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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Muslim Unite Sunni and Shia KHUTBAH : FEAR OF ALLAH OR FEAR OF 9/11 PART 4


JUM'AH KHUTBAH (21 September 2012)
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It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear committed Muslims…
We are approaching that conspiratorial day of the year- the day in which Muslims are accused of all sorts of accusations and defamed with all the vocabulary available to those who wish the Muslims no good. With that in mind and with what is happening in our world today we take a look at couple of ayaat in the book of Allah that we should treasure and cherish and take to heart. The first ayah is around two-hundred-and-fifty-six of surah Al Baqarah, the second chapter of the Qur'an says (and) what concerns us from this ayah is the first sentence- this simply means
When it comes to matters of deen, your faith, your belief, your creed and your persuasion there cannot be legally or morally anyone to force you out of those parameters i.e. the parameters of faith and belief and creed and persuasions and conviction… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 256)
No one is allowed- by the Book of Allah- to change by force or by compulsion or by coercion those parameters in you. Let this statement and this ayah and this sentence ring in our societies and let it echo in our communities and let it dwell inside of our character.
The second ayah
Allah does not bar you or ban you concerning those who do not carry arms against you and do not expel you from your homes or homeland from being fair to them and being equitable towards them and to apply social justice to them for Allah is in favour of and is close to those who apply this social justice. (Surah Al Mumtahanah verse 8)
When we take these two ayaat, (and because of the limitations we are in we have to be economic with our words and our ideas), and apply to them to everything that has been said and done to the Muslims after 9/11 we find that all the propaganda and the policies and the powers that were mobilised after 9/11 against this so called Islamic threat and this propagandised Islamic terrorism and every thing that is said along these lines becomes a hump of garbage! We're still living the consequences of this. It is not like it has gone away. It is being used as a whip to lash out at any Muslim who pursues his God-given ability to think and his God-given endowment to feel in the frame of being a committed Muslim. Because this issue has been off limits to Islamic speakers, Islamic preachers, Islamic leaders, etc. etc. bi idhnillah, with Allah's licence we're going to deal with this issue so that hopefully we can put it to rest at least among ourselves; it's the least we can do; but to begin with now, we're going to take a look at what neutral and average minded individuals said who are not Muslims. They come and say "oh- you Muslims say this and you say the other about your own history, about your own power when you had it, etc." We know that Islam began in the Arabian Peninsula- it was born there and it grew and it spread into territories that were predominantly, (let's say),
the Christians who lived in these areas. These areas are now Islamic countries but this geography was populated by those who were Christians with their different sects and denominations and divisions and interpretations of their own scripture and the Holy Book and history. What we know from our Islamic history, (those of us who read and think Islamic history- it's not enough to just read it, you have to think through it because it is presented from different angles by different people within different frames of circumstances throughout all these years), but if we can just look at our own history without reacting to what's being said for us or against us we will find that we, the Muslims, (and we say this not with any arrogance and not with any vengeance; we say this strictly as a matter of historical fact), and the Islamic presence in this geography, that is now called the Middle East, liberated the oppressed Christians from being oppressed from their own Christian co-religionists. Bishops from most of these denominations are from the Eastern Orthodox Church and some of them who were balanced and who were factual came out and acknowledged this Islamic help that they received in preserving their own faith and their own identity. The Muslims rescued Christians from Christians. One of the Assyrian or Syrian Patriarchs wrote a book about this and in it he says, (and we're going to use our translators ability to give you a sense of what a Christian who is living among Muslims is saying about Christians who have come to tyrannise their own fellow Christians), "the evil Byzantines…" these are his coreligionists. This is not a Muslim speaking, this is a Christian clergyman by the name of Mikha'eel Al Kabeer, in Arabic, or referred to in the