn (a.s.)'s remonstration amidst the people of Kufa

Abu Makhnaf relates from Abu Khālid Kābeli, and Shaikh Mufeed has related from our master Imām Ali Zainul Ābedeen (a.s.) that when the army proceed­ed towards Imām Husayn (a.s.) in the morning, he raised his hands towards the heavens and said,

"O Allāh! You are my support in all severities and are my hope in all adversities. And You are my support and reservoir in all unpleasantaries which befalls me. Whatever numerous grief comes to heart, remedies blocked, and friends (having) deserted, and enemies rejoicing, I have brought forth to You and complain to You regarding them, and I do not turn to anyone except You. And You warded them off and sufficed. You are the Master of all blessings and the Possessor of all virtues, and the last Resort of all desires."

Then the army advanced towards Imām Husayn (a.s.) surrounding his tents.

(Tabari) Azdi says that Abdullāh bin Āsim has related from Abdullāh bin Zahhāk Mashriqi that he said, that when the army advanced towards us and saw the moat, which we had dug filled with fire, they could not attack us from behind. Suddenly a man, riding a horse and well-equipped with ammuni­tion, advanced towards us and without uttering a word inspected the tents. Then he retreated back and called out, "O Husayn! You have hastened to­wards the fire before the day of Qiyāmah (Allāh's refuge)." Imām said,

"Is he Shimr bin Ziljawshan"?

The companions replied in the affirmative. (Irshād) Imām said,

"O son of a goat-herdess woman! You are more worthy of it."

Muslim bin Awsajā attempted to shoot an arrow at him but Imām stopped him from doing so. Muslim said, "Please let me shoot at him, for this wretched man is one of the great oppressors and Allāh has made it possible for me to kill him." Imām replied,

"Do not shoot your arrow, I do not befriend that the battle may begin from my side."

(Tabari) Imām Husayn (a.s.) possessed a horse named Lāhiq, which he had given to his son Ali (Akbar) to ride. When the infantry advanced closer, Imām called for his Camel and mounted it while calling out in a loud voice, which was heard by most men:

"O people! Listen to what I say and do not make haste, so that I may fulfill the responsibility (to counsel you) which rests upon me and that I may submit my plea regarding my arrival towards you. Then if you accept my plea and believe my words while giving me jus­tice, then you shall be fortunate and there will be no excuse for you to fight with me. And if you do not accept my word and deal unjustly with me, then: (Tabari, Kamil)

'Muster therefore your designs and (gather) your accomplices, then let not your designs be dubious, then execute on me and give no respite (to me)' (Surah al-Yunus, 10:71).

And 'Verily my Protector is Allāh Who sent down the Book (Qur'ān) and He guards the virtuous ones' (Surah al-A'araaf, 7:196)."

When his sisters heard his words, they started weeping and wailing, along with his daughters. Imām sent his brother Abbās bin Ali (a.s.) along with his son Ali (Akbar) to console and quite them. Then he said,

"By my life! They still have a lot more to weep."

And when they became silent (Irshād) Imām praised and glorified Allāh and remembered Him as He aught to be remembered. Then he sent salutations upon the Holy Prophet (S), Angels and the other Prophets (a.s.). He spoke with such eloquence that no one had ever done so before him nor after him. Then he said,

- Imām Husayn (a.s.)'s sermon on the day of Āshoorā

"Now then! Consider my family, and ponder as to who I am and then admonish yourselves. Then do you consider that killing me and plundering my sanctity and respect is lawful for you? Am I not the grandson of your Prophet and the son of his Vicegerent and cousin, who was the foremost in believing and the bearer of witness upon everything that the Prophet had brought from Allāh? Was not Hamzā, the chief of Martyrs, the uncle of my father? Was not Ja'far, who flies with two wings in Paradise, my Uncle? Did not the Tradition of the Prophet reach you in which he has said about me and my brother that both of us are the chiefs of the youth of Paradise?

Then if you agree to what I say, and verily what I have said is nothing but the truth, then it is better, for by Allāh, from the time I have realized that Allāh dislikes the liars, I have never ever spoken a lie. Then if you do not believe to what I say, there are alive among you the companions of the Prophet. Go to them and ask them and they shall bear testimony to the truthfulness of my speech. Ask Jābir bin Abdullāh Ansāri, Abu Sa'eed Khu­dri, Sahl bin Sa'ad Sa'edi, Zayd bin Arqam and Anas bin Mālik, they will tell you that they have heard this tradition from the Prophet of Allāh regarding me and my brother. Is not this sufficient to refrain you from shedding my blood"?

Then Shimr bin Ziljawshan, the accursed said, "I worship Allāh (only) by lips (half heartedly), and do not understand what you say." Hearing this Habib bin Mazāhir said, "I can see that you worship Allāh with seventy types of doubts, and I bear testimony that you have spoken the truth and you cannot understand what the Imām says, for Allāh has placed a seal (of ignorance) upon your heart."

Imām continued,

"Then if you doubt this, do you even doubt that I am the grandson of the Prophet of Allāh (S)? By Allāh! There is no other grandson of the Prophet in the east or the west except myself from among yourselves or anyone else. Woe be to you! Have I killed anyone from among you whose revenge you desire? Or have I usurped the wealth of anyone or hurt anyone whose retribution you desire from me"?

When no one answered him, he called out in a loud voice,

"O Shabas bin Rab'ee! O Hajjār bin Abjar! O Qays bin Ash'as! O Yazeed bin Hāris! Have you not written let­ters to me saying that the fruits had ripened and the surrounding earth had blossomed, and to come to a huge army prepared for me"?

They replied that they had not written any such letters. Imām said,

"Glory be to Allāh! Yes by Allāh, you had written it."

Then he continued,

"O people! Then now if you do not like my arrival, then leave me so that I may go away to a place of refuge."

Qays bin Ash'as said, "We do not know what you say. Then submit yourselves to your cousins (Bani Umayyāh), they shall deal with you in a manner which you like." Imām replied,

"By Allāh! I shall not give my hands in yours like a base man, nor shall I flee away like a slave."

Then he called out in a loud voice,

"O servants of Allāh! 'And verily, I take refuge with my Lord and yours, lest you stone me (to death)' (Surah ad-Dukhaan, 44:20) and I take refuge with my Lord and yours, from every arrog­ant, who does not believe in the day of reckoning."

Then the Imām dismount­ed from his Camel and commanded Uqbah bin Sam'ān to fasten its legs.


الحمدلله الذی جعلنا من المتمسکین بولایه امیرالمومنین و الائمه المعصومین علیهم السلام


به دوستداران اميرالمومنين علي (ع) بشارت رستگاري باد.از شما بزرگواران دعوت مي شود تحقيقات و مطالب و آيات و روايات پيرامون ايشان و سلاله پاكش را براي اين گروه ارسال دارند تا شيعيان ايشان از آن بهره مند گردند . از آنجا كه گروه آزاد است خواهشمند است در ارسال مطالب دقت فرماييد
     التماس دعا
دوستداران اهل بيت عصمت و طهارت


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