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Saturday, April 25, 2015



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (10 April 2015)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear brothers and sisters…
It is sad that we have to present the khutbah on Friday to cleanse our own house from the pollution and the pathogens that have accumulated over the centuries, (which we have been doing for, Allah knows how long). This is what we are doing today even though there are more pressing issues that demand our focus and attention; but if the first step in the right direction is to put out our own ideas in order then that's what we are going to continue to do. The imbalanced individuals coming out of the Arabian Peninsula with a lot of money and wealth and therefore a lot of clout and influence have imposed on many Muslims, through their connections and through their control of certain Masajid and Islamic Centers and organizations, an attitude and a mindset that does not refer to Allah first. We know, we have repeated the ayah so many times.
فَإِن تَنَازَعْتُمْ فِي شَيْءٍ فَرُدُّوهُ إِلَى اللَّهِ وَالرَّسُولِ إِن كُنتُمْ تُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ
… if you are in contention pertaining to a specific issue then refer it to Allah and the Messenger if you honor your commitment to Allah and the final Day… (Surah An Nisa' verse 59)
But the mentality that has taken hold, especially in religious circles and among officials, really does not care very much for the meaning of this ayah. They have something like this, (we are here summarizing their approach to things),
إن الكتاب والسنة لا تكفي، فلا خير في كتاب بلا سنة ولا خير في سنة بلا فهم السلف الصالح) جاء في كتاب قمع الدجاجلة الطاعنين في معتقد أئمة الإسلام الحنابلة  (
they say the book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet are not enough. Now what does this mean? It means there's no use (or) there's no benefit (or) there's nothing to come out of the Qur'an without the Prophet and there's nothing, no benefit (or) no use that's going to come out of the Prophet without understanding as salaf as salih, the righteous ancestors. Listen to this- we know it needs a little time for you to understand how dangerous this approach is. To rephrase it- Astaghfirullah, but we're trying to make the meaning very understandable but this is how it goes- there is no worth to Allah without the Prophet and there is no worth to the Prophet without understanding as salaf as salih. This is their whole propaganda and their whole educational system and the way they teach and educate people all around the world from within their own kingdom and then they come and they establish some madarasas and some kind of halaqat everywhere in the world (or) almost everywhere in the world. This in a nutshell distils their whole approach to things. We refuse to use the word philosophy or ideology when speaking about these people because they simply have not exercised their minds enough to have these two words used when speaking about them.
So who are these salaf as salih? We've asked this question before and we've tried to answer this question before and we'll go at it again. They say "as salaf as salih is the Sahaba" and they want to go with that. They don't want you or anyone listening to say OK- what do you mean by as Sahaba because when we take a look at as Sahaba in an honest and objective way we find they had differences among themselves. So what are they talking about when they say something like this? Ask them what are you talking about? There was no consensus among the Sahaba. They may have agreed on certain things in, (let's say), their majority but some of them did not agree on those things and who's to say whether what the majority of what they agreed upon is binding on us? Where did that come from? We know- anyone who reads elementary Islamic history from those days and times know that the interpretation of the Sahaba themselves, (who these types in the Arabian Peninsula give an aura of infallibility to without pronouncing the word itself), of either an ayah or a hadith differed among themselves. The ayah in the Qur'an
وَكُلُوا وَاشْرَبُوا حَتَّى يَتَبَيَّنَ لَكُمُ الْخَيْطُ الأَبْيَضُ مِنَ الْخَيْطِ الأَسْوَدِ مِنَ الْفَجْرِ
… and eat and drink until the fabric of day is ascertained from the fabric of night … (Surah Al Baqarah verse 187)
One of the Sahabis understood this in literal sense, (i.e.), you eat and you drink until a white string becomes obvious from a black string when Fajr breaks out at the beginning of the day- that's a literalist interpretation of the ayah and this understanding was corrected by the Prophet. It's not what the ayah means, (i.e.), you take a white string or a white rope and a black string or a black rope and you put them side by side and then you can eat and drink at the break of day until you can see both of these strings. So there was a correction there. You can't say as salaf as salih don't make mistakes. You can't say that if you're reading your own history. Another difference of understanding pertains to hadiths from the Prophet, (and we're just taking examples here), he is speaking to his wives (and) he says
أسرعكن لحوقاً بي أطولكن يداً) جاء في كتاب صحيح مسلم (
the first one to join me after passing away meaning the first one to die after me is going to be the one that has, (and the literal understanding of this is), the longest hand. So most of the wives, (if you go back and read our own history and if these pro-Salafi types who are erroneously imputing to that first generation of Muslims a type of infallibility they'd read this (and) they'd understand they are going off on a tangent), only Zaynab (radi Allahu anha), the Prophet's wife, understood the allegorical meaning of this. (It) means the most generous of you (or) the one who gives the most not literally the one who has the longest hand. So when you have these types of understandings and no one here, because of the difference of understandings, is saying someone is more of a Muslim than the other or the other is less of a Muslim than the other (and) not to go to the extent of saying someone is a Kafir like this is done today- broadcast and publicized from the regimes in Arabia. Then, where these people who want to tell us that all of Islam, the Qur'an and the Sunnah, Allah and His Prophet could only be understood through as salaf as salih- in this history… We're sure they read some of this history (but) they just don't think. This is their problem- they read but they don't think. This is what is happening here at this Masjid and its equivalents all around. They want people to come and listen but don't think, just like they read and they don't think.