Latin languages as Michael, The Great. This wasn't a ruler, he wasn't a king. He was a high ranking Christian clergyman. He said "the evil Byzantines pillaged our Churches and our Monasteries and they accused us without mercy and it was for that that the Children of Isma'eel came to us from the South to spare us of what the Byzantines were doing to us and these Arabs left us to ourselves so that we can, in all freedom, practise our rituals and pursue our beliefs in tranquillity and peace." We have to remind you that we're speaking here to try to address this poisoned atmosphere around in which Muslims are supposed to feel apologetic and in a sense inferior because of some crimes that were committed by Allah knows who but attributed to the Muslims. The general impression out there it's not new and this has been an impression of hundreds of years. The powers that have ruled in what is called the Mediterranean basin and thereafter we have it here in the Americas (where) with their mainstream media, with their corporate media in history books, in textbooks and in other books they give the impression that "Islam was spread by the sword." So when Muslims came out of the Arabian Peninsula they went to these people in Bilad Ash Shaam, in Misr, in Central Asia, in North Africa, etc. etc. carrying their swords with their armies and forcing people to become Muslims. Brothers and sisters- that is a lie! There is a French National Research Institute of Demographics and it says the following… Once again, this is not coming from Muslims- for those of you who listen to this khutbah now or in the future, remember if you are psychologically inferior and you don't want to quote Muslims here's, (with the pun of the word in this context), ammunition for you. This non-Islamic, secular so-called research and scientific or whatever institute in France said "the percentage of Muslims in the Islamic State after one-hundred years of its establishment…" (These are our words now, that would be around the year one-hundred hijri, on our hijri calendar that's around the year one-hundred). The percentage of Muslims of the general population where Islam rules is no more than twenty-percent. That flies in the face of this propaganda that tells you "wherever Muslims went they converted people by the use of power, (or to use their favourite word), by the use of the sword."
There are some individuals who did their homework on this subject. One of them is Sir Thomas Arnold. He has written a work that is very well known in scholastic circles, in circles of historians (and) even among missionaries and Orientalists. In his writings he said "the minorities who were living among Muslims in these years of history enjoyed a status that was not known to minorities in other people's histories." Remember- 9/11 wants to crash all of these statements and all of this scholarly research into us. Here we're looking at ourselves from people who are objective on the outside. So he says "the tolerance presented (or) exemplified by Muslims has no equivalent in other civilisations, in other histories and in other contexts." There's another French Orientalist by the name of Edward Montie. This person also stated the fact of the matter and praised the rational component of Islam. Islam wasn't this religion that went to people and said "you have to have faith and then close your mind." This person studied Islam and said "no. Islam is a mindful, is a thoughtful (and) is an intellectual religion" unlike what we have been told in the past eleven years- "Muslims are savages, we are blood thirsty we impose ourselves on others." That is not what fair minded individuals, scholars, theologians, historians (and) Orientalists say. Another religious figure, this time from Italy- Britain, France, Italy- Father Marachi of the seventeenth century is a theologian. He says "the reason why Islam has been looked upon favourably by the peoples who became Muslims is because it's not burdened with the type of theology and philosophy that Christianity is burdened with." So it appeals to people and when it appeals to people they become Muslims. They didn't become Muslims because there was a sword over their heads; they became Muslims because these words are going to their heart and to their mind. Another figure in the eighteenth and early nineteenth century, Karitani of Leonne said "the reason why Islam spread in the Eastern Churches, (meaning Churches of the Eastern rites of Christianity, basically Orthodox Christians), is because the Christians who were living there were frustrated with the Hellenistic spirit that took over Christian theology or predominated Christian theology." An American philosopher in the last half of the eighteenth century and the first quarter of the nineteenth century John Taylor also has expressed similar ideas and similar comments about Islam placing Islam the furthest it can be from this violence and terror image that has gripped it in the public mind since 9/11.
