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Friday, December 31, 2010

[shia_strength] Fwd: Shia Encyclopedia [2]





VERSION 2.0     OCTOBER 1995



Contents of Chapter 1.a:


- Quran and Ahlul-Bayt

- Why School of Ahlul-Bayt?

- Who are Ahlul-Bayt? (Parts I through VIII)

- The Word House (Ahlul-Bayt) in Quran

- Sunni Feedback on the Issues of Infallibility and Ahlul-Bayt



Quran and Ahlul-Bayt


Based on a parallel (Mutawatir) tradition upon whose authenticity all Muslims agree, the Messenger of Allah (AS) informed his followers in several

occasions that he would leave them two precious/weighty things and that if Muslims adhere to both of them, they will never go astray after him. They are

the Book of Allah (Quran) and the Members of the House of the Prophet (Ahlul-Bayt), peace be upon them all.


It is narrated in Sahih Muslim as well as many other sources that:


Someday (after his last pilgrimage) the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HF) stood to give us a speech beside a pond which is known as Khum (Ghadir

Khum) which is located between Mecca and Medina. Then he praised Allah and reminded Him, and then said: "O' people! Behold! It seems the time

approached when I shall be called away (by Allah) and I shall answer that call. Behold! I am leaving for you two precious things. First of

them is the book of Allah in which there is light and guidance... The other one is my Ahlul-Bayt. I remind you in the name of Allah

about my Ahlul-Bayt. I remind you in the name of Allah about my Ahlul-Bayt. I remind you in the name of Allah about my Ahlul-Bayt. (three times)."


Sunni Reference:

- Sahih Muslim, Chapter of the virtues of the companions, section of the virtues of Ali, 1980 Edition Pub. in Saudi Arabia, Arabic version, v4, p1873, Tradition #36.

- And many others such as Sahih al-Tirmidhi, Musnad Ahmad (see below).


For the English version of Sahih Muslim, see Chapter CMXCVI, v4, p1286, Tradition #5920


Despite the fact that the author of Sahih Muslim and many other Sunni traditionists have recorded the above tradition in their authentic books, it

is regrettable that the majority of Sunnis are unaware of its existence at the best, or deny it at the worst. Their counter argument is that the most

reliable tradition in this regard is the one recorded by al-Hakim in his al-Mustadrak, on the authority of Abu Huraira, attributing to the Messenger of

Allah saying: "I leave amongst you two things that if you follow or act upon, you will not go astray after me: The Book of God and my Sunnah (traditions)."


There is no doubt that ALL Muslims are required to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH&HF). However, the question remains that which Sunnah is genuine

and which one is invented later and was falsely attributed to the Prophet.


On tracing the source of this report of Abu Huraira which states "Quran and Sunnah," we found out that it has NOT been recorded in any of the six

authentic Sunni collections of the traditions (Sihah Sittah). Not only that, but also al-Bukhari, al-Nisa'i, and al-Dhahabi and many others rated this

report (Quran and Sunnah) as weak because of its weak Isnad. It should be noted that although the book of al-Hakim is an important Sunni collection of

traditions, yet it is ranked inferior to the six major Sunni books. This is while Sahih Muslim is in the second rank among the six Sunni collections of traditions.


al-Tirmidhi reported that the "Quran and Ahlul-Bayt" version of the tradition is traced to 30+ companions. Ibn Hajar al-Haythami reported that he knows of

20+ companions witnessed that also. This is while the "Quran and Sunnah" version reported by al-Hakim has only one source!  Thus we must conclude that

the "Quran and Ahlul-Bayt" version is much more reliable. Moreover al-Hakim has also mentioned the "Quran and Ahlul-Bayt" version in his book (al-

Mustadrak) through several chain of authorities and confirmed that the "Quran and Ahlul-Bayt" version of the tradition is authentic based on the criteria

of al-Bukhari and Muslim.


Moreover, the word "Sunnah" by itself does not serve the purpose of knowledge. All Muslims irrespective to their persuasions claim that they

follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH&HF). The differences among Muslims come from the transmitted Prophetic traditions through different avenues.

