Imam and Ummah | ||||||||
Suddenly from a distance, I heard the rumble of what seemed to be a mighty group of people marching on the street. Scrambling for my glasses, I peered to see who and what they were. As they drew closer, it appeared that a mighty army was marching down the street. But why were they out there? This occupied country was pretty much destroyed by their last raid. As I watched them pass, I noticed that this army was made up of different uniforms. I'd seen the unified army before, but this army looked different. They seemed to be marching towards one destination and with one purpose. It was apparent that this was no ordinary military operation. As I was instrumental in creating community group to facilitate dialogue and political involvement with the powers that be and had strong connection, I was immediately granted access to join the ranks of the army. After all, I believed, what better way to liberate people than with the might of the army? But this was no ordinary march; we walked that whole night and into the early morning with no rest. I was tempted several times to ease back and fall out of line, but I was determined to see this march through. Finally, the commanding officer gave orders to stop and break camp. As the day grew, many others joined us. By the end of the day, this mammoth army had swelled to literally millions and millions of soldiers. As air support flew overhead, I realized that I was in the middle of a major conflict. But who was the target? I'd gone this far I had to know what this was all about. Looking around, a nearby military squadron looked to be receiving its orders and going over the target. I joined his team and began to listen as the commander instructed on the target, their strategy, and the strike time. To my amazement, the target was the country that was carrying the banner of Islam and had been under sanctions for so many years and the strike time was tomorrow morning. As I sat there and listened, it became clear what their mission was. I couldn't believe what I was hearing! Could this be the last battle for the Imperialist power, could this be the final war that will pave the way for the new world order? I had heard stories of this great battle from when I was a youth, but never figured it to be true, let alone see it firsthand. That night, my worst fears were confirmed. I was in fact with the powerful group that was doom to failure. According to the prophecy, all the powerful imperialist countries will join hands to wage war against the only Islamic country that is supporting the oppressed people around the world and the enemy will be defeated at the hand of Imam Mehdi (a.t.f.s.) as He returns to rule and reign upon the earth. I knew I was in great danger, and if I was to escape, I had to act fast. As I surveyed the area, I noticed that a supply caravan was about to leave camp. I knew it was now or never, so when the driver turned to sign for the supplies, I jumped into the back of the truck. About two miles outside of the camp, the driver had to stop and remove a tree limb from the road. At that time, I jumped from the truck and hid in the bushes until he got back into the truck and drove off. I had made it to freedom, but I still wanted to see if Imam Mehdi (a.t.f.s.) really would appear to defend the only country that had worked so hard in preparing the ground for His return. So I camped out at the top outer edge of the camp and waited to see if He would really come. I was very excited, but very tired from all the marching the day before. I could barely hold my eyes open. Finally, I drifted off into a deep sleep. Suddenly, sometime in the night, a very bright light woke me up. It was so bright it turned the night into day. Scared and terrified, I began to run for cover. Safely behind an embankment, I looked to see what this bright light could be. As I watched, I could see a lot of activity going on down in the camp, soldiers scrambling to their battle stations and artillery being positioned. Suddenly, a hail of great firepower was sent toward the great light. They seemed to have made a direct hit, but the great light just kept coming. Overhead, I could see the stealth fighters and other air support maneuvering for a strike. Streams of rocket fire were everywhere. I could see direct hit after direct hit, but nothing could stop its advancement. As it came closer and closer, the intensity of the air and ground attack increased, but to no avail. As it came to the outer edge of the valley, ground and air artillery fire was non-stop but there was no stopping this great force. When I peered through the binoculars for a closer look, I could hardly believe my eyes. It looked like a majestic flying army that was innumerable, and the one who was leading looked like our Imam, the only hope that this world could have, really did return! I had heard all the stories but now it was really happening. The end of all earthly pain and suffering was about to end. I thought this day would never come. Suddenly, what looked like great bursts of lightening came forth from every part of the great light destroying both air support and artillery below. It was a sensational display of firepower. Within a matter of minutes every air and ground weapon was destroyed. This once great army was now totally at the mercy of Imam. As the forces of Allah hovered over the evil forces of this world, I could sense that their punishment would be swift and complete. Hearing the cry of the men below as they helplessly awaited their doom, with one great downward plunge, the army of Allah covered them in an enormous flame of fire. Suddenly, there was screams and then the scream fainted with thick flames of fire engulfing the whole camp. In a matter of minutes, millions and millions of soldiers were reduced to ashes feeding fuel to the rising blazing fire. As I watched in awe of what had happened, I knew that there would be greater days ahead and that I had no more reason to fear. For Imam has come to rule and reign, and to fill the land with His peace. Suddenly I felt as though somebody has grabbed me from my back and I was lifted from the ground towards the sky. It felt like a big falcon clutching me in her talon and flying high towards the blazing flames and suddenly it started to descend lowering me in to the blazing fire. I was shaking and sweating with the intense heat of the rising flames. Realizing my final destiny I started to plead my case; "O Imam, I was always on the right path. I helped others. I spread the word of Allah. I performed my Salat. I fasted in the month of Ramadan. Whatever Allah commanded me to do, I did. Whatever He prohibited, I did not and all along I eagerly awaited for your return………….before I could complete my last sentence, a strong voice interrupted, "what…., you were waiting…….by joining hands with the oppressors, creating group to promote the enemies agenda…..inviting oppressors and criminals to address your community…..promoting dialogue with the thugs and the criminals…… why don't you see that every one of your Imams had launched its own resistance. Every one of your Imams dealt with cruel cunning and oppressive rulers yet were they ever silent in the face of injustice? No! Resistance of the pen, of spoken words, is equally as powerful as resistance of the sword. How else do you think they were martyred? They were not martyred because they were silent! If they were silent they would not have died martyrs! You did not find the time to prepare the ground for the advent, you always remained silent and complicit in the face of injustice and you defended your shameless act by equating it with patience, you argued for cooperation and dialogue with the oppressor's, thugs and the unjust rulers, this was not patience this was submissiveness to the powerful,……………Suddenly I found, I was thrown in the air, free falling down towards the blazing fire. I had just fallen around twenty to twenty-five feet when a hand grabbed my arm. I woke up, lifted my head, saw my wife nagging me, to get up for the Morning Prayer. Siraj Ali | ||||||||
Your kind donation towards "Dar-ul-Muslimeen Ramadhan Relief Fund" shall assist Mzee Juma and other needy and destitute believers for having a descent Iftar and Sehri. Please kindly donate only USD 35/- for a food basket for one needy family for the whole month of Ramadhan. May Allah (swt) fulfill all your needs. Amin. For donations, please send email to: | ||||||||
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Trying To Build Society based on Peace and Justice
The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) must be prepared to struggle and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi
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