Hazrat Abbas was the son of Hazrat Ali ibne Abi Talib. His mother's name was Fatima Binte Hazam bin Khalid Ibn-e-Rabi'e Ibn-e-Amer Kalbi. She was also known as 'Ummul Baneen'. She belonged to the clan of Banu Kilah, which was one the noblest families amongst the Hashimites and famous for the bravery and valour of its warriors.
Some years after the martyrdom of Fatema Zehra (S.A.), Imam Ali (A.S.) asked his brother Aqil to offer the marriage proposal to a woman from a brave progeny. Being so knowledgeable in this regard, Aqil wooed Fatima Binte Hazam (Ummul Baneen) for Imam and they got married. One of the bravest of the Holy Prophet's followers Ja'far Tayyar, the brother of Hazrat Ali. In the battle of Muta, Ja'far Tayyar carried the Banner of Islam and in that battle he was out-numbered by the enemies and killed. When the news reached the Holy Prophet he cried and prayed for Ja'far's soul and the angel Gabriel came down and consoled (the Prophet), saying "Ja'far was a brave and loyal soldier. God has given him everlasting life, and in place of two arms which were cut off in the battle, the Lord has given him a pair of wings".
Hazrat Abbas birth:Hazrat Abbas was born at Medina on 7th Rajab/4th Shabaan 26 A.H.(645 A.D.). When the news of his birth reached Hazrat Ali, he prostrated himself on the ground as a token of his humble thanks to God. Imam Hussain took the baby in his arms and recited the Azan and Eqamat (Calls for Prayers) in his right and left ears respectively. Then the new born baby opened his eyes to see the beloved face of Imam Hussain. On the seventh day of his birth the ceremony of Aqeeqa (which is one of the emphasised Sunnats) was performed and Hazrat Ali named the child 'Abbas'.
♥ Johar-e-Zabt K Ehsaas Say Dar Lagta Hai... ♥ =♥ Jung Main Tapti Howi Pyass Say Dar Lagta Hai.. ♥ =♥ Isliya KARBALA, SHAAM Say Aya Na Yazid...♥ =♥ Usko ZAINAB Teray ABBAS Say Dar Lagta Hai... A similar incident took place at the time of the birth of Hazrat Ali. He only opened his eyes when the Holy Prophet took him in his arms.

Na Zarurat Thi Talwaar Ki Na Aur Kisi Hathiyar Ki Sirf Ek Dua Thi Karbala Main Alamdaar Ki Fakat Mil Jaye Ijazat Aqa Hussain Sai To Yaad DilaDunga Jung Haider-e-Karrar KiAbbas up-bringing It was the desire of Hazrat Ali that this son whom he named 'Abbas' (Meaning a Dauntless Lion) would accomplish the same deeds of valour and who would follow his teachings without fear of life and death. It was also his wish that Abbas would be a constant companion of Imam Hussain and be his Standard Bearer at Kerbala.
Hazrat Ali who himself was known as 'The Lion of God' and the 'Gateway of Knowledge' brought up Hazrat Abbas and ably guided him till he was fourteen years old. The next ten years were spent under the careful eye of Imam Hasan and the last ten years with Imam Hussain. Thus it was not surprising that Hazrat Abbas acquired near perfection in so many spheres of life. His gallantry, boldness, courageous outlook, and the art of combat and soldiery were inherited from Hazrat Ali, and this he proved very well in the battles of Jamal, Siffin and Nahrwan. Imam Hasan taught him patience and tolerance. His Lion-hearted loyalty and self-sacrificing nature were the result of his association with Imam Hussain and Janab-e-Zainab. Physically, mentally, morally and spiritually he was fully developed, besides, being an accomplished scholar. Hazrat Abbas married Lubaba, daughter of Obaidullah Ibne Abbas Ibne Abdul Muttalib, and had two sons, Fazl and Muhammad. Some sources say that Lubaba was present at Kerbala and their son Muhammad was martyred there.
