[Attachment(s) from Labbayk YaMahdi included below]
From: Riaz Hussain <mohandishr786@yahoo.com>
To: CASMO <casmo@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2011 11:51:31 AM
Subject: [CASMO] Let the students pray at school....Toronto Star Editorial
To: CASMO <casmo@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2011 11:51:31 AM
Subject: [CASMO] Let the students pray at school....Toronto Star Editorial
Let the students pray at school![]() Muslim students at Valley Park Middle School can attend a Friday afternoon prayer in the school so they don't have to miss class. (April 2, 2011) To hear some of the critics tell it, you'd think Toronto's public school system had cast aside secularism and was forcing students to attend Muslim prayers. A group called Canadian Hindu Advocacy has launched a campaign "to repeal brazen attempts to Islamize the Toronto District School Board." But, as is often the case, the critics are overstating the matter. At the centre of the controversy is Valley Park Middle School near Don Mills Rd. It allows the local Muslim community to offer a Friday afternoon prayer in the school cafeteria for part of the year. They do this so that 400 students don't miss as many classes as they would if they left the school to attend prayers at the closest mosque. The school does not run the prayer service; the community organizes it and brings in an imam. Students do not have to attend; indeed, they need a permission letter from their parents to do so. This is a creative solution to a particular problem at Valley Park where teachers were concerned about the amount of class time students lost on Friday afternoons. Many young people, being what they are, delayed their return to school after prayers and some never made it back at all. Schools, like workplaces, are required by the Ontario Human Rights Code to accommodate religious beliefs. In most cases, that means setting aside a quiet space to pray or allowing absences on religious days. But the large number of students affected at Valley Park prompted officials to come up with a solution that would minimize the amount of school time lost. The school isn't putting an official stamp of approval on this or any other religious practice. Indeed, the fact that girls are relegated to the back of the room during prayers clashes with what students learn in their classes about the importance of gender equality. But that's up to the community to sort out: if students had to troop off to the mosque for prayers, the ceremony would be no different but some would miss class. The Friday prayer at Valley Park has been going on for three years without any apparent problems and no complaints, according to school officials. It's a reasonable compromise worked out locally to address a local situation. Now that a national advocacy group is using the school as part of its ongoing fight against aspects of Islam it dislikes, it seems there may be an unnecessary confrontation over the issue. But Valley Park should stay out of the fray, if it can, and stick to what it has been doing: putting the needs of its students first. Dear Sisters and Brothers Jammu Kashmir Projects 15the Sha'ban Still One can Take Advantage of This Reward to Help Needy Women Our Next plan for distribution of Sewing Machines to the Kashmiri Women applicants at Darul Quran al Zahra, Srinagar, Kashmir is planned on 15th Shaban 1432 on 17th July, 2011. Still people can take part in this Good Deeds. This will be our continuous effort to give Kashmiri Women to be self sufficient. This project has been successful and appreciated by many Poor Families who gets the Sewing Machine. Women who get Sewing Machine are so happy to work independently. All Credits goes to all of you who contribute generously. We want to continue to distribute every month with your support. One can donate for Sewing Machine, with your small amount you give a capital to the needy Kashmiri Women and a Tool to fight Poverty. It is recommended to give alms in this month even if it is as small as a half date. Almsgiving in this month brings about rescue from Hellfire. I swear it by Allah." The narrator then asked again, "What are the best deeds that should be done in Sha`ban." The Imam (a.s) answered, "Almsgiving and seeking forgiveness are the best deeds in Sha`b¡n. Verily, if anyone of you gives alms in Sha`ban, Almighty Allah will breed that alms in the very same way as you breed your small camels. Hence, this alms will be as huge as Mount Uhud on the Resurrection Day." For those who want to donate