Such traditions serve as explanatory means of the Holy Quran upon whose authenticity all Muslims agree. Thus divergence in the transmitted

traditions, which in turn has led to differing interpretation of Quran and the prophetic Sunnah, has created numerous versions of Sunnah. All Muslims,

as a result, splintered into different schools, groups, offshoots, which is believed to add up to seventy three groups. All of them are obeying their own

version of Sunnah which they claim to be the true one. Which of these groups follow the true Sunnah of the Prophet? Which one (out of 73 groups) will be

the prosperous one, and will survive? Other than the tradition of Sahih Muslim mentioned above, the following authentic traditions provide a unique

detailed answer for this question:


The messenger of Allah (PBUH&HF) said: "I am leaving for you two precious and weighty Symbols that if you adhere to BOTH of them you

shall not go astray after me. They are, the Book of Allah, and my progeny, that is my Ahlul-Bayt. The Merciful has informed me that These

two shall not separate from each other till they come to me by the Pool (of Paradise)."


Sunni references:

(1) Sahih al-Tirmidhi, v5, pp 662-663,328, report of 30+ companions, with reference to several chains of transmitters.

(2) al-Mustadrak, by al-Hakim, Chapter of "Understanding (the virtues) of Companions, v3, pp 109,110,148,533 who wrote this tradition is authentic (Sahih) based on the criteria of

                    the two Shaikhs (al-Bukhari and Muslim).

(3) Sunan, by Daarami, v2, p432

(4) Musnad, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v3, pp 14,17,26,59, v4, pp 366,370-372, v5, pp 182,189,350,366,419

(5) Fadha'il al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v2, p585, Tradition #990

(6) al-Khasa'is, by al-Nisa'i, pp 21,30

(7) al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar Haythami, Ch. 11, section 1, p230

(8) al-Kabir, by al-Tabarani, v3, pp 62-63,137

(9) Kanz al-Ummal, by al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Chapter al-Iti'sam bi Habl Allah, v1, p44.

(10) Tafsir Ibn Kathir (complete version), v4, p113, under commentary of verse 42:23 of Quran (four traditions)

(11) al-Tabaqat al-Kubra, by Ibn Sa'd, v2, p194, Pub. by Dar Isadder, Lebanon.

(12) al-Jami' al-Saghir, by al-Suyuti, v1, p353, and also in v2

(13) Majma' al-Zawa'id, al-Haythami, v9, p163

(14) al-Fateh al-Kabir, al-Binhani, v1, p451

(15) Usdul Ghabah fi Ma'rifat al-Sahaba, Ibn al-Athir, v2, p12

(16) Jami' al-Usul, Ibn al-Athir, v1, p187

(17) History of Ibn Asakir, v5, p436

(18) al-Taj al-Jami' Lil Usul, v3, p308

(19) al-Durr al-Manthoor, al-Hafidh al-Suyuti, v2, p60

(20) Yanabi al-Mawaddah, al-Qundoozi al-Hanafi, pp 38,183

(21) Abaqat al-Anwar, v1, p16

... and many more ...

Best Regards,
Syed Raheel Naqvi

Recent Activity:

Trying To Build Society based on Peace and Justice
The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) must be prepared to struggle and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi


[shia_strength] Issue 614 - Standard-bearers, Lineage, Arranged Marriages


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In the Name of Allah,
The Most Beneficent,
The Most Merciful.
In This Issue:
Arranged Marriages
90,000 Readers

December 31, 2010 - Muharram 25, 1432
Friday Nasiha: Issue 614
www.fridaynasiha.com | www.youngmuslims.ca

Living The Quran
Fatir (The Creator) - Chapter 35: Verse 32

"Then we bequeathed the Book to those of Our servants that We chose. Now, some of them wrong themselves and some follow the medium course; and some, by Allah's leave, vie with each other in acts of goodness. That is the great bounty."

The Book of God, the Quran, was presented before all mankind and those who stepped forward and accepted it (the Muslims) were chosen to become its standard-bearers after the Prophet, peace be upon him.

These Muslims, however, are not all alike; rather, they belong to the following three categories:

1. "Those who wrong themselves". These Muslims sincerely believe in the Quran as God's Book and in Muhammad as God's Messenger. However, in their practical lives they fail to follow the Book of God and the way of His Prophet to the extent they should. Despite being believers they still commit sin. While such people might be iniquitous, they are not rebels. Their belief might be a bit feeble, yet they are neither hypocrites nor wilful unbelievers. In recognition of this, the Quran brands them as God's chosen servants to whom His Book has been bequeathed. Among the believers of all the three categories, they are the first to be mentioned for they constitute the majority of Muslims.

