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"Hazrat Fatima (S.A.) is the role-model for women throughout history and for all"
Reviewing the personality of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (s.a.) from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and Ayatullah al-Uzma Khamenei:
In the history of Islam, for very group or stratum of society, there is a suitable role-model who is guiding light for salvation and on the path to perfection. The role-model for women, as declared by Allah (s.w.t.) and His Prophet (s.a.w.) is Hazrat Fatima-Zahra (s.a.). As rightly stated by the noble Prophet (s.a.w.) : "Fatima is the best of all women of the world (Sayyidatu Nesae Al A'lameen), and a role-model for all Muslim women."
Referring to this, Imam Khomeini (r.a.) said : "The history of Islam is witness to the immense respect that the Prophet (s.a.w.) had for Hazrat Zahra (s.a.) which also powerfully reflects on the importance of women in society. If they are not superior to men, they are definitely not any inferior."
At a time when people buried their daughters alive, with the birth of hazrat Fatima-Zahra (s.a.), Allah (s.w.t.) revealed the Chapters of Kauthar, Qadr and Dahr to praise her auspicious birth. By kissing Hazrat Fatima's (s.a.) hand and by praising her virtues, the Prophet of Islam (s.a.w.) firmly established the value of women in the Islamic society. This Fatima (s.a.) is the role-model of all women of the world, her greatness is not limited to any particular time period or location. As stated by the Prophet of Islam (s.a.w.), Fatima (s.a.) is the best woman ever, from the beginning of time, up to its end.
Emphasizing on this point, Ayatollah Khamenei has said : "Hazrat Fatima (s.a.) is the role-model for women throughout history and for all generations, past, present and future. The Divine aspect of human beings is perfectly manifested in her."
If we study the history of mankind, we find that certain people have been looked upon as exemplars for certain qualities that they have perfected. But Hazrat Fatima-Zahra (s.a.) is a role model for everyone, in all aspects, be it ethics, spirituality or Gnosticism. The level of her knowledge was so high that even the angels descended upon her. From the spiritual aspect, too, she was very detached from worldly distractions and was praised by Allah (s.w.t.) and His Prophet (s.a.w.). She prayed a lot and used to tremble and shed tears of awe and love during her worship.
Referring to the qualities of Hazrat Fatima (s.a.), Ayatollah Khamenei says : "A multi-dimensional human being, a brave warior in the way of Islam, a knowledgeable lady who at the same time played her role as a house wife and affectionate wife and mother, to perfection - such was Hazrat Fatima-Zahra (s.a.). Her life was very simple, and she had very frugal needs or expectations.
Addressing the women of the world, Ayatollah Khamenei said : "Hazrat Fatima-Zahra (s.a.) was the best exemplar for all women and Muslims should learn from her."
Hazrat Zahra (s.a.) proved that like men, a woman too, can reach the most sublime levels of ethics and worship on the mystical path.
Ayatollah Khamenei says : "The very existence of Hazrat Zahra (s.a.), along with her skills of eloquence, her political and social expertise and powerful foresight, demonstrates how a Muslim woman can attain high spiritual and mystical positions at a young age."
With a role-model such as this great personality, Muslim women should never feel weak or helpless but should in fact gather more awareness about the high status that Islam grants to a woman. A study of life of this great lady would clearly show us that the path to ascension is wide open for every for every woman.
In fact, it is Hazrat Fatima-Zahra (s.a.) who has already trodden that the path and is a guide for other women to follow. Elaborating on this point, Ayatollah Khamenei says : "Hazrat Fatima was like a bright light in the lives of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and Imam Ali (a.s.). This it is natural that taking her as a role-model, would be very beneficial for Muslim women."
Declaring the Birthday of Hazrat Zahra (s.a.) as "Woman's Day", Imam Khomeini (r.a.) has said : "This day is like the day of revival of real womanhood and the day of foundation-building for the important and respectable role, woman play in the society." Elsewhere, addressing groups of women he said : "If you don't learn from her asceticism, piety, modesty and other virtues, you have not even understood the true essence of womanhood."
The Status of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (s.a.)
Hazrat Fatima (s.a.) was a very knowledgeable person, a fact that was acknowledged by friends and foes alike. In fact, from time to time, she would make herself available for people who needed answers or clarifications on difficult and complicated issues. Her sermons, poems and sayings are evidence of her intellectual, strength of character and nobility of mind. She was an embodiment of all virtues of womanhood. She was an exemplary daughter, a loving and supportive wife, a caring mother and a powerful and aware member of society.
