--- On Tue, 4/14/09, bilal hassan ebrah <drbilal78@msn.com> wrote:
From: bilal hassan ebrah <drbilal78@msn.com> Subject: FW: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake To: "elena" <elena_clatinici2006@yahoo.com>, elmer7911@yahoo.com, "eman" <eman.jawad@sysx-tr.eshcare-tr.sthames.nhs.uk>, "faiq1" <dr.faiq@burntmail.com>, "farah & ziad Adeesse" <adeesse@uruklink.net>, "Farah Azawi" <layanjoud@yahoo.com>, "faroq SAIF" <shehrazad@warkaa.net>, "french" <starnova7@hotmail.com>, frg@warkaa.net, galaxes30@hotmail.com, habunarr@alrahba.ae, "hanna" <hano33@hotmail.com>, happybaby104@hotmail.com, hasan_abunarr@yahoo.com, "HIBA" <hibasafar@hotmail.com>, hifaiq2003@yahoo.com, hifaiq2003@hotmail.com, hotornot_2@hotmail.com, "idb in dubai australlia" <rajiv.biswas@idp.com>, "iwona monica" <ijudziak@gmail.com>, "khala eman jawad" <eman.jawad@sash.nhs.uk>, khaldoonmaliki@netscape.net, khaldoonmaliki@hotmail.com, krtahan@uruklink.net, kushali2003@hotmail.com, kushali2003@yahoo.com, "lamess" <baghdad123@hotmail.com>, "lateef asedy" <lateefasedy@yahoo.com>, "lolo" <dr.rose.h@uruklink.net>, maha_g_hassan@hotmail.com, mahealanilove@msn.com, majd_az@emirates.net.ae, mansoori-n@uruklink.net, "mary jane" <mary@jebelalihospital.com>, may_tweety@hotmail.com, mhussein@alrahba.ae, mohamedismat@hotmail.com, "mohamed ismat" <dr.bm@uruklink.net>, "mohammed usama" <jdriraq78@yahoo.com>, "mohanad bandar" <mohanad_b@shjmun.gov.ae>, "MUNA ALWAIDH" <malwaidh@hotmail.com>, "mutasim odeh" <mutasimodeh@hotmail.com>, "mylin" <mylinaraujo@rcsi.ie>, "nagwana" <ehab@warkaa.net> Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 1:30 AM From: cmla_a@hotmail.com To: abdo.jamhoury@hotmail.com; ace_ventora1@hotmail.com; all_4_urs@hotmail.com; allouna408@hotmail.com; alloushi112@hotmail.com; bellocasso@hotmail.com; bernadette_wakim@hotmail.com; bishhammer@hotmail.com; boudy_777@hotmail.com; clicker_cat@hotmail.com; darksavatage@hotmail.com; drakooz@hotmail.com; drbilal78@msn.com; eliejosephassaf@hotmail.com; eliewanis@hotmail.com; farhat25@hotmail.com; ghada.awada@liu.edu.lb; ghass0203@hotmail.com; ghoujlami@hotmail.com; hakimgh@hotmail.com; jaberangel@hotmail.com; joni_11@hotmail.com; habhouba735@hotmail.com; hadi_shmycany@hotmail.com; hananaoum@hotmail.com; koukish999@hotmail.com; layal_haddad@hotmail.com; lollita_14@hotmail.com; mayak_666@hotmail.com; mayflower_2@hotmail...com; mouhamad_f@hotmail.com; nadafarran@hotmail.com; natan_loupan@hotmail..com; pascaleboumalhab@hotmail.com; poussy_bm@hotmail.com; princess_shannon@hotmail.com; rinwa_m@hotmail.com; saidgh@hotmail.com; saint___anger@hotmail.com; saquai@hotmail.com; sola_bm@hotmail.com; vana_8585@hotmail.com; vbraveheart@hotmail.com; zahraadeeb_20@hotmail.com Subject: FW: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 14:03:47 +0000