2. Then comes those "who follow the medium course". That is, they are the ones who fulfil, though partially, the requirements ensuing from the bequest of God's book on them. They represent a mixture of obedience and disobedience. Such people, however, do not give an altogether free rein to their desires; rather, they try to control them. Nevertheless, at times they let their desires loose a bit which leads to sinful behaviour. Such people are less in number than the people of the first category but outnumber those of the third category mentioned below.

3. Then comes those "who view with one another in acts of goodness". Among the believers, they occupy the forefront. They stand out as the true trustees of the Book of God. They outstrip others as they are exceedingly active in following the Book of God and the way of the Prophet, in communicating God's Message to His servants, in offering sacrifices for the cause of faith, and in doing acts of goodness. They are not the ones who would deliberately commit a sin; but if they happen to fall into sin, they repent as soon as they realise this. In number, these are less than the two groups mentioned above. Although they are mentioned after those groups, they are in fact well ahead of them in acquitting themselves of the trusteeship of the Quran.

Compiled From:
"Towards Understanding the Quran" - Sayyid Abul Ala Mawdudi, Vol. 9, pp. 228-230

Understanding the Prophet's Life

"Whoever is slowed by his deeds will not be hastened forward by his lineage." [Muslim]

All of mankind comes from the same source, Adam and Hawa. All people share this common lineage. And they have all been created for the same purpose and they are all expected to heed the guidance that has come from Allah.

In reality, there is nothing naturally or inborn that separates one human being from another. The only thing that is going to distinguish them is their consciousness of God (taqwa) that is in their hearts and which is manifested in their deeds. If a person himself did not work for Paradise, then he is not going to be blessed with Paradise due to what others have done, no matter how close their blood relationship may be. If the deeds are not there, one's lineage is not going to help the person whatsoever. This is true for the noblest lineage of mankind.

Compiled From:
"Commentary on the Forty Hadith of al-Nawawi" - Jamaal al-Din M. Zarabozo, pp. 1339, 1340

Arranged Marriages

It may surprise many to learn that arranged marriages are not an Islamic requirement. There is no teaching in the Quran or in the hadiths that calls for this practice. It is, rather, a cultural phenomenon that exists in many Muslim countries even as it exists in much of the non-Muslim world from Zimbabwe to China. In fact, it is really the institution of dating that is the new practice which much of the world is struggling to accept. Islam merely regulates the conduct of people who want to form a marriage, whether arranged or by themselves. The three main points to know about Islam and arranged marriages are as follows:

1. Islam does not require it.

2. A woman cannot be forced into a marriage she doesn't want to have.

3. The arranged pair can have an extended engagement and can break it off if either party wishes to do so.

Are women sometimes forced into marriages? Yes, but this abuse goes against the teachings of Islam and is not limited to Muslim populations. If people fail to follow their religion, it is not the fault of the religion. The Bible forbids people to get drunk, yet alcoholism is one of the most serious national challenges facing Christian countries everywhere. So before people blame Islam for something that appears oppressive, they must learn what the religion teaches about it and then condemn the hypocrites who fail to follow their professed beliefs (or the ignorant who follow cultural patterns not knowing they are contrary to their religion's teachings.)

The Companions of the Prophet demonstrated many different ways of finding a mate. Some married for love and sealed their commitment without intermediaries, others were matched by friends, and still others agreed to arranged marriages brokered by relatives.

Compiled From:
"The Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding Islam, 2nd Edition" - Yahiya Emerick, pp. 276, 277

Maintainer's Message
Subscription Drive

In February 2010 we had sent out a request to all of you to help us reach an ambitious goal of reaching 100,000 readers worldwide by the end of this Ramadan. Alhamdulillah, we were very close to reaching that goal. We now have over 90,000 readers of Friday Nasiha worldwide.