In spite of all these feminine qualities, Hazrat Fatima (s.a.) was also a very courageous lady who accompanied the noble Prophet (s.a.w.) in thirty wars. She was also well-aware of her rights and whenever necessary stood up for them, instead of suffering like a helpless victim. These qualities are also well-reflected in the lives of her great children Imam Hassan (a.s.) and Imam Hussein (a.s.), and Hazrat Zainab (s.a.) and Umme - Kulthum (s.a.) who are also well-known for their piety, goodness, courage and generosity.
Hazrat Fatima (s.a.) inherited the genius, wisdom, determination, will-power, piety, patience, knowledge and nobility from her illustrious father, both in words and deeds. Her generosity and compassion for the poor was such that no destitute or beggar ever returned from her door unattended.
Thus, we can see how, in a short span of her life, this grand lady demonstrated how a woman can play different roles powerfully, and positively influence the course of history by her social contribution.
Let us conclude this discussion with a saying from Imam Khomeini (r.a. ) : "We must all try to follow in the footsteps of Hazrat Fatima (s.a.) and should try to learn from her piety and knowledge, especially since Allah (s.w.t.) has not limited knowledge to only a few but has made it available for all seekers. Also, each and every individual can attain to high degrees of piety, a quality that is again not limited to the elite."
Sunni Traditions in praise of Syeda Fatima Zahra (A.S.)

Sunni Traditions in praise of Syeda Fatima Zahra (A.S.)
• The Prophet (s) said, "The most beloved of my family to me is Fatima."
Al-Jami' al-Sagheer, v. 1, #203, p. 37;
Al-Sawaiq Al-Muhariqa, p. 191;
Yanabi' Al-Mawadda, v. 2, ch. 59, p. 479;
Kenz Al-Omal, v. 13, p. 93.
• The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is more beloved to me than you, oh Ali, and you are dearer to me than her."
Majma' Al-Zawa'id, v. 9, p. 202;
Al-Jami' Al-Sagheer, v. 2, p. 654, n. 5761;
Muntakhab Kenz Al-Omal, v. 5, 97;
Asad Al-Ghaba, v. 5, p. 522;
Yanabi' Al-Mawadda, v. 2, ch. 56, p. 79;
Al-Sawaiq Al-Muhariqa, ch. 3, p. 191.
• The Prophet (s) said, "The verse of purification was revealed concerning five people: myself, Ali, Hassan, Hussein, and Fatima."
Is'af Al-Raghibeen, p. 116;
Sahih Muslim, Kitab Fadha'il Al-Sahaba.
• The Prophet (s) said, "The first people to enter Paradise will be Ali and Fatima."
Nur Al-Absar, p. 52;
related by similar wording in Kenz Al-Omal, v. 13, p. 95.
• The Prophet (s) said, "The head of the women of Paradise is Fatima."
Kenz Al-Omal, v. 13, p. 94;
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab Al-Fadha'il, Chapter on the Virtues of Fatima;
Al-Bidaya wa Al-Nihaya, v. 2, p. 61.
• The Prophet (s) said, "Oh, Ali, Jibreel has informed me that God has married you to Fatima."
Manaqib Al-Imam Ali from Al-Riyadh Al-Nudhra, p.141.
• The Prophet (s) said, "I am not pleased unless Fatima is pleased."
Manaqib Al-Imam Ali of Ibn Al-Maghazali, p. 342.
• The Prophet (s) said, "Oh, Ali, God has commanded me to marry you to Fatima."
Al-Sawaiq Al-Muhariqa,
Dakha'ir Al-Uqubi, p. 30 & 31;
Tadhkirat Al-Khawas, p. 276;
Manaqib Al-Imam Ali from Al-Riyadh Al-Nudhra, p. 141;
Nur Al-Absar, p. 53.
• The Prophet (s) said, "All the children of a mother are attributed to their fatherly relation except the sons of Fatima."
Al-Sawaiq Al-Muhariqa, p. 156 & 187;
related in similar words in Mustadrak Al-Sahihain, v. 3, p. 179;
Kenz All-Omal, v. 13, p. 101;
Is'af Al-Raghibeen quoted in the appendix of Nur Al-Absar, p. 144.
• The Prophet (s) said, "The Mehdi is from my family, from the sons of Fatima."
Al-Sawaiq Al-Muhariqa, p. 237.
• The Prophet (s) said, "Verily, God has weaned (fatama in Arabic) my daughter Fatima and her children and those who love them from the Hellfire, and that is why she is named Fatima."