So when they read this history have they ever come across the second generation of Muslims, (i.e.) those who are called at Tabi'in? Did a Sahabi, the first generation of Muslims, ever say to a Tabi'i if you understand something in a way we didn't understand it (then) forget about the way you understand it and accept the way we understand it? Where has this ever happened? Have you ever seen anything like that in our history? So what we are responsible for is the Book of Allah and the teachings of His Prophet- this is where we place ourselves. Who from as salaf as salih and from the Sahaba can they point- ask these Wahabi types from the Arabian Peninsula and their students and their followers who was the Sahabi, just mention to us one of the Sahabis who says a man's judgment or an opinion trumps the judgment and the opinion that comes from Allah and His Prophet? When? Who? Where? Who from the Sahabis from as salaf as salih- tell us, you people out there who fortify your lectures and presentations by reference to as salaf as salih who from as salaf as salih said "a Yahudi and a Nasrani is better than a Muslim" just like you have been saying in today's world?!  Who from these Sahabis and as salaf as salih said that a Muslim is a Kafir- tell us?! Where does this come from? Who from these Sahabis and as salaf as salih adjusted to themselves descriptions and attributes besides Al Islam- like you call yourselves mawah'hidin or followers of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab or Salafiyin. These are your own words in your own books- as if the word Muslim is not enough you want some other qualifiers. Who from as Sahaba and as salaf as salih ordered the assassination of another Muslim who disagreed with him pertaining to his opinion or his understanding? Who did that? Who from as Sahaba or as salaf as salih said that Allah resembles humans? Who?!
Then this license you give yourselves to kill- you say you want to be called Ahl As Sunnah. Brothers and sisters, we're speaking to you when there are people in the Arabian Peninsula right now agitating for war among the Muslims from the Manabir, from within Masajid, from the Haram in Makkah and in Arabia. They're agitating for a larger destructive civil war among the Muslims. They say they are the Ahl As Sunnah wa Al Jama'ah. They have a monopoly on being Ahl As Sunnah wa Al Jama'ah- as if the rest of the Muslims don't belong to the Sunnah of the Prophet and don't belong to themselves! OK- what do you say- ask these types: in our history we had people who called themselves Ahl Al Adl, the folks of justice. Another description, another definition (or) another way, the Mu'tazilah defined themselves was Ahl Al Adl, the people of justice. So what do you say to them? They're not Muslims? The Ibadiyyah were there in the Arabian Peninsula. Thank Allah they have not fallen into the trap of these loud mouths who are ringing the bells of war. Now they call themselves Ahl Al Istiqama. Now look at how the divisions begin. What do you say to Ash Shi'ah who attribute themselves to Ahl Al Bayt? Ahl As Sunnah, Ahl Al Bayt, Ahl Al Istiqama, Ahl Al Adl- all of these descriptions for what reason? Is this to divide us? Now one of them may come and say "hey look, if you want us to be inclusive of these other descriptions besides being Ahl As Sunnah we are also Ahl Al Adl- we are for justice; Ahl Al Istiqama, we are for straightforwardness; Ahl Al Bayt, we are for the Bayt of Rasulillah- if we said something like that you're going to get us mixed up with a crowd that have gone astray." You should answer them and say we are not better than Allah's Prophet. Allah's Prophet in his time in the society, in the Masjid (and) in the salah there were Munafiqun. In the society of Al Madinah there was a class of people called al Munafiqin. There was also a class of people called al Murjifin. There was also a class of people called al A'rab. These were all around. They were around the prophet (and) what did the Prophet say? "I don't want to mix with them?" No. The Qur'an makes it clear who the Munafiqin are. When some of the nomadic primitive instincts in Arabia, (like what is happening today), wanted to chop off the heads of those whom they considered to be the Munafiqin the Prophet said
لا يتكلمون الناس ان محمد يقتل اصحابه) جاء في كتاب صحيح البخاري و صحيح مسلم (
I don't want people to begin saying that Muhammad is killing his companions. The inference is, here, within the definition of the companions there is these Munafiqin. Now square that with your understanding of as salaf as salih and as Sahaba if you only think. Your problem is you don't want to think because when you begin thinking you're going to realize oh-oh I'm going to have to reconsider my own definitions and you don't want to do that. There are other demonstrations and illustrations.