One way of looking at this is those who live in the Imperialist or the Colonialist or what they call the Crusader context- historically or currently- know how their history worked. Their history worked (such that) when they went to Africa and when they went to Asia they went with missionaries who worked in tandem with militaries. The militaries and the missionaries worked together, so the way they spread Christianity was by force. So they look at other people, in this case, we the Muslims, and say "Islam was spread by force" because that's the only experience they had in their history so it can't be that something else caused the spread of Islam?! It couldn't be its rational component, it could not be its appeal to man's heart and emotions, it could not be Islam's blending with human nature- the common sense aspect. No it can't be any of that so it had to be force. So they impose these adjectives of force and violence and terror and power upon the Muslims and so they want to give the image to the world that Islam spread by the use of this force. OK- let's take a look… Brothers and sisters- we have to say this before we begin: I think by now you know me. I'm not a person who tries to put distances between followers of scripture and we ask those who don't belong to the Islamic commitment (and) who are not Muslims to bear with us in counting very briefly some of the historical facts that condemn these Imperialists and Zionists because of their use of the sword against others. Back in the late eighth century/early ninth century Christian era King Sharlemon by the use of force baptised the Saxonites or the Saxons to become Christians. There is a King in Denmark, his name is King Cnut. He died around the year 1035 because we're dealing with European history on what is called the Gregorian calendar. He, by force (or) by using arms, put an end within his jurisdiction and domain to Paganism. They had in Europe what was called, (these are not Muslims, they are so called Christians), "brethren of the sword." By the use of arms and fire they forced the Pressions into becoming Christians. There's an area in South Norway called Vikin and it had a king by the name of Olive Trigvison who died around the year 1000. He slaughtered everyone and anyone who refused to become a Christian or he would torture them or he would expel them. There's a king in Hungary by the name of Charl Rober who forced everyone in his country to become a Christian or leave the country. In an area North of Greece called, (in some history books), The Black Mountain or Macedonia, there was a king there at one time (who was) a ruler and a theologian at the same time by the name of Daniel Patrovich. He also gave his subjects or citizens a choice- "you either become Christians or you die." In that particular area, the Muslims who did not become Christians were killed on Christmas eve. In Russia, there was a king by the name of King Vladimir who person died around the year 988. He issued a decree on the day he became Christian "imposing Christianity on everyone under his rule." Russia itself did not know what is called freedom of religion officially until the year 1905 and we know what happened a dozen years after that. This is not to speak about the history of these people, (who are now accusing Muslims of being violent, bloodthirsty, terrorists, etc.), and about the genocides they committed in North America, in South America, Australia, New Zealand and that dark hole in their history called slavery and how it played out here in North America. This testimony comes from them, (and we'll summarise it): "the reason why Islam has an appeal, generally speaking, is because it discards superficial virtues, it is against religious hypocrisy, it exposes those who are misleading and present themselves with contentious morality and it takes issue with religious demagoguery." These come from their books.
We're presenting ourselves now to Muslims who are inferior- they don't want to quote the Qur'an (and) they don't want to quote the Sunnah! They will listen if for example George Bernard Shaw spoke about Islam. They will listen if another person who comes from Europe spoke about or speaks about Islam. Well- this is what they have spoken about Islam before the poison of 9/11 set in. They say "Islam substituted the withdrawal from society." In the religious Christian society or in the religious Christian context if you withdrew from society that is a virtue. (if) you become a Monk?! You're isolated in a monastery somewhere?! It becomes a virtue?! Islam changed that in society. It placed a premium on positive and courageous social interaction. As salah brings people together; al hajj brings people together. This aggregational (and) congregational social feature of Islam is appealing and it threw out the theology that freezes the human mind or that isolates the human intellect. It opened with open arms the reasoning of man. This is what attracts to Islam, not a sword. Don't be fooled by the lies even though they are systematic, even though they are repetitious (and) even though they are elaborate. Don't be fooled by these engineered lies. Islam appeals because of its intrinsic emotional and rational values but we still have with us the accusation that "Islam was spread by the sword." We continue to live with this defamation even though it was receding in our life time somewhat and then they presented us and the world with the rumours and the fabrications and the mainstream media commentaries and what they call "the analysis of 9/11" and now we are stuck with some Muslims who cannot outgrow this innuendo that has come our way. Remind yourselves, Allah says