From: haneen-habli@hotmail.com To: abdallah.elhor@gmail.com; ace-da-undadog@hotmail.com; acidic_flame@hotmail.com; ahmad_santana@hotmail.com; ali_ghourabi@hotmail.com; alikandil88@hotmail.com; amal_karam_9@hotmail.com; angel_eyes210@hotmail.com; baba_sami@hotmail.com; cmla_a@hotmail.com; cool_souha@hotmail.com; crazymiro_16@hotmail.com; cute_zanouba_120@hotmail.com; cutee_katy@hotmail.com; demain.un.autre.jour@hotmail.com; der_fpber@live.de; dj.najj@hotmail.com; douce_sweet_generous@hotmail.com; eagle_eye010@hotmail.com; faissal@zaknoun.com; hamoudisam85@hotmail.com; harakeh.ahmad@hotmail.com; hilalelsayed@hotmail.com; julia-assaad@hotmail.com; kamal_habli@hotmail...com; larahayek8@hotmail.com; legendmyth_me@hotmail.com; mariabaghdadi@hotmail.com; mariam.assy@hotmail.com; n0ded@hotmail.com; nassar_huda@hotmail.com; nasty_mind_89@hotmail.com; rabou3a_82@hotmail.com; ranrab@hotmail.com; sara_m24@hotmail.com; shadyatallah@hotmail.com; stupid_beeb@hotmail.com; sweety_3effo@hotmail.com; taleb_mira@hotmail.com; toilet_seat@hotmail.com; zahraadeeb_20@hotmail.com Subject: FW: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 14:13:16 +0200
From: cherry__piez@hotmail.com To: haneen-habli@hotmail.com Subject: FW: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 14:08:17 +0200
From: ramisantana@hotmail.com To: a_ah@hotmail.com; a_iglesias_07@hotmail.com; adib_k48@hotmail.com; ahmad_santana@hotmail.com; alawaal001@hotmail.com; ali_antar@hotmail.com; alighdr@hotmail.com; amerbarbir@hotmail.com; naria_75@hotmail.com; angel_eyes210@hotmail.com; asaad_bizri@hotmail.com; ayloosh@hotmail.com; b0bme@msn.com; bavaria-77@hotmail.com; becckky@hotmail.com; blachaze@hotmail.com; blackcharm60@hotmail.com; bsat_sabrina@hotmail.com; chadimch@hotmail.com; charbil_am@hotmail.com; cherry__piez@hotmail.com; cool_roudy@hotmail.com; danybsat@hotmail.com; dnakouzi@hotmail.com; sweetdandoun_5@hotmail.com; diana_elzein@hotmail.com; dj.najj@hotmail.com; donna_81@hotmail.com; dr.rana-tawil@hotmail.com; elvis525@hotmail.com; sa77ar@hotmail.com; faisal_shammaa@hotmail.com; fatima_khalil@live.com; haitham_ahmad@hotmail.com; hanadakwar@hotmail.com; hassanyamani@live.com; hassanyamani_1@live.com; habhoub19@hotmail.com; hishaq10@hotmail.com; houtashtash@hotmail.com; ice_burner1@hotmail.com; blueanne1@hotmail.com; karamhariri69@hotmail.com; karenshraim@hotmail.com; katja@nazih.com; khirat_77@hotmail.com; lakshamana6392@hotmail.com; lamisfanous@hotmail.com; layal13@hotmail.com; lebthug83@hotmail.com Subject: FW: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 13:22:30 +0000
From: abiad55@hotmail.com To: a_ah@hotmail.com; abiad55@hotmail.com; ahmadleb45@hotmail.com; ahmato_live_forever@hotmail.com; arnesto_84@hotmail.com; bastati_sameh@hotmail.com; blissempress@hotmail.com; bonehead29_@hotmail...com; boudymatar@hotmail.com; brayen_00@hotmail.com; dawoud66@windowslive.com; faisal_shammaa@hotmail.com; ha_shemaly12@hotmail.com; honest_911@hotmail.com; hot_rain52@hotmail.com; idel_life83@hotmail.com; killer_x_94@hotmail..com; maher.salam@hotmail.com; maj_ho_ul300@hotmail.com; malene_friis85@hotmail.com; mashen6ka@hotmail.com; matt_ride@hotmail.com; mhd_shrf@hotmail.com; m.n.m143@hotmail.com; moon_child_666_@hotmail.com; muriel.martin1@hotmail.com; nomail1@hotmail.com; ouss216@hotmail.com; oussmari@hotmail.com; q8..123@hotmail.com; ramisantana@hotmail.com; ranrouna6_86@hotmail.com; romanbaghdadi@hotmail.com; ronaldgraterol@gmail.com; sanokc@hotmail.com; sherine_baba@hotmail.com; shinningrose_15@hotmail.com; slbnader46@hotmail.com; thecool_ahmato@hotmail.com; triplea_devil@hotmail.com; vivaleev@hotmail.com; wateveron@hotmail.com; wiz.u@live.co.uk; ziad_rebeiz@hotmail.com Subject: FW: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 14:44:44 +0200
