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Sunday, July 31, 2011

[shia_strength] Make Good Habits this Ramadhan and They will Make You!





Make Good Habits this Ramadhan and They will Make You!


All of the great leaders I've known, or read about, share a common belief ... If you make good habits, good habits will make you. This wisdom has been around since ancient times. In fact, it was Aristotle who said, "Excellence is not an act ... it's a habit."

Here's a little test to display the power of our habits. Cross your arms as you normally would, and look down to see which one is on top. When I do this exercise with audiences, invariably about half of the audience members will have their right arm on top (I do) and the other half will have their left on top. When you crossed your arms for the very first time, you might have been still in your playpen, and you've been crossing your arms the same way ever since. Now, cross your arms again, but this time put the wrong arm on top. It feels extremely weird! If I were to challenge you to cross your arms the "wrong" way for the rest of your life, could you do it? Probably. Would it be difficult? You bet it would!

Here's the point: Habits - good or bad - are difficult to break. Therefore, the challenge for every leader is to determine the good habits that will drive the success of their organization. Once the desired habits are identified, good training and continual reinforcement are critical in making them part of your organization's culture.


Habits are hard to break. But that is why the month of Ramadhan is here in the first place to help you break the bad habits. The challenge for every believer in this month of blessed Ramadhan is to determine the good habits that will drive him to success and to flush off the bad habits that will bring wrath.


Food for Thought ... Who am I?

I am your constant companion.
I am your greatest asset or heaviest burden.
I will push you up to success or down to disappointment.
I am at your command.
Half the things you do might just as well be turned over to me,
For I can do them quickly, correctly, and profitably.
I am easily managed; just be firm with me.
Those who are great, I have made great.
Those who are failures, I have made failures.
I am not a machine, though I work with the precision of a
machine and the intelligence of a person.
You can run me for profit, or you can run me for ruin.
Show me how you want it done. Educate me. Train me.
Lead me. Reward me.
And I will then...do it automatically.
I am your servant.
Who am I?
I am a habit.







'Do not disturb us. We are doing Arabic Language Exam', the below pictured students seem to tell. They were among the 105 Madrassah students who attempted Arabic Exam Paper on Sunday 31st July 2011. The Paper was prepared by Dar-ul-Muslimeen in collaboration with UMADO (Union of Madrassahs in Dodoma), towards the aim of enhancing Arabic Language skills for Madrassah students.


These students who came from 16 various Madrassahs in Dodoma Municipality, learn Arabic Language the language of Quran, with much enthusiasm, apart from other subjects. Dar-ul-Muslimeen has decided to help them achieve their goal of mastering the language by supporting the teachers and organising such exams on regular intervals.


A total of TSh. 750,000/- is kept aside for the three top winners along with their teachers, who shall be awarded prizes next week, Insha Allah.       




Forwarded By Dar ul Muslimeen, P.O. Box 2736 - Dodoma, Tanzania

Tel: (255 26) 2322033 / 2323086 Cell: +255 784 332989
dar-ul-muslimeen@raha.com  Website: www.darulmuslimeen.org


Recent Activity:

Trying To Build Society based on Peace and Justice
The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) must be prepared to struggle and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi


[shia_strength] FW: Wish you very happy Ramadan Mubarak






May This Ramadan be as bright as ever.
May this Ramadan bring joy, health and wealth to you.

May the festival of lights brighten up you
and your near and dear ones lives.

May this Ramadan bring in u the most
brightest and choicest happiness and
love you have ever Wished for.

May this Ramadan bring you the
utmost in peace and prosperity.

May lights triumph over darkness.

May peace transcend the earth.

May the spirit of light illuminate the world.

May the light that we celebrate at Ramadan
show us the way and lead us together on the
path of peace and social harmony

"Wish you a very happy Ramadan Mubarak"



Recent Activity:

Trying To Build Society based on Peace and Justice
The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) must be prepared to struggle and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi


Saturday, July 30, 2011

New Text resources in English




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Assalamu alaykum, the Ahlul Bayt DILP team is pleased to announce the addition of the following resources to the Al-Islam.org collection.

