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Tuesday, November 22, 2011



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (25 November 2011)
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It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear Brothers and sisters whose sense of responsibility corresponds to Allah's guidance…
One of the obstacles today's Muslims have still not yet thoroughly overcome is that they are unable to bring the facts that were demonstrated to them by Allah's Prophet into today's world. This is a very serious impediment that lives with us and because of this inability of ours to understand Allah's Prophet and the world he was in. In today's world we encounter the myriad of problems that have frozen us without the capacity to move forward with our God-given responsibilities. You and I know that there are issues in today's world that are knocking on the Muslim mind. One of these issues is today's movement of peoples in different geographies of the world. Some of these people are moving in Muslim countries (and) some of these people are moving in non-Muslim countries- there's a movement of people. The problem that weighs very heavily on today's Muslims is they are not capable of placing these movements of people in the informational framework of Allah and his Prophet. Obviously we don't have the time to go into the details of these different movements and uprisings that seek a common denominator. There's a common denominator that runs through all of them and that is justice. We will do ourselves a favour, we will contribute to a better tomorrow if we concentrate our minds (and) if we pay close attention to Arabia itself.
If we go back to the time of Allah's Prophet and we study with open minds- don't bring the baggage of polluted history with you, give yourself a fresh start. (Take a) look at Allah's Prophet and the world around him.  One way of looking at it is we learn that Allah's Prophet entered into an arrangement with people who were not Muslims at that time. The fact of the matter is there was a life and death issue between Allah's Prophet and the committed Muslims with him and then the Makkan Establishment on the other side. In this polarisation between the two sides the Prophet of Allah chose of his own free will and with Allah's guidance to, (number one), take advantage of a tribal structure that would work to protect him. Allah's Prophet did not go around antagonising everyone in Makkah and everyone outside of Makkah. When Bani Hashim and Bani Abdul Mutt'talib in their tribal set-up would offer Allah's Prophet protection, he accepted that. The majority of them were not Muslims. There wasn't this accusation or the doubt in some people's minds "hey- what are you doing here?! We are Muslims and how can we have an understanding with those who are not Muslims?" That wasn't brought up by anyone. It's not being brought up today- not because these types don't exist, they exist; there's plenty of them- because they don't open these pages of history and ask themselves "how come Allah's Prophet had accepted the protection of Bani Hashim?" We covered this previously when Allah's Prophet and the committed Muslims with him were dislocated outside Makkah; they were under sanctions and Allah's Prophet maintained a working relationship or at least a relationship of understanding with those who were not Muslims inside of Makkah. Allah's Prophet had a working relationship with An Najashi in Habashah in the sense that here we have a non-Islamic country offering protection to Muslims who needed it. So when we begin to follow Allah's Prophet in how he behaved socially in the Arabian Peninsula we find out that his main concentration was on defending himself and those who were with him from the wrath and the war of Quraysh in Makkah. This doesn't come out very clearly in today's Muslim mind and it causes Muslims to begin to exchange accusations among themselves. Some of these arrangements that Allah's Prophet had with the tribes or the power centres around Makkah inside of Arabia were written and some of them were what we call "a gentleman's agreement;" i.e. they were verbalised and not written. One of the clans of Bani Aamir, (this is a historical statement, you can consider this one of those benchmarks of history), said the Prophet of Allah came to us when we were in this annual activity in Ukaf and he asked us to support him and protect him. He wasn't asking them to pray. He wasn't asking them to fast. He was asking them for social immunity from Quraysh and from Makkah, (i.e.) his own society, (meaning), before Islam and his own people. You begin to wonder and ask "why don't we have Muslims in today's world asking for some type of social protection the way Allah's Prophet was asking for it?" The more you pursue this question, the more you realise that the Muslims of today are functioning on another level as compared to the level that Allah's Prophet was functioning on.
