Quran Interactive Recitations - Click below

Friday, March 12, 2010

[shia_strength] Reward according to ones intelligence


7. Muhammad ibn Suleiman al-Dailami spoke about the devotion, religious acts and piety of a certain individual to Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (p).
Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (p): What about his common sense?
Muhammad: I have no idea.
The Imam (p): Reward depends on the degree of his common sense.
The Imam (p) explained his statement with a story.
A person belonging to the tribe of Israel used to worship God on an island, verdant, full of greenery and blossoming trees and an abundant supply of pure and fresh water. One of the angels happened to pass that way and was impressed with the sincerity and the devotion of the worshipper.
Angel: O my Lord! Show me the reward destined for this servant of Yours. God, the Elevated One, showed him that (reward). The angel thought that the reward was less than what the worshipper deserved. God, the Elevated One, then inspired the angel to befriend him and the angel approached the worshipper in a human form.
Worshipper: Who are you?
Angel: I am also a devoted worshipper. I have been told about your worship and this place. Therefore, I have come to you to worship God in your company.
That day the angel remained with the worshipper. A conversation took place between them the following morning.
Angel: Your place is exhilarating and most suitable for worship.
Worshipper: There is, however, one drawback in this place.
Angel: And what is that?
Worshipper: Our Lord does not have any grazing animals. If He had a donkey, I would have let it graze in this place because all this grass is just being wasted.
Angel: So, doesn't your Lord possess a donkey?
Worshipper: If He had a donkey, the grass would not have been wasted.
God then revealed to the angel that He rewards (His servants) according to their intelligence.(B1,T8)
Al kafi 1/1/T 27

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