From: blissempress@hotmail.com To: abiad55@hotmail.com; agelesspain@hotmail.com; alfemale16@hotmail.com; alinoura@live.com; alisaba_84@hotmail.com; alisleeeem@hotmail.com; amalyde33@hotmail.com; basma_as6@hotmail.com; beirut_beauty@hotmail.com; blissemperor@hotmail.com; ccs122@hotmail.com; clanclean@hotmail.com; deademperor@hotmail.com; dido002@hotmail.com; e_qassem@hotmail.com; firas.jarrah@hotmail.com; fj1cool@hotmail.com; game_play_u@hotmail.com; gloria.slaibi@hotmail.com; hafsmk6@hotmail.com; immellool@hotmail.com; ironic_iris82@hotmail.com; itsmar1@hotmail.com; jantelman_louchi@hotmail...com; joycesherfan@hotmail.com; kornyjimmy@hotmail.com; melyy-c@hotmail.com; mijo2701@hotmail.com; miraspirit@hotmail.com; nanitos85@hotmail.com; nicole_nikky@hotmail.com; ouss216@hotmail.com; sameh.younes@live.com; sally_rawa2@hotmail.com; true_quality@hotmail.com; zipit82@hotmail.com Subject: FW: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 15:09:20 +0200
From: game_play_u@hotmail.com To: kobe_2nd@hotmail.com; abosako_5@hotmail.com; palpoule@hotmail.com; alisaba_84@hotmail.com; aramhorse@hotmail.com; aattieh@hotmail.com; bela_luna_@hotmail.com; basma_as6@hotmail.com; bella_luna@hotmail.com; beso_love10@hotmail.com; mher_10@hotmail.com; imansaadeh@hotmail.com; warlockofnight@hotmail.com; chabakat@hotmail.com; mallouki00@hotmail.com; dido002@hotmail.com; nadine_17@hotmail.com; smirnof_bn@hotmail.com; stang95m@hotmail.com; lionking986@hotmail.com; game_play_u@hotmail.com; sixteen34@hotmail.com; hodhud_flu@hotmail.com; mayoush.86@hotmail.com; pam_helou@hotmail.com; elharbyonline@hotmail.com; ghadi85@hotmail.com; smallfoot19@hotmail.com; keerov69@hotmail.com; blissempress@hotmail.com; sportcub27@hotmail.com; maro_451@hotmail.com; bokert.77@hotmail.com; jones_forever@hotmail.com; zouz_azeidan@hotmail.com; nado1_@hotmail.com; nicole_nikky@hotmail.com; itsmar1@hotmail.com; mr.khamiss@hotmail.com; rafiko5@hotmail.com; offlinesince1984@hotmail.com; ghenno_miro@hotmail.com; moody_butterfly@hotmail.com; hafsmk6@hotmail.com; cutelove@hotmail.com; markos.4ever@hotmail.com Subject: RE: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 12:41:36 +0000
From: kobe_2nd@hotmail.com To: richard_baccash@hotmail.com; tony@multynet.net; taarrook@hotmail.com; tarekmehio@hotmail.com; terminator_00@hotmail.com; tooooool2002@hotmail.com; tarek@emiratesglass.com; trytosendme@hotmail...com; idlespirit@hotmail.com; marounaj@idm.net.lb; imp_r@hotmail.com; ionescualexandra400@hotmail.com; pist.ya.7elo@hotmail.com; waoull@hotmail.com; beirj@hotmail.com; abbousa70@hotmail.com; abdullafaour@hotmail.com; abou_tafech@hotmail.com; aidan_1986@hotmail.com; a-man-from-z-earth@hotmail.com; amani_seifeddin@hotmail.com; amer_dally@hotmail.com; amora_48@hotmail.com; dallyamer@hotmail.com; director_ola@hotmail.com; dr_tee_18@hotmail.com; fatimasaifeddine@hotmail.com; fbi_nana1@hotmail.com; game_play_u@hotmail.com; ghenno_miro@hotmail.com; ghougas11@hotmail.com; gunroses_82@hotmail.com; j_mroueh@hotmail.com; jadhot@hotmail.com; josephnaser@hotmail.cpm; larakelian@hotmail.com; makramhosn@hotmail.com; marou80@hotmail.com; maya3h@hotmail.com; mayoush.86@hotmail.com; mazentassi@hotmail.com; merve_t@hotmail.com; makhoulmitch@hotmail.com; bassam_slim@hotmail.com; abalian@aust.edu.lb; bebe_nana1@hotmail.com; bela_luna_@hotmail.com; best_drummer@hotmail.com; bettyb107@hotmail.com; curly_myso@hotmail.com Subject: FW: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 19:53:08 +0200