Two ways you can help:

1. Donate. (http://fridaynasiha.com/donate.php) We will run more advertisement across online Muslim presence.

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Recent Activity:

Trying To Build Society based on Peace and Justice
The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) must be prepared to struggle and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi


[shia_strength] Fwd: [Shia] Mujrae khalq mai in ankhon nai kiya kiya dekha


Mujrae khalq mai in ankhon nai kiya kiya dekha

Par kahin sibt-e-peghambar sa na aaqa dekha


Mujrae khalq mai


Mai nai dekha alam-e-shah ko alooda-bahon

Mai nai neezay pai sar-e-dilbar-e-zahra dekha


Mujrae khalq mai


Mai nai dekha ali Asghar ka gala khoon mai tar

Mai nai abbas ko reeti pai tarapta dekha


Mujrae khalq mai


Ik gathri shah-e-din pusht pai layay us mai

Mai nai tukray huay qasim ka sarapa dekha


Mujrae khalq mai


Hayay kiyon ho na gayin koor kai in ankhon nai

Qaid khanay mai sakeena ka janaza dekha


Mujrae khalq mai


Boli yeh zainab-e-muztar kai khuda khair karay

Raat ko khuab mai uryan sar-e-zahra dekha


Mujrae khalq mai


Ja kai zainab nai madeenay mai kaha sughra sai

Kahon kis monh sai kai pardees mai kiya kiya dekha


Mujrae khalq mai


Zulm aay mujrae Sajjad nai kiya kiya dekha

Ghar luta, qaid huay, baap ka lasha dekha

Best Regards,
Syed Raheel Naqvi

Recent Activity:

Trying To Build Society based on Peace and Justice
The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) must be prepared to struggle and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi


[shia_strength] Shia encyclopedia 1



Dear fellow Muslim,


Assalam o Alaykum!


We are pleased to release a collection of information which addresses Shia/Sunni inter-school related issues. This encyclopedia which covers the

most important lines of thought of the Shia, is the contribution of a few brothers. Most of the articles provided in this encyclopedia are original

contributions, while the rest are excerpts from the Shi'i/Sunni books. The information presented in this encyclopedia is based on the understanding

and the knowledge of the contributors. The subjects are classified and are divided into several chapters, so that one can get a overhead view of all

the major issues.


This encyclopedia is Sunni-referenced-oriented. It is assumed that the reader would like to see all the proofs based on the references from major

Sunni documents. However, in the discussions, both Shia and Sunni perspectives are presented to maintain a level of fairness and integrity in

reporting the topics.


Enemies of Islam whose goal were/are to split the Muslims have centered their attack over the Followers of the Members of the House of the Prophet

(PBUH&HF). They distribute anti-Shia booklets all over the globe to misrepresent the school of Ahlul-Bayt. They hope to create confusions in

the minds of those who are curious to learn. These malicious attacks are being carried out with political motives aiming to destroy the true spirit

of Islam and to nurture feelings of animosity and disbelief towards the Shia. They misquote traditions from Shi'ite sources or quote them out of

context to misrepresent the Shi'ite beliefs and to mock the followers of Ahlul-Bayt.


In facing these attacks, we have two options. One is to disregard what they do and perhaps simply deny their accusations. The other way would be to

provide a correct representation of our beliefs which have been enshrouded in false propaganda. The latter is the logical approach in this era of

information and communication.


The rulers of the periods of the Umayad and Abbasid used to consider every follower of the Ahlul-Bayt extremely dangerous for their throne. They

conspired against the Shi'ites and spread all sorts of rumors about them and accused them of heresy and disbelief. They encouraged the Muslims to

shed their blood and usurp their rights and wealth. Centuries of oppression passed wrought with injustice and terrors for the followers of the Ahlul-



It is now expected that in this age of technology and the era of the information superhighway, the mistakes of the past be corrected. It is now

easy for Muslims to discuss problems and find their solutions. After centuries of misunderstanding and the distinct lack of communication, the

only way to achieve this goal, is through inter-school dialogue, unbiased scholarship, and seeking out the truth from the depth of our Islamic

heritage. This is the magnificent path which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HF) introduced to humanity centuries ago, as mentioned in Quran:


     "(O' Prophet) Say: 'This is my way: I do invite you unto Allah, on discernment (insight and enlightenment), I and whoever follows me.'"

     (Quran 12:108)


As the followers of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HF), it is incumbent upon us to base the Unity of the Muslims on enlightenment and cognizance. In our

approach toward illumination of the Truth, we do our best to refrain from any provocation which may cause sedition, discord, and enmity among

Muslims. We strongly believe in the Unity between the People of Islam, and make all efforts to support this idea. To achieve this we base our

arguments ONLY on the following measures which are fundamental/common scales for these kind of discussions:


   * The Holy Quran,

   * Logical reasoning,

   * The traditions that have been narrated by BOTH reliable Sunni and Shia sources. This itself indicates that such traditions are frequent

     (Mutawatir) which have been even narrated by the two authorities.


