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Saturday, August 28, 2010





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It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the

Criminals may become clear.

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.

Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.

Ma'shar Al Mu'minin, Muslims of a heavenly commitment and a worldly location…


We desire to expand and build on the designation of the day of Al Quds (designated by the late Al Imam Al Khomeini to be commemorated on the last Friday of Ramadhan in recognition of the suffering meted out to the Palestinians and the oppressed peoples of the world), and will be insha'Allah running a weekly additional Khutbah on Al Quds. We pray that Allah raises the awareness of people regarding the suffering of the people of Quds and the other oppressed peoples so that the designation of the last Friday to ensconce the realities in the lives of oppressed people in our minds will culminate into a daily occurrence.


Audio on http://www.Islamiccenterdc.com/khutbassermons.htm (11-19-1999)



In our humble/modest pursuit of the character of Yahud we will pick up from their last presence in Al Madinah. Banu Qaynuqa' and Banu An Nadhir violated their agreement with Rasulillah and they paid for it by being forced out of Al Madinah. They left their weapons behind and took whatever they could and left. Who gave them the orders for them to leave? A person who is a mercy to mankind! This was not an act of revenge/a policy of selfishness; it was justice that was due to them. What do you expect for a people who commit high treason? Should they get away with it? And Ar Rahmah li Al Aalamin told them to leave. There was one faction of Yahud remaining in Al Madinah, this was Banu Qurayda. Their chieftain by the name of Asad ibn Kaáb had gone to the Prophet and told him in no uncertain terms/very clearly he and Banu Qarayda had nothing to do with you and Banu Qaynuqa' and Banu An Nadhir and he shall honor his agreement with the Prophet and the authority in Al Madinah and he shall not break the trust that the Prophet and the Muslims had in this agreement. But the Yahud who left Al Madinah and went North towards Khaybar were doing all they could to stir the pot of hostility and war against the Muslims in Al Madinah, especially Banu An Nadhir. They linked up with the predominant faction of Yahud/the Jews in Khaybar called Banu Waa'íl and from there they began to touch base with the other power factions/centers in the Arabian Peninsula. They sent a delegation of theirs to Mushrik Makkah to try to put together a grand alliance against the Muslims in Al Madinah which is referred to as Al Ahzab/the Confederates of Arabia. When they arrived in Makkah… There are a few Yahudi chieftains/personalities/names that Muslims should be familiar with. Heading the effort of Banu An Nadhir was Huyayy ibn Akhtab. Heading the faction of Yahud in Khaybar was Hauda ibn Qays. Along with them were other frontline Yahudi key personalities- Ar Rabi' ibn Kinana and ibn Abi Haqeeq. These were the Yahudi figures who were going around in the Arabian Peninsula putting together a military force that would come together and finish off Islam and the Islamic authority in Al Madinah and from the face of the Earth. This is how deep their hostility is to a practical representation of Islam and an Islamic political order. In other words they met with the chieftains in Makkah i.e. Abu Sufyan and his crowd who established a hostile record against the Muslims. After discussions/negotiations Yahud/these Jews said to the Arabian Mushriks concerning the Prophet we will be with you, the Mushriks of Makkah until we eradicate him. This is a statement that they haven't yet clarified/ apologized for/identified as a mistake in their history up until this day. Listen to how the Mushriks of Makkah spoke to the Jews of those days. It reminds us of the Mushriks of Arabia nowadays. They go to Yahud as if Yahud are the pinnacle/highest obtainable level of knowledge. The Mushriks of Makkah, (at least), had the courage to state publicly and for the record the way they felt, not like the cowards of Arabia nowadays i.e. the Arabian Heads of State. The Mushriks of Makkah in their closed proximity meetings with Yahud asked them- and the same thing is said nowadays but behind closed doors- You of the Jewish faith have the first Scripture and the knowledge of this affair between us and Muhammad tell us is his Deen the truth or is our Deen the truth? Is our Deen the truth/valid/right or is it his Deen that is right/valid/truth? You would expect these Yahudis who have a Holy Book to read and in their book they have information pertaining to this Prophet and who know very well what he is teaching/preaching i.e. at Tawheed- there is no Deity/Authority/Divinity except Allah and who know what the Mushriks are all about i.e. cut-throats/criminals/paganism/polytheism. Everything that is wrong in concept and in practice was represented by these inhabitants of Makkah but because the Jews have a deep running hostility to Islam, the Prophet and the Qur'an they said to these Makkan Mushriks… Now listen to this. People who you would expect to know/speak better i.e. these high ranking/senior/elderly/learned Jews tell the Mushriks of Makkah rather your Deen is the Deen of haqq and haqq belongs to you before it belongs to him. This whole scenario is not some historian writing a book these are facts related to words that have been revealed to us to guide us with our interaction with these types of people that lived then and are living now. For this encounter/meeting and for the exchanges of ideas and these words between these two sides in Makkah when they were forging ahead with a grand alliance to squash Islam in Al Madinah (and) because of these maneuvers and this grand conspiracy of Yahud against Islam and the Prophet in Al Madinah Allah says/revealed to us… Imagine these words that shed light on what these figures/characters are saying to us and compare them to the way Heads of State are behaving in trying to bend over backwards/go out of their way (to) kill off the committed Muslims to satisfy these Yahudi characters. The ayah says