Usamah ibn Zayd (radi Allahu anhu) killed someone who said Ash'had an la Ilaha illa Allah wa ash'hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullah. And the Prophet said to him after the news came
How are you going to answer for this? This person said what he said. Today this is happening on a large scale. Over there it was one instance that it really happened. There were internal thoughts for it to happen but it was never demonstrated on the scale that we see happening all around. So the Prophet shared his civil life, his religious life with those he knew harbored the most hostility towards his position, towards his status and towards his leadership. He knew that. During the time of Allah's Prophet there were other names given (and) designations given to certain blocs of people. There were al Muhajirin and al Ansaar were not there as divisive descriptions and when the tendency reared its head once when al asabiyah showed itself by an individual saying
فَقَالَ الْأَنْصَارِيُّ : يَا لَلْأَنْصَارِ !! وَقَالَ الْمُهَاجِرِيُّ : يَا لَلْمُهَاجِرِينَ) جاء في كتاب صحيح البخاري و صحيح مسلم (
When these honorific titles were about to be subsumed by asabiyah the Prophet immediately put an end to it 
مَا هَذَا ؟! دَعْوَى أَهْلِ الْجَاهِلِيَّةِ ؟! ) جاء في كتاب صحيح البخاري و صحيح مسلم (
Are you now expressing the call of jahiliyyah? And in another hadith it says
أبدعوى الجاهلية وأنا بين ظهرانيكم، دعوها فإنها منتنة) جاء في كتاب صحيح البخاري(
And I'm still among you (or) I'm still in your presence and you're beginning to express these types of things? These promoters of division and sectarianism from the Arabian Peninsula and connected with the Arabian Peninsula want us to be divided and Allah wants us to be united with the latitude of differences that are permitted amongst us. So the Prophet did not agree with the word Muhajirin and Ansaar to have a divisive and exclusive meaning to them. So if the word Ahl As Sunnah or if the word Ahl Al Bayt or if the word Ahl Al Adl of if the word Ahl Istiqama- these are all designations that we carry in our history- are meant to distance us from the other Muslims we don't need these descriptions and these definitions or designations. We don't need them. Allah has made it clear what we need.
(Dear committed Muslims…)
We are supposed to be the enlightened and the informed committed Muslims that Allah wants us to be and this is how far in a defensive mode we are when we have to look at ourselves and begin to point out our mistakes, our waywardness and our deviations. If we were the intelligent and informed Muslims that report to Allah and His Prophet all of these Fuqaha' have to report to Allah and His Prophet. Who is there to say that if I follow a certain Faqih I become the maximalist Muslim? Where did that come from? All of these Fuqaha' have to report to Allah and His Prophet. We honor them for the work that they did in their time but you can't come and tell us that we have to understand Allah and His Prophet exactly the same way the first generation of Muslims understood Allah and His Prophet. We have to honor Allah and His Prophet the way they honored Allah and His Prophet. Honoring is one thing but understanding is another area and here is where our responsibilities kick in. They want us to be involved. You heard the first khutbah- they want us to spend years on these types of khutbahs and they don't want us to make the transition and bring in Allah's directives and Allah's direction into what is happening now, (i.e.), issues of war. Innocent people are being killed. There are plans to plunge all the Muslims of the world into turmoil and mayhem. They don't want us to speak about this in the khutbahs. This is how they have separated our Islam from our commitments, our Islam from our everyday life, our Islam from our politics and ideology and economy and decision making and strategizing. Yes- that's what they want. They don't want something like this. Today there are criminals.