Message of Thaqalayn, Editorial, Volume 10, Number 2, Summer 2009/1430

by Mohammad Ali Shomali
This article is the editorial of the Message of Thaqalayn journal, Volume 10, Issue number 2, released in summer of 2009. It discusses the contents of the proceding articles in this journal which have been listed below. 
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The Prophet's Spiritual State at the Time of His Mission

by S. Ahmad Rahnamaei
In this paper the author studies some major aspects of the life of the Prophet Muhammad at the beginning of his mission, especially the way he received revelation from God. The author discusses in detail this part of the Prophet's life from both Shi'a and Sunni sources (which are well referenced). 
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Different Methodological Approaches to Spirituality

by Mohammad Ali Shomali
In this paper, the author discusses, in brief, the methodologies used by scholars in studying spirituality. He classifies it into three approaches, i.e., the philosophical approach, the mystical approach and the scriptural approach and discusses the importance of all three of them. 
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An Outline of Governance from a Qur'anic Perspective

by Karim Aghili
In this paper, the author presents a brief summary and paraphrase of some of the salient points regarding governance from a Qur'anic point of view, based on Law and Politics in the Qur'an by Ayatollah Muhammad Taqi Misbah Yazdi. This paper is an attempt to clarify that Islam aims at establishing an ideal society by having a just government. 
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Ijtihād: Taswib or Takhti'ah

by Muhammad Namazi
In this article, the author talks in brief about the concept, definition, and types of ijtihÃĸd and examines the criteria and justification of takhti'ah (admission of the possibility of error in the judgments of the jurist) and taswib (maintenance of the jurist's infallibility and denial of any possibility of error) according to both Shi'a and Sunni scholars. 
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Intellectual, Political and Social Status of the Shi'ites on the Verge of Occultation

by Mas'ud Pur Sayyid Aqaei
In this paper, the author studies a very important part of the history of Islam, that is, the period of the lives of Imam Hadi (AS) and Imam Askari (AS), and the efforts these two Imams made to develop a network of agents (wukalā) to prepare the Shi'a community for the era of the occultation of Imam Mahdi (AS). 
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Reason, Faith and Authority: A Shi'ite Perspective

by Mohammad Ali Shomali
In this paper, the author discusses the importance of reason in Islam, its relevance and connection to true faith and also explains what authority is in Islam and to whom it belongs. He does so in the light of the Quran and traditions. 
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New Text resources in English




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Assalamu alaykum, the Ahlul Bayt DILP team is pleased to announce the addition of the following resources to the Al-Islam.org collection.


Message of Thaqalayn, Editorial Volume 11, Number 2, Summer 2010/1431

by Mohammad Ali Shomali

This article is the editorial of the Message of Thaqalayn journal, Volume 11, Issue number 2, released in summer of 2010. It discusses the contents of the proceding articles in this journal which have been listed below.
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Key Concepts in Islamic Spirituality: Love, Thankfulness and Humbleness

by Mohammad Ali Shomali

In this paper the author discusses the three major qualities that everyone needs to acquire for their spiritual progress, namely love (which has been described as the strongest foothold in Islam), thankfulness (as it is an equal of faith), and humbleness or spiritual poverty (through which piety can be attained). 
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Divine Justice and the Problem of Evil

by Ghulam Husayn Adeel

In this paper, the author, in brief, analyzes the problem of evil and the occurrence of pain and suffering under the authority of a Just God. This leads to the question of why so much evil exists if there is divine justice. 
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Nasir al-Din Tusi and His Socio-Political Role in the Thirteenth Century

by Abbas Ali Shameli

In this paper, the author refers to scientific and socio-political role of Khajah Nasir al-Din Tusi in one of the most critical eras of Islamic history and examines some of the controversies that exist about his affiliations. 
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Bayt al-Mal and the Distribution of Zakat

by Mahmood Namazi

In this article, the author discusses the Islamic concept of the Bayt al-Māl, and its objective in reducing inequality between the wealthy and the deprived by distributing wealth with the goal of the society's financial welfare taken into consideration. 
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The Doctrine of Mahdi and Pluralism

by Mohammad Hussein Mokhtari

In this paper, the author examines the idea of religious pluralism and examines its relation with the doctrine of Mahdi (A) in Islam. 
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The Merits of Fasting and the Month of Ramadan

by Mohammad Ali Shomali

In this paper, the author elaborates on the concept of divine banquet and refers to some of the bounties of Allah SWT in the month of Ramadan and for those who fast. 
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Islam and Nationalism: A Theoretical Point of View Part II

by Sayyid Ahmad Rahnamaei

In this paper, the author examines the position of nationalism in Islam and whether or not it prevents Islam from fulfilling its role in developing a just society. He highlights the fact that nationalistic biases never stemmed from religion itself; rather, its followers possessed prejudices that often led to disputes. 
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011




JUM'AH KHUTBAH (29 July 2011)

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It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the

Criminals may become clear.

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.

Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.

