THE STREET M SPECIAL AL QUDS DAY KHUTBAH (11 August 2011) PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the Criminals may become clear. |
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear Brothers and Sisters…
Assalaamualaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh
Audio on (07-07-2012)
We'd like to begin by thanking everyone for ever effort that was put into every minute of being here this very moment. Speaking about that geographical area called the Middle East obviously is not a very simple task. You and I have been inundated by mainstream media information that is engineered to have us think in a certain way and to reach certain conclusions. I'd like to take the liberty this evening to break out of that mainstream media frame of reference and speak to the issues as they are, (or) at least as we can see them developing in our contemporary times. In the past year and a half, (and probably a little more than that), there's been much media focus upon the movement and the revolts of people, especially those that are in the Northernpart of this continent. You and I know that we don't stand a chance of going into the details of what happened or what has been happening in each one of these countries. What we do know is that for the first time in history since the time of Imam Ali (alayhi as salaam) people are expressing their political will. The expression of this political will is not necessarily what they call"free and fair" and therefore what we see unfolding in these countries and in other countries in that general area may prove to be a false positive- (I've been involved in the Islamic activities for the majority years of my life and I know from experience and I say this with regret and sorrow in my heart), I'm sorry to say that many Muslims have not developed a political (and) active way of thinking concerning the events that they find themselves in- this applies equally to the Islamic movements in the Middle East as it applies to other movements in other parts of the world. Therefore we are now living what maybe a repeat of the mid-century of the last century in which there were liberation movements who got rid of the colonialists only to be replaced by clients of colonialists. Those were done in the name of nation liberation (and) in the name of nationalism but the peoples of these countries had to endure a stretch of decades and years to find themselves where they are today. Much of the attention is focused on Egypt , and for good reason. Egypt is, relative to the other nation states to the area, a heavy weight. To abbreviate geography and history, Egypt is one of three countries in the Muslim East who once if they have their policies tuned with each other they can become a game changer not only within the Middle East but beyond the Middle East into the larger arena of the world. Iran has gone Islamic- everyone knows that, (I'll be getting to that in a few minutes). Turkey in its own way is going through its experiment with going Islamic- we wish them well even though our hands are on our hearts considering the type of political challenges that may translate into military activities in the coming months or years. The issue now is with Egypt . Egypt has a variety of Islamic movements and trends in it. Among themselves they are not very agreeable. This has been camouflaged from the public for good reason and for good purpose but the fact of the matter remains that internally, (and I may say this as a whisper), we Muslims are venerable simply because we haven't built up enough awareness of what our enemies are trying to do with us.
As we said at the beginning, we're going to break out of the framework of the mainstreaming of information and tell you in blunt terms (that) there are what they call superpowers in the world- the United States , some European states, Russia , China . From time to time we hear that there is tension flaring out between, (let's say) the United States and China because of the twoKoreas; tension flaring up between on one side the United States and their allies on one side and China and Russia pertaining to what is happening in Syria. All of this, (we think), is a distraction from what you will probably, (if Allah gives you more years in life), come to realise is the real polarisation in that area and in the world- that polarisation, (we're going to be frank here), is between the Islamic Republic of Iran on one side and the Zionist Israeli occupiers of the Holy Land on the other side. This is the real game here. This is the real issue and the UnitedStates is an adjunct to Israel and so are the other European powers and other nation states in the world. None dare stand up and tell the Israelis "enough is enough. You should terminate your racist expansionist colonialist types of policies and return to the family of humanity and act with equality in this game of nations." No one dare say that to the Israelis except for theIslamic Republic of Iran and you can return to your sources of information and verify what we are telling you here. The fact of the matter is the Israelis have now husbanded together two currents of history and social forces- one of them is racism and the other one is capitalism. This is Israel- plain and simple! No fancy talk; nothing of this homeland for the Jewish people. These were Atheists who established this state; many of them were secular and had nothing to do with the Jewish religion and they tried to milk the sympathy of the world to shed tears for their victim status. None of that is accurate! None of that is happening in the real world! On the other hand the Islamic Republic of Iran - which is the only game in town. They talk about Saudi Arabia and they talk about the Gulf states- these are nation states that have no will of their own. They take their orders from Washington DC and from European capitals and they are more than obliged to carry those orders even to a war against Islamic self determination, the prime success of it came thirty-three years ago from the Islamic State in Iran. Now, what is beginning to form, (and they're keeping this under the radar), and what is beginning to take shape is a block of Islamic self determination centred around the Islamic Republic of Iran extending fromCentral Asia through Iraq, Syria, Lebanon all the way to the Mediterranean. This is scary. This is something the Israelis don't want to happen. Of course, they're using the nuclear issue to try to justify acts of hostility (and) even an outbreak of war against the Islamic Republic of Iran .That's a side show. Israel itself is a nuclear power. Why isn't there a hue and a cry in the