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Friday, April 24, 2015



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (3 April 2015)
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It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear committed brothers and dear committed sisters…
This khutbah is being pronounced now when we have a particular type of human beings who are quick to use their military against Muslims who share the same qiblah, who share the same Book, who share the same Prophet and who share the same Creator. We have been, in an extended period of time, getting to the roots of these characters who are quick to kill their own and very slow to take action against their enemies. The ayah says
مُّحَمَّدٌ رَّسُولُ اللَّهِ ۚ وَالَّذِينَ مَعَهُ أَشِدَّاءُ عَلَى الْكُفَّارِ رُحَمَاءُ بَيْنَهُمْ
Committed Muslims who belong to the Prophet are fierce, severe (and) tough against the deniers of Allah (and) they are passionate towards each other… (Surah Al Fath verse 29)
What we have now and what we have seen in the couple of days is a reverse of this. The regimes in the Arabian Peninsula are- not by words but by weapons- saying "they are passionate towards the Kuffaar and fierce against the Mu'minin." They've reversed this ayah. We're not giving up on going to the roots of these people because they still indentify or they are still unable to distance themselves from the tyranny that began 1,300 plus years ago. They're still incapable of saying we have nothing to do with that tyranny. There is still a historical line that extends from those days up until this day that gets a kick out of or gets some kind of satisfaction out of ignoring what happened in the first century after Allah's Prophet passed away. We have a problem with Bani Isra'eel and that problem has been explained thoroughly in the Qur'an. Exhaustive ayaat went into exposing Bani Isra'eel. You know- many Muslims today take issue with the political character of Bani Isra'eel, (viz.) the Israeli occupation of Palestine, the periodic wars that breakout every decade or every few years now, the terrible and bloody killing machine that they crank against Palestinians, against Lebanese (and) against other Muslims and Christians in that area- that everyone is aware of; but not many people are aware of the psychological nature of Bani Isra'eel. The political nature- oh yes we are against but how about the psychological nature of these people? We're not going off base when we're going to try to show you how within the cloak of Islam there is an Israeli psychology.
When Prophet Yusuf (alayhi as salaam) was a small child and he goes to his father, Prophet Ya'qub, (alayhi as salaam) and he says to him
يَا أَبَتِ إِنِّي رَأَيْتُ أَحَدَ عَشَرَ كَوْكَبًا وَالشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ رَأَيْتُهُمْ لِي سَاجِدِينَ
… my dear father, I saw in a dream eleven stars (or) eleven planets in prostration in front of me (or) to me and I saw the sun and the moon prostrating to me. (Surah Yusuf verse 4)
His father listened to his beloved son and said to him
لَا تَقْصُصْ رُؤْيَاكَ عَلَىٰ إِخْوَتِكَ فَيَكِيدُوا لَكَ كَيْدًا
… don't express your dream (or) your vision in your dream to your brothers because if you do so they are going to conspire against you. (Surah Yusuf verse 5)
These are children of a Prophet and this is a Prophet's father's word to a Prophet's son's listening ears.
فَيَكِيدُوا لَكَ كَيْدًا ۖ إِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ لِلْإِنسَانِ عَدُوٌّ مُّبِينٌ
… your brothers are going conspire against you (or) they are going to do something awful to you (or) they are going to think up some evil against you; indeed Ash Shaytaan is an avowed enemy of we the social creatures here. (Surah Yusuf verse 5)
That's the nature of things. Now you, yourself, take this ayah and in this week think about it. How do brothers- this is one family, a family of prophethood; not just one family of prophethood (but) multiple families of prophethood, (viz.) Ibrahim, Ishaq, Ya'qub, Yusuf (alayhim as salaam) and this is happening in that family. We know when we say this we run across the barriers of the traditional Sunnis and Shi'is but the Qur'an is not subject to traditional Sunnis and Shi'is. This is what it says. You go- read (and) understand- this is an open book- and ask yourself why? How can this happen? Children of a Prophet want to get rid of their own brother! This is not a cousin, this is not a person who belongs to a clan of the same tribe whose great, great grandfather five generations ago are the same. These are brothers. Then Yusuf did not say a word to his brothers but still human nature being what it is these brothers did not want to see Yusuf in a favorable position with their father. They are all one usbah so how can this be? So they carried these feelings to get rid of him. OK- and you