Employing these common tools can make different schools closer to each other. Since the traditions that we refer to, are narrated by both reliable

Shi'ite and Sunnite sources, they are valid for both schools and can be presented as proof.


The encyclopedia can be obtained/accessed from this url





Best wishes,

Ali Abbas


Best Regards,
Syed Raheel Naqvi

Recent Activity:

Trying To Build Society based on Peace and Justice
The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) must be prepared to struggle and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi


Thursday, December 30, 2010




JUM'AH KHUTBAH (31 December 2010)

webpage: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=182501078290&ref=ts


PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com

It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the

Criminals may become clear.

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.

Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.

Brothers and sisters those who's hearts and minds are fixed on Allah…


Audio on http://www.islamiccenterdc.com/khutbasarchive.htm (12-21-2001)




This week virtually the world- whether it is Christian/non-Christian- is going to be taking notice of the 25th of December- Christmas. Every society in its own way. On this day people who belong to the Christian faith believe that "The Prince of peace" was born; and obviously he was born. Whether it was on the 25th of December or on another day is a matter that Allah knows and they lack the knowledge there-of. As humans with minds we should take notice/think of what Allah says to us concerning the birth of Isa (alaihi as salatu wa salaam). In a number of ayaat in Surah Maryam speaking about Isa's mother Maryam (alaiha as salaam) He says- and His information is the indisputable truth of this matter beyond which there is no doubt and about which there is no uncertainty- These ayaat which most of the time are recited by hearts that are tender but by minds that are rigid. After Maryam was approached by an Angel and was given the good news of bearing a child when she had no relationship with a man- knowing the enormity of what that would mean in society how people would look upon a woman in that position Allah says

… she takes off/secludes herself from what she anticipates to be a campaign against her. (Surah Maryam verse 16)

She was caught between the will of Allah i.e. Allah wanting her to have a son without husband (and) Allah wanting a baby to be born without a father. Imagine what this means to society, then and now. Then all over sudden she becomes pregnant without being married/having a husband/ without the normal way in which pregnancy occurs. While she was in that condition Allah says

The pains of labour and giving birth forced her to a date palm tree and that time at that moment realizing the fall out from this giving birth to a baby having no father for the baby (and) having no husband for her)… (Surah Maryam verse 23)

Nothing about a stable/shepherds.

As she was in a state of seclusion from her people/withdrawn from her society… (Surah Maryam verse 16)

Concentrating on the new reality that she is in that would draw accusations/point fingers/stir a public campaign against her. She was known for her virtue/her straight-forward character/devotion to Allah- in that condition when she knew that it's a matter of moments and she is going to be giving birth to an infant and this act is going to defy what all of society knows/what all of science will tell you- at that moment realising the critical position/sensitive moments that she was in

… she says if it were that I only die before this is to happen and would become a forgotten nothing. (Surah Maryam verse 23)

Now the tender heart that reads these ayaat but the absent mind that are involved in it should take a combined look at what Allah is telling us with our hearts as tender as they are and with our potential of thinking as gifted as they maybe. What are we looking at here? Who are we considering? We are considering a lady known for her superb moral character who is about to give birth in a society that is going to immediately accuse her of adultery and an adulterous affair in having that child. What can a lady/young woman do in (that) position knowing what the position of women is in normal society? They are already under tremendous pressure in many senses. They are oppressed/excluded and it is easy for accusations to stick against them and she knew that she is going to be put in that vulnerable/accusatory position.