From: paola@cyberia.net.lb To: barret@delrionut.com; chantal.raad@yahoo.com; jensct67@gmail.com; jdurrant@shaw.ca; kobe_2nd@hotmail.com; nat_roger@yahoo.fr; ritardj@dm.net.lb Subject: FW: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 01:59:35 +0200 From: alex habis [mailto:alexhabis@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 1:18 PM To: aliciahabis@hotmail.com; jano habis; Rami Matar; pamjanji@hotmail.com; pamela janji; Alain Nazarian; Ahmad Al roumi; Paola Pilavian; Paul Salameh; elie@issakoffassociates.net; Elie Dib; leon teghararian; leo issakoff; leo2 issakoff; Elie Dib; Mortimer Enterprises; marwan basmaji Subject: Fw: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake ----- Forwarded Message ---- From: selim jouan <selimjouan@hotmail.com> To: abdallah_elie@hotmail.com; alex habis <alexhabis@yahoo.com>; aline_hage@hotmail.com; amymoussally@hotmail.com; andraosandraos@msn.com; atyab_hana@hotmail.com; bass077@hotmail.com; bazzounamal@hotmail.com; carole hakim <carole@arocon.com>; charbel_77@hotmail.com; charles-saliba@hotmail.com; cutegirl_roro_23@hotmail.com; danynehme@hotmail.com; dar.devil.777@hotmail.com; delfin27@citromail.hu; deviliana666@hotmail...com; eelra_11@hotmail.com; elie_jawad@hotmail.com; eliefeg12@hotmail.com; esma.k@hotmail.com; georgax@hotmail.com; georges hajj <hajj_georges@hotmail.com>; hana hana <lady_blues@hotmail.com>; jadiche@hotmail.com; JEAN-CLAUDE MENHEM <jcmenhem@hotmail.com>; jihaneelramy@hotmail.com; j.neh@hotmail.com; joey.nehme78@hotmail.com; lahoud_joseph@hotmail.com; lama.bilal@hotmail.com; lebaneserose1@hotmail.com; loulanabha7@hotmail.com; maroun.lahoud@hotmail.com; miree_78@hotmail.com; mymmam_sacha@hotmail.com; naderjad@hotmail.com; selimjouan@hotmail.com; raniafahmi@hotmail.com; rarchidect@hotmail.com; ratrout.j@hotmail.com; raymondzahran@hotmail.com; rose_arya1@hotmail.com; sandra_serzio@hotmail.com; suelady@hotmail.com; taff.08@hotmail.com; wood_city@hotmail.com; yasmine_hamade@hotmail.fr Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 10:31:58 AM Subject: FW: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake
From: danynehme@hotmail.com To: abou_selom@hotmail.com; archisam25@hotmail.com; balalpierre@hotmail.com; bandalys@hotmail.com; blackorchid23@hotmail.com; boula66@hotmail.com; charbelmechelany@hotmail.com; eliefaraj@yahoo.fr; ge_daoud@hotmail.com; georgetteaoun@hotmail.com; ghantousantoine@hotmail.com; jamyla28@hotmail.com; tamally21@hotmail.com; jp.beaine@gmail.com; jocelynemoussallem802@hotmail.com; jbeyrouthy@hotmail.com; josephjoanny@hotmail.com; life_christian@hotmail.com; lina_yamout7@hotmail.com; louloucute7@hotmail.com; marounslailaty@hotmail.com; michel_ghantous@hotmail.com; dagher_m@hotmail.com; nfrenn@hotmail.com; nickolas_haddad@hotmail.com; rarchidect@hotmail.com; rania_858@hotmail.com; selimjouan@hotmail.com; simondaoud8@hotmail.com; sysco60@hotmail.com; taltoula.n@hotmail.com; tarek_touma@hotmail.com; ziadelchaer@hotmail.com Subject: FW: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 08:17:05 +0000