Can't you consider those who have been given a proportion of scripture, (meaning these Jews)… (Surah An Nisa' verse 51)

They had scripture/revelation/Holy Book/guidance.

… they are committed to Al Jibt and At Taghut… (Surah An Nisa' verse 51)

A process of playing with words/statements because inside of this Yahudi mind they could rationalize saying the Mushriks of Makkah are better than the Muslims in Al Madinah because the Mushriks of Makkah are going to do the fighting for Yahud. So of course if you fight for Yahud you are better than Muhammad and his Deen not because of the Shirk/idolatry/violation of the concept of One God. It's not because of that (but) also because of the excesses/profits/marketeering that characterizes the greed of Yahud.

… so these Yahud who were in possession of scripture say to the kafirs "you have more direction then the Mu'mins." (Surah An Nisa' verse 51)

How can they have more direction? And because we and these Yahudis know that they are lying and this is not just theoretical statement. These are lies that went into putting together a military force against the Muslims in Al Madinah. Because of that Allah says

They are the ones who are condemned by Allah and whoever is condemned by Allah is not going to have any support. (Surah An Nisa' verse 52)

These Yahud who were going around the Arabian Peninsula putting together armies/armed forces to besiege the Prophet's capital/city/State thought they could get support from these Mushriks. Allah says

… they aren't going to get any support/you will not find them having any significant support. (Surah An Nisa' verse 52)

But they put together an armed force of 10,000 who came to Al Madinah. They went to Ghatfan. Ghatfan is an Arabian powerbase in what is today Najd- the breeding area of the rulers in Saudi Arabia in the Arabian Peninsula. They joined the fray against the Prophet. They brought this force. 10,000 people. To prepare for that Yahud/these Jews at that time had to deal with their own because inside of Al Madinah there was Banu Qurayda- the remaining Jewish faction that was not expelled from Al Madinah. So what do they do? This Jewish faction has given its allegiance to the Prophet and the Islamic State so they send one of their own- Huyayy ibn Akhtab, one of the headhantials of Bani An Nadhir to speak to the chieftain of Bani Qurayda. At first, (this at least is what history tells us), this Yahudi leader in Al Madinah did not want to speak to these other Yahudis. He said what you have done was foolish. You shouldn't have betrayed Muhammad. And then after talking/discussing/exchanging words the outside Yahudis who were expelled from Al Madinah and were roaming all around the Arabian Peninsula to stoke the fire of hostility against the Muslims in Al Madinah finally won the Yahudi faction inside Al Madinah over to their side. Remember- Asad ibn Kaáb told the Prophet of Allah he will not betray him like the other Jews did. He will not dishonor this contract of Al Madinah like these other Jews did but when the realities assembled (and) when this force of 10,000 combatants came and laid siege to Al Madinah i.e. when the decisive moment came Yahud joined Yahud. Banu Qurayda inside Al Madinah joined the rest of the Yahud outside Al Madinah who as they said wanted to finish off/eradicate Muhammad. Eradication is not a new policy that popped up in Algeria several years ago. The eradicators were present at the time of the Prophet and they wanted to eradicate him and finish off an Islamic presence in Al Madinah. What happened after that is history. We know after they laid this extended siege, the Muslims had to exert all their efforts to dig a trench to protect themselves from the vulnerable/open side of Al Madinah. Then in the midst of all of this, when the Muslims were feeling the pressure, a simple person who everyone thought was against the Muslims- Nuayn ibn Masúd… Everyone thought he was a kafir/Mushrik. He came up to the Prophet discreetly/secretly and he said to him I am willing to become a Muslim and do what is necessary. The Prophet of Allah told him you are only one of us. If you join the Muslim camp no one knows that you are a Muslim. Everyone thinks you are a kafir and if you join us you are only going to add one to us. Go back and use whatever subterfuge/tricks of wars that you can use among/between the Jews and the Mushriks because in a sense war is an act of deception. So this one person goes, (as we all know in the details of history), and relays false information between the Jews and the Mushriks to have the Mushriks expect the Jews to do things for them, especially Banu Qurayda who are still inside the confines of Al Madinah and he raised the expectation of the Jews themselves to have them think that the Mushriks are going to come to their rescue. Neither the Mushriks could help the Jews nor the Jews could help the Mushriks. When this one individual raised the expectations of both sides and none of these sides was forthcoming they lost interest in defeating the Muslims in Al Madinah and the change in some climate conditions- harsh cold weather- the Mushriks with the 10,000 that came to eradicate the Muslims from Al Madinah who were instigated on by these Yahudis left. What did we have after all of this? This is a matter of life and death. We speak about this now because there are 1,400 years distance between us and what happened then but we have now the same actors who are doing the same thing. Yahud didn't go away. They still have more rancor than we may imagine. They still delight whenever committed Muslims are put into the firing line. Yahud find pleasure when they look around the world and see what the Russians are doing to the Muslims in the Caucasus. Yahud delight to see Arabian officialdom at war with it's own Muslim population. 1,400 years ago they gambled and thought that they could "nipp the Islamic flower in the bud" but they couldn't and they didn't but they never apologized. They never said we are wrong so in fact they are still in that state of hostility/animosity/war that they ferment against Muslims wherever they have a reenactment of Al Madinah. Finally Banu Qurayda the traitors' men were put to death/executed military style. Is anything wrong with that? Anyone has any problem with that? The Prophet of Allah who is a Mercy to mankind executes the remaining Jewish men in Al Madinah because when the Muslims were under military attack they took the side of the enemies. (Do) you want that omitted from our history and our minds? They've already omitted this from the Masjids! You're not going to hear this in the typical Masjid. No one wants to speak about this. Why? Because there's a so-called peace process and these types of ideas don't help the peace process. "(Do) you mean to tell us the person you believe is God's Prophet executed Jewish men in Arabia?" Yes. But why were they executed? Why did this Prophet who is described by Allah in the Qur'an as