So she says I wish I would have died before this would happen and were something to be forgotten- or more than that- nothing to be forgotten. He called her from beneath her "don't be afraid." (Surah Maryam verse 23-24)

This is the fear people have from society. It comes normal even if you are in the position of truth (and) even if Allah is involved in your physiology, Allah was involved in having her getting pregnant. She sensed the presence of Allah yet she was fearful. What do you think about other human beings who can't even sense the presence of Allah in their lives and when society begins to point its fingers of accusation against them?! How do we feel? Ask yourself- when society looks at you as if you are guilty of something/a higher crime in this society. Has anyone felt these before or are you so secluded that a woman like Maryam has to teach you how to behave?! Allah comforted her. She wasn't running away from Allah's will. She wasn't questioning Allah. That's what many of us begin (to do) when we are put in this position; we begin to question Allah's will- "why are we in this position? Why should we be accused by society?" If it's Allah's will and society wants to accuse you, you go ahead with Allah's will the same way this woman/pregnant mother did. Pregnancy is a time of weakness. We have men with muscles/Herculean physiques who are unable to take a position that pregnant Maryam was in. She relied upon Allah and had confidence in Him

Then she heard a voice beneath her saying don't be afraid. Allah has cause a river/stream of water to run beneath you. (Surah Maryam verse 24)

You hear the voice of Allah as she heard the voice of Allah when she was with Him against her own fears. How many of us can work our determination up against our own fears/the accusations of a materialistic society around us to hear the "voice" of the Prophet/the Angels/Allah Himself? As she felt the public pressure that was coming her way, she felt her physical weakness because she is giving birth and she felt the mental arguments that are going to be stacked against her! She can't make an argument! Which woman can come out to the public and say "this child was born without a father" without soliciting the ridicule of society around? From all directions she was weak/ vulnerable. It was during those moments of weakness/vulnerability that, (what we call), miracles… We don't emphasise miracles; we emphasize the will of Allah. If you are with Allah and Allah is with you His will will take its course and they may appear to us to be miracles.

A voice speaking to her from beneath her when she is giving birth… … a stream of water that begins to run in front of her for sustenance. She needs to drink/clean herself and then food in the form of dates from the date palm tree that she was at. (Surah Maryam verse 24-26)

Why did all of this happen? Because she was making some du'a far away?! Or because she was involved with Allah's will and Allah's will was taking its course through her realisation of what He is doing to her life? Something not many of us want to do. We want to conveniently run away. When Allah's will is coming to us we don't want to be with Him. When He gives us the opportunity to stand besides Him we run away from Him. We have to learn from a lady and many of us disparage ladies. We look down upon them when Allah has elevated them. The words/order from Allah to this weakest human being.

You eat, you drink and feel comfortable and if you see a human being say to them "I have vowed a fast to Allah therefore I am not speaking to any human being." (Surah Maryam verse 26)

At a time when she has to explain herself Allah says

… you fast from that natural urge to respond when you want to do so… (Surah Maryam verse 26)

(Is) anyone learning? Is anyone watching with their minds what Allah is telling us? Can anyone/you do it? When many of us sense that Allah is on our side we want to open our mouths wide open. She sensed that Allah was with her but she heard Allah saying to her

… keep silent … (Surah Maryam verse 26)

When you have the urge to talk like someone in that position has the urge to talk and to talk back, He says

… remain silent don't speak to any person out there… (Surah Maryam verse 26)

Then after those days go by- miraculously event happening- but what is physically miraculous is for all practical purposes irrelevant. What is relevant is Allah's will in human conduct/behaviour as exemplified by Maryam and her son in this incident- an occasion now that is commercialised by the materialistic societies all around us and they say "they going to be celebrating Christmas on Tuesday." If Allah gives them/us the privilege to be in this position we all run away! We don't want any celebrations. It's too demanding/tasking/asking too much- that's what they would say. If they were put in the position that this powerless human being was put in "they would say this is too much." They don't want to listen/watch Allah's will in their lives.

And then she comes with a baby finally to this society around her… (Surah Maryam verse 27)

What do they say?

They said to Maryam "you are the quality of Harun the High Priest in the history of Bani Isra'eel. You have that quality of morality; your father was not sexually lewd and your mother was not given to prostituting herself." (Surah Maryam verse 28)

What did she do? She anticipated/knew this was coming and when it came what did she do? What would you do? Thinking about it - you would not know what to do.

She pointed to him/the baby… (Surah Maryam verse 28)

What is the baby -another weakling- going to do? She is in a position of being very weak and this new born baby/infant is in a position of being very weak. These are two weaklings in society and all of society has come upon them with accusations- he's an illegitimate child and she had an affair.

And she points to him… (Surah Maryam verse 28)

How does society respond? As it does every time it senses a weakness in children/women.