From: dimatohme@hotmail.com Subject: FW: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 07:37:53 +0000
From: zeina_zaarour@hotmail.com Subject: FW: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 05:51:20 +0000
From: ziadwazen@hotmail.com To: amgigalo_007@hotmail.com; alinef@hotmail.com; wazena@terra.net.lb; antoinenader76@hotmail.com; antonios_majdalany@hotmail.com; boss-life@hotmail.com; carolineayt@hotmail.com; charo_ma@hotmail.com; al_la3ine@hotmail.com; dabbour201@hotmail.com; esaab@hotmail.com; elisalame@hotmail.com; faridhaikal@hotmail.com; ghada_jelwan@hotmail.com; michelinebj@hotmail.com; jawadmoujaes@hotmail.com; joseph_aboujaoude@live.com; rapido0@hotmail.com; khityar_zazou6@hotmail.com; maroun_ajram@hotmail.com; pascalechedid@hotmail.com; philippenajem@hotmail.com; general.v@hotmail...com; ranawazen@hotmail.com; tyna_bj@hotmail.com; zeina_zaarour@hotmail.com; zeinaerc@hotmail.com Subject: FW: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 18:58:08 +0000 Cross check this unsolicited message! Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake Dear Friends,
Please do not take this for a junk letter. Bill Gates is sharing his fortune. If you ignore this you will repent later. Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet companies and in an effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test..
When you forward this e-mail to friends, Microsoft can and will track it (if you are a Microsoft Windows user) for a two week time period.
For every person that you forward this e-mail to, Microsoft will pay you $245.00, for every person that you sent it to that forwards it on, Microsoft will pay you $243.00 and for every third person that receives it, you will be paid $241.00. Within two week! s, Microsoft will contact you for your address and then send you a cheque.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Udapudi, Bheemaraj (Cognizant) Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 10:% AM
Guys It's working
I have got $10000 .
I got 450 $ credited in my HDFC account today only. Yahooooooooooooooooooo!!! hurreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Regards, Apurv Gangwar
Cognizant Technology Solutions Vnet: 55269
Hai this is not joke i got 4672$ credited in my ICICI account last week
Frnds I got $2163 today only. So I am forwading to u frnds Don't miss this chance Regards, Sathish kumar. Vnet - 56639
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I got $9386. Was shocked!!! Hey!!!!!! Am not joking................. This really works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Amit Midha [mailto: amit.midha@... ] Sent: 03/10/2005 6:24 PM Subject: RE: UK Requirement Dear Shiva n This is really amazing I also got 5000 dollars via DD from HDFC, thot it was fake but it really worked..........the amount has been created to my account, what did you get. Thanks for forwarding this mail
Amit Midha Front Office Manager The Trident Hilton Opposite Jalmahal Jaipur - 302002 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I got $12,101 credited with this months salary, that is why I am sending this to you guys. I am almost going mad. Planning to quit TCS and start a new company. You guys can join hands. What to say yarr????