can follow the narrative in Surah Yusuf in the Qur'an which we have spoken about previously. You know what happened- the ordeal of Prophet Yusuf in Egypt for all of those years attributed to his own brothers. Now we make a transition. We go from the time of Prophet Yusuf to the time of Prophet Muhammad and we see that there is this same feeling. It's not right now within the nucleus family- unlike in the case of Yusuf it belonged to one family unit, (viz.) Ya'qub and his sons. In the time of Allah's Prophet it was dispersed beyond a family unit. It was within Quraysh. The same feeling was within a larger tribe. "How can this Muhammad be a leader?" Then Ash Shaytaan is a manifest enemy of you and me- of us of humanity; that's his nature (and) that's his character. So there are people who belong to the Prophet's very extended family who could not come to grips with the fact that one of their own- he is not their brother, he's their distant cousin- that their distant cousin and whoever is with him is superior to them; not superior in the materialistic and in the worldly sense (but) superior to them because Allah chose him to be the Prophet. So these feelings went underground. In the case of Yusuf they didn't go underground. They were expressed immediately, "let's get rid of him." This is Yusuf's brothers- either we kill him or we disable him. In the time of Allah's Prophet throughout 20 some odd years they tried to kill him. They tried to kill him by assassination. They tried to kill him through wars (but) it didn't work. So when that didn't work those feelings went underground and they tried to get rid of the Prophet's legacy after the Prophet passed on and they still can't come to grips with this- all of the Muslims (and) all of the world. You have all of the time to look at this and you can't figure it out? So when Banu Umayyah, the dynasty of Umayyah, finally seized power by force they began to exercise their character. What do they begin to do? They killed Hujr ibn Adi (radi Allahu anhu), a person who was a companion of the Prophet. You people out there who speak very highly about the Sahaba (radi Allahu anhum)- well, this is a Sahabi who was killed. He was killed by Muawiyah. Why? Because he refused to publically condemn Imam Ali (radi Allahu anhu). Brothers and sisters- let's open up and be frank with ourselves: we have an issue with how to behave as an authority or a government and how to behave as an opposition or dissidents. We have not shown mature behavior throughout all of these years. Another Sahabi who made hijrah to the Prophet, Amr Al Khaza'i (radi Allahu anhu) was also killed by Muawiyah. What is it? This killing of opponents which they are doing today in their wars- they are doing it with their security apparatus, they do it with their police, they do it with their internal security arrangements and they do it with their militaries as you can see. In Yemen, what is happening? What is happening is the historical character of these official malcontents is displaying itself for everyone to see. The Israeli character (and) that psychology of Bani Isra'eel that we trace back all the way in history right now it is playing itself out except that it has Muslim rituals. Israeli psychology with Muslim rituals! And we the Muslims look at the rituals and we don't look at the psychology; we look at the rituals and we don't look at the policies; we look at the rituals and we don't look at the strategies! This is how dumbed down we have become.
In the literature of all the Muslims in the world Al Imam Hassan and Al Imam Hussein (alayhima as salaam) are
الحسن والحسين سيدا شباب أهل الجنة
جاء في كتاب الترمذي والحاكم وصححه ووافقه الذهبي
the most select (or) the most preferred of the people of jannah (or) of the youth of jannah. What did these people who had power at that time do to these two Imams? The first one they get rid of by poisoning him (and) the second one they get rid of by using brute military force- Israeli psychology in Muslim rituals. Then in the year 122 hijri year they also do the same thing that they did to Hussein to Al Imam Zayd. Hisham ibn Abdil Malik who could not tolerate an opponent took that opponent on in a military way and it ended in a tragedy similar to the tragedy of Karbala'. His son Yahya ibn Zayd also was an opponent of the powers that be and how did they behave? They behave like every dictatorial, tyrannical (and) despotic government behaves. There were others who did not specifically belong to the line of Ali. Ibn Zubayr was an opponent of the government of the time. Ahl Al Harra were opponents to the government of that time (or) to the dynasty, (better yet). Ibn Ash'ath, ibn Zubayr, Ahl Al Harra, all of the Khawarij with their extremism, etc. all of these were opponents. How were they dealt with? Just like you see today in action. These opposed a dynasty (or) a