Kenz Al-Omal, v. 6, p. 219.
• The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is part of me. Whatever upsets her upsets me, and whatever harms her harms me."
Sahih Muslim, v. 5, p. 54;
Khasa'is Al-Imam Ali of Nisa'i, p. 121-122;
Masabih Al-Sunnah, v. 4, p. 185;
Al-Isabah, v. 4, p. 378;
Seir Alam Al-Nubala', v. 2, p. 119;
Kenz Al-Omal, v. 13, p. 97;
similar wording is related in Al-Tirmidhi, v. 3, Chapter on the Virtues of Fatima, p. 241;
Haliyat Al-Awliya', v.2, p. 40;
Muntakhab Kenz Al-Omal, in the margins of Al-Musnad, v. 5, p. 96;
Maarifat Ma Yajib Li Aal Al-Bait Al-Nabawi Min Al-Haqq Alaa Men Adahum, p. 58;
Dhakha'ir Al-Uqubi, p. 38;
Tadhkirat Al-Khawass, p. 279;
Yanabi' Al-Mawadda, v.2, ch. 59, p. 478.
• The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is part of me, and whoever pleases her, pleases me."
Al-Sawaiq Al-Muhariqa, p. 180 & 132;
Mustadrak Al-Hakim; Maarifat Ma Yajib Li Aal Al-Bait Al-Nabawi Min Al-Haqq Alaa Men Adahum, p.73;
Yanabi' Al-Mawadda, v. 2, ch. 59, p. 468.
• The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is the head of the women of Paradise."
Sahih Al-Bukhari, v. 3, Kitab Al-Fadha'il, Chapter on the Virtues of Fatima, p. 1374;
Mustadrak Al-Sahihain, v. 3, Chapter on the Virtues of Fatima, p. 164;
Sunan Al-Tirmidhi, v. 3, p. 266;
Kenz Al-Omal, v. 13, p. 193;
Muntakhab Kenz Al-Omal, v. 5, p. 97;
Al-Jami' Al-Sagheer, v. 2, no. 564, p. 5760;
Seir Alam Al-Nubala', v. 2, p. 123;
Al-Sawaiq Al-Muhariqa, p.187 & 191;
Khasai's Al-Imam Ali of Nisa'i, p. 118;
Yanabi' Al-Mawadda, v. 2, p. 79;
Al-Jawhera Fi Nasab Ali Wa Aalihi, p. 17;
Al-Bidaya wa Al-Nihaya, v. 2, p. 60.
• The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is part of me, so whoever makes her angry makes me angry."
Sahih Al-Bukhari, v. 3, Kitab Al-Fadha'il, Chapter on the Virtues of Fatima, p. 1374;
Khasa'is Al-Imam Ali of Al-Nisa'i, p. 122;
Al-Jami' Al-Sagheer, v. 2, p. 653, n. 5858;
Kenz Al-Omal, v. 3, pp. 93-97;
Muntakhab in the margin of Al-Musnad, v. 5, p. 96;
Masabih Al-Sunnah, v. 4, p.185;
Is'af Al-Raghibeen, p. 188;
Dakha'ir Al-Uqubi, p. 37;
Yanabi' Al-Mawadda, v. 2, pp. 52-79.
• The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is part of me and she is my heart and the soul which is between my two sides."
Nur Al-Absar, p. 52.
• The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is the head of the women of my nation."
Seir Alam Al-Nubala', v. 2, p. 127;
Sahih Muslim, Kitab Fadha'il Al-Sahaba, Chapter on the Virtues of Fatima;
Majma' Al-Zawa'id, v. 2, p. 201;
Is'af Al-Raghibeen, p. 187.
• The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is the joy of my heart, and her sons are the fruit of my soul."
Yanabi' Al-Mawadda, v. 1, ch. 15, p. 243.
• The Prophet (s) said, "Oh Fatima, verily God is angry when you are angry."
Al-Sawaiq Al-Muhariqa, p. 175;
Mustadrak Al-Hakim, Chapter on the Virtues of Fatima;
Manaqib Al-Imam Ali of Ibn Al-Maghazali, p. 351.
• The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima, God will not torture you or any of your children."
Kenz Al-Omal, v. 13, p. 96;
Muntakhab Kenz Al-Omal, in the margin of Musnad Ahmad, v. 5, p. 97;
Is'af Al-Raghibeen, in the margin of Nur Al-Absar, p. 118.
