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Saturday, December 11, 2010

[shia_strength] 2nd Muharram to 10th Muharram




Shimr marched out  with four thousand or more; Yazid ibn al-Rikab marched out with two thousand; al-Hasin ibn Namir al-Tamimi marched out with four thousand; Shabth ibn Rab`i marched out with one thousand; Ka`b ibn Talhah marched out with three thousand; Hijar ibn Abjar marched out with one thousand; Mudayir ibn Rahinah al-Mazini marched out with three thousand, and Nasr ibn Harshah was in command of two thousand3, thus the total number of those who assembled under the command of Ibn Sa`d on the sixth of Muharram totalled twenty thousand strong. Ibn Ziyad kept sending reinforcements to Ibn Sa`d till the number of the latter's troops swelled to thirty thousand.

Imam Abu `Abdullah, Ja`fer al-Sadiq (.), has narrated saying, "Al-Hussain (.) visited his brother al-Hasan (.) during his sickness that caused his martyrdom. Having seen his condition, he wept. Al-Hasan (.) asked him, `O father of `Abdullah! What grieves you?' `I am grieved on account of the harm inflicted on you,' he answered. Al-Hasan, peace be upon him, said, `What has been administered to me is only a poison to kill me, but there is no day like your own day, O father of `Abdullah, when thirty thousand strong, all claiming to belong to the nation of our grandfather, Muhammed, alleging adherence to the Islamic faith, will assemble to kill you and shed your blood and violate your sanctity and arrest your offspring and women and plunder your wealth. It is then that Banu Umayyah will be cursed and the sky will rain ashes and blood, and everything, even the beasts in the jungles and the fish in the seas, will mourn you."

Ibn Ziyad wrote Ibn Sa`d saying, "I have not left you any excuse with regard to providing you with plenty of horses and men; so, you should not receive the evening nor the day thereafter before I hear good news about you." He urged him on the sixth day of Muharram to start the war.




 Ibn Sa`d posted his horsemen to guard the Euphrates in order to prohibit the Master of Martyrs (.) from reaching it. Al-Husain's followers found no access to water. Thirst bit them severely. Al-Husain (.) took an axe and walked behind the women's tent nineteen steps in the direction of the Qibla then dug a well of potable water from which they drank, but soon it dried up. Ibn Ziy~d sent a letter to Ibn Sa`d saying, "It has come to my knowledge that al-Husain is digging a well and reaching water, so he and his company are drinking of it. As soon as this letter reaches you, you must prohibit them, as much as you can, from digging wells. Expose them to the severest of hardships." He instantly dispatched `Amr ibn al-Hajjaj with five hundred horsemen to the watering place three days before al-Hussain's martyrdom.


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Kindly receite this line whenever you drink a glass of water not only in muharram but round the year


allahummal un qatalatal hussain e wa ashabahee 







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