Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
InaLillahay Wa Ina Elehey Rajeyun!!
Verily we are from Allah and to Him do we return.
We regret to inform you of the sad demise of Maulana Syed Mohammad Mukhtaar ibne Syed Mohammad Taqi who passed away Tonight 16april 2013 at 9 PM, at Lucknow India.
Marhum will be buried in Talkatora (Qabristan) Lucknow in the morning Wed. 17 april 2013.
He was 103 Years Old.
Mo'mineen are requested to recite Surah Fatiha for the departed soul.
Namaz E Wahshat (on 17th night )
If you want to perform Namaz e wahshat for any momin who has expired it is not necassary you have to be present in that city or country. Can be performed in whichever city you are.When you hear a sad news of a momin who has expired say"INNA LILLAH WA INNA ILAIHE RAJEOON""To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return". (Al-Baqarah 2:156)
Following is the brief procedure for Namaze Wahshat.
It is Mustahab that on the day of the burial on this night between Maghrib and Isha one
should recite two rakats prayer. This is known as Namaz-e-Wahshat because for the dead
person the most horrifying and difficult is the first night.
In the first rakat after Surah Hamd recite Ayatul Kursi and in the second rakat after Surah Hamd recite Suarah Qadr 10 times and after the prayer say:
Allaahumma sale a'laa Muhammadinw wa aale Muhammadinw wab a'tha thawaabaha ilaa qabre dhaalikal mayyite falaan bin falaan. Instead of falaan bin falaan mention the name (Maulana Syed Mohammad Mukhtaar ibne Syed Mohammad Taqi )of the dead person.
Know About Marhoom Maulana Syed Mohammad Mukhtaar
- Know about Maulana syed mohammad mukhtaar
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Trying To Build Society based on Peace and Justice
The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) must be prepared to struggle and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi
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