… a mercy to mankind. (Surah Al Ambiya' verse 107)

Why is a mercy in human blood and flesh executing traitors? Because they deserve it! It is justice that is done. If you have traitors nowadays in Muslim lands especially when you have an Islamic State such as the Muslims have today in the country of Iran and there are spies who are caught and are to be brought to a court of justice- if it turns out that they have committed high treason and they are traitors they are not above the law. They shall be executed. If it turns out in the court of law that they did not commit high treason and their punishment is less than that then they deserve whatever punishments that is in the books. They have no feathers in their head. They are no exceptions. They are not above the law. Now they are trying to move Heaven and Earth for a clemency to spies/informers/traitors if they turn out to be that. Yes. Then the rest of Yahud- the children and women- packed and left Al Madinah for good. Now, in this peace process that has made its way inside the Masjid and inside the minds/heads of preachers/khateebs/Clergymen and so called Imam's this so called peace process wants us to make believe/to convince us that it is possible to peacefully coexist with those who delight at seeing our blood flow?! How can any human being live in a normal mind with people who are happy at the wars that they are stoking against us? It's impossible! (Take a), look at how arrogant they were then in Al Madinah. The rest of Yahud left Al Madinah. There was a small section of Yahud left in Al Madinah and then they had the courage to take issue with what they knew/saw with their own eyes to be the growing potential of Islam. Nowadays look at them. If we enlarge the picture of Al Madinah to our present times they are a small number of Yahudis in Palestine, and look around, there is a sea- 1,200,000,000 million Muslims all around them and like they gambled then they are gambling now. It just needs those committed Muslims who can raise the level of activity so that these Yahudis in Palestine, (and beyond) in the United States who also claim to be factions… (You know), they tell us "there are liberal Jews, Orthodox Jews and conservative Jews." These are the contemporary reincarnation of Qaynuqa', An Nadhir and Qurayda. But when push comes to shove and the issue has to do with Islamic self-determination they all share a treachery/treason to Allah's word and Allah's Prophet. If we have Kings/Presidents who have lost touch with the Sunnah of the Prophet… We're not talking about tooth-paste/kitchen etiquette Sunnah; we're talking about military/life-and-death/victory or shahada sunnah! … if we have some rulers who are making decisions who have lost touch with the Prophet's Sunnah then they maybe on their way to an accountability that is not favorable for them on the Day of Judgment but we have not lost touch with the Prophet's Sunnah. We still hold these Yahudis/Jews responsible for what they did then and what they are doing now.