There's a detail in Islamic history that also goes un-noticed or it's deliberately omitted- no one wants to talk about it. During the time when Allah's Prophet was in Al Madinah he asked non-Muslim people in Arabia to go to Makkah in what is called Umrah Al Hudaybiyah, (please pay close attention to this); the Prophet of Allah two or three years before the liberation of Makkah asked non-Muslims to accompany the Muslims to an Umrah in Makkah and Quraysh refused. You know or you can guess quite accurately why today's Rulers don't want this issue brought to the attention of the Muslims. Imagine how this defies today's Muslim and conventional mind- "Do you mean to tell us Allah's Prophet told non-Muslims to go to the Umrah in Makkah?!" That's true. You go to the books of Seerah and look up Umrah Al Hudaybiyah and you'll find that's exactly what Allah's Prophet did. He invited non-Muslims to go to the Umrah and Makkah. Then we ask "but why did Allah's Prophet do something like that?" If in your mind you don't know that Allah's Prophet has been at odds and in a confrontation with the Tawagheet in Makkah for all of these years, (if all that information is absent from your mind then of course, some thing like this begs an answer). Why would Allah's Prophet do something like that? It turns out that Allah's Prophet did that so that he would have the support of these other power centres in Arabia against Makkah and its Quraysh.  Indeed, Makkah and it's Quraysh at this time, after Allah's Prophet called on the rest of the Arabians to participate in this movement in Makkah, the people who were running the show in Makkah- the Qurayshi decision makers- felt socially isolated. This was pressure that was put by Allah's Prophet and remember, (this is very important), in doing all of this Allah's Prophet did not violate any Islamic principle; he did not make any halal, haram; he did not make any haram, halal- none of that was part of this process. So the other Arabians at this time began to look at Quraysh with suspicion. The power centres in Arabia were asking Quraysh why don't you want all of us to come to the Ka'bah. The Ka'bah has always been open for anyone to come and now you're telling us we cannot come?! Of course, Quraysh and its head-hanchos didn't want the other Arabians to come to Makkah with Muhammad. If it wasn't for Muhammad they'd say "Oh sure you can come- we have no problems with that." So in what is, (in today's language), called "the world of politics" the Prophet of Allah was in a way encroaching on Makkah which was causing the political structure in Makkah to lose ground in all of Arabia. This also caused Quraysh to reconsider itself. They said if Muhammad is able to do this and now the balances of popularity are tipping in Muhammad's favour then we are going to have to allow him to come to Umrah the following year. (Do) you see?! All of this can only be understood when we have it in our minds that there is a life and death struggle going on between Allah's Prophet and the committed Muslims with him and the power structure in Makkah. A fact that is deliberately taken out of today's Muslim public mind.
Makkah, this city that we speak about but never care to think about, of this humble beginning was nothing. The Prophet Ibrahim (alayhi as salaam) said
… O Allah: I have placed for their living of my progeny/posterity in a valley that has no vegetation in it at your inviolable sanctuary… (Surah Ibrahim verse 37)
And when he says
… O Allah/Our Sustainer cause the sympathy/emotions of people's hearts gravitate towards them… (Surah Ibrahim verse 37)
What does that du'a of Ibrahim mean? Ibrahim is saying
O my Sustainer: Make this place, this town, this area secure and safe… (Surah Ibrahim verse 37)
If we juxtapose what Ibrahim is saying with what the Saudi Rulers are doing we find there is a divergence here. Ibrahim wants Allah to have this place a safe and secure place; the Rulers currently there want to have this place a place of trouble, problems, insecurity, instability and wars but how are the Muslims going to understand what Ibrahim is saying in the social context and what the Saudis are doing in that same context? Where do we have these people? Then he says  
… and then cause the locus of feelings of people gravitate to them… (Surah Ibrahim verse 37)
Our loci of feelings are disconnected from the gravity of Makkah. There's a religious language that is being used to place a distance between us and Makkah. There are also legalities and laws that are enacted to distance us from Makkah. So in fact we have a world today that runs contrary to what Ibrahim is saying. Iqamah As Salaah is another thing- the actualization of as salaah (or) the socialization of as salaah, the structarilization of as salaah- that is absent. Yes, you have people who are praying 
… and then cause the locus of feelings of people gravitate to them… (Surah Ibrahim verse 37)
Allah's Prophet Ibrahim is not saying let people pray here. He didn't say fa ijal li an naas yusallun or Rabbana li yusallu. He said
… therefore cause, after this socialization/structuring of as salaah, the locus of feelings of people gravitate to them… (Surah Ibrahim verse 37)
That word, iqamah, no longer has a functional meaning. It was meant to have one but the way it is pronounced and used the functionality of it is gone. Salaah has no structure in today's world! You perform your salaah as an individual and when Muslims come together, they don't perform their salaah as a jama'ah; that the word they use, (i.e.) "we are praying as a jama'ah." No you're not! You are praying as a collection of individuals. You are there in bodies. Your bodies are together but your minds that sustain the meanings that you are expressing in this salaah is not together. So where do we have iqamah as salaah? One of the pre-requisites of iqamah as salaah is to have an Imam. What type of Imam do you have who's leading these prayers? He's a "religious" Imam. That's what people call him- a "religious" Imam. How about his duty (and) his character  as a civic Imam? Where did that go? What type of say (and) authority does an Imam have in today's world? To be frank with ourselves and to say the truth they have none as this world has rendered an Imam a person who's responsible for some religious movements in the Masjid meanwhile in the real world where there's supposed to be an authority- an Imam as an authority- he doesn't exist! And you say "we have iqamah as salaah?!"