Martyrdom of Hazrat Zahra (SA) [Poem]
By: Dr. Hasan Najafi
Smoke and the winds bear the brunt;
Whose house it is that is burnt
Fatima Zahra (S.A.) [Poem]
Oh Fatima (SA)
The lady of light
Daughter of our Prophet (SAW)
The soul that is whiter than white
On the highest of the heavens
You are praised by all the lands
Mother of Hassan and Hussain (AS)
Beauty of Islam
Zahra (SA) your light is shining
Brighter than the sun
Oh the flower of heavens
You are the only one
The apple of Muhammad's (SAW) eyes
The wife of Ali (AS)
The role model for all women
Surely your death was a tragedy.
Whoever Caused Her to be Angry Has Indeed Angered God (Poem)
By: Naema Hussein
To Fatima, the Prophet had his love so warm When she happened to come, he would welcome, stand up and kiss her, take her by the arm and sit her down in the place where he was once.
She would do the same when to her the Prophet came.
Once returning from a journey Rasul went to the mosque first for a pray Then, as he often did, went to where Fatima's stay She welcomed him - warmth as it may she kissed his face, his eyes…
and had herself cry.
The Prophet asked her why do you cry?
In sob she answered slow I see you, Messenger of God, your color... is pale and sallow your clothes worn and flaw…. Fatima… devotion to her Father comes deep
from her heart.
The Prophet once said:
Whoever pleased Fatima has indeed pleased God and whoever caused her to be angry has indeed angered God.
Fatima is a part of me.
Whatever pleases her pleases me and whatever angers her angers me.
So special was the Prophet loved her.
Once Arrived to the City of Madinah [Poem]
By: Sayed Ali Mousawi Khalkhali
Ya Zahra Ya Zahra Ya Zahra
Ya Zahra Ya Zahra Ya Zahra
* * *
I once arrived to the city of Medina, I asked the men where is the grave of Fatima, They replied to me that nobody knows, We are waiting for the Mehdi for he shall show.
Let us look back and search through the history, Let us find the truth behind this mystery, Why is it nobody knows where is her grave, For she is the mother of Hassan and Hussain.
* * *
Let us look back and search the crime from the start, It all commenced just when the prophet would depart, They planned to meet under the tent of Saqifah, In order for them to choose the next Khalifah.
But they were all present during Al-Ghadeer, When the prophet declared the next is Ali, Instead they went against the will of the Nabi, Thus they decided to attack the house of Ali.
* * *
Ali cries aloud enough is enough, How dare you treat the holy family so rough, Already the door of my house you have burnt, It seems no lesson from the prophet you have learnt.
A wicked evil man fierce fully pushed the door, So that the daughter of Mohammed would live no more, He pushed the door so fierce fully squeezing her chest, Causing Fatima, in this world, to no more rest.
Fatima says:
It seems that man in Shaytan's world was trapped, He burnt the door, entered, and my face he slapped, It seems that man was mentally disturbed and sick, He knew I was pregnant but my foetus he kicked.
* * *
Fatima says:
Ali bury me during the night, To be far away from anybody's sight, For those men have tried to take away your right, Don't they know that you were created from the light, Don't they know that the truth was with you and you were with the right,
Ali had to go through ever so much, He actually saw the ribs of Zahra they crush, They managed to brutally murder his wife, And they finally took away Mohsen's life.
* * *
She was the master of the Nisa-ul-Alemeen, Beside Mohammed, Fatima would always be seen, This is the daughter of the best of the Rasool, Now don't ever curse us for loving the Batool, Now don't curse us for crying for the Batool.
The Greatest Lady Fatima (A.S.) [Poem]
Composed by: Saleha Fatima Midhat
Toronto, Canada
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Allah created her from light She was the light, divine light She was embodiment of light Allah's light divine light
Before birth she was powerful Had great knowledge, was powerful The splitting of moon she witnessed Father's miracles she witnessed
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Knowledge, purity miracles She was possessor of marvels Before birth talked to her mother Was miracles' manifester
As a bright light she came to world With miracles she came to world Allah sent ladies of heaven To serve her they came from heaven
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
A'sia, Moses' mother came Maryam, Jesus' mother came Sarah, Abrahams' wife came Kulsum, Moses' sister came
Embodiment of light of God Was Fatima the light of God She was born from face shone the light The earth was bright and skies bright
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Allah sent ten 'Hurs' of heavens Water of Kausar of heavens With beautiful clothes of heavens To serve reverend 'Queen of Heavens'
Hurs bathed greatest baby girl And each drop was like a pearl They dressed her in clothes of heaven She was future 'Queen of Heaven'
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
She witnessed unity of God Prophethood, Nabi of God Witnessed Imamat of Ali Till the Imamat of Mahdi
Newly born powerful baby Possessor of knowledge baby Having full faith came to the world With miracles came to the world
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Allah sent thousands of angels Came to Prophet thousands angels Said God Almighty is Fatir Fatima is name from Fatir
Allah has named her Fatima From Allah's name is Fatima Said Jibraeel she is so great From her will come Imams great
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Hasan Imam, Husain Imam From Husain will come nine Imams Mahdi, Imam is final one Will join religions into one
He will establish one Islam In whole of world will be Islam Prophet thanked Almighty God Named Fatima on order of God
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
She had also some other names Zahra and Azra were her names She was Tayyiba, Tahera Siddiqa and Muhadditha
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Childhood of Greatest Lady Fatima (A.S.)