وَلِتَسْتَبِينَ سَبِيلُ الْمُجْرِمِينَ
… so that the course of criminals may become clear. (Surah Al An'am verse 55)
What does that mean? This is an ayah. How does it pertain to today's world? Well, if we had the courage and if we had the information that comes to us from Allah and His Prophet without this nonsense that comes from Arabia, meaning Saudi Arabia, we would say that the Saudi Arabian regime is a criminal regime. Say it as it is- it's a criminal regime. Why do we say this? We say it because of the following: we have an enemy. All the Muslims of the world have an enemy that has occupied Palestine and the regime in Arabia has done a magnificent job in extricating itself throughout all of these years from any confrontational position of that occupying regime- that's number one. Number two- that regime in Arabia that is in possession of Makkah and Al Madinah has been an instrument in the policies of Imperialism in Afghanistan, in Central America, in South America and in other places in the world. The regime in Arabia is a criminal regime because it put together what is called a military force under the auspices of the Gulf Cooperation Council, the GCC- and why did it put together the military forces of these countries? Not for the liberation of Palestine but for internal Islamic civil wars that will claim the lives, eventually, of millions of Muslims. The regime in the Arabian Peninsula is a mujrim regime because it financed a war that continued for eight bloody years that caused the Muslims millions of fatalities and those who were handicapped by the war. We're referring here to the war in the 1980's between Islamic Iran and the Ba'thi regime in Iraq. This area here should be the area of focus at this time every week through the ayaat of the Qur'an and through the teachings of the Prophet. They used Saddam Hussein for eight years and once they could no longer use him they disposed of him. Who financed that war? Who bought the weapons? Who paid for the weapons that went into that war? This is how they deal with a person that was in the calculations of some of their advisers "protecting them." Further yet, this regime in Arabia has imposed itself in issues pertaining to Arabian countries and in issues pertaining to predominantly Muslim countries. It has brought into its area of control even what is considered to be the exception, (i.e.), Qatar is considered to be the exception. It has its arguments with Saudi Arabia but still, when a war is imposed we see Qatar falling in line as we see happening in Yemen today. Who has the final word in the Arab League? They call it the Arab League- going beyond their mind control it's the Arabian League. Who has practically on all occasions the final word in the Arabian League which has not offered one service to any of the Arabian populations in North Africa or in South West Asia? Who has the final word virtually every time they convene- whether foreign ministers of heads of state- as happened last month? It is the regime of Saudi Arabia. It buys the weapons that are in the market. It has a lot of money. It's the forth purchaser of weapons in the world. Last year it spent around $57billion to do what? Look at what it is doing? It is doing what it is doing because it falls back on the premise that we were talking about in the first khutbah- they are Ahl As Sunnah wa Al Jama'ah and everyone else has gone astray. The foreign minister of that regime is like the godfather of the Arabian politicians. Now it has gone into a new mode- it is imposing a strategic war on the Islamic state in Iran. It is stirring a hornet's nest in the Arabian Peninsula and around the Arabian Peninsular and it has managed to fool many public opinions that Iran is out to convert Muslims to Shi'ism. Many, (even what you may call), informed Muslims fall into believing that Iran and Iraq and Hizbullah are out there to convert Muslims when they are out there for a noble cause (and) all they want is to do is to help in the eventual and upcoming liberation of Palestine. When Iran because of its Islamic character- not because of its Persianism and not because of its sectarian Shi'is- wants to offer support to the Palestinians or to any other group of Muslims who are out for self-determination the Saudi propaganda machine turns all of this around and says "the Iranians are the Majus. The Iranian have a conquering mentality and policies. They've taken over Iraq and Syria and Lebanon and now they're taking over Yemen." No one's taking over anything. Its people in these areas who are looking for freedom and self-determination and now Yemen wants to free itself of Saudi control- that's all! That's as simple as it is. Even though there are different sections of that population, different orientations and thoughts and different the bottom line is the people in Yemen want to be free from Saudi hegemony and if the Saudis want there own Vietnam, they will find it in Yemen. This is the area that we- not we only but the Muslims in the world should be concentrating on during this time on Fridays. Shed light- the Islamic light, the light of Allah.
قَدْ جَاءَكُم مِّنَ اللَّهِ نُورٌ
… light has come to you from Allah… (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 15)
This should be shed on these areas, not smothered with the verbiage of ignorance that is peddled from the pulpits of the preachers who knowing it or not are defending all that is unjust. Today, Al Jum'ah, Friday in the Haram we had one of these preachers who described (Iran). These are his words- he said about Iran "a mass of evil"- from the Haram in Makkah. Can't he and his likes liberate themselves from the obscurity and the darkness that they are in? Can't they outgrow that and look at the world and who is doing right and who is doing wrong instead of playing the role of the enemies of the Muslims and now beginning a very bloody chapter? At the end of this where are they going to go with all of this? We hope and we pray that the magic will turn against the magician.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 3 April 2015 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center currently under seige. 


Posted by: stop evil <stop_evil123@yahoo.co.uk>
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