by PayPal please try the following by clicking. https://www.paypal.com/cgi- It is recommeded to send your cheque to Hashim Ali - Address: 511-2727 Victoria Park Ave E., Scarborough, ON M1T 1A6 -- Now donate by PayPal "Your $58 can be a Capital for Kashmir Shia Women and Sawabe Jariya for you! (Continuous reward from Almighty Allah for your self and your beloved Passed Ones)" http://hashimokera.blogspot. Dear Brothers and Sisters Assalamo Alaykum, We are thankful to all those who support and donate generously without your support we could not move anywhere. This is being our hobby to help people and do Tabligh work, our satisfaction lies in doing Tabligh and Social Works. Please do continue to support. Donate Easily by PayPal Pay easily by PayPal or Send your Check to Hashim Ali 511-2727 Victoria Park Ave E. Toronto ONTARIO M1T 1A6, CANADA http://hashimokera.blogspot. The center is running by the grace of Almighty Allah with full participation of Women and Girls. For more information Please visit http://darulquran.khidmat.org 4 Computers at the cost of $450 each and 1 Generator at the cost of $1200 needed to run computer class efficiently. Donate continuously for this project it will run through out the year. Your donation of $58 will be a capital for the Needy Shia Kashmiri Applicants to make livings in the time of Crises Monthly donation of any amount is welcome New location July 5, 2011 5 Sewing Machines have been donated by Mo'mineen for the Tailoring Class at the cost of $85 each. Now We need 5 Computers at the cost of $450 each and a Generator $1200 to attract more youths to learn Islamic Studies in Hindu dominated area Jammu. We extended supporting next Islamic Center in Jammu that is suffering without fund and Jammu has very little Tabligh activities in the Hindu dominated area. All funding organization do not support communities who have good ideas, only support those already established. That is why it is our responsiblity to support such people who need support. Sayed Ijaz Zaidi the founder says, "The motive behind establishing Ahlebait Islamic Library/Makatib is to spread Islamic teachings as per the sayings of the Holy Ahlul Bait (A.S.). and to promote good understanding between Shiaism and other like minded sects of Islam. In the Jammu region there are about 60% believers of Islam. Migratory population from Kashmir belonging to the Shia/Sunni sects of Islam visit Jammu during winters comprising of employees of the government secretariat who are shifted to the winter capital of Jammu & Kashmir i.e. Jammu during Darbar Move and apart from this people belonging to Ladakh region i.e. Leh and Kargil also stay at Jammu for Six winter months. Our effort is to make religious knowledge available to these migratory population and the locals as well. Bathindi area of Jammu is the only place in India where believers of Shiasm and Sunnis live in peace and harmony, so in order to strengthen this bond between Shias and Sunnis and for providing a common platform for both the sects the Ahlebait Islamic Library shall prove very beneficial as we have made." (note: price is hiking in every item in India that is why you will see the amount increased from $50 to $58 and from $80 to $85. We do not charge any administration cost all donations that you pay goes directly to Islamic Centers in India) Donation Appeal: No amount is small Please donate generously. You can even donate any amount monthly. May Allah (swt) keep you under His protection. To all Generous Donors the cost of Machine that we asked was exactly as the price of a Sewing Machine in Kashmir without any charges. But this time the price of sewing machine rose about $3 each, As everybody is aware because of the high cost of fuel everything rose in Kashmir. Thanks to the Generous Donors who donated for General purpose so that we could cover the cost of Sewing Machines. Other thing I want to point out that those who pay by Paypal, Paypal charge about 3.5%, we lose money. Paypal charges even more when remitted US dollars. Please consider all above points. Request to all Canadian Donors to please issue a check on my name Hashim H.Ali. 511-2727 Victoria Park Ave. E., Toronto, ON M1T 1A6, CANDA. -- Now donate by PayPal "Your $58 can be a Capital for Kashmir Shia Women and Sawabe Jariya for you! (Continuous reward from Almighty Allah for your self and your beloved Passed Ones)" http://hashimokera.blogspot. 9 attachments — Scanning for viruses...
Attachment(s) from Labbayk YaMahdi
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