The Islam info box
Friday, 17 June 2011 16 Rajab1432
Bismilla Hirrahma Nirraheem
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
As-salamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatahu
I would like all of you to please send me requests for reciting the sura-e-fatiha
for all the relatives that have passed away. For that you would be kindly
requested to pay hadiya towards it which will all be donated to the Masjid.
You pay as much as you like.
You can also donate any other money towards the Masjid.
You can e mail me for further details.
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Please recite Sura-e-Fatiha for the following people.
Ghulam Kubra, Gulzar and Zakia Sherazi
And for all the Muslims that have passed away.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Usurping the maal of others
It is written in 'Darus Salaam' that the great Scholar Allamah
Sayyed Hashim Husain Bahrani says: In Najaf there lived a
shopkeeper who counseled and advised people daily at his shop
after Namaze Zohr. At that moment his shop would be full of people
who gathered to hear the guidance. One day an Indian prince came
to settle in Najaf, and planed to proceed on a journey. He came to
the shopkeeper to keep his ornaments and valuables as a trust with
him, because he thought the shopkeeper to be a trust-worthy believer.
After some days when he returned from the journey, he went to the
shopkeeper to take back the things entrusted to him. The shopkeeper
completely denied having taken the valuables from him. The prince was
dejected and went to the Shrine of the Commander of the Faithful,
Ali (a.s.) and called out, "O Ali! I left my motherland and came and
settled here near your grave, and entrusted my wealth to the shopkeeper
believing him to be a trust-worthy person. But alas, now he denies
having my wealth and I have no witness to prove my claim except you."
In the night he dreamt that Hazrat Ali (a.s.) came and told him to go
in the morning to the gate of the city. And when the gate opens, the
first person to enter therein would help him acquire his lost wealth.
He got up the next morning and went to the city-gate.
The first person to enter the gate was an old and feeble man, who looked
virtuous and was carrying a load of wood on his head. He entered the city
and sat down to sell the wood so as to earn something for his family. The
prince felt ashamed to ask for his help and returned to the Shrine. He
again dreamt the same, and the next day again went to the city-gate and
saw the old man and returned back. When on the third night he dreamt the
same, in the morning he went to the gate and finding the old man related
the whole incident to him. The man thought for a moment and told the prince
to come to the shopkeeper's place after Namaze Zohr, and he would get his
wealth back if Allah desires. After the Namaz people as usual gathered at
the shop and the shopkeeper got up to give advice. Suddenly the old man got
up and requested the shopkeeper to let him say something, to which he agreed.
The old man said, "O people! I am so and so, the son of so and so, and am
worried about the Rights of people (Haqqun Naas). Praise be to Allah! For I
have no lust for the wealth of this world, and am a contented man and passing
my days in solitude. I would like to narrate to you an incident of my life and
warn you about the wrath of Allah, and the punishment of Hell, and the hardships
of Qiyamat.
Once I was in great debt and hence borrowed ten 'Qiraat' (equal to 21 dinars)
from a Jew and promised him to pay half a 'Qiraat' daily. I fulfilled my promise
for ten days. On the eleventh day the Jew was not to be found anywhere. I inquired
about his whereabouts and was told that he had migrated to Baghdad.
After some days I dreamt that Qiyamat had dawned, and I was being brought for
reckoning alongwith others. After giving my account, I was sent towards Paradise.
While passing on the Pul-e-siraat, I suddenly saw the Jew appearing from the
raging fire below and he obstructed my way. He asked me to return the five 'Qiraats'
that I owed him. I told him that I had no intention of usurping his money, and that
I had searched for him, but he was nowhere to be found. He said that he would not
permit me to go any further until I return his trust back to him. I said that I did
not have anything at that moment, to which he replied that in that case I should
allow him to place his finger on my chest. I agreed to it. As soon as he placed his
fingers on my chest, I felt intense pain, and I woke up from my sleep. I saw that
there was a wound on my chest, which is not yet cured, and is still fresh. Whatever
treatment I do is of no avail." Saying this the old man opened his shirt buttons and
showed the wound to the people. When the people saw the wound, they started weeping
and wailing and asked repentance from Allah. The shopkeeper who was also hearing
this was very much affected and regretted his sin. He called the Indian prince and
returned him his wealth, and apologized sincerely for his sin.
ALLAH , I ask You to Bless my friends, relatives and those that
I care for deeply, those who are reading this right now. Show them
a new revelation of your love and power.
O'ALLAH , I ask You to strengthen their IMAAN at this very moment.
Where there is pain, give them SALAAM and REHMAT. Where
there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace.
Where there is need, give them abundantly. Bless their homes,
families, finances, their goings and their comings. "AMEEN"
Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred - Forgive.
2. Free your mind from worries - Most never happens.
3. Live simply and appreciate what you have.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less from people but more from Allah.
* * * * *
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
"To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return". (Al-Baqarah 2:156)
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Please do let me know if whenever I forget to send you
the free weekly Islam info box. I will try to send you
all kinds of info. If you do find anything at all wrong
than please let me know straight away.
Remember us in your Duas and pray for all our Marhumins
Wishing Your Days Be Filled With Happiness, Peace And Good Health
•,¸,.•´ (¨`·.·´¨) *Always * •,¸,.•´ `·.¸
(¨`·.·´¨) *Keep* •,¸,.•´ (¨`·.·´¨)¸.·´ *Smiling !
* Sweet
iltemase Dua'a
Akmal Kazmi
Akmal Services
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Trying To Build Society based on Peace and Justice
The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) must be prepared to struggle and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi
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