diplomatic and political world against the Israelis who have at least two-hundred nuclear warheads and Iran hasn't even developed one nuclear warhead by their own confession?! So what's this double standards, this double talk, this hypocrisy (and) these out right lies except to try to create the appropriate circumstances to launch into hostilities against this coalescing of populations and peoples. We're looking at two-hundred-million people and the Israeli Zionistsare looking at these two-hundred-million people who, once again, are the only game in town. That's the only serious thing that is taking place. Meanwhile what do these other besiegedArabian rulers in the Arabian Peninsula and the Persian Gulf do? They had an opportunity. Since 1947 (and) 1948 when Palestine was occupied they were buying weapons from Easterncountries and from Western countries and in all of their military forays against the Israelioccupiers they failed in each and every one of them including that media and Hollywoodpresentation of 1973. If they can't liberate Palestine they should step aside and not begin to create problems with a true, authentic, original and independent policy that works towards the liberation of Palestine that's beginning to give its results. The Israelis have been reeling from their reversals and their failures militarily in Lebanon . Why did they fail militarily in Lebanon ? All these Arabs (and) all of these armies of these Arabian countries, (twenty-two of them), could not liberate one inch of occupied territory. From 1980 to 2000, (in the course of twenty years), a band of committed Muslims in Lebanon known as Hizbullah put together the necessary means and managed to defeat the Israelis for the first time. In the year 2000 the occupied territories of all of Southern Lebanon was liberated. (This was) not on the watch of the Arabian rulers but one the watch of the Islamic determination, the Islamic revolution and the Islamic impulse that is centred in the Islamic Republic of Iran . These are words that no one wants to speak (and) no one wants to express in public! We have the opportunity as a family to express this truths. So you are on the side either of these capitalists and these racists who found common purpose in the Israeli occupation of the Holy Land or you are on the side of the Muslims and the oppressed peoples of the world that are represented by a growing and an expanding, (in an innocent sense), of the Islamic Republic and the Islamic revolution of Iran. Whoever can see the truth in these parameters is beginning to see the light, whoever can't see the light in these parameters can fly a kite! This is real. This is what it's all about. This is how the future political events are shaping themselves. There is an encounter between an Islamic will on one side and a will of capitalists and of usurpers of wealth and occupiers of land and discriminators and segregationists in society. This is what it is in plain language.
I don't live in South Africa , but I know and everyone should know that South Africa experienced one of the brutal management of societies in human history- Apartheid which is six feet under and we hope it and its prevailers will find their way to hays. You've experienced this and you should know where in this polarisation of the Muslim East you belong. Do you belong to the racists which you got rid off? (Or) do you belong to the capitalists who are still interfering with getting your internal affairs straight? I don't know. I can't, (you know), speak to the decision makers over here. We may have a brother who is among them but if you are true to your struggle against Apartheid and racism you know which side of this conflict you will be on in the future. If you are a traitor to your principles that fought against Apartheid then you will find yourself on the wrong side of this developing equation.
Brothers and sisters- I come to you from the United States . The Unites States is a colony of the Israelis. The United States said "in the past ten or twenty years it went out to the tyrannical parts of the world to make- of these tyrannies (and) these types of dictatorship governments- democracies." The result was these dictatorships never became the democracies, it is theUnited States that is becoming a dictatorship. It wasn't the Unites States that was reforming the world, it was the world that was deforming the United States ! This is what is happening in our real time- it's a policed state. I'm just an average person, I have ideas, (I grant you that), but that's all I have. I don't have a pistol. Even though it is legal in the United States to obtain a permit to carry a concealed weapon I don't have any of that, (and I think they know that better than anyone else), but I'm flagged down at the airport. They search me as if I'm radio-active. They think I'm some kind of terrorist. I don't know what goes through their minds but this is the type of United States we are talking about. The United States has come into this miserable condition that it is in because it has blindly sided with the Israeli Zionists and it has blindly opposed Islamic self determination in the world. It's a country that I belong to. I don't belong to any other country. I was born there. I served in the American Armed Forces- I did my duty. I pay my taxes; I vote at voting time and if the United States with its current policies continues to knock heads against Islamic self determination the future is against it! The country is a beautiful country, the government is an ugly government. I hope everyone can say that in truth within the parameters of the outlined facts that were brought to your attention this evening.
I'm sorry I have ran out of time. I compressed my ideas in these few minutes. Only Allah knows and says the truth. We hope we have been an echo of that truth.
We desire to expand and build on the designation of the day of Al Quds (designated by the late Imam Al Khomeini to be commemorated on the last Friday of Ramadhan in recognition of the suffering meted out to the Palestinians and the oppressed peoples of the world), and will be insha'Allah be running a weekly additional Khutbah on Al Quds. We pray that Allah raises the awareness of people regarding the suffering of the people of Quds and the other oppressed peoples so that the designation of the last Friday to ensconce the realities in the lives of oppressed people in our minds will culminate into a daily occurrence.
This presentation was presented by Imam Muhammad Al Asi in South Africa on 7 July 2012. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.
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