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[shia_strength] 40 Hadith's The World and The Hereafter with Ref's (New) fwd it...

The World and The Hereafter
By: Abbas Shahid Baqir
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1- Imam Sajjad (A. S.)            ((Osool-e-Kafi, vol. 3, p. 197))
Affection and attachment to the world is the root of all sins.

2- The Endeared Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)            ((Ashshehab Fel-Hekame-Val-Adab, p. 7))
The world is the prison of the religious people and paradise of unbelievers.

3- Imam Mohammad Bagher (A. S.)            ((Tohafol-Oghool, p. 293))
By decreasing desires, piety, asceticism and disinterestedness to the world become it sweet to your mouth.

4- Imam Musa Kazem (A. S.)            ((Behar, vol. 78, p. 311))
The story of the world is as a snake, that appears to be soft, but inwardly has a deadly poison.

5- Imam Hadi (A. S.)            ((Behar, vol. 78, p. 369))
In the world, people are publicized by their property, wealth and asset, and in eternity they are known by their deeds and actions.

6- Imam Ali Naghi (A. S.)            ((Tohafol-Oghool, p. 512))
The world is a market in which one group makes profit and another group incurs loss.

7- Imam Mohammad Bagher (A. S.)            ((Behar, vol. 78, p. 165))
There is no other sin higher than eagerness in living and staying in this world!

8- The Reverent Amir (A. S.)            ((Nahjol-Balaghe, Sent. 100))
The one who is attached to this world will consider the next world as an enemy and will detest it.

9- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.)            ((Tohafol-Oghool, p. 374))
Attachment to the world results in sorrow and grief, and the lack of eagerness towards it is accompanied with comfort of the body and ease of the soul.

10- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)            ((Ashshehab fel-Hekame-Val-Adab, p. 49))
The one who weeps for this world, his place will be in fire (tomorrow).

11- The Reverent Amir (A. S.)            ((Nahjol-Balaghe, Sent. 71))
Any breath that a man breathes is a step towards death.

12- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)            ((Ashshehab Fel-Hekame-Val-Adah, p. 13))
Call to your mind many times the extinction of pleasures and joys (never forget death).

13- Imam Mohammad Bagher (A.S.)            ((Behar, vol. 78, p. 165))
The one that sincerity of truth and faith took place in his heart, will turn his face from decorations and ornaments of the world.

14- Imam jafar Sadegh (A. S.)            ((Oddatod-Daee, p. 105))
The person who is attached much to the world, when it is time to depart, will have many deep regrets and many grievances.

15- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)            ((Ashshehab Fel-Hekame-Va1-Adab, p. 19))
The gift for and goodnews to a believer is the time of his death, when he will see his lodging in paradise.

16- Imam Moussabne Jafar (A. S.)            ((Tohafol-Oghool, p. 417))
The world is like water of the sea, the man who is thirsty, the more he drinks water of it the more he becomes thirsty, until the water kills him in the end!

17- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.)            ((Osoole-Kafi, vol. 4, p. 9))
The one who is attached to the world is always engaged with three spiritual states: Grief and permanent distress, wishes that never take place and hopes that will never he reached.

18- The Reverent Amir (A. S.)            ((Nahjol-Balaghe, Khotbah 194))
The world is a passage lodging, and eternity is a place everlasting, yon should take advantage of the opportunity to save something from your passage lodging for the rest of your Journey.

19- The Reverent Amir (A. S.)            ((Behar. vol. 78, p. 56))
The one who sorrows and cares for the world, in fact he has expressed his dissatisfaction regarding God's destinies.

20- Imam Hassan Mojtaba (A. S.)            ((Safinatol-Behar, vol. 2, p. 671))
The faithful people use this world to gather provisions for the next world but faithless people only enjoy the fruits of this world while living.

21- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.)            ((Khesal, vol. 1, p. 64))
The one whose onl objective is eternity, God will suffice his worldly affairs.

22- Imam Muhammad Bagher (A.S.)            ((Meshkotol-Anvar, p.270))
Consider the world as an inn that you have just arrived at, and will vacate today!

23- Imam Zeinolabedin (A. S.)            ((Osool-e-Kafi, vol. 3, p. 199))
The person who breaks off attachment to the world, afflictions and calamities will be easy for hi0m.

24- The Reverent Amir (A. S.)            ((Amali-e-Sadoogh, p. 393))
The one whose onl goal is this world, at the time of death and departure will be filled with grief, sorrow and regrets.

25- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.)            ((Behar, vol. 75, p. 193))
The world near me is not more than a marsh; whenever I become obliged to, I drink from it.

26- Imam Zeinolabedin (A. S.)            ((Tohafol-Oghoo1, p. 285))
The world and its affairs will seem insignilicant for the one with great and cleric personality.

27- The Reverent Amir (A. S.)            ((Nahjol-Balaghe, Khotbah 217))
The world is an inn that surrounded by grief and sorrow and is famed with deceit and unfaithfulness, will never remain in one Condition, and its residents will never remain in good health.

28- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.)            ((Osool-e-Kafi, vol. 4, p. 193))
A prisoner in this world is in fact one who is being detained from attention to eternity.

29- Imam Reza (A. S.)            ((Behar, vol. 78, p. 348))
Don't be unaware of the world's benevolence, and be it known that the eternity will not be obtained but through this World.

30- Imam Muhammad Bagher (A. S.)            ((Behar, vol. 78, p. 165))
To reconize the world insignificant, is the highest stage of certainty in faith.

31- Imam Musa Kazem (A. S.)            ((Tohafol-Oghoo1, p. 433))
Take legitimate interests from your world to the degree that it will neither injure your generosity and manlihood nor engage you with overindulgence, thus helps you in help your religious affairs.

32- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.)            ((Behar, vol. 78, p. 242))
Whenever you find your world has improved, be concerned about your religion!

33- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)            ((Vasael, vol. 11, p. 345))
The worset of people is the one who trades his next world for enjoyment of this world, and worse than him is the one who trades his next world for enjoyment of someone else (in this world).

34- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)            ((Majmoo-e-Varram, vo1. 1, p. 131))
The slave of God should put away reserves from this world for his eternity, and from his life for his death, and from his youth for his old age.

35- The Reverent Amir (A. S.)            ((Mavaez-e-Sadoogh, p. 78))
Any affluence and pleasure of this world compared to the blessing of paradise is insignificant, and any calamity and disaster of this word compared to the fire of hell is considered healthful!

36- The Reverent Amir (A. S.)            ((Osool-e-Kafi, vol. 3, p 204))
Don't he attached to this world, affection and kindness of this world will make the human blind, deaf and dumb and would lead to wretchedness.

37- The Reverent Amir (A. S.)            ((Nahjol-balaghe, Sent. 61))
The people of this world are the example of a caravan that is taking them while they are sleeping!

38- The Reverent Amir (A. S.)            ((Fehrest-e-Ghorar, p. 111))
Attachment to this world corrupts the wisdom and makes deaf the ear of the heart from hearing wisdom.

39- Imam Musa Kazem (A. S.)            ((Tohafol-Oghool, p. 421))
The one who is attached to the world, the fear of the next world will be gone from his heart, and if a servant of God after becoming knowledgeable behaves more attached to the world, he will be far from God as well, and will be more and more disfavored by Allah.

40- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)            ((Behar, vol. 6, p. 249))
You are not created for annihilation and mortality, but you have been created for survival and eternal living, and it is only by death that you are transferred from this lodging to other housing.
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Allahummasallay Muhammadivaa Aalai Muhammed (s.a.w).
Engr.Abbas Shahid Baqir (Duasonline Group Owner)

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