| Target Killing escalates , Another Shia Man embraced Martyrdom in Karachi |
JNN 03 May 2011 Karachi : On the eve of Thursday Night another Shia Sadaqat Hussain, s/o Rafaqat Hussain , 42 was targeted and Martyred , in the limits of Orangi Town , Karachi.
| A Fresh wave of Protests set to start , as the crack down increases on Bahraini citizens jafrianews | June 1, 2011 at 8:24 pm | Tags: Bahrain, Amnesty International, Bahrain Centre for Human Rights, Protest, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Al Khalifa family, Facebook | Categories: Middle East | URL: http://wp.me/p1ccsT-3Oh |
JNN 01 June 2011 : Bahraini activists have called for a fresh wave of anti-government protest rallies across the Persian Gulf country despite government's escalating crackdown.
| Pakistani Journalist Gave his life in the line of Duty , for revealing the facts to the Public jafrianews | June 1, 2011 at 7:47 pm | Tags: Adnkronos, Al-Qaeda, Asia Times Online, Associated Press, Human Rights Watch, Inter-Services Intelligence, Nasim Zehra, pakistan, Syed Saleem Shahzad | Categories: Pakistan News | URL: http://wp.me/p1ccsT-3O7 |
JNN 01 June 2011 : A Pakistani investigative journalist has been found dead near the capital of Islamabad, following publication of his accounts alleging links between the Pakistani military and al-Qaeda militants.
| Iran releases the list of the Most Wanted US Criminals list jafrianews | May 31, 2011 at 5:44 am | Tags: Donald Rumsfeld, Guantanamo Bay detention camp, Human Rights and Liberties, iran, Iran Air Flight 655, Kazem Jalali, Thomas J. Pickard, United Nations Human Rights Council, United States | Categories: Iran News, United States | URL: http://wp.me/p1ccsT-3O2 |
JNN 31 May 2011 : The Iranian Parliament has released a full list of 26 US officials wanted by Tehran for various crimes ranging from rights violations to acts of terror to involvement in drug-trafficking.
| Middle Eastern & North African Revolution are now encircling step by step Europe jafrianews | May 31, 2011 at 5:10 am | Tags: Barcelona, European Union, Madrid, Place de la Bastille, Puerta del Sol, Revolution, Spain, Unemployment | Categories: AFRICA, Europe, Middle East | URL: http://wp.me/p1ccsT-3NQ |
JNN 31 May 2011 : Thousands of protesters in central Madrid have voted to continue their mass sit-in against the government's economic austerity measures.
| 3 Shia Men Targeted and Martyred in Quetta and D.I.Khan jafrianews | May 31, 2011 at 4:37 am | Tags: Bolan Medical College, pakistan, Police, Quetta, Raza Muhammad, Shia Islam, Targeted killing | Categories: Pakistan News | URL: http://wp.me/p1ccsT-3NM |
JNN 30 May 2011 Quetta : At least two Shia policemen were Martyred in the ongoing Target Killing , while three others injured during firing on Spinny road in Quetta on Sunday.
| Revolutionaries in control of Most of the Provinces of Yemen , While Saleh defiant of leaving the Presidency , rather trying to create a Civil War jafrianews | May 31, 2011 at 3:18 am | Tags: Al-Qaeda, Ali Abdullah Saleh, Hashid, Libya, Persian Gulf, Sana'a, Saudi Arabia, Yemen | Categories: AFRICA, Middle East | URL: http://wp.me/p1ccsT-3NI |
JNN 31 May 2011 SANAA, Yemen : As revolutionaries take over most of the provinces in Yemen, government forces have killed at least three demonstrators in the southern city of Taizz.
| France Denounces the Death Sentence of the Protesters Upheld by the Bahraini Court jafrianews | May 29, 2011 at 4:09 am | Tags: Shia Islam, Bahrain, Bahrain Centre for Human Rights, Al Khalifa, Capital punishment, Suadi | Categories: Middle East | URL: http://wp.me/p1ccsT-3Ny |
JNN 28 May 2011 : A special appeals court in Bahrain upheld death sentences Sunday against two people convicted in a case of policemen killed in a car accident during anti-government demonstrations in March.
| Bosnian War Criminal of Thousands of Muslims Genocide Ratko Mladic arrested jafrianews | May 29, 2011 at 1:46 am | Tags: Boris Tadić, Bosniaks, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Muslim, Radovan Karadžić, Ratko Mladić, Srebrenica, Srebrenica massacre | Categories: Europe | URL: http://wp.me/p1ccsT-3Nt |
JNN 28 May 2011 SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina —: The 69-year-old general was arrested on Thursday in a relative's house in a village in the northern province of Vojvodina, where he had been living under a pseudonym.
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