Ma'shar Al Mu'mineen…

Assalaamualaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh


Audio on http://www.islamiccenterdc.com/apps/videos/videos/show/11532624-imam-muhammad-al-asi-on-the-forgotten-dimensions-of-shirk-in-durban-part-1-08-14-2009- (08-14-2009)

http://www.islamiccenterdc.com/apps/videos/videos/show/11532615-imam-muhammad-al-asi-on-the-forgotten-dimensions-of-shirk-in-durban-part-2-08-14-2009- (08-14-2009)




I begin by thanking you for the opportunity to be here with you at this time preceding salaat al Jum'ah. You can only appreciate being in a Masjid when you are denied going into some Masajid. All praise and all appreciation is due to Allah for His design and His decree for whatever comes our way in life.


We begin our presentation to you by asking you to be present with your mind. We beg your attention. We, the Muslims in the world, have individuals who are in positions of responsibility who have enormous wealth because they are in Government positions and in Decision-Making positions; we have an array of such Organisations and individuals who want to accuse Muslims of being either Mushriks or Kafirs. This accusation, (to the best of our knowledge), emanates from the area called Arabia and as you know there is plenty of wealth that is located in that geographical area simply because the industrial world are pumping the oil fields and some of the revenue goes back to these self-styled Islamic spokespersons and Scholars and they are very liberal at accusing other Muslims, (in their own words), of Kufr and Shirk- wa na'udhubillahi ta'ala. This has to come to and end. It will not come to an end though if this type of takfir is not brought into the public realm and exposed for the fallacy that it is. We know of many incidents in which Muslims go to Al Hejaz, that's the area in which Makkah and Al Madinah are located, and when they go to Al Madinah and they want to visit the Prophet's Masjid and show their respects to the Prophet we have some of these "holier-than-thou" individuals who impede, disturb, deter (and) defy the expression of love and affection for Allah's Prophet. The Muslims are entitled to express their attachment and their affection to Allah's Prophet. If you were lost somewhere and you felt desperate and you needed information and you needed direction on how to get to your destination and a person comes to you and you know nothing about anything and you're stuck and a person comes to you and says "what is it? Can I help you" And you say "yes, I'm trying to reach my destination."  And the person shows you (and) explains to you the exactly how to get to your destinations you'd be very thankful to that person and there's nothing in the Qur'an and in the Sunnah that says you cannot be thankful to a person who helps you out when you are in dire need of help. Imagine a person comes to us, (not to one of us and not to a small number of us; the Muslims of the world now we are quickly approaching two-billion), and he shows us the way to our destination, to Al Aakhirah, to Yawm Al Hisaab, to Al Jannah, to Allah- should we not be appreciative? Should we not be thankful. These people who want to stifle and exterminate these feelings of appreciation and attachment to Allah's Prophet are the ones who have a problem. We, in the encompassing and inclusive sense that we are in, should feel sorry for them, but at the same time we should not let them get away with the harsh attitude that they have towards anyone who flocks to Allah's Prophet and tries to express their love and devotion towards him. If it was only one simple area in which they are exercising this unexplainable attitude we would have had a diminutive problem but the issue is they are spread all around the world and they want us to believe that "the Prophet was something like a postman. He delivered a message and he left." This cannot be. They complicate the issue even more by trying to give it, (what they call), an Aqeedi dimension/a doctrinary explanation so they factor in the words Kufr and Shirk. Obviously if they are Muslims we would like to meet them, to speak to them but they are the ones who run away. They are ones who don't make an appearance. They are the ones who don't talk. Why? What's wrong? If you are confident of your position and if you refer an issue of disagreement to Allah and His Prophet, that's the meaning of the ayah in the Qur'an

… if you, the committed Muslims, dispute a certain issue among yourselves then refer it to Allah and His Prophet … (Surah Al Nisa' verse 59)

And if they are that type we welcome them. Come- let us open up. They have no right expelling Muslims from Masajid of the world; they have no right denying Muslims access to Makkah and Al Madinah; they have no right acting as barriers between those who love Allah's Prophet and Allah's Prophet's final resting place in Al Madinah. And besides these words, come- to the Book of Allah. They're using the words Kufr and Shirk- OK; let us see who is the Mushrik. Allah in the ayah that you read, we read and all the rest of the Muslims read says

… the act of Shirk is not involved/(tolerated) in the governance of Allah. (Surah Al Kahf verse 26)

Allah has revealed to us a form of Governance and in the application of this ruling, Governance (and) hukm there is no shareek. Now, let us look at ourselves- who is bringing in Shuraka' with Allah when it comes to issues of Governance, ruling, Authority and the Administration of social affairs? Who's bringing in someone else? Are they the Muslims who express their love and compassion to Allah's Prophet? Are we the Muslims who want to go visit Allah's Prophet in Al Madinah guilty of this Shirk pertaining to hukm or are these Rulers in Arabia guilty of this Shirk that pertains to hukm? They brought the Imperialists in! They are condoning Zionism now. They are even telling them "we will finance your wars of against fighting and struggling Muslims" for their rights and their destiny. Who's guilty of Shirk here?