At the death bed of Hazrat Ali (AS) When Hazrat Ali was mortally wounded and lying on his deathbed, he sent for his entire family. Save Hazrat Abbas, he entrusted all to the care of his eldest son Imam Hasan. Then he heard Hazrat Abbas, hardly 12 years old, sobbing. Hazrat Ali asked him to come near him and gave his hand to his second son, Imam Hussain, saying "Hussain, this child I am entrusting to you. He will represent me on the Day of your supreme sacrifice and will lay down his life in defending you and your dear ones".
And turning to Hazrat Abbas, he had said: "Abbas, my child, I know your unbounded love for Hussain. Though you are too young to be told about it, when that day dawns, consider no sacrifice too great for Hussain and his children".
This was in 657 A.D. The occasion for the supreme sacrifice came on the battlefield of Kerbala in 680 A.D. when Hussain was poised against Yezid's forces. It was a battle of good against evil and right against wrong. And in the history of Islam, the battle of Kerbala has become an important landmark of supreme sacrifice, great courage and dedication to a just cause. In the battle of Kerbala, Hazrat Abbas was Imam Hussain's commander-in-chief. He fought the evil forces of Yezid gallantly, remembering his father's last words. The story of the sacrifice of his life in trying to procure water for Imam Hussain's children on the battlefield is the most touching and significant in Islamic history.
The Life of Hazrat Abbas is an example of unflinching loyalty and love for a brother. It is also the story of a warrior who sacrificed his life for the cause of Islam, which, according to Hazrat Abbas, was a just cause.
Itni bhar jaye in Ankhoon mai zia e Abbas a.s. mujh ko koi na nazar aye siway e Abbas a.s
Akhari saans joo hoti hai toba k liye mai ne wo saans b rakh li hai bara e abbas a.s.
Abu al-Fadl Abbas - The Standard Bearer/Flagman: | |  | Abbas Qamar-e-Banu Hashim (the Moon of the Hashimites), who was next only to the Holy Imam in charge of the Holy Imam's camp, after a very strenuous fight with the enemy at the river, got a sack of water but when the sack filled with water was placed before the thirsty children, the poor innocents not waiting till it was properly opened, and not knowing how to open the sack, rushed to it and fell upon it, one over the other, in the haste to at least cool their burning bodies.
But alas! The knot at the mouth of the sack gave way to the pressure and the whole water flowed away on the sand. It can be imagined what the feelings of despair and disappointment of the poor children and the helpless mothers would have been, and how disappointed the brave son of Imam Ali (pbuh), who got the water, would have felt at the loss of the water which he could get for the poor children and the inmates of the camp after so much of fight with the enemy guarding the banks of the river. Attempts to dig a well were also made but in vain, for instead of water, stones came out. The Holy Imam preached patience and fortitude to every one at each disappointment and torture, saying: "Be you all cheerful and always surrender to the will of the All-Merciful Lord, for the end of all these trials is at hand and the water of Paradise awaited there to quench your thirst."
After the Zuhur prayers on the day of Ashura, one by one the brave companions of Imam Hussain fell in the battlefield. At last only Imam Hussain, Ali Akbar and Abbas were left. Imam Zainul Abideen (Sajjad) lay sick in his tent. Several times Abbas asked Imam Hussain (pbuh) for permission to go and fight. Each time Imam Hussain (pbuh) would reply "Abbas, you are the captain of my army; you are my Alamdar - the Standard Bearer." Abbas would never argue with Imam Hussain (pbuh). His three brothers were killed in the battle fought after Zuhur. Imam Hussain (pbuh) could see the anger in Abbas's eyes. Imam Hussain (pbuh) knew that if he let Abbas go and fight; there would be a massacre in the enemy rank. Imam Hussain's object was to re-awaken Islam and not to score a victory on the battlefield.
Just then Sakina (According to other reports Roqaia is the name) four (4) year old daughter of Imam Hussain (pbuh) came out holding dried up leather bag (Mashk). She walked up to Abbas and said "Al Atash, Ya Ammahu! I am thirsty O my uncle Abbas!" Abbas went to Imam Hussain (pbuh) and requested for permission to go and get water for Sakina. Imam Hussain (pbuh) gave his permission. Abbas put Sakina's Mashk on the Standard (Alam), mounted his horse and rode up to Imam Hussain (pbuh). He said "I have come to say goodbye." Imam Hussain (pbuh) said "My brother, come and embrace me." Abbas dismounted his horse. There were tears in Imam's eyes. As Abbas (pbuh) prepared to mount his horse, Imam Hussain (pbuh) said, "My brother, I want a gift from you. I want your sword." Abbas (pbuh), without uttering a word, gave Imam Hussain (pbuh) his sword and rode into the battlefield, armed only with a spear and holding the Alam (Flag).
