One of our readers predicted this, wondering how long it would take until the
Jews were blamed for the death of pill-popping drug addict
Michael Jackson.
The answer: Not very long.
Some guy has already
bought the URL/domain name Yup, it's disgusting. Here's the info of the site owner, who snapped up the online address before rigor mortis even set in:

Yes, It's Michael Jackson Waving the Israeli Flag
I contacted Mr. Anderson, who claims he bought it for his friend and that they're not anti-Semitic. Uh-huh.
And I've been a target of the "Jews Killed Michael Jackson" rage. Ever since I wrote about Michael Jackson's Ministers of Hate–Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Louis Farrakhan–all of whom he embraced in life and who are pimping him in death, I've been getting a ton of e-mails from angry Nation of Islam members who are the paragon of tolerance. And–shocker!–they all have the last name Muhammad (as do most members of NoI). Wow, quelle coincidence.
And they all want me to know one thing: their belief that the "Zionist bloodsuckers" killed Michael Jackson–or perpetrated some other horror close enough to it–and that now Jackson is getting his revenge by cutting them out.
From Dewayne Muhammad, who has e-mailed me several times and calls me "Caucasian She Devil"–a name we could almost have called Michael Jackson at the time of his death:
From: riseup7
Date: Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 4:24 PM
Subject: Michael wasn't as crazy as you all trying to make him out to be, HUH?
Michael wasn't as crazy as you all trying to make him out to be, HUH? He was smart enough to keep yall blood sucking Zionist out of his pocket.
I would say Blood sucking Jews, but most you are not a jew. Yall are just claiming to be. Real Jews don't act like you all.
Jackson's will cuts out ex-wife Debbie Rowe
Yes, Michael Jackson's ex-wife, the mother of his older two kids, is Jewish. The natural father/sperm donor of these kids–Michael's dermatologist, Dr. Arnold Klein, is a Jew, too. Funny how Jackson neither picked Nation of Islam members nor Black people to have his kids.
Mr. Muhammad doesn't seem to notice that part.
As for the "bloodsucking" part, I think we know who charged Michael Jackson double the rent on the house he rented in his last months. In case you didn't, it's the Nation of Islam. We know who forced him to agree to do the fifty dates in London and who "ran" his affairs . . . into the ground. The Nation of Islam and Jackson's chief of business affairs, Leonard Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan's son-in-law and chief of staff. Click here and here for a brief refresher course.
Jews, on the other hand, helped Michael Jackson throughout his life and helped him make a ton of money. They fathered and gave birth to his adopted kids, they were his lawyers, his managers, etc. When he should have been forced into involuntary bankruptcy and had amassed hundreds of millions of dollars in debts, Jews were the ones who kept him afloat with credit lines and massive loans, despite his horrible financial track record of repayment. Regardless of his anti-Semitic lyrics and a taped phone conversation, if he felt the Jews were "bloodsuckers," why did he repeatedly hire and do business with them? Because they were the only ones who gave him good advice and counsel.
From: riseup7
Date: Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 5:31 PM
Subject: This is a Love bond that can not be broken!
This is a love bond that can not be broken! This was our brother. You blood suckers are angry because we ran you all out of his life and out of his pocket.
Dewayne Muhammad
From: riseup7
Date: Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 11:14 AM
Subject: The love has already been established.
Hey Caucasian She devil,
since you like to spread hate, spread this! The love has already been established. You devils are too late. By the way, how is Ariel Sharon doing? Is he still hooked up to that generator? I hope he suffered. . . . The brain dead bastard.
Minister Farrakhan Predicted how the Media Would Treat Michael Jackson
On Twitter (follow me on Twitter), Eric Muhammad (who has a green symbol on his icon, in solidarity with the faux-democracy protestors in Iran–that should be a huge hint to the rest of you greeniacs) also sends me anti-Semitic, pro-Nation of Islam tweets about Michael Jackson, the Jews, and Israel, including these:
@DebbieSchlussel . . . u wicked jew
@DebbieSchlussel The Criminal Rothschilds
Both Eric Muhammad and DeWayne Muhammad repeatedly send me a link to a hoax–a fake confession by Michael Jackson's first alleged victim, a Jewish kid–and urge me to "report" it. But it's a fake, a fraud. While I've always said, I didn't believe his allegations, the kid never recanted. And, of course, this is all coupled with their repeated anti-Semitic jibes.
Like I said, look at the track record of Jews who helped Michael Jackson throughout his life. Then, look at the track record of how his "brothers" in the Nation of Islam sucked him dry up until his last breath.
UPDATE: I'm no fan of his, but Rabbi Shmuley Boteach says Jackson met with Ariel Sharon, against the wishes of his advisors:
"We used to have him over for Shabbat dinners," recalled Boteach. . . . "At one point, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was visiting and I wanted Michael to meet him."
Jackson's entourage urged him not to meet with Sharon for fear of offending some of his fans, but the music icon ignored the advice and met with him, Boteach said.
*** UPDATE #2: Since I noted that only "" has been bought, I've just bought "" to prevent any anti-Semite from buying it and using it to promote this absurd conspiracy theory.
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