Love, Ajay Joy Tata Consultancy Services Limited ----- Forwarded by Ajay Joy/CHN/TCS on 09/02/2005 05: 09 PM ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----Original Message----- From: Praharsh Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 2:35 PM Subject: RE: UK Requirement
Hey guys !!! this is cool really really cooollllll I forwarded this mail to three chaps just half an hour back and i just forgot about it.. then i saw my salary slip, checked my account in the net. i was wonder stuck to see $30000/- added to my account !! transferred from ms office thru western money transfer !!! its amazing guys !!! Go for it. Act fast. at least before this stupid bill gates gets bankrupt........... and in case this is true, there is not much time left..... so congratulations in advance..... for becoming a millionair so easily... like me...... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: RE: UK Requirement Hey dudes and dudettes.......this is truly amazing........I got $12,545 a few weeks back.......it indeed works.....and hope it works out for all of u............for details contact me...........
Thnks & Rgds,
Subject: FW: UK Requirement Importance: High
Hi, I got $9386. Was shocked!!! This is cool. Please forward...
Regards Ajay --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: Naveen Kumar Gupta Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:02 PM Subject: RE: UK Requirement
I have also gotten 34271$ cheque last week for the same knid of mail.You can also try your luck J
Thanks, Naveen Gupta. Extn: 9256
From: Ashish Gangwar Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 11:59 AM Subject: RE: UK Requirement
I have gotten 17934$ cheque some time ago for the same kind of mail. You can also try your luck J -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rashmi G. S Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 2:07 PM Subject: RE: Microsoft -Don\'t miss this chance....
Hey its really working..
Its not a joke. Really amazing !!!
I have got $10002 !!!! Isn't tat coooolll !!!!
| From: wassim_sawan@hotmail.com To: emile_dragon@hotmail.com; lil_man2q4@hotmail.com; a7iram@hotmail.com; joa-115@hotmail.com; aby_tannous@hotmail.com; abytannous@hotmail.com; alfred@jesus-reigns.zzn.com; alfredhd84@hotmail.com; shakib_rules@hotmail.com; alfred.haddad@live.com.au; andromeda76_176@hotmail.com; andrewmannah@hotmail.com; banout.leb@hotmail.com; A_butterfly087@hotmail.com Subject: Fw: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 17:09:41 +1100 Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 8:32 PM To: Chadi Sawan ; wassim_sawan@hotmail.com ; pascal_sawan@hotmail.com ; pattoura_3@hotmail.com ; sabine_sawan_7@hotmail.com ; jacquessawan@hotmail.com ; Elie Badoui Sawan ; Elsy Sawan ; jadkheir@hotmail.com ; Habib Al Jed ; mayssa_youssef@hotmail.com ; Carla Sawan ; sawan_est@hotmail.com ; sawanpeter@hotmail.com ; Paul SAWAN ; Ashraf Souk ; Imad Alameddine Subject: FW: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake 3an jadd it worked !!!!!!!! MS paid me 5453 $ :D:D:D:D:D go and get rich kbir ya bill gates
From: zahychalak@hotmail.com To: laurene_antoun@hotmail.com; lesoleil_88@hotmail.com; lethal_9@hotmail.com; like_meet_me@hotmail.com; loud_ssilence@hotmail.com; lunamarianna7@hotmail.com; mahmoudalisber@hotmail...com; mamouth13@hotmail.com; man_an_black@hotmail.com; marada1172008@hotmail.com; marcha_kan@hotmail.com; iya85@hotmail.com; marilou_zed@hotmail.com; mathildeghazi@hotmail.com; mayssa_youssef@hotmail.com; ilu_fe@hotmail.com; mohamad_abdo@live.com; mohamad_arabiagha@hotmail.com; mouhamad.chalak@hotmail.com; mousbah_eter@hotmail.com; na3im_nh@hotmail.com; n.adah@hotmail.com; natyfares@hotmail.com; omarabdoullah@hotmail.com; paulsawan@hotmail.com; prestige15@hotmail.com; rabie.gh@hotmail.com; rabiespringseason@hotmail.com; raffoulwissam@hotmail.com; ragheb_eng@hotmail.com; rahhalrichy@hotmail.com; rateb_arabi@hotmail.com; ribalov@hotmail.com; rody_nasr@hotmail.com; roy_nasr_18@hotmail.com; saghad_boulos@hotmail.com; samer_amine@hotmail.com; samyashalak@hotmail.com; sara.hallab@hotmail.com; shanglish@hotmail.com; skerouge_07@hotmail.com; smoker112@hotmail.com; sofi_samer@hotmail.com; ssamer@hotmail.com; sshalak69@hotmail.com; survivor0007@hotmail.com; sweatheart_rora@hotmail.com; symon_amine@hotmail.com Subject: FW: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 09:27:46 +0200
From: vieri16@hotmail.com Subject: FW: Please do it - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 21:08:41 +0000
5.D.Sit - Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake Microsoft Paying you - Not Fake Dear Friends,
Please do not take this for a junk letter. Bill Gates is sharing his fortune. If you ignore this you will repent later. Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet companies and in an effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test..
