Having read Ibn Sa`d's letter, Ibn Ziy~d said, "This is a letter of someone who advises his people and who is compassionate towards them." He was about to respond to it when Shimr stood up as he said, "Do you really accept such an offer from him after his having settled in your land? By Allah! If he ever departs from your land without making an agreement with you, he will get even stronger, while you will get weaker." Ibn Ziy~d found his statement to be the wisest, so he wrote Ibn Sa`d saying, "I did not dispatch you to al-Husain so that you would spare him, nor to negotiate with him, nor to give him any glimpse of hope of security, nor did I dispatch you so that you would intercede on his behalf with me. See if Husain and his company surrender to my authority; if so, send them to me safely; if not, attack them and kill them and mutilate their bodies, for they surely deserve it. If al-H. usain is killed, let the horses trample over his chest and back. I do not think that this will hurt him after his death, but this is in fulfillment of a promise which I had made to do just that. If you carry out our order, we shall reward you as someone who listens to us and who obeys, but if you refuse, then remove yourself from our business and our troops, and let Shimr ibn Thul-Jawshan take charge of the army, for we have granted him authority to do so."
When Shimr brought this letter, Ibn Sa`d said to him, "Woe unto you! May Allah never make your home near, and may He reveal the ugliness of what you have done! I believe you are the one who discouraged him from doing it and thus foiled our hopeful attempt to bring about reconciliation. By Allah! Husain shall never surrender, for there is an honourable soul within him." Al-Shimr said to him, "Tell me what you are going to do: Are you going to carry out your prince's order or not? If not, let me take charge of the army." `Omer ibn Sa`d answered him by saying, "I shall do it, and no thanks to you; but you should be in charge of the infantry."
As loudly as he could, Shimr shouted: "Where are the sons of our sister?!3 Where is al-`Abbas and his brothers?!" The latter ignored his calls, whereupon al-Husain (.) said, "Answer his call though he may be a debauchee." They asked Shimr what he wanted. Said he, "O sons of my sister! You are safe and secure! Do not get yourselves killed with al-Husain! Maintain your obedience to the commander of the faithful Yaz§d!" Al-`Abbas said, "The curse of Allah be on you and on your security! Do you grant us security while the son of the Messenger of Allah has no security at all?!4 Do you order us to be obedient to the damned folks and the offspring of the damned?!"
Did that rogue think that he could win over a man with full awareness and zeal and thus bring him into the pits of humiliation? Could the father of al-Fad. l exchange the light with the dark or abandon the standard bearer of the Prophetic call and enlist under the standard of Maysoon's son?! No way! When al-`Abbas returned, Zuhayr ibn al-Qayn stood up and said, "Shall I narrate one h adith for you which I learned very well?" When al-`Abbas answered him in the affirmative, Zuhayr said, "When your father [the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali ibn Abu T. ~lib, peace be upon him] wanted to get married, he asked his brother, `Aqil, who was fully knowledgeable of Arabs' genealogies, to select a woman born to the most valiant from among the Arabs so that he would marry her and she would give birth to a brave son who would support al-Husain at Kerbala'. Your father, hence, treasured you for a day such as this one; so, do not fall short of supporting your brother or protecting your sisters."
Al-`Abbas said, "Do you really encourage me, O Zuhayr, on a day such as this?! By Allah! I shall show you something your eyes have never seen."1 He, therefore, killed renown heroes and turned standards upside down and fought as one who was not concerned at all about being killed or about paying any heed to the bravery of famous heroes. His only concern was to get water to his brother's children.
Habib ibn Muzahir sought the permission of Imam Husain (.) to go to Banu Asad who were domiciled nearby, and permission was granted to him. When he came to them and identified himself as one of their tribesmen, they, indeed, came to recognize him. He, then, asked them to support the son of the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (.), for that, he told them, would bring them honor in this life and honor in the life hereafter. Ninety men responded to his call. One man slipped away from their quarters to inform Ibn Sa`d of what had happened there. The latter instantly sent four hundred men as enforcement to al-Azraq's men in order to intercept that small band on the highway. A fight broke out, and a number of men belonging to Banu Asad were killed while those who survived fled away back home. Banu Sa`d, fearing a sudden attack from Ibn Sa`d, moved out of that area in their entirety under the cover of the night. H.ab§b went back to al-H.usain (.) and told him about what had happened. The Imam (.) said, "La hawla wala quwwata illa billahil `aliyy al-`azeem," that is, "There is neither power, nor might, except in Allah, the most Exalted One, the Great."3
.......... contd.
Trying To Build Society based on Peace and Justice
The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) must be prepared to struggle and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi
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