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Thursday, April 23, 2015



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (27 March 2015)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear committed Muslims, brothers and sisters…
Allah says
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَطِيعُوا اللَّهَ وَأَطِيعُوا الرَّسُولَ وَأُولِي الْأَمْرِ مِنكُمْ ۖ فَإِن تَنَازَعْتُمْ فِي شَيْءٍ فَرُدُّوهُ إِلَى اللَّهِ وَالرَّسُولِ إِن كُنتُمْ تُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ خَيْرٌ وَأَحْسَنُ تَأْوِيلًا
Oh you who are secure in your commitment to Allah: obey Allah and obey Ar Rasul and those from you who are in charge of your affairs; if you were to disagree on something (or) if you were to dispute something among yourselves then refer it to Allah and to the Prophet, that's better for you and it's better in extracting its original intent and meaning. (Surah An Nisa' verse 59)
This ayah, ayah 59, from Surah An Nisa' says- of course the speech here is to the committed Muslims and the Muslims in general
فَإِن تَنَازَعْتُمْ فِي شَيْءٍ فَرُدُّوهُ إِلَى اللَّهِ وَالرَّسُولِ إِن كُنتُمْ تُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ
… if you enter into a dispute with each other concerning a certain matter then refer it to the Messenger meaning Prophet Muhammad if you adhere to the fact that there is Allah and the coming final day of judgement… (Surah An Nisa' verse 59)
This ayah is clear in its meaning. It has a general meaning and the general meaning is clear. Muslims are bound to have differences amongst themselves. This ayah concedes the fact that Muslims are going to have differences amongst themselves. If we weren't going to have differences then this ayah would not have existed. So the inference in this ayah
فَإِن تَنَازَعْتُمْ فِي شَيْءٍ فَرُدُّوهُ إِلَى اللَّهِ وَالرَّسُولِ
… if you were to get into a disagreement about a certain matter then you refer it to Allah and to the Messenger, to the Apostle… (Surah An Nisa' verse 59)
OK- this is very clear. Now the reason we are mentioning this ayah, of course, is in the context of what we have been mentioning in the past khutbahs concerning some fanatics (and) some bigots who would rather not do what this ayah is saying even though they say that they are supporters and promoters of the Qur'an and the Sunnah. We go back to their own sources to bring out the fact of who these types of fanatics are. In the books that we have mentioned in the previous several khutbahs which are their reliable books, (which) they teach in their institutions, (which) they quote in their khutbahs (and which) they refer to as their scholars meaning the authors and the writers of the books (as) being their scholars what do they say? We're taking these quotes from their books.
آكل مع يهودي ونصراني ولا آكل مع مبتدع
جاء في كتاب السنة
We rather break bread with a Yahudi and a Nasrani and not with a Mubtadi'. A Mubtadi' means a person who is guilty of bid'ah (or) who does certain bid'ahs- however way they define that bid'ah to be- that's number one. Now where did they get this from? In light of the ayah
فَإِن تَنَازَعْتُمْ فِي شَيْءٍ فَرُدُّوهُ إِلَى اللَّهِ وَالرَّسُولِ
… if you were to get into a disagreement about a certain matter then you refer it to Allah and to the Messenger, to the Apostle… (Surah An Nisa' verse 59)
If you disagree- of course, there are Muslims who disagree with them and they disagree with other Muslims- OK, that is permissible among us; but we should refer this to Allah and His Prophet. Where in the Book of Allah and in the sahih quotes of the Prophet does it give us this type of meaning? No where!
Number two
إذا علم اللـه من الرجل أنه مبغض لصاحب بدعة: غفر لـه
جاء في كتاب السنة
This quote from them says if Allah knows that a person, meaning a Muslim, hates or is angry with a sahib bid'ah then Allah will forgive this person who hates sahib al bid'ah, meaning Allah forgives hate mongers who are against these bid'ahs and these bid'ahs are subject, of course, to their interpretations which is promoted because of their finances.
Number three
ومن انتهر صاحب بدعة أمنه الله يوم الفزع الأكبر
جاء في كتاب السنة
Whoever yells at a sahib bid'ah (or) whoever scolds sahib bid'ah then Allah will give him serenity on the day of the major fear (or) the day of all encompassing fear meaning on the Day of Judgment. These are from their books. These are hate mongers. These fanatics who say "they belong to Allah and His Prophet" in reference to their own books and their own sentences turn out to be hate mongers.
Number four- this is by no way exhaustive-
ومن أهان صاحب بدعة رفعه الله في الجنة مائة درجة
جاء في كتاب السنة
Whoever insults a person who is involved in bid'ah Allah will raise him 100 degrees or 100 ranks in Al Jannah. You see- now you can get a better understanding- 32 years out here in the street because of people in their hate. The people run this Islamic Centre and their bosses who run Makkah and Al Madinah actually hate. These are their sources. We're taking you deep down inside their references and their major books. Now we all know that the only book there's no disagreement about is the Qur'an. No one disagrees, meaning with the ayaat (or) the presence of the ayaat in the Qur'an. Every Muslim- whatever background (or) whatever affiliation or persuasion that he or she may have this Quran (that) we (have) is the Qur'an that we have but there has been disagreement among the Muslims concerning the hadith, concerning the ijma', concerning qiyas, concerning what a Sahabi said. There's been differences all across the board concerning that and we all know this. Now, now with that general information what does one of their major scholars, Al Barbahari, say? This is from the books that we've quoted recently.