As a girl she was marvelous He speeches were miraculous She spoke like speaking Quran Reflector of Holy Quran
Her each action was a mirror Of obedience to Creator No error in any action She manifested perfection
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Alas! Lady Khadija died Leaving five years old Zahra Fatima missed her kind mother Asked "O father where is mother?"
Then greeted Almighty Allah Sent a reply to her Allah He said "She is in a mansion Ruby pillars has that mansion
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Khadija is in grand palace Is resting in her grand palace Mother of Jesus is her neighbor She is great and great neighbor"
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Taught Perfection to Old Lady
One day women said, she is child Supervisor needs every child Umme Salma was selected To supervise was selected
Umme Salma watched Fatima Said, unique girl is Fatima She has superior habits She has most excellent habits
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
She is in fact teaching me I am learning she's teaching me The greatest girl is Fatima Most marvelous is Fatima
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Greatest Fatima's Marriage in Heavens
Fatima grew up beautiful Her manners too were beautiful From veil shone face brighter than moon Was divine light brighter than moon
Some men proposed to marry her She was light, light could marry her Allah sent a heavenly star Went to Ali heavenly star
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Through the star Allah had declared "Ali should marry her!", declared She was embodiment of light He was embodiment of light
Marriage first took place in heavens Decorated were all heavens On Tuba grew diamonds and pearls Tuba showered diamonds and pearls
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
All Hurs and angels picked them up Tokens of blessings! Picked them up A cloud moved heavens to heavens Spread fragrance to all heavens
All residents had a dinner The most delicious was dinner Most eloquent angel, Raheel Reciter of Nikah, Raheel
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Allah performed the great marriage Of great couple the great marriage And declared that, "Through this great couple! Imams would be born through this couple"
Eleven vicegerents of God The treasures of knowledge of God Eleven Imams in the world Would go to guide people of world
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Allah sent Jibraeel with news Jibraeel gave the happy news Then Prophet performed the marriage On earth also performed marriage
The bride and groom were divine lights Manifesters of divine light Possessors of divine knowledge Reflectors of divine knowledge
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
And manifestors of marvels And performers of miracles Both were married by God's orders And both became the life partners
Seventy thousands angels came To salute couples angels came They recited praise of Allah And saluted lights of Allah
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Allah sent the divine message "Made rivers flow!" was the message Ali was one river of light Fatima was river of light
Between them there is (like) an isle And both of them don't cross the isle Meaning Muhammad was an isle Both of them do not cross the isle
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
The pearl came forth from the rivers And shell came forth from the rivers Hasan, Husain were pearl and shell Of divine light were pearl and shell
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Angels were the Servants of the Greatest Lady
Bibi Zahra was the great wife Loving, assisting was great wife She used to weave cotton at home She used to make threads at home
She looked after house and children And worked looking after children One day Husain was in cradle Needed some one to rock cradle
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Allah sent angel of heaven As servant angel of heaven It rocked the cradle of Husain Served Fatima's son Husain
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Her Miracle through Her Shawl
One day to the door beggar came When all were hungry beggar came Fatima lady had no food But she wanted to give the food
To Imam Ali she gave her shawl To keep as trust her holy shawl Ali took it to shop keeper And gave it to the shop keeper
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
He got money and bought the food To beggar Zahra gave the food In way of Allah gave the alms Didn't expect reward gave the alms
A miracle took place at night From shawl was shining a bright light Shop keeper's wife saw shining light And shop keeper too saw the light
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
They called eighty of relatives The light was seen by relatives All of them accepted Islam And entered circle of Islam
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Light Shining from Beautiful Face
One name of Fatima, Zahra Shining one means the word Zahra When Zahra used to pray Namaz Her light shone from face in Namaz
The light was bright and divine light In whole Madinah shone that light Houses shone with her bright light The city shone with dazzling light
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
And Allah sent heavens angels Seventy thousands of angels They came and saluted Zahra Gave Allah's message to Zahra
Said, "Surely God had chosen her! Kept her pure and had chosen her He chose her to be the leader Of women of all worlds – Leader!"
