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Thursday, July 15, 2010

� Ali Valiyollah Group � [3rd Shaban] Birth Anniversary of Imam Hussain a.s. | Mubarak [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Syed Zuhair Mehdi Rizvi included below]

Felicitations alot to the descendants of prophet specially IMAM AL-HUJJAT (proof) AL-MAHDI (the guided one) [May our lives be sacrified upon him] on the magnificient and versitile occasion of birth anniversary of IMAM HUSAIN [a.s] son of Imam ALI IBN-E-ABI TALIB [a.s] the first right successor of Holy prophet [peace be upon him & his progeny] and Lady FATIMAH ZEHRA [a.s] the daughter of last apostle of Allah. He was born on Friday 3rd Sha'ban 4th A.H at MADINAH. His cradle became a channel of acceptance of forgiveness of FITRUS . He has honor to be called as 'Abu-ul-aimma sani' because he is the father of 9th reflugent of imamat (leadership). He possessed such a bewitching personality who enlightened the lamp of islam by shedding his sacred blood in the way of ISLAM.

'Oh! how close you are to me & how far i am to u how merciful U r to me what makes me loose my way to u?' (Arfa's Supplication) 

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

اللهم ارزقنا في الدنيا زيارة الحسين
و في الاخرة شفاعة الحسين
واكتبنا مع زوار الحسين
واجعلنا من الباكين في مجلس عزاء الحسين
واحشرنا يوم القيامة تحت لواء الحسين
وادخلنا الجنة مع انصار الحسين
اللهم العن قتلة الحسين عليه الصلواة والسلام_

Salaam Alaika Ya Aba Abdillah al Hussain a.s.
[ السلام عليك يا اباعبد الله الحسين ع ]

Syed Zuhair Mehdi & My Lovely Friends
I post Three Design InshaAllah on Moharram this design is a part of it. 

Syed Zuhair Mehdi
Web Developer
Institute of Business & Technology, Biztek
Noman Builders

Cell : +923432462004



Attachment(s) from Syed Zuhair Mehdi Rizvi

1 of 1 Photo(s)

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