Now note this majestic scene! What greatness! What valor! What a spirit of understanding and self-sacrifice! A lone warrior, alone by himself, advances against a host. The number of men who guarded the river bank was four thousand (4,000). They had all heard of the valor of Abbas (pbuh). A cry arose, "Abbas is coming!" Yazid's soldiers started hiding behind one another. A few brave ones dared go near Abbas but were soon put to death by the spear or by a kick.
He descends along the river bank Euphrates (Furaat) and leads his horse into the water. First, he fills the water skin (Mashk) that he has brought and lays it on his shoulder. He himself was very thirsty. The air is hot and has been fighting. But as he sits on the back of his horse and the horse stands in water reaching up to its belly, he lowers his hands into water, takes water into them and raises them somewhat towards his sacred lips.
Those who were watching from a distance report that he hesitated for a while. Then they saw that he threw the water back and came out of the river without drinking any. He placed the Mashk on his Alam and started to ride back. No one knew why Abu Al-Fadl did not drink water there. But when he came out he recited Rajaz verses which were addressed to himself. Now from these verses they understood why he had not drunk water:
"O soul of Abu al-Fadl! My wish is that you live not after Hussain! Will you have a drink of cold water, while there stands Hussain, thirsty, near the tents, And about to drink the cup of death!? Such is not the way of my faith, Nor that of one who abides in conviction and truth!"
'Umar son of Saad' cried out, "Do not let that water reach Hussain's camp; otherwise we shall all be doomed!"
A soldier climbed a tree and as Abbas was riding past the tree he struck his sword on the right shoulder and the arm fell on to the ground. Just then someone crept behind Abbas and struck him on the left shoulder. The Alam fell down. Abbas gripped the Mashk with his teeth. His only object was to get the water to Sakina. Fighting with his feet he urged the horse to get him to Imam's camp as quickly as possible.
Abbas-e-bawafa teri midhat me kya likhun Misl-e-Ali ya Bazu-e-Mushkilkusha likhun Qaim tujhi se silsilay hain mehr-o-wafa k Haqt to yeh hai Tujhko wafa ka Khuda Likhun
Alas! An arrow was shot. It went flying across the desert and hit the Mashk. The water began to pour out and with the water all the hopes of Abbas poured on to the sands of Karbala to be buried forever in the thirsty desert. Abbas now did not want to go back and face Sakina. With his feet, he signaled the horse to turn back. The enemy surrounded him from all sides. Abbas fell from the horse!! As he fell, he cried out "My Salutations (Salaam) to you my Master (Maula)!" Imam Hussain (pbuh) seemed to lose all his strength when he heard the voice of his dear brother Abbas. When Abbas left to go to fetch water, Imam stood at the gate of the camp watching the Alam. Sakina was standing next to Imam Hussain (pbuh), also with her eyes fixed on the Alam. When Abbas reached the river bank and bent down to fill the Mashk, the Alam disappeared from sight. Sakina was frightened and looked at her father. Imam said, Sakina, your uncle Abbas is at the river bank. Sakina smiled and said, 'Al-Hamdulillah!' and called out all the children to welcome Abbas. When Abbas lost both arms, the Alam fell onto the ground. Sakina could not see it any longer! She looked at Imam Hussain (pbuh), but he turned his face away. Sakina began to tremble with fear and her eyes filled with tears. She raised her hands and prayed, 'Oh my God! Do not let them kill my uncle Abbas! I will never ask for water again!' and ran inside to her mother.
