Assalamu alaikum As the frequency of mosque vandalism (recently Waterloo Masjid & Hamilton Masjid) and Islamophobic speech in Canada is increasing, so is the awareness of anti-Muslim discrimination among Canadians. One in three Canadians believe that Aboriginal Peoples and Muslims are the frequent targets of discrimination, a CBC-commissioned poll suggests. It's a chilling reminder to Canadian Muslims to re-think their Dawa efforts and develop creative and genuine ways to connect with their neighbours and friends. Much of Islamophobia is based on ignorance and lack of contact with Muslims. Let's take a pro-active approach to creating bridges of understanding and trust with our neighbours. This week we invite you to explore some suitable Dawa books to introduce Islam to your friends. Moreover, check out new exciting titles under our Parenting and Tarbiyya section. Have you purchased your tickets to the DawaNet Dinner titled "Jihad within Young Hearts: Towards Positive Engagement", on April 10, 2010, in Mississauga? You can't afford to miss it! Sincerely, Taha Ghayyur Sound Vision Canada Team
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