kingdom because there were more qualified people than Muawiyah and Yazid and in today's world there are more qualified people than Aal Khalifah or Bani Khalifah and Bani Sa'ud and Bani Mubarak and Bani this and Bani that. This thing went on. After Bani Umayyah came Bani Al Abbas. They also rounded up their political opponents and put them in prison. Many of them perished through their opposition to an illegitimate and illegal regime. Then we had the revolts of An Nafs Az Zakiyyah in Al Hijaz, his brother Ibrahim's revolt in Sothern Iraq against Bani Abbas. All of this goes back to that psychology: "How come? Why are these people qualified to be the rulers and we are not qualified? We have the resources." This is the way they think. Bani Isra'eel with Muslim rituals- this is how they think. "We have the money, we have the connections, we have the military, we have the resources and these others- look at them, what do they have? Tell me, what do they have? So they disqualify." Allah wants to qualify those who qualify and these Bani Isra'eel who perform Islamic rituals want to disqualify them. So this history went on until we had a hardening of positions. We don't like to use the word (and) we don't like to bring it up because with it comes a lot of historical pollution (but) this nasb which is expressing animosity to the affiliates of Allah's Prophet (and) to the offspring of Allah's Prophet still exists. In the last khutbah we showed you some of the hate literature that they have not only towards Ahl Muhammad but anyone who has enough intelligence in them to show them off or show them out. So when these hardening positions took place we had the Saljukis and the Ottomans came after Bani Al Abbas, we had the Buwayhis and we had the Safawis. Both of these positions were antagonistic towards each other and they generated for us, not a calm and a balanced evaluation of what happened, they generated for us sectarian accusations against each other. Each side promoted their own sectarianism and that sectarianism was hardened by certain generations and certain encounters and for several centuries. Sectarianism became something that we inherit. One example of the hardening of this sectarianism is- once again you take this book As Sunnah that is a pivotal book in the Hanbali context written by Abdillah ibn Ahmad ibn Hanbal in which he says Al Imam Ali says- of course he doesn't use the word Imam-
لا تكرهوا إمارة معاوية
جاء في كتاب السنة
don't dislike the governorship of Muawiyah. Now how ridiculous a statement is that? It doesn't mean you have to become fanatics against Muawiyah, it doesn't mean you have to become fanatics against those upon whom Muawiyah imposed his government or his dynasty but that's what sectarianism became. It became everyone is guilty- the ruler is guilty and everyone else in that population is guilty. This is not observing the character and the conscientiousness of being truthful to the fact. This snowballed and it kept on playing out until our current day. In our current day we have people now who are killing (and) actually justifying cold blooded murder against the other simply because the other doesn't belong to their own sect or their own madh'hab or their own doctrine. "If you don't belong to the way I think you're an enemy and you're a Kafir and if you're a Kafir then I'm going to kill you." This is the sectarianism now that's at work.
We come back to the same question- during the time of the children of Ya'qub, Bani Isra'eel, ask yourself what makes brothers, (these are brothers), and sons of a Prophet either jealous or hateful of their own brother? What's at work here? Then make the transition from that to the Arabian Peninsula hundreds of years later and ask yourself what makes Bani Umayyah jealous or hateful towards Ahl Muhammad? What's the problem? And then, why is it that it's been all of these years and no one could figure any of this out? Why can't we think about this? Why is it that you're hearing this from yours truly probably for the first time? Why don't other speakers and preachers and clergymen and scholars and learned persons drill and dwell on this issue? Are we incarcerated in our heads? Are we incapable of thinking? Or has sectarianism taken a toll on us? No one can think freely anymore or thoughts are supposed to be monopolized by some and off limits to others! It's about time, especially now that there's innocent people- we're talking about hundreds of thousands if not millions of innocent people who are under a daily threat; they don't know if they're going to live tomorrow- and some of us feel comfortable going to sleep on Fridays. You want to go to the Masjid and sit down and let the hour roll without any meanings in it, without any motivations in it! That's what happens! What a waste jum'ah has become! A waste when no one tries to speak the truth to injustice.