… they said how can we speak to an infant in a cradle. … (Surah Maryam verse 28)

That doesn't make sense. And then what does he say.

The infant speaks- he says I am Allah's subject and servant; He's giving me scripture… … (Surah Maryam verse 30)

They're hearing this. Did they become Mu'min/committed to Allah? Did they conform to this unique "miracle" in their lives? They saw this with their own eyes and it's not reported that any of them said "we bear witness that this is the truth." (Do) you want miracles? This is a miracle. And no one became a Muslim because of this miracle. It was demonstrated/illustrated to their eyes/ senses/ears and none of them became a Muslim as far as we know from these ayaat. These are not a few words. This infant is speaking, (more-or-less), he's giving them a lecture.

He has blessed me wherever I go; he has advised me of making as salaah palpable in human life and institutionalise the giving/fair distribution of wealth and to be kind to my mother and he did not designate me to be arrogant/disobedient… (Surah Maryam verse 31-32)

He continued speaking to them and they're watching

… and peace is mine the day I am born and the day I shall die and the day that I shall come back to life… (Surah Maryam verse 33)

What happened? (Was there) the mass conversion of people listening? That accusing society was all around. They saw/listened to this and as far as we can tell none of them became Muslims. He may have touched some hearts for the future; that may have been a seed that was planted when he will resume his mission when he reaches adulthood. What happened later in life? The same society with the same Government that took him on sought to crucify him with all the miracles that were demonstrated/performed. They were not about to commit themselves and conform to Allah. That's not what they were thinking of. With all of this they wanted to kill him at the end. Imagine spending all of your life with whichever way Allah produces the effect of your life in society around and then the Government of that society turns around and wants to kill you. For what? The only thing you are doing is trying to place Allah in the lives of these peoples around. That was the major "crime" of the Prophets and it is a major crime of the followers of the Prophet up unto this very minute/moment.

Certainly those who deny Allah's ayaat… (Surah Aal Imran verse 21)

These are ayaat. This Prophet came to these people with numerous ayaat. They denied though. It's either magic/something is wrong with this person/he's tricking us/we don't understand what he is saying/he doesn't make sense etc. We hear it all the time. He heard it then; we hear it now. Not only do they deny these they go a step further.

… they attempt to kill Prophets… (Surah Aal Imran verse 21)

(Take a) look. They are coming upon Christmas. It's supposed to be the day in which according to their belief "the Prince/King of peace" was born and now they have an international war in progress and you wouldn't even feel it. You wouldn't feel that these two occasions are contained within one timeframe. Why? Because the same powers that ridiculed Isa during those times/days are at work now and they are on the offensive and they paid the religious institutions/Churches/ Synagogues/Mosques in such way that this occasion will go by and there's no contradiction between having a war and claiming to be praying for peace.

… and they kill those who want justice- from among people… (Surah Aal Imran verse 21)

They don't have a short term program. They begin by denying all the facts that they have accumulated to them. These are evil people here- from the sly fox in the White House all the way to the preachers on the Mimbars who are like putty in the hands of these officials. They formulate them any way they want. They look at self evident facts and they deny them. There are a lot of facts that they are aware of- classified information. They throw their lies to that and they want to take on Allah and they want to take on those who represent Scripture and Prophets and if need be to kill them- they will kill them. And then they will celebrate peace/goodwill towards man on Earth?! What does goodwill mean?! (That) you drop bombs on innocent people?! Is that goodwill towards man? Is this a holiday of peace when you are at war with the world? They do all of this. You know-  the way they represent the world to us (is) if you have this long beard/Muslim looking features you are a terrorist but you can't be a terrorist when you are clean shaven, have cologne on and you're in a three piece suit!? That conflicts with the definition of terrorism. Those who have these types of programs (of) denying Allah have classified information. They have the facts available to them. They can see miracles happening. They can sense it around them but they deny it. They have the power to deny it and make you believe that they are getting away with it and then they turn around and in hit three kill the Prophets and they turn around in our time and try to kill those in the footsteps of the Prophet and come Christmas they are religious and in the Churches and come Ramadhan Muslims are in the Masjid and all of them are supposed to be religious/pious/devotional and they are all liars! But we can't see this if we are reading the Qur'an with hearts that are open and minds that are closed. We can't see this if we have minds that are open and hearts that are closed. We need to open our minds and our hearts.


