وهذا تفريغ المقطع المراد - وإن يسر الله عزوجل فسوف أنزل كل المكالمة لإخواني - :
السائل : شيخنا سؤال آخر.
الشيخ : نعم.
السائل : هل يجوز نشر مثل هذا الكلام، ونرجوا الاجابة باختصار شيخنا لأن هناك أسئلة. هل يجوز نشر مثل هذا الكلام : "أن الشيخ عبيد سََبْتُ الحزبية الجديدة وبُـيِّـنَ له الحق في فتنة عبدالرحمن العدني يعني، وأنه لا تُـؤخذ منه الفتوى، وأنه يجيز الاختلاط والانتخابات، والتلفاز، بحجة أن هذا الكلام صادر من عالم الشيخ يحي حفظه الله تعالى، وأنه على موقع الانترنت وقد شاع وذاع ولم يكن هناك ردّ من العلماء". ؟
الشيخ : هذا الكلام لا نعرفه، هذا الكلام باطل، الشيخ عبيد من خيار علماء ومشايخ السنة، من خيار مشايخ السنة وما عرفناه الا على السنة، وكلنا يخطئ ويصيب، ولكن هذا الكلام لا يجوز قوله في حق الشيخ عبيد، باطل باطل كلام باطل، وإن قاله يحي كلام باطل، قاله الشيخ يحي لا نوافقه عليه، كلام باطل.
يحي أخونا والحق أحب إلينا منه، هذا كلام باطل ما علمنا الشيخ عبيد إلا عالما من علماء السنة، وداعية إلى السنة، ومحذرا من الحزبية و منفرا عنها ومواجها لأهلها، فنعوذ بالله من البطلان. ولكن الانسان قد يقول في الغضب ما لا يقول في الرضا، ولا يؤخذ من الانسان إلا ما وافق الدليل.
السائل : بارك الله فيك.
الشيخ : هذا الكلام لا نعرفه، هذا الكلام باطل، والذي نعرفه من الشيخ عبيد أنه من أعلام السنة، وعلماء السنة، والدعاة الى السنة، والمنافحين عن السنة، والذابين عنها، والمحاربين للبدع وأهلها والمحذرين من البدع، وهو من العلماء المعروفون والمشايخ المعروفين في هذا الباب.
السائل : بارك الله فيكم شيخنا.
الشيخ : بارك الله فيك.
السائل : شيخنا سؤال آخر.
الشيخ : نعم.
السائل : هل يجوز نشر مثل هذا الكلام، ونرجوا الاجابة باختصار شيخنا لأن هناك أسئلة. هل يجوز نشر مثل هذا الكلام : "أن الشيخ عبيد سََبْتُ الحزبية الجديدة وبُـيِّـنَ له الحق في فتنة عبدالرحمن العدني يعني، وأنه لا تُـؤخذ منه الفتوى، وأنه يجيز الاختلاط والانتخابات، والتلفاز، بحجة أن هذا الكلام صادر من عالم الشيخ يحي حفظه الله تعالى، وأنه على موقع الانترنت وقد شاع وذاع ولم يكن هناك ردّ من العلماء". ؟
الشيخ : هذا الكلام لا نعرفه، هذا الكلام باطل، الشيخ عبيد من خيار علماء ومشايخ السنة، من خيار مشايخ السنة وما عرفناه الا على السنة، وكلنا يخطئ ويصيب، ولكن هذا الكلام لا يجوز قوله في حق الشيخ عبيد، باطل باطل كلام باطل، وإن قاله يحي كلام باطل، قاله الشيخ يحي لا نوافقه عليه، كلام باطل.
يحي أخونا والحق أحب إلينا منه، هذا كلام باطل ما علمنا الشيخ عبيد إلا عالما من علماء السنة، وداعية إلى السنة، ومحذرا من الحزبية و منفرا عنها ومواجها لأهلها، فنعوذ بالله من البطلان. ولكن الانسان قد يقول في الغضب ما لا يقول في الرضا، ولا يؤخذ من الانسان إلا ما وافق الدليل.
السائل : بارك الله فيك.
الشيخ : هذا الكلام لا نعرفه، هذا الكلام باطل، والذي نعرفه من الشيخ عبيد أنه من أعلام السنة، وعلماء السنة، والدعاة الى السنة، والمنافحين عن السنة، والذابين عنها، والمحاربين للبدع وأهلها والمحذرين من البدع، وهو من العلماء المعروفون والمشايخ المعروفين في هذا الباب.
السائل : بارك الله فيكم شيخنا.
الشيخ : بارك الله فيك.
A Quick Translation:
"Q: Our Shaikh, another question [for you].
Shaikh Muhammad bin Haadee: Yes.