وإذا سمعت الرجل تأتيه بالأثر فلا يريده ويريد القرآن فلا شك أنه رجل قد احتوى على الزندقة
جاء في كتاب السنة
He says if you hear a person who you have come to mention or to quote hadiths or what the sahaba said, this is what al athar means, if you come to a person and you are mentioning the hadiths or the statements of the sahaba and he sort of does not want that and he wants to refer that to the Qur'an then there is no doubt that that person has blasphemy in him. These are their internal thoughts. This is how these people and their types- the fanatics- think. Not only that
فقم من عنده  ودعه
جاء في كتاب السنة
It means part company with him and leave him alone. Someone who wants to go to the Qur'an as the major reference when he begins to hear a certain hadith or a certain quotation of a Sahabi or a Tabi'i then that person is a Zindiq per their own statements. Listen to this and we've alluded to this before-
وأن القرآن إلى السنة أحوج من السنة إلى القرآن
They say in one of their statements taken from their own major books (and) this means, (we have to look at it again because the Muslim mind cannot work the way they pronounce things), the Qur'an is in more need of the Sunnah than the Sunnah is in need of the Qur'an. Listen to that! This is how they operate. This is where they get these things from. Now listen (to) the way they phrase things especially those of you who are familiar with the Arabic language- this same marji' that they have- they don't call him a marji' but that's what he is. They refer to him in their fiqh, in their doctrinaire, in their aqidah issues. Al Barbahari says in the funeral prayer you say Allahu Akbar four times and this is what Malik ibn Anas said and Sufyan Al Thawri and Hassan ibn Salih and Ahmad ibn Hanbal, we're quoting exactly his words. Then he said and the rest of the Fuqaha'. Then here is the punch and by the way this is what the Prophet said.
التكبير على الجنائز أربعا وهو قول مالك بن أنس و سفيان الثوري و حسن بن صالح و احمد بن حنبل والفقحاء و هكذا قال رسول الله
جاء في كتاب السنة
How do you word things like that?! If you refer to the Prophet you say this is what the Prophet said and these are the Fuqaha' who picked up on it and then it became their fiqh; but even the wording here places the Prophet in a secondary position vis a vis the Fuqaha' that they quote.
Another quotation from them- when you read these quotations and you think about 32 years in the street here you know that these people are guilty of a hate crime. We being out here in the streets is indicative of a hate crime committed by these people, (i.e.), the fanatics of Arabia.
ولأن تلقى الله يا بني زانياً فاسقاً سارقاً خائناً أحب إلي من أن تلقاه بقول فلان وفلان
جاء في كتاب السنة
He says if a person were to meet Allah who is guilty of or committed the sins of zina' and fisq and khiyanah and theft is better than to meet a person who says what so and so says. Now this- what "so and so" says in the context of the general writing of this person "so and so" is in reference to the Hanafi school of thought, the Mu'tazilis and everyone who doesn't agree with the fanatical interpretations of their understanding of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal. Then they come out and sort of legalize (or) they legitimize (and) they want to mainstream hatred for things (or) affliction of Muslims. Something happened to another Muslim (and) being elated at that is something they like. This is from their books. We're reading to you in Arabic and we'll give you the meaning of it in English. Some guy- Al Hallal Al Hanbali in the book of As Sunnah has the following narrative
عن الإمام أحمد بن حنبل عندما سئل " هل يأثم الرجل ، يفرح بما ينزل بأصحاب بن أبى دؤاد المعتزلي . ؟ فقال : ومن لا يفرح بهذا
جاء في كتاب السنة
Ahmad ibn Hanbal was asked is it permissible for a man (or) a person to be happy to an infliction that has come down upon the colleagues or the followers of ibn Da'ud. Ibn Da'ud was one of the Mu'tazili scholars. So Ahmad ibn Hanbal was asked if something happens to these people (or) some type of harm comes their way is it alright to be happy with that? (We don't know if this is actually what Ahmad ibn Hanbal said but this is what they said he said: they said he said who is not happy with that? Meaning, of course. Who could not be happy with that? Everyone should be happy with that.