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
In this way Allah sent message Explained to world through this message In purity, Zahra was great As a leader, Zahra was great
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Got Food from Heaven
One day Prophet got lovely shawl As gift he got a golden shawl He gave it to Imam Ali Didn't want to keep it, Imam Ali
Ali made pieces gave to all The companions in the hall The next day Prophet said, "Ali We are coming as guests Ali!"
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
The Prophet came with many friends He was the guest with many friends There were no grains to cook at home And children were hungry at home
Then Fatima went to her room She prayed intensely in her room And begged Allah, the Almighty "Send food Allah, the Almighty!"
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
At once Jibraeel with a tray Came down from heaven with a tray The tray full of heavenly food Was for the guests heavenly food
Fatima Zahra was so great Her each and every word was great Allah never rejected her In all matters accepted her
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Angel Came As A Tailor
One day Hasan and Husain said "The feast is coming" Hasnain said We surely need new pairs of clothes Mother give us new pairs of clothes
Looking at their innocent face She looked at sky with truthful grace She said "When tailor will arrive You get clothes when he'll arrive!"
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Allah ordered angel Rizvan Take two pairs of clothes, Rizvan Rizvan took two pairs from heavens And it descended from heavens
For two 'Great Princes of Heavens' It brought two pairs from heavens Came to door of 'Queen of Heavens' With clothes for princes of heavens
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
The words of Zahra Siddiqa Were respected by her Allah Her words of hope were words of truth She was Siddiqa full of truth.
Allah sent the angel Rizvan, as tailor At the door, the clothes to deliver Wore those clothes Hasan and Husain The princes were Hasan and Husain
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Their grandfather, 'King of Heavens' And father was 'King of Heavens' Their mother, 'Queen of Heavens' And they were 'Princes of Heavens'
Billions of salutes to Fatima The greatest lady Fatima
Zahra (A.S.), Both Worlds Mourn For You! [Poem]
Composed by: Saleha Fatima Midhat
Toronto, Canada
The scene of fire! The blazing fire flames! Was still trembling in the eyes of Hasan (A.S.) Husain (A.S.) The burning door of house, the rising flames of fire Smoke engulfing the house of great ones (A.S.)
A stroke hard stoke of enemy on the door The door in flames falling on Zahra (A.S.) Breaking her ribs and wounding her body The blood Alas! Flowing from wounds of her body
A stroke with the handle of sword on her side Gave deep, deep wound! And pain on her side! Alas! One more lash by enemy came on her She screamed in pain, "Father come for help!"
Muhsin, her son, the unborn precious one Crushed in her womb and taking last breath The little crushed body in arms of tragedy Sadness on its face innocent eyes closed
Prophet's daughter Zahra (A.S.) is wounded and fainted Fizzah, the maid servant, is raising her with help With support to her body, she rose and she cried "Leave Abul Hasan!" "Leave Abul Hasan!"
The rope tied around the proud strong neck Of Ali (A.S.), 'Lion of God' is proof of patience The promise of patience he had made to Allah (S.W.T.) The promise of patience he had made to Prophet (S.A.W.A.)
His strong hands in past had lifted gate of Khayber His hands with the sword made lightening fall on foes His hands in Uhud had received sword of heaven His hand could behead the arrester in a moment
His hands took no sword, his lips were silent The foes pulled him out, his lips were silent Zahra (A.S.) raised her hands, innocent powerful Zahra (A.S.) And tears flowed from eyes and deep sigh on lips
The anger of Zahra (A.S.), like anger of Allah (S.W.T.) Signs of Allah's wrath, made walls rise high To crush her enemies and turn them to dust But Ali (A.S.) cried "Zahra (A.S.) be patient don't curse!"
Although so powerful she stayed very patient Fadak, confiscated, and she was patient Ali's (A.S.) right usurped and she was patient Her heart was tortured and she was patient
How much of torture? how much oppression? Can mourner of father face in mourning state? Alas! Wounded heart was bleeding silently Finally on a night her heart slowed down
Embodiment of patience kindness and mercy The pride of both worlds, Zahra (A.S.) is dying Her heart is beating slow her breathing is slow With deep sigh! Went sacred soul to heaven
Her little four children around her dead body Crying "O mother please open eyes Your eyes are closed and body is cold! Our hearts are trembling at your silence mother!"
