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Friday, April 30, 2010

[MahdiUniteMuslims] The Hereafter - Ma'ad



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The Hereafter - Ma'ad

Ayatullah Dastghaib Shiraazi (q.s.)

The Hereafter- Ma'ad


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3
The main shafaa'at is the intercession by Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) and the Aale Muhammad (a.s.). Rest of intercessors are branches of the main one. This is to convey that they got this privilege because of the formers. For example, among the rest of the intercessors are also the ulema (scholars) and the righteous who will help many in entering paradise. Can they ever be other than the followers of Muhammad and Aale Muhammad (a.s.)? Likewise, among the intercessors will be Momineen (faithful persons) too. The Masoom (a.s.) says that every momin will intercede n favour of a hundred persons. From where the Momineen got this honour? Only from Muhammad and Aale Muhammad (a.s.). Also for instance, the intercessors will also include the Saadaats. Have they not been given this respectable position only due to their belonging to the Holy Progeny? Similarly the Holy Quran and the Holy mosques will also intercede on the Day of Resurrection. They too are among the aasaar (symbols) of the aforesaid Holy persons.


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