Then it comes to, (you know), we have our relationship with our families and a person is required (or) is demanded by the Qur'an to have a good relationship with his parents- that's in normal conditions of course; but what if the parents disagree with the son or the son disagrees with the parents? What happens here? According to these people the son has to break off relationships with his parents if he disagrees with them or they disagree with him on a matter of aqidah. Remember that key word aqidah in their vocabulary. The ayah in the Qur'an in Surah Luqman says
وَإِن جَاهَدَاكَ عَلَىٰ أَن تُشْرِكَ بِي مَا لَيْسَ لَكَ بِهِ عِلْمٌ
If they, your parents, exert themselves (and) they put in all the effort they have so that you become a Mushrik in your relationship with Me, meaning Allah, in areas in which knowledge is not provided to you meaning what they are speaking is baseless, (i.e.), your parents in their continuing efforts to having you a Mushrik… (Surah Luqman verse 15)
So what is the result? How should a son or a daughter behave towards their parents who are Mushriks and want their child to be a Mushrik? What is more serious than that? The ayah says in response
فَلَا تُطِعْهُمَا
… the instructions the behavioral outcome of this is do not obey them… (Surah Luqman verse 15)
Obedience is one thing. They want you to do something, meaning ash shirk, the most serious thing there is in the world. Allah says when they want you to become a Mushrik- don't obey. "I don't want to become a Mushrik." Don't obey.
وَصَاحِبْهُمَا فِي الدُّنْيَا مَعْرُوفًا
… you continue to maintain a relationship of camaraderie (or) you continue to be with them in this world in what is known as common acceptable human behavior… (Surah Luqman verse 15)
These are people who are Mushriks, (i.e.) your parents who are Mushriks and want you to be a Mushrik. You continue to have good relationships with them in this world (but) you just don't obey them and become a Mushrik. Now this is what the Qur'an tells us. What do they want you to do? They want a son to severe his social and blood relationship with his parents. These are what the fanatics and bigots say. These are their words. We're quoting them.
يجب على الابن ان لا يكلم أباه
A son should not speak to his father.
اذا كان هذا الوالد يرى ان القران مخلوق او توقف
Now they're not speaking about shirk here, they're speaking about something much, much, much less. This person- this fanatic bigot- who says he belongs to the Hanbali school of thought says if the father believes or his opinion is that the Qur'an is makhluq… You know- one of the issues that has been an internal Islamic issue- a very hot one at one time. If the father says the Qur'an is makhluq or if the father says I don't know- you are asking me if the Qur'an is created or not (and) I tell you I don't know. So if any father says that to his son the son should abandon the father (and) not speak to him, not socialize with him, not interrelate with him on a daily or whatever basis. There have been cases where people who believe this type of stuff leave their homes. They leave their parents (and) they leave their families because they disagree with them concerning a certain issue that is in violation of what we know of the Qur'an and what we know of Allah's Prophet.
Dear committed Muslims, brothers and sisters…
We have obviously a very serious problem, (i.e.), these hate mongers. Now we know (that) inside this context these people who glorify Ahmad ibn Hanbal (go) to such a degree that it eclipses the Qur'an and the Sunnah and they take it into directions of hatred (and they) actually hate. You see what we said quoting from their own books.
ومن أهان صاحب بدعة رفعه الله في الجنة مائة درجة
جاء في كتاب السنة
Allah will reward you if you hate sahib al bid'ah. These people who occupy the Islamic Center can easily say "we out here are as'hab bid'ah and if they scold us then Allah's going to reward them." So maybe they're more sophisticated. They don't want to scold us verbally so what they do is they exclude us. This is discrimination here. This is segregation. People- what you are seeing here in-fact every week systematically (and) continuously for all of these years is practical, in-your-face segregation, discrimination and what do you want to all it. When race is involved they call it racism. When Jews are involved they call it anti-Semitism. The word that is being used nowadays in Islamophobia. We're not comfortable with that word. There must be some other word that describes what these Muslims are doing to other Muslims. It begins with their hate and then it culminates with their financing and sponsoring of the malicious terrorists who kill. Today, in Yemen in Jum'ah prayers these hate promoters, hate mongers (and) hateful people go (for) Jum'ah prayers just like this inside a Masjid. They go on a suicide mission and they detonate explosives. Why? It's becoming very clear that this ISIS thing is an instrument of the enemies of the historical enemies of the Muslims, the military enemies of the Muslims (and) the ideological enemies of the Muslims who are executing their kill policies through Islamic groups such as what we see in Yemen today (and) what we heard about in Yemen (and) what is happening in Iraq and Syria and in other places. This would have been impossible! The Zionists and their lackeys would not have been able to get away with this if it wasn't for the Saudi regime that teaches hatred (and) that instills hatred in the hearts of Muslims towards other Muslims. We wish this hatred was where it belongs, (i.e.), towards Ash Shaytaan and the instruments of Ash Shaytaan in this world- that is where hatred belongs. You misplace that hatred and you turn it into Muslim hating other Muslims and then from there being promoted to killing other Muslims?! Then they want to get away with being on both sides of the issue. They want you to believe- well they don't say this in public because they can't get away with this but behind the scenes they are promoting this hatred and this fanaticism and these suicide terroristic acts; that is what they are doing clandestinely. Then propagandistically they say "they are against it. These are acts against Islam and against the Qur'an." (They're) speaking with a forked tongue. They want us to believe either this side or this side. They want to trap us in their own trap. If we adhere to Allah and His Prophet we are immune from their hatred and their propaganda and their bullets and their policies.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 20 March 2015 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center currently under seige. 


Posted by: stop evil <stop_evil123@yahoo.co.uk>
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