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Monday, March 1, 2010

[MahdiUniteMuslims] Obama's Bold Outreach to the Muslim World


email: wmcarchives@gmail.com


Letter to the Editor, India Abroad, New York:                         


I enjoyed reading Aziz Haniffa's enlightening column in India Abroad of February 26, describing the bold new initiative of President Obama to reach out to the 1.5 billion strong global Muslim community and 53 Muslim majority nations.

This initiative was badly needed to correct the imbalance created by the mindless punitive policies of the previous Bush-Cheney Administration, which over-reacted indiscriminately against all Muslims at home and abroad, rather than eliminate the rogue elements among them.  At the same time they cajoled the despotic kings and dictators in many a Muslim majority countries. 

In today's global village where internet and television carry detailed images of happenings and attitudes instantly all the way across the planet directly into peoples' homes, no one can wish away the other.  Both the US and Muslims need each other and hence need to work harder to reach out to each other and create strong bonds, thereby preventing the alienation that the extremists on both sides are trying to create.

The two high level and visible appointments of Rashad Hussain as the US envoy to the Organization of Islamic Conference – an international forum of 53 Muslim majority countries, and Farah Pandit as US outreach coordinator to the Muslims, are excellent initiatives of the Obama Administration to improve ties between US and Muslims.

Rashad Hussain, a lawyer - scholar with roots in India and US - two of the most vibrant and largest  democracies, is most suited to dispel the rather recent estrangement between US and Muslims.  At only 30 years of age he has accumulated enviable intellectual capital and political acumen, while he has maintained strong moorings in Islam.  Thus as he approaches his very difficult 'American outreach-to- world-Muslims' assignment, he carries much credibility.

The fact that both outreach officials to the Muslims that President Obama choose are from India, sends a powerful message about the important place that India and India's Muslims have in the global Muslim community.  Indeed Indian and Indian-American Muslims with their unique composite heritage and skills in successfully navigating with majority non-Muslims are well suited for the role of bridge-builders over the troubled gulf created by the awful 9/11 catastrophe.   


Kaleem Kawaja

Association of Indian Muslims of America

Washington DC

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