When it comes to matters of deen, your faith, your belief, your creed and your persuasion there cannot be legally or morally anyone to force you out of those parameters i.e. the parameters of faith and belief and creed and persuasions and conviction… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 256)
and in the other ayah
Allah does not bar you or ban you concerning those who do not carry arms against you and do not expel you from your homes or homeland from being fair to them and being equitable towards them and to apply social justice to them for Allah is in favour of and is close to those who apply this social justice. (Surah Al Mumtahanah verse 8)
Dear committed Muslims brothers and sisters…
The sooner we face reality and the facts the sooner we will emerge from the status quo that we are locked into- mentality, socially and as far as our responsibilities are concerned. 9/11 was not something that is simple. It was thought out very carefully by those who were responsible for it- whether they physically commandeered those planes or whether they plotted its course years in advance or whether they commented on it and still continue to do so up until this moment in a way that disparages and defames Islam and the Muslims. They brought us this event and they presented the world with this event so that we feel that some how we are guilty. Whatever degree of that guilt is concerned or whatever relationship there may be that guilt they want every Muslim to feel they are guilty because of the hoax of 9/11. No Muslim anywhere in his right mind and in his fertile heart should feel any compunction about 9/11 because it was thought out by the Imperialists and the Zionists and it was executed by the Imperialists and the Zionists and they may have some tools and patsies with Islamic names and with Islamic photogenics that were presented to us and the world so that we feel like "look we want to prove to the other that we are peaceful people." They are the ones who did all of this they have to prove to us that they are peaceful people. They've turned all of this around and they want us to think that we did something wrong. We didn't do that! Muslims wherever you are, tell your friend (and) tell the world "we have nothing to do with what happened on 9/11." But here we are stuck because they think ahead of us. These Masajid we have want to shrink our minds- they don't want us think; but just because we don't want to think doesn't mean that people out there are not thinking. They are thinking about their own interests, they are thinking about the materialistic world, they are thinking about the careers and the futures of their coming generations. So just like to think ahead they went ahead and they fabricated this 9/11 incident and they threw it on us. Now we have Muslims who are psychologically inferior- they don't want to speak about it. What is wrong with you? You can't speak the truth? You know who you are, we know who we are. We know we are not violent, we know we are not terrorists, we know that these fly by night terroristic organisations are financed by the others who are on the other side of the issue. Where do these finances come from? Where did this so called ideology originate from? Even when you read their own books and their own periodicals on this subject, where does to go back to? It goes back to Saudi Arabia. Then, in that week when all of the skies in this country were closed to flying they picked up the Bin Ladens and their relatives in this country and they flew them back and they began a war in Afghanistan and Iraq. What happened to Saudi Arabia? If sixteen or so where from Saudi Arabia how come all of this went off the radar? Because we don't think! Anyone with basic information about this knows that this is a grand (or) a grandiose lie and we are still living the consequence of this. We still have Muslims now who don't want to speak out. They don't want to say the truth. They don't want to express what there Islam is. Aafia Siddiqui, a Muslim student who was in this country- bright and all of this… Just in this past week there was an Islamic national conference in this city, in Washington DC, and they couldn't speak in the conference itself about a Muslimah who was treated the way she was treated. What does that say about us? We can't speak about one of our own one among ourselves?! Something is terribly wrong. When a program was set for these big wigs to attend, across the street, they couldn't even go across the street and sit for a few minutes to participate in the program. Something is wrong! We are not militarily defeated because of nothing; we are militarily defeated because we are psychologically defeated. If we were healthy and robust in our psychology none of this would happen. We'd act as normal human beings. We have leaders in leadership positions who cannot move (and) who cannot express themselves in a normal way just like any other normal individual and human being would express him or herself. Our effort in all of this is to try to bring (the truth). We don't pray here in the street for nothing. Saying the truth has a price to it and we'll pay that price and we've been paying that price for saying the truth for the last thirty years in the street. They can't even tolerate the truth in the Masjid so "put them on out on the street" and have them speak themselves in the air- as if Allah doesn't exist. He's taking care of this whole affair in His own way.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on 7 September 2012 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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