Sisters and brothers, committed Muslims…

This week is the time when people begin to remember the Holy Land- Nazareth/An Naasirah, Bethlehem/Bayt Lahm, Al Quds/Jerusalem. These areas/this land becomes important to these people. We ask them "do you know that the weapons that are made here are killing Christians in Bethlehem?" Just two months ago American made weapons used/deployed by Israeli Zionist Jews were killing Palestinian Arab Christians in Bethlehem. (Do) you think anyone here has a sense of that? Why don't they? Can anyone question the Jewish-Israeli-Zionist lobby in this country? Muslims who are orphaned don't have the parentage of the Qur'an and the Prophet i.e. of Allah and the Apostle say "we want our lobby here in the United States." What happened? You paid them money in their elections. You Muslims around, especially in this city, went to the Democratic Party. You went to the Republican Party and you participated in the electoral process and part of that participation was giving donations to the candidates who are running from these two parties. What do they do now? They are closing legitimate fundraising foundations belonging to Muslims in this country. You pay them money and then they close down the Centres in which you are collecting money for those in need of it! Are you learning? Forget about understanding the Qur'an and the Sunnah for a moment- nothing to forget but let us give ourselves or you who need it a respite- don't you have enough common sense? Common sense would tell you, (if you're not anyone who opens the books of Qur'an or hadith- you have nothing to do with that), but if you are giving someone money/donations and then he turns around and begins to take Muslims and put them behind bars and go to humanitarians non-profit Organisations and begins to close those down?! What did we tell you years ago? We said Muslims need their own independent representation. What happened? The Yahud have become your Sunnah? They are teaching you how to behave? Let's say you want to learn from them if you're Americans here; like the Yahud have a Jewish lobby in the United States have Muslims ever thought of having an American lobby in so called Israel? What's wrong with that? But no- you refuse to even think with the minds that Allah has given you. Look what's happened now! Some people are getting the impression that "they're back to square one" as if they've been going somewhere?! They thought that throughout all of these years they were making political mileage inside this Government and now this Government turns around and is bending/breaking its own laws to fire back against Muslims and is doing so for what? It's serving its Zionist masters. Sharon is reported to have equipped that "the US Government is under his/Israeli control." Dare anyone speak about this?! You can speak against God but you can't speak against the Israeli Zionist Government in Tel Aviv! You can celebrate Christmas and the holiday but you can't think about those who wanted to kill Isa the same way they want to kill Muslims and Palestinians today? Who's the terrorist? This is real terror when you can accuse God but you can't accuse Israelis who are the true terrorists?! We are supposed to behave with this devil-think or wellian-mind and these American officials- the same ones the Muslims are catering to- are the same officials that are pandering to the Israeli Zionist Jewish interests. A religious occasion like this comes along and not even the Muslims and not even the Christians have the right head screwed on their bodies to see these facts through time concerning these affairs here and now.


This khutbah was presented by Imam Mohammad Al Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 21 December 2001 on the sidewalk of Embassy Road in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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[shia_strength] Shariah Index launched at Bombay Stock Exchange [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from afroz alam included below]

Shariah Index launched at Bombay Stock Exchange
By Rehan Ansari, TwoCircles.net,
Mumbai: The Bombay Stock Exchange along with Taqwaa Advisory and Shariah Investment Solutions (P) Ltd. (TASIS), on Monday, launched a Sharia Index with 50 Sharia compliant companies within the BSE 500 that will be known as BSE TASIS Sharia 50.
These 50 companies are the most liquid ones and are strictly adhering to Islamic Shariah norms and that is to stay away from Interest or the sale of alcohol, tobacco and other prohibited goods.

Several studies have found that the majority of India's 160 million Muslims have been excluded from the country's formal financial sector due to the restrictions imposed by Islamic law and therefore their saving ratio is minimal.
According to its website, TASIS was "founded by a group of finance and investment professionals for providing guidance and support to individuals and corporates having an interest in the nascent but highly potential Islamic finance industry in India. As the name suggests, it is an organization providing Shariah advisory and investment solutions in India, while operating within the Indian legal framework."
The real issue now seems to be the publicity of this fund and make people understand about the functioning of this index. Dr. Sharique added, "We will be organizing a programme in BSE on 6th January, 2010.
Afroz Alam


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I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
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IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
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Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi


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