Imam Hussain (pbuh) reached where Abbas was lying. It was a tragic sight. Abbas was lying on the ground. Both arms had been severed! There was an arrow in the right eye and blood blocked the left eye. As soon as Abbas sensed the presence of Imam Hussain (pbuh) he said "Maula, why did you take the trouble to come over? Please go back and look after Sakina." Imam Hussain said, "My dear brother, all your life you have served me and my children. Is there anything I can do for you at this last moment of your life?" Abbas replied, "Maula, please, clean the blood from my eye so that I can see your beloved face before I die!" Imam cleaned the blood. Abbas fixed his gaze on Imam. Then he said, "Maula please do not carry my body to the camp. I do not wish Sakina to see me in this state!" Imam Hussain (pbuh) took Abbas in his arms, and kissed his forehead. Imam Hussain (pbuh) said "O Abbas I also have one request for you, I have never heard you call me brother, for once I would like to hear you call me brother." Abbas, with his dying breath called out "My brother", Imam Hussain (pbuh) cried "O Abbas my beloved brother what have they done to you? Who is now left to fight by my side now?" Just then the Thirty four (34) year old Abbas son of Imam Ali (pbuh) breathed his last. Imam Hussain (pbuh) placed Sakina's Mashk on the Alam and carried the Alam to the camp. He went to Zainab's tent. Imam Hussain (pbuh) could not say a word. He gave the Alam to Zainab and sat down on the floor!
My Brother! My Brother! Hussain sobbingly promised him that he would carry out his last wishes and added "Abbas, I too have a wish to be fulfilled. Since childhood you have always called me Master. For once at least call me brother with your dying breath." The blood was cleared from the eye, one brother looked at the other with a long lingering look. Abbas was heard to whisper: "My brother, my brother!" and with these words he surrendered his soul to his Maker. Hussain fell unconscious on the dead body of Abbas with a cry.
Abse Zahoor-e-Hazrat Abbas(a.s) ho gya Tabse wafa ko zeest ka ehsaas ho gya
Aisa wafa ko surkhuru Abbas(a.s) nay kia Ab to wafa ka naam hi Abbas(a.s) ho gya The flow of the Euphrates became dark as winter and a murmur arose from the flowing waters as if to protest against the killing of a thirsty water-bearer on its banks, the beloved "Moon of the Hashimites."
Alas, the beloved Hazrat Abbas (A.S.) was martyred in the prime of his youth at the age of 35, on the 10th Moharram, in the year 61 A.H. (680 A.D.).
Pilgrimage to his Mausoleum
It is almost fourteen hundred years since this tragedy occured at Kerbala, and still tens of thousands of pilgrims keep going there year after year, from all parts of the Muslim world to pay their respects to the gallant Abul Fazl Abbas (Moon of the Hashimites) at his magnificent Mausoleum.
They offer salutations and pray to Allah for their needs, seeking his intercession, for this is a place where so many vows have been fulfilled and where so many miracles have taken place.
Many a devotee has willed that he be buried in this holy place and so often one sees the sight of a coffin being carried a few times round the tomb of Hazrat Abbas (A.S.) and taken to the alloted place of burial in Kerbala at this wonderful shrine. Holy Qur'an Says: "And if you are slain in the way of Allah or you die, certainly forgiveness from Allah and mercy is better than what they amass." (3:157) 4 Shaban Aamad Hy Us Shar Ke, Ban K ZEHRA Ke Jo Aabro Aa Geya •
Naqs Bh, Naen Bh, KhaL Bh, Aen Bh, Ghar ALi Kay ALi Ho Baho Aa Geya •
Lay K KARRAR Haton Pay Takne Lagay, Kiya Koe Aa'ena Rubaro Aa Geya •
Phr BiL'Akhir Pisar Se BoLay ALi, Phir Se Main Aa Geya Hon K Tu Aa Geya •
Aik He Ghar Mai Ab 2 ALi Aa Gaey, Ab Muhibbo K Rastay Juda Ho Gaey •
Aaj Se Tu Nusari Bhi Mushrik Howay, Aaj Se Un K Bhi 2 KHUDA Ho Gaey •
The Alam and its significance
During the time of the Moharram Majlises, usually on the 8th, it has become a sort of custom to recite the events leading to the martyrdom of Hazrat Abbas. And when the Alams (replica of the Banner or Standard of the Holy Prophet and the Holy Imams) are taken out, accompanied to the beating of breasts and heads by the mourners, one will notice a Mashk (a leather water-bag), usually made of metal in remembrance of Hazrat Abbas, who sacrificed his life trying to get water for the children of Imam Hussain, who were dying of thirst.