When you forward this e-mail to friends, Microsoft can and will track it (if you are a Microsoft Windows user) for a two week time period.
For every person that you forward this e-mail to, Microsoft will pay you $245.00, for every person that you sent it to that forwards it on, Microsoft will pay you $243.00 and for every third person that receives it, you will be paid $241.00. Within two week! s, Microsoft will contact you for your address and then send you a cheque.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Udapudi, Bheemaraj (Cognizant) Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 10:% AM
Guys It's working
I have got $10000 .
I got 450 $ credited in my HDFC account today only. Yahooooooooooooooooooo!!! hurreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Regards, Apurv Gangwar
Cognizant Technology Solutions Vnet: 55269
Hai this is not joke i got 4672$ credited in my ICICI account last week
Frnds I got $2163 today only. So I am forwading to u frnds Don't miss this chance Regards, Sathish kumar. Vnet - 56639
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I got $9386. Was shocked!!! Hey!!!!!! Am not joking................. This really works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Amit Midha [mailto: amit.midha@... ] Sent: 03/10/2005 6:24 PM Subject: RE: UK Requirement Dear Shiva n This is really amazing I also got 5000 dollars via DD from HDFC, thot it was fake but it really worked..........the amount has been created to my account, what did you get. Thanks for forwarding this mail
Amit Midha Front Office Manager The Trident Hilton Opposite Jalmahal Jaipur - 302002 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I got $12,101 credited with this months salary, that is why I am sending this to you guys. I am almost going mad. Planning to quit TCS and start a new company. You guys can join hands. What to say yarr????
Love, Ajay Joy Tata Consultancy Services Limited ----- Forwarded by Ajay Joy/CHN/TCS on 09/02/2005 05: 09 PM ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----Original Message----- From: Praharsh Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 2:35 PM Subject: RE: UK Requirement
Hey guys !!! this is cool really really cooollllll I forwarded this mail to three chaps just half an hour back and i just forgot about it.. then i saw my salary slip, checked my account in the net. i was wonder stuck to see $30000/- added to my account !! transferred from ms office thru western money transfer !!! its amazing guys !!! Go for it. Act fast. at least before this stupid bill gates gets bankrupt........... and in case this is true, there is not much time left..... so congratulations in advance..... for becoming a millionair so easily... like me...... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: RE: UK Requirement Hey dudes and dudettes.......this is truly amazing........I got $12,545 a few weeks back.......it indeed works.....and hope it works out for all of u............for details contact me...........
Thnks & Rgds,
Subject: FW: UK Requirement Importance: High
Hi, I got $9386. Was shocked!!! This is cool. Please forward...
Regards Ajay --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: Naveen Kumar Gupta Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:02 PM Subject: RE: UK Requirement
I have also gotten 34271$ cheque last week for the same knid of mail.You can also try your luck J
Thanks, Naveen Gupta. Extn: 9256
From: Ashish Gangwar Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 11:59 AM Subject: RE: UK Requirement
I have gotten 17934$ cheque some time ago for the same kind of mail. You can also try your luck J -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rashmi G. S Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 2:07 PM Subject: RE: Microsoft -Don\'t miss this chance....
Hey its really working..
Its not a joke. Really amazing !!!
I have got $10002 !!!! Isn't tat coooolll !!!!
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