When they ceased to exist as a community in Al Madinah their last attempt was to kill the Prophet by another means so they tell the Prophet- this is an act of desperation now. They no longer have the military alliance that they hoped would crush the Muslims in Al Madinah- that's gone. Militarily they knew they no longer could defeat the Muslims (so) now they are up to a nasty trick. They say let's invite/offer him food. So a Yahudi lady prepares a meal for the Prophet- lamb and then she places poison in that meal. Then she asks which part of the food does Muhammad like to eat? Is it the shoulder, back, this-or-that? When she is told she places a concentration of poison in that particular part of the meat that she is told the Prophet of Allah is more apt to eat. Now, before we go on to a further detail, we pose a question. Who knows the name of that Yahudi woman who tried to kill the Prophet/poison him to death? Just like the Muslims are not aware who tried to assassinate/kill the Prophet by dropping a rock on him when he was sitting down, in the public mind of the Muslims the name of the lady who tried to kill/poison the Prophet is also not there! Isn't this a sure indication of how much we have been brain washed and how much our minds have been emptied of vital information? These names should live in infamy but they're not around. No regular/normal/average Muslim is able to churn out of his memory that name. This lady's name is, (at least, as reported to us by the books of history), Zainab bint Al Harith. When the Prophet took the meat that was brought to him to eat… And she was right. She had concentrated the poison exactly where the Prophet took his first bite. As he chewed on it he said this bone tells me that it has been poisoned and he spat out what he had put into his mouth and he left. How many times do you say sallalahu alayhi wa sallam/sallalahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam? But how many times when you say that does your mind/memory retrieve this vital information? Most of us say it like parrots/recorders. No background/context- just automatic words that don't relate to these vital decisions to his critical moments in life and to the way his enemies wanted to do him in. So when this Jewish lady prepared this meal and wanted to kill the Prophet by poisoning his food was approached and asked why did you do that? Listen to the Yahudi answer/mind. She said I wanted to test him and to know if he was not a Prophet he would have consumed the food and died. If he is a Prophet he would have been inspired and known the truth and we would know that he's a Prophet. (Take a) look at how you get out of something like that. Listen to the logic of this. This is the way she wanted to ascertain by trying to kill him whether he is Allah's Prophet or not and probably to escape the just punishment for that she overtly proclaimed that she has become a Muslima. It is reported that the Prophet of Allah when he was dying said as concentrated as that poison was and even though he didn't swallow it he still felt the effects of it even in those moments when he was passing away. This peace process that we have wants to take us Muslims on a ride. Forget about all of this! Yahud are decent people! We can reach an amicable/pleasant state of affairs with them.


Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims…

One issue that merits our attention and now has become something like a contentious one is the Egyptian airliner that went down about three weeks ago into the ocean off the American Coast. There's propaganda that is slanted to say "there's reasons to believe that the co-pilot was responsible for bringing down that airliner. The co-pilot expressed some religious statement/word/phrase and so Islamic motivation had something to do with this." Add to that it becomes an act to terrorism. This is the way the Yahudi slant is going. But before our vacant minds are stuffed this disinformation we should ask ourselves: there were two other planes that went down in that general area in the past couple of years- a TW airplane and a Swiss airplane. In those two instances there was a manifest i.e. the names of the passengers. How come now we don't have names of the passengers on that plane? (Number two), there has been some leakages indicating that there were thirty-four military personnel/officers on that flight. In addition to that there were intelligence officers/officials on that flight and we don't know who else was also on that flight. If that is the case, (given the rancor/acrimony that stirs the Yahudi decision makers), wouldn't there be more reason for them to bring down such a plane? We have to know, (before anything else), the identities of the passengers who were on that plane. Why has it taken them so long to divulge to us the identities of 217 individuals? If it turns out it was stashed with military personnel, especially when they know and if they smell Islamic inclinations/tendencies in officers - they have their eyes/ears around in Egypt and in the United State at military bases- and they know that some officers are getting together, it serves their purposes to bring down a plane like that. But in the meantime they want to throw it conveniently on the backs of committed Muslims and blame the committed Muslims for such an act. We know there is no motivation for any Muslim to do such a thing in such a manner unless, of course, there's other information to be known/revealed. Whatever they are upto- we don't care. This is a minute incident in the larger picture of things. When we know that they are afraid to tell/give us just names, we know they are on the defensive. They are no longer the way they used to be feeling comfortable with the maneuverability that they used to have. Now they are scared. Common information that should become public is now suspect because there are Muslims and intelligent people who we will pick up and put this larger incident and make sense out of it. This tells us that we, the Muslims, are marching into the future and our opponents are retreating into the past.


This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammed Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 19 November 1999 on the sidewalk of Embassy Road in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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