When Hazrat Abbas rolled down from his horse after a mortal blow on his head, the Alam and the Mashk stayed linked together and never got separated. Hence one sees an Alam with a Maslik attached to it, and sometimes one also sees an arrow alongside it.
A Towering personality Hazrat Abbas was a towering and handsome personality. His dauntless courage, supreme confidence and unflinching loyalty earned him many titles. He was called, "Qamar-e-Bani Hashim" (Moon of the Hashimites), because of his imposing appearance. His remarkable horsemanship made him "Syed-ul-Forosan" (the chief of horsemen). His ability to lead people resulted in his being called "Rais-ul-Shujan" (the leader of the valiant), and the manner in which he sacrificed his life earned him the title of Afzal-ul-Shohada" (the choicest of the martyrs) and "Saqqa" (water carrier), because he sacrificed his life in an effort to procure water for Imam Hussain's children in the tragic battle a Kerbala. He fully lived up to his name Abbas, which in Arabic stands for Lion.
Salutations As Salaamo alaika yub-ne Amir-il-Momeneen, As Salanmo alaika aiyyo-hul Abdus-Saleh, Al-mootee-oo lillahey wa ley Rasooley-hee, Ash hadau anneka qad jaa-hadta Wa ne-sah-ta, Wa sabarta hatta a-taa kal yaqeen La a-nalla-hooz zaaleymeena lakoom minal, Awwaleena wal aakheyreen, Wal haqahoom bey dar kil jaheem.
Salutations be unto thee, O son of Commander of the Faithful; Salutations be unto thee, O virtuous servant, obedient to God and His Messenger; I bear witness that thou didst truly fight the Holy War, And thou didst help the cause of Faith; And thou didst patiently endure Until the certainty (of death) came upon thee. May God deprive those who wronged thee of His Mercy. Whether they may have been of the first or the last (i.e., all of them); And may He consign them to the nethermost regions of Hell; Salutations and the Mercy and Blessings of God be upon thee, (O beloved Moon of the Hashimites). "As Salaamo ala ya Abul Fazl Abbas ibne Aliyin Amiril Momeneen wa Rahmatullahey wa Barakaatuh." "Peace be upon thee O Abul Fazl Abbas, son of Hazrat Ali, Commander of the Faithful, and the Mercy of Allah and His Bounties."
Manqabat of Mola Abbas (as):
Wafa jis ka parhe Kalma Usey Abbas(as) kehtey hai Karey Sajday jisey Sajda usay Abbas(as) kehtey hai
Wo Piyasa piyas ne jis ki kia Serab Darya ko Bane jis ki piyas bhi Darya usey Abbas(as) kehtey hai
JO hair Shabbir(as) ki quwwat Ali (as) ko naaz ha jis per Jisey ZEHRA (SA) kahey beta usey Abbas(as) kehty hai
Jo Patthar per Alam Garey Usey kehtey ha Sab Haider(as) Alam Garey jo Paani per Usey Abbas (as) kehtey hai
Ali(as) ka khoon Zehra(sa) ki Dua Hasnain(as) ki Chahat baney in sab se jo mil kar usey Abbas(as) kehtey hai
Lagey dey jo bagair e Taigh he Ambaar lasho key jo hai paikar shuja-aat ka usey Abbas (as) kehtey hai.
On this joyfull ocassion we are extending our Felicitationsto Imam-e-Asr a.j.f & to all momineens.
الّلهمَّ صلِّ على محمَّد (ص) وآل (ع) محمَّد (ص) و عَجِّلْ فَرَجَهُم (ع یوم ولادت با سعادت میلاد شہنشائے وفا سقائے سکینہ ع أبو الفضل مولا یا غازی عبـاس علمدار علیه السلام مبــــــارکــــــــ ھـــــو السّــــلام علـــيـــكــــ یـــا أبـــو الـــفـضـــل الـــعـــبــــاس عـــلـــمـــدار علیه السلام
Regards, Talib e Dua/Remember me and my parents in ur Prayers Syed Nadir Abbas | |
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