Q: Is it permissible to spread the likes of this speech - we hope for a brief answer O Shaikh - so is it permissible to spread the likes of this speech: "Shaikh Ubaid is the Sabt of the new hizbiyyah - meaning the truth has been made clear to him regarding the fitnah of Abdur-Rahmaan al-'Adanee. That fatwa is not to accepted from him (i.e. Shaikh Ubaid), and that Shaikh Ubaid permits free-mixing, democratic elections, [viewing] television - with the utilisation of the 'evidence' that that this speech [against Shaikh Ubaid] has eminated from a scholar Shaikh Yahyah, may Allaah preserve him - and that this this on an internet website and this has become widespread and well-circulated and there has not come from the scholars a refutation [of these allegations]?
Shaikh Muhammad bin Haadee: We do not know of this speech - this speech [attacking Shaikh Ubaid] is false! Shaikh Ubaid is from the best of the Scholars and from the Shaikhs of the Sunnah, from the best of the Shaikhs of the Sunnah and we know nothing about him except that he is upon the Sunnah. And everyone of us can err and be correct [from time to time]. However this speech is not permitted regarding Shaikh Ubaid - rather is sheer falsehood, falsehood, this speech is false! And this is even if Yahyah has spoken with it, it is falsehood. What Shaikh Yahyah has said, we are not in agreement with it - it is false speech!
Yahyah is our brother but the truth is more beloved to us than him. So this speech [of his] is falsehood. We do not know anything of Shaikh Ubaid except that he is a Scholar ('Aalim) from the Ulamaa of the Sunnah, and a caller to the Sunnah, one who warns against hizbiyyah, and one who flees from it and one who stands and faces the its people [in battle]. So we seek refuge in Allaah from falsehood. However a person may say something in anger that which he may not say whilst pleased so the speech of a person is not accepted unless it is in agreement with the evidence.
Q: May Allaah bless you.
Shaikh Muhammad bin Haadee: This speech, we do not know of it, this speech is false. And that which we know from Shaikh Ubaid is that he is from the distinguished of people of the Sunnah and from the Scholars of the Sunnah, and from the callers to the Sunnah, one who stands up for the Sunnah, in defense of it - and one who wages war upon innovations and its people and one who warns against innovations. He is from the well-known Scholars and the well-known Shaikhs in this arena.
Q: May Allaah bless you O Shaikh!
Shaikh Muhammad bin Haadee: May Allaah bless you.
-- "Q: Our Shaikh, another question [for you].
Shaikh Muhammad bin Haadee: Yes.
Q: Is it permissible to spread the likes of this speech - we hope for a brief answer O Shaikh - so is it permissible to spread the likes of this speech: "Shaikh Ubaid is the Sabt of the new hizbiyyah - meaning the truth has been made clear to him regarding the fitnah of Abdur-Rahmaan al-'Adanee. That fatwa is not to accepted from him (i.e. Shaikh Ubaid), and that Shaikh Ubaid permits free-mixing, democratic elections, [viewing] television - with the utilisation of the 'evidence' that that this speech [against Shaikh Ubaid] has eminated from a scholar Shaikh Yahyah, may Allaah preserve him - and that this this on an internet website and this has become widespread and well-circulated and there has not come from the scholars a refutation [of these allegations]?
Shaikh Muhammad bin Haadee: We do not know of this speech - this speech [attacking Shaikh Ubaid] is false! Shaikh Ubaid is from the best of the Scholars and from the Shaikhs of the Sunnah, from the best of the Shaikhs of the Sunnah and we know nothing about him except that he is upon the Sunnah. And everyone of us can err and be correct [from time to time]. However this speech is not permitted regarding Shaikh Ubaid - rather is sheer falsehood, falsehood, this speech is false! And this is even if Yahyah has spoken with it, it is falsehood. What Shaikh Yahyah has said, we are not in agreement with it - it is false speech!
Yahyah is our brother but the truth is more beloved to us than him. So this speech [of his] is falsehood. We do not know anything of Shaikh Ubaid except that he is a Scholar ('Aalim) from the Ulamaa of the Sunnah, and a caller to the Sunnah, one who warns against hizbiyyah, and one who flees from it and one who stands and faces the its people [in battle]. So we seek refuge in Allaah from falsehood. However a person may say something in anger that which he may not say whilst pleased so the speech of a person is not accepted unless it is in agreement with the evidence.
Q: May Allaah bless you.
Shaikh Muhammad bin Haadee: This speech, we do not know of it, this speech is false. And that which we know from Shaikh Ubaid is that he is from the distinguished of people of the Sunnah and from the Scholars of the Sunnah, and from the callers to the Sunnah, one who stands up for the Sunnah, in defense of it - and one who wages war upon innovations and its people and one who warns against innovations. He is from the well-known Scholars and the well-known Shaikhs in this arena.
Q: May Allaah bless you O Shaikh!
Shaikh Muhammad bin Haadee: May Allaah bless you.
تَبَارَكَ الَّذِي نَزَّلَ الْفُرْقَانَ عَلَىٰ عَبْدِهِ لِيَكُونَ لِلْعَالَمِينَ نَذِيرًا"
"Blessed be He who sent down the Furqaan (Qur'an) to His slave Muhammad that he may be a Warner to the Mankind".
Trying To Build Society based on Peace and Justice
The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) must be prepared to struggle and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi
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