… the act of Shirk is not involved/(tolerated) in the governance of Allah. (Surah Al Kahf verse 26)

The facts speak for themselves. They have military bases. Did Allah's Prophet have military bases in Arabia when Arabia was independent of the powers of the world and would only answer to Allah? Why do they turn this around and say because we love Allah's Prophet we have become Mushriks? Where do they get that from?


In another ayah Allah says, (come listen to what Allah is saying)

… And has no Shareek, no rival, no competitor, no partner no Associate, no parallel when it comes to matters of dominion, ownership, possessing wealth … (Surah Isra' verse 111)

Who's guilty of this Shirk? We the simple Muslims who come to Allah's Holy Sanctuaries with compassionate hearts? Are we guilty of this Shirk or are they who have brought in to this Holy Land into a place that is the dominion of Allah and given the avowed enemies of Allah and the committed Muslims a say where it does not belong? (Take a) look at the word Shirk.


In another ayah in the Qur'an Allah says

… Shirk is a gargantuan form of oppression, tyranny, Despotism, Dictatorship, injustice. (Surah Isra' verse 111)

Allah is teaching us, do you want to learn? Come to Allah and His Prophet. (Take a) look at the world today, where are the largest expression of tyranny and injustice in the world today? Where do you find them? In the communities of Muslims around the world who admire Allah's Prophet, who admire Allah's Prophet? Is that dhulm adheem or is the forces of Imperialism and Zionism to which they perform their Hajj in Washington, European Capitals and Tel Aviv? Those are their ritualistic politics and then at the end of the day they say "Muslims cannot show our affection for Allah's Prophet?!" This has become Shirk? We've never heard of this. The Prophet of Allah and others of his generation showed compassion and mercy to small children. Once a person shows his son, in the presence of Allah's Prophet, how he loves him; he kisses him and then Allah's Prophet approves of this; and then another person says I've never in my life done something like this to my own children, to my son. And he says what can we say and what can be done if Allah has extracted rahmah/this expression of rahmah from your heart. We say the same things to these types of individuals- what can we do if Allah has taken from your heart the passion and the compassion that are due to Allah's Prophet. We don't want to open up chapters of history; we want to tread mildly in this area, but you know at the beginning of our Islamic history that a dynasty took over and the household of Allah's Prophet was denied access to decision-making, (this is the best way it can be put); they were denied access to decision-making because now the Muslims had a family that was ruling. It is haraam for the family of Allah's Prophet to be part of the decision-making process at the highest levels but it is halaal for them, beginning with the first Dynasty and continuing to the current Dynasty that rules in Arabia!  Halaal for them what was haraam on the Prophet's intimates! This is the topsy-turvy world that we are in and then they come to us with the configurations and the costumes of piety and fearing God and all of this other stuff. Don't be deceived by appearances. What they are doing that is costing us money and lives speaks much louder than their empty words and their shallow feelings. May Allah guide us so that we can extend our responsibility to guide those who are going astray in, of all places, Arabia. When the Muslims first exited Arabia into the world fourteen centuries ago into the wilderness of the world they took with them the responsibilities given to them by Allah and His Prophet and they honoured those responsibilities the best they could with all the internal and external problems and challenges that they had. Today those who exit Arabia go to other parts of the world with their limousines to the red district areas of certain cities, to the casinos. One level of the Treasury Department in Washington DC is occupied by the King and the family that is ruling in Arabia. They come to us with one face and - and even with the passion and compassion that we have to Allah's Prophet there still is a deficit; as much as we try our best to live as if we are in the presence of Allah's Prophet- they want to come and try to annul of this. What do they want to do? What will satisfy them? We don't know. If we wanted to go to Khaybar- that's the area where Allah's Prophet and his first generation of committed Muslims defeated the pre-Zionists of today- try to go to Khaybar… What's wrong with these people who are running Arabia? With our feelings and emotions that are due to Allah's Prophet, they will not let us visit him; and also to add insult to injury they will not let us to go to the areas in Arabia where the Muslims defeated Yahud! Who are they? Where do they come from? What book do they refer to?


Wa Salaamualaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh


This presentation was presented by Imam Muhammad Al Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah in Durban, South Africa on 14 August 2009. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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