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Sunday, July 31, 2011

[shia_strength] Make Good Habits this Ramadhan and They will Make You!





Make Good Habits this Ramadhan and They will Make You!


All of the great leaders I've known, or read about, share a common belief ... If you make good habits, good habits will make you. This wisdom has been around since ancient times. In fact, it was Aristotle who said, "Excellence is not an act ... it's a habit."

Here's a little test to display the power of our habits. Cross your arms as you normally would, and look down to see which one is on top. When I do this exercise with audiences, invariably about half of the audience members will have their right arm on top (I do) and the other half will have their left on top. When you crossed your arms for the very first time, you might have been still in your playpen, and you've been crossing your arms the same way ever since. Now, cross your arms again, but this time put the wrong arm on top. It feels extremely weird! If I were to challenge you to cross your arms the "wrong" way for the rest of your life, could you do it? Probably. Would it be difficult? You bet it would!

Here's the point: Habits - good or bad - are difficult to break. Therefore, the challenge for every leader is to determine the good habits that will drive the success of their organization. Once the desired habits are identified, good training and continual reinforcement are critical in making them part of your organization's culture.


Habits are hard to break. But that is why the month of Ramadhan is here in the first place to help you break the bad habits. The challenge for every believer in this month of blessed Ramadhan is to determine the good habits that will drive him to success and to flush off the bad habits that will bring wrath.


Food for Thought ... Who am I?

I am your constant companion.
I am your greatest asset or heaviest burden.
I will push you up to success or down to disappointment.
I am at your command.
Half the things you do might just as well be turned over to me,
For I can do them quickly, correctly, and profitably.
I am easily managed; just be firm with me.
Those who are great, I have made great.
Those who are failures, I have made failures.
I am not a machine, though I work with the precision of a
machine and the intelligence of a person.
You can run me for profit, or you can run me for ruin.
Show me how you want it done. Educate me. Train me.
Lead me. Reward me.
And I will then...do it automatically.
I am your servant.
Who am I?
I am a habit.







'Do not disturb us. We are doing Arabic Language Exam', the below pictured students seem to tell. They were among the 105 Madrassah students who attempted Arabic Exam Paper on Sunday 31st July 2011. The Paper was prepared by Dar-ul-Muslimeen in collaboration with UMADO (Union of Madrassahs in Dodoma), towards the aim of enhancing Arabic Language skills for Madrassah students.


These students who came from 16 various Madrassahs in Dodoma Municipality, learn Arabic Language the language of Quran, with much enthusiasm, apart from other subjects. Dar-ul-Muslimeen has decided to help them achieve their goal of mastering the language by supporting the teachers and organising such exams on regular intervals.


A total of TSh. 750,000/- is kept aside for the three top winners along with their teachers, who shall be awarded prizes next week, Insha Allah.       




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Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi


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