Miracle is in front of your eyes. Reason Allah knows. That for
confirmation that it is possible to see miracle on the grave of
Our eyes seeing the miracle and our limited knowledge says as he is
related to tabligh e Islam and served islam for years and years. Made so
man madersa and institutes then it is possblie.
Adopt taqwa, sincerity and spread the Islam, teach other islam and be
sure you will also get some extra powers, shifa.
--- In shia_strength@
> salamun alaikum,
> What is the exact Miracle? What is the purpose of this Miracle? Is
Ibrahim Suri a waliullah?
> Â
> ____________
> From: masoom110 masoom110@..
> To: MahdiUnite@yahoogro
> Sent: Thu, April 15, 2010 7:13:33 PM
> Subject: [MahdiUniteMuslims] Badi Masjid jaunpur. Miracle on Qaber e
Ibrahim suri
> Â
> "Badi Masjid jaunpur"
> The Sharqi dynasty was a medieval Shiite Muslim dynasty of North
India, one of the many kingdoms that came up following the
disintegration of the Delhi Sultanate.
> Malik Sarwar was a prominent noble in the court of Feroz Shah Tughlaq,
the Delhi sultan. During the time of Feroz's weak successors, he rose to
become the "wazir" and got the title "Malik ur Sharq" meaning "Lord of
the East". The pillage of Delhi by Timur in 1398 CE effectively ended
the Delhi sultanate for the time being, and in the absence of any
central authority, the regional vassals began to assert their
independence one by one.
> One of the first to assume independence was Malik Sarwar, who
established himself at Jaunpur. He soon managed to extend his sway over
the eastern domains of the hitherto Tughlaq sultanate, and area that
extended from Agra to Dharbanga and from the borders of Assam to
Bundelkhand in the south, roughly including most of present day Uttar
Pradesh and Bihar states.
> Following Malik Shah's death, his adopted son Mubarak Qaranfal
succeeded him. He was an Abyssinian slave who once served as the water
bearer of Feroz Shah Tughlaq. He struck coins in his name, consolidated
the sultanate, suppressed local rebellions, established law and order
and provided stability in the midst of turbulent political struggle for
dominance in North India. The strong Sharqi state prevented the sultan
of Bengal from becoming the dominant political force in North India.
> The Sharqi sultanate reached the zenith of its glory during the reigns
of Mubarak Qaranfals' two successors, Shamsuddin Ibrahim Shah and Mahmud
Shah. These sultans patronized learning and culture, and with the
desolation Timur wrecked upon Delhi, Jaunpur became the center of Muslim
culture in North India. Many scholars, men of letters, poets, wandering
mystics, and learned men, from places as far as Persia and Arabia
flocked to the Sharqi court, and Jaunpur soon came to be known as "The
Shiraz of the East". Kabir, the widely acclaimed poet of the era and
Shah Madder, a mystic Sufi were two famous personalities who settled in
Jaunpur during this time.
> Ibrahim Shah established many centers of learning. This legacy still
survives, and today Jaunpur is famous for its many colleges. Traces of
the cultural tradition that the Sharqis established still lingers on,
the legacy passed on to modern day through the later day Nawabs of
> However, the most remarkable contribution of the Sharqi sultans was in
the realm of architecture. The Sharqi sultans
> adorned Jaunpur with many magnificent palaces, mosques and mausoleums.
> The most famous Sharqi monument that still stands is the Atala Masjid,
constructed using Red Sandstone and pillars of stone. This is a landmark
example of the unique Jaunpuri style of architecture that developed,
incorporating many styles. The striking feature of this monument is a
lofty structure shaped like a pylon with sloping slides, a style
resembling that of ancient Egyptian temples. There are three tiers and
the dome is almost 55 feet high, constructed by means of circular course
of stone. The inscriptions in the walls give the information that Hindu
artisans were employed for the construction of this mosque. Cloisters
closed three sides of the mosque, and the enclosed space served as a
resting spot for the weary travelers, pilgrims, and merchants. Local
merchants traded out of the pillared verandah facing the street.
> Other famous Sharqi mosques that still stand include Khis Mukhlis
Masjid, Jhanijiri Masjid, Lal Darwaza Masjid and Masjid Jami us Sharq.
The Lal Darwaza Masjid, built together with a palace for Bibi Raji, the
queen of Sultan Mahmud Sharqi is a simplified reproduction of Atala
Masjid, on a smaller scale. Bibi Raji established a religious school in
the vicinity, open to all. This survives till date at the Lal Darwaza
complex, in the name of Jamia Hussainia Madrassa. Masjid Jami-us-Sharq
was the largest Sharqi masjid, built on a raised terrace without any
pillars. This masjid was constructed for the convenience of a Sufi
Khwaja Isa, who used to suffer much during his walk to Khalispur Masjid.
> www.fatmiya. net
> Admin--
> S.M . MAsoom
We dedicate this website to the Most Noble Messenger Muhammad(PBUH) and to the people of his household, the Ahlul Bayt (AS), salutations and peace be upon them all.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
[shia_strength] Re: [MahdiUniteMuslims] Badi Masjid jaunpur. Miracle on Qaber e Ibrahim suri
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