Dear committed Muslims…
This military affair in Yemen is something that has to be taken in a very serious manner and with a very strategic breath. What is happening in Yemen is an internal Yemeni affair. Just like someone has their own house and there are differences in this house then the occupants of that house will solve their own problems. They may ask for advice, they may ask for consultations, etc. but to go in and destroy the whole house if you're its neighbor and then satisfy yourself and say "this is the solution to the internal problem that has inflicted that particular household" this is something that doesn't pass the standards of Islam or the standards of civility. Numbers and material accumulation of weapons and manpower are not to determine the way things go. If nothing, this lesson has been learnt by ancient powers. Ancient powers have gone into what may be considered primitive societies and they lost. Afghanistan is an example of that. Ancient warriors and ancient militaries went there and they got buried there. Even in our generation a superpower went there and got buried and another superpower went there, part of it is still there, and they don't know how to extricate themselves from what has become the cemetery of Afghanistan. The United States went to Vietnam with all the power that it had and it stayed there for many years and it did not come out winning. Yemen is probably the only country in the world, (that we know of), that when looked upon by powers in the world, whether historically or currently, these powers lose interest in it simply because of its terrain and its nature. It's not a place you can win a war and if you're an outside power intruding into some other people's country then you have the disadvantage because you're not fighting on your own turf while they are fighting on their own turf. We don't know how this is going to play out in the coming weeks or in the coming years but we know the final result is going to be the defeat of the aggressors. The richest country in the Muslim East i.e. Saudi Arabia has attacked the poorest country in the Muslim East i.e. Yemen and the Saudis mustered around nine or ten other countries to help them in this military effort. Now we went through some numbers here and we want you to look at (it) when we are speaking about this Decisive Shield, (as it is called), military operation spearheaded by the Saudi Arabian regime of course motivated by their masters to do what it is doing in Yemen. The defense budget of Saudi Arabia is $56.7 billion a year. It ranks number four in all of the world as far as spending on weapons (or) buying weaponry every year. It has around 233,000 men under arms meaning that's the number in its military. It has 1,096 tanks and 152 aircraft. The United Arab Emirates, its close second in this attack, has $14.4 billion of military expenditures every year, 65,000 members in the military, 545 tanks and 444 aircraft. Kuwait's defense budget is $5.2 billion a year. It has 15,500 military personnel, 368 tanks and 101 aircraft. Egypt- this is how dictators behave. When there's problems at home, they want to refocus the attention. So right now those rulers who came to rule through a military coup find that the event in Yemen is a God send because now they'll try to refocus the attention of their people on Yemen. Its defense budget is $4.4 billion. It has close to half a million military personnel, 468,500 to be exact. It has 4,767 tanks and it has over 1,000 aircraft. Jordan has as a military budget $1.5 billion. It has a 110,000 military personnel, 1,321 tanks and 246 aircraft. If we were to total all of these (who) are the ones right now who are actively involved in a war against innocent Muslims in Yemen who want to fix their own home, the total defense budget per year is over $100 billion, to be exact one $100.76 billion. They have 110,700 military personnel- we're sorry, they have 1,530,000 military personnel and we're not adding other countries who may want to get involved in this. The two surprises of governments who are involved in this or who have expressed their willingness to get involved in this are the governments in Sudan and in Pakistan. The surprise in Sudan is there should be enough Islamic common sense as to get involved in Muslims killing Muslims! What? Does the government in Sudan want to become an official Da'ish (or) an official ISIS?! As for the government in Pakistan- it should know that it has more problems than it can solve. It got drawn into Afghanistan with this Taliban issue and sectarianism can spread there very quickly. So the absence of common sense and the absence of Islamic principle make us say "what does Sudan and what does Pakistan have to do with getting involved here if it's not once again that matter of money (or) that matter of wealth?" So if we were to take all of these countries and add Turkey to them- right now there's some coordination going on between Saudi Arabia and Turkey- we'll find there's about $110 billion they are spending every year on their militaries. As we said probably approaching 2,000,000 people under arms, around 17,000 tanks, over 3,100 fighter aircraft. (With) all of this what is it doing? Bunching up on Muslims of self determination in Yemen. Where is all of this military might when it comes to the occupation of Palestine? Now these officials (and) these heads of states are saying "it is about time we unite our militaries." Unite our militaries?! Now is the time you think of uniting your militaries (and) having a joint Chief of Command position for all of these militaries but the occupation of Palestine did not cause them to think about bringing their militaries together?! We haven't named all the 22 countries in Arab lands (or) all 22 regimes in Arab lands, we didn't calculate all of that. We just calculated the ones now who are active in a war against Islamic self determination in Yemen. Compare $110 billion yearly budget, Israel has $15 billion in its military budget. They're approaching 2,000,000 people under arms, Israel has 176,500. They have almost 17,000 tanks, to be exact 16,918, Israel has 3,870. They have over 3,100 aircraft, Israel has 680- that's for people who think in military terms but this issue has nothing to do strictly with military terms. This issue has to do with justice has to be done. This is a matter of justice. As we said, we don't know how this is going to play out. All of this issue is in Allah's hand but we know that Allah is on the side of those who have been offended, those who have been occupied, those who have been attacked, those who have been invaded- that's the side that Allah is on. How Allah will work this through until the end is a matter left up to Him. It could occur on our watch (or) it may not occur in our watch.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 27 March 2015 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center currently under seige. 


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