Ali cried, "Zahra (A.S.) you were like a flower Your fragrance had blossomed my heart and my mind How can Ali (A.S.) bear your loss O' dear Zahra (A.S.)? My wounded heart will cry till my last breath!"
Sinless can bathe the body of a sinless Ali (A.S.) was bathing the body of Zahra (A.S.) He cried aloud in pain seeing broken ribs He cried aloud in pain for wounded side and arm
Her body very lean and shroud tied around The face so innocent with smile of mercy The oppressed tortured lady ready for the grave Ali (A.S.) holding heart and curbing his cries
Children hugged the body cried aloud in pain Hasan hugged mother and cried, "Mother rise!" Husain stood far, and said spreading arms "Call me close and hug me O my loving mother!"
The body of Zahra (A.S.) trembled with grief She spread sacred hands and said, "Come my son!" Husain ran and hugged her with head on her chest Cried painfully, "You take me to your grave!"
The angels of heavens were crying desperately Tears flowing from her eyes Zahra (A.S.) said "Husain Pride of Ishmael (A.S.), and 'Savior of Islam' Husain (A.S.), Great Husain (A.S.), you are 'Life of Islam!"
Do the Justice to Prophet's Daughter [Poem]
Composed by: Saleha Fatima Midhat
Toronto, Canada
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
O the people who follow the Prophet O the people who respect the Prophet You should respect the Prophet's daughter You should respect the Prophet's successor
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
Just imagine that you have a daughter And you know you are dying very soon You will say to all of your relatives All of you should take are of my daughter
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
The Prophet said no one hurt my daughter How did Muslims respect Prophet's daughter To her door they had brought wood and fire And wanted to burn her with family
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
Fatima said I am Prophet's daughter And my sons are the grandsons of Prophet The greatest Prophet has died recently Let us peacefully mourn for the Prophet
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
They said Ali should pledge allegiance To the Caliph whom we have appointed But the Caliph Allah had appointed Was the great Ali, cousin of Prophet
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
Just imagine that Prophet is alive And is telling Allah has appointed My cousin Ali as my successor Ali is forever first successor
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
Just imagine companion saying, "This is caliph we Muslims appointed. This is the first successor of Prophet You all pledge allegiance to him now!"
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
Whom should Muslims pledge allegiance To the one who's appointed by Allah Not to one who's appointed by Muslims Allah has made Ali first successor
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
It was the group of the hypocrites Who disobeyed Allah and the Prophet They shouted 'Ali pledge allegiance To the caliph we Muslims appointed'
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
Ali didn't agree for allegiance Which was according to Allah's order Muslims set fire on door of Ali To burn him with the daughter of Prophet
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
The fire flames rose higher and higher Daughter of Prophet said let us have peace A companion kicked at burning door Which fell on her and deeply wounded her
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
By the door Zahra's ribs were broken She lost her baby! Unborn baby Also she was attacked with a cased sword With a whip she was lashed by enemy
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
She was wounded deeply by these attacks By dangerous attacks her baby died Her unborn baby who was named Muhsin Was wounded and killed before his birth
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
Deep wound on side, arm and broken ribs Were the reasons for her untimely death She was only eighteen years in age Her back was bent she walked holding a cane
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
The oppressors did not let her mourn They hushed her cries, the painful cries They confiscated vast garden, Fadak Which was given to her by the Prophet
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
One day Prophet appeared in her dream Said my daughter you have suffered enough You are coming to heaven tomorrow But this message was permanent to world
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
Fatima Zahra was ready to die She looked at faces of her family Ali's head wounded and full of the blood Was the future vision before her eyes
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
She could see the painful sight of Hasan He is poisoned his liver, lungs damaged He is throwing up blood pieces of lungs He is dead but arrows shot on his bier
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
She could see Husain hungry and thirsty Carrying wounded dead bodies all the day He is getting beheaded in Sajda And his headless body is trampled
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
She could see Zainab and Umme Kulsoom With bare head hungry and very thirsty Ropes tied around their delicate hands They are taken to court as the captives
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
Seeing future tragedies of children Fatima cried, mourned for all of them After praying Namaz of the Isha She died having wounded heart and body
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
It is duty of all of us Muslims Believe Ali as the first successor After him was Hasan and then Husain Twelve successors appointed by Allah
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
Fatima was a link of all Imams She is the 'Queen of Paradise' Muhammad and Ali also are kings Hasan and Husain are 'Princes of Heavens'
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
On Day of Judgement Allah will give To Ali power of sending people To the bridge, from bridge to heaven Or deny their access to heaven
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
So you have faith in fourteen Masumeen Muhammad, Fatima, twelve Imams Obey them follow them in their practice And heaven's luxury will be for you.
Do the justice to Prophet's daughter Do the justice to Prophet's successor
Zahra Zahra You are Pride of Both Worlds [Poem]
Composed by: Saleha Fatima Midhat
Toronto, Canada
Zahra Zahra you are pride of both worlds Zahra, Zahra, you are the most reverend one
You are source of Prophethood you are power of Imamat You are source of eleven lights sent to the world with glory
Zahra Zahra you are pride of both worlds Zahra, Zahra, you are the most reverend one
You are aim of creation, you are Gods' great worshipper You are pride of Hawwa, you are pride of Adam
Zahra Zahra you are pride of both worlds Zahra, Zahra, you are the most reverend one
Your glowing sacred hands which gave charity to all Those who came to your great door, the 'Door of Mercy of Allah'
Zahra Zahra you are pride of both worlds Zahra, Zahra, you are the most reverend one
Allah praised your charity, which had no self-interest Allah sent the chapter of Hal Ata praising you all
Zahra Zahra you are pride of both worlds Zahra, Zahra, you are the most reverend one
You are the "Light of Allah', Panjetan, "Light of Allah' For you Allah made the world, you are the life of the world
Zahra Zahra you are pride of both worlds Zahra, Zahra, you are the most reverend one
Allah Almighty sent a verse praising you, your family Saying all blemish is far away from you people of the House (*1)
Zahra Zahra you are pride of both worlds Zahra, Zahra, you are the most reverend one
Allah said peace be on you, O the 'Progeny of Yaseen' Yaseen was your father, You all were greeted by God (*2)
Zahra Zahra you are pride of both worlds Zahra, Zahra, you are the most reverend one
Allah made loving you all obligatory for Muslims Reward of Prophet's preaching is loving all of you deeply (*3)
Zahra Zahra you are pride of both worlds Zahra, Zahra, you are the most reverend one
End Item/ 129
ذ?Flames rise towards the sky.
And rises there in a shrill cry.
It is the house of the Prophet, and Zahra is inside,
See, how soon, how early changed the tide!
Some told: Zahra is there;
He told: So What? Why to care?
How soon they turned behind!
How soon their eyes turned blind!
The Prophet had introduced the dwellers of the House;
Hasan, Husain, Zahra, and her spouse.
He said this repeatedly for months again, again;
To enter the House permission he had to obtain.
All saw and heard what the Prophet did and said,
All knew the honour and awe of the house he held.
It is the matter of yesterday not years
But today Zahra's voice no one hears,
In those flames I see something different,
It is the glory of Zahra made the flames effulgent.
The flames show high and high diurnally forever
The greatness and glory of Zahra, impossible to deter.
These flames can never be extinguished,
They are burning in the graves of enemies distinguished.
They once leapt high now they creep deep;
Where the tyrants can escape from the tight keep?
Did they have to the Prophet any regard or respect
What a lie they attributed the Prophet.
They claimed the Prophet having had told:
We the group of Prophets heritage don't hold.
Lo, he speaks against the Book he brought;
Why John to Zechariahs, Solomon & David the heritage sought?
To them permitted, to Zahra prohibited ?
Under this false pretext FADAK they confiscated.
Went Zahra to the Mosque addressed the nation,
Her words are still valid and hold admonition.
Therein lies a charted guidance
She expresses her sorrow upon their return to ignorance.
She returned home, withdrew from public appearance.
Indeed, a pain to see one benefits,
After the death of the Prophet within minutes.
She collapsed in pain and in grief,
Death come to her as the only relief.
Her grave: unknown, her death: in confusion;
For the safety of her dead body this is a measure taken.
Could there be a tyranny of such extensive ground?
Why at all to the grief, to tears she must be bound?
What is the wrong let us trace ذ
Then why the affront to her face?
Whoever hates Zahra, has dared a great sin
Because her love is the Faith's pin.
Without a pin a disk is mute of voice,
In an unheard voice, of right or wrong there is no choice.
She makes the Will to be buried in night
Doesn't this bring the tyrants to the sight.
Commentary of Holy Qur'an http://al-islam.org/tahrif_quran/
Du'a - http://www.duas.org
Islam - http://www.al-islam.org
Free Islamic Books -http://www.winislam.com
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