… and provide them with the fruits of labour/conviction/emotional attraction and the resulting fruits of produce/agriculture/what comes there-of… (Surah Ibrahim verse 37)
(We think this is a comfortable statement to say); we don't know, we have history books about Makkah and Arabia and Al Ka'bah and Quraysh but it doesn't appear to us from reading these history books or from listening to people who quote these history books that there was a political nature to Makkah. Makkah doesn't appear to us to be a political city- but it was. However way politics was practiced in those days- of course they are not exactly like they are practiced today- but their were decisions that had to be made. Who was making these decisions? If you look for them over a-thousand-and-four-hundred years ago you can trace them all the way back to the Ka'bah, to Makkah. Makkah was a political center; it was an economic hub; it was a city of culture; it was a religious retreat. All of those were part of what Makkah was all about. Makkah was the place for the Hajj and the Umrah. This was before Allah's Prophet. People used to go to Makkah for Hajj and Umrah. They also used to go to Makkah for other annual and seasonal meetings and conventions and assemblies. The reason we're mentioning this to you brothers and sisters is because if you don't discover this, if these facts don't settle into your mind the Saudi Arabian Government is going to continue to get away with its Qurayshi pre-Islamic behavior. It's going to take some time before the Muslims of today and tomorrow are able to equate the Quraysh of today with the Quraysh of Muhammad's time. If this doesn't come across vividly (and) solidly without any doubts or questions the occupiers of Arabia nowadays are going to continue their anti-Islamic behavior into tomorrow and the next generation. The only thing that will significantly and authentically dislodge the Saudi Rulers is for the Muslims to understand that they are behaving exactly like those who opposed Allah's Prophet. That's the only way it's going to happen. In the meantime, (as you can see), it doesn't take a person with a PHD to figure out or to sense the destructive character that these Rulers have. What side is the Saudi Government on vis-à-vis these popular movements all around, (that we spoke about at the beginning of the Khutbah)? A Ruler is kicked out of a certain country (and) they tell him "come here. You'll find refuge here." As if Arabia is meant to be a refuge for Mushrikin and Dhalimin and Kaafirin; it's not now a place of serenity for committed Muslims. Why is it very difficult for a committed Muslim to go to Makkah and to go to the Ka'bah and its very easy for a Dictator and a Despot to go to Makkah and to go to the Ka'bah? Why? What happened? We thought it's the other way around. No- the facts of the matter confront you and defy you. This is the real world that we are in.
Makkah was not intended to be a city that is saturated with rituals and void of spirit. It wasn't meant to be that and that's exactly what we have today. What is Makkah? It's a city in which you will see the human bodies going through the physical motions of salaah and tahajjud and these other things but where is the human essence in all of this? Where is the word justice in all of this?
In the history of Makkah there was something called Hilf Al Fudhul. The Arabians came together and they agreed, (this is before Allah's Prophet becoming a Prophet), that no one shall be mistreated in Makkah. There was something in Makkah called Dar An Nadwah. In today's world Dar An Nadwah functioned like a Ministry and a Parliament. This is crucial. We don't just mean to be passing along information; we mean for you to place that information in today's real world. How many Muslims do we have who think of Dar An Nadwah in that time being the equivalent of Cabinets and Ministers in today's world? How many do we have? How many thinking and energetic and energized Muslims do we have in today's world who will tell you that the decision to assassinate Muhammad was done/made in Dar An Nadwah by the Decision Makers. This ayah refers to the highest level meeting of the Officials of Arabia at that time when they were thinking what to do with this person who came to change their society. What are they going to do?  with
… are they going to confine him or kill him or expel him … (Surah Al Anfal verse 30)
Do you think those are ancient thoughts? There are not today's Officials who are thinking the same way- what are we going to do with this individual? Allah has disclosed to us their internal thoughts, their secret information and he said
… they plot and plan and Allah does His planning and Allah is the best in this regards. (Surah Al Anfal verse 30)
Does anyone think in the context that we are speaking about, (i.e.) that the Rulers in Arabia today are on the side of Allah's Prophet or they are on the side of Quraysh and the Mushriks and the Dhalimin in this world. Which side are they on? You have the events of the past months and years that will demonstrate to you which side they are on.
Whenever you smell a secular-religious argument, the Saudi Government is behind it; not because they have the brain to understand what a committed Muslim stands for and what a die-hard secular stands for- they don't have that type of mind. All they have is the money that they are told "to give to this side or that side so that the divisions are heightened among the Muslims" and so eventually the blood will flow in the Muslim rank and file. Sectarianism in the Muslim world- now you have what is turning out to be a sectarian issue. The Regime in Arabia is forthcoming to anyone whether they are Sunnis or whether they are Shi'is. If they have a sectarian bent to them (i.e.) if they are sectarian in their minds and in their plans they can expect to be supported and financed and received with red carpets by that Regime that should be classified as belonging to Abi Jahl and Abi Lahab and not belonging to Allah's Prophet. The Prophet of Allah used to go to these tribes that used to come to Makkah and the Ka'bah and ask them could you offer me social protection. That's what he was concerned with because the nature of his da'wah needed social protection. He wasn't asking them "Oh- the way to become a Muslim is to take a full bath and to enlist in some/certain rituals." That wasn't the case. Our Muslims of today are confused and their confusion only serves the interests of those who have been bleeding us for so many years and so many centuries.
Please brothers and sisters- ask Allah to have us understand what the Prophet of Allah taught us and ask Allah fervently to expose those who are hiding behind Islamic rituals and stabbing Islamic values and principles in the heart. 
Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims…
When we travel with Allah's words and we go to the final life, Al Akhirah, and we read the ayaat , a question
… why are you here? (Surah verse)
This question is to those who are in the fire.
What brought you to this terrible place, to this unfathomable pit of anguish? We were not of those who offered any meaningful communication to Allah and from Allah and we were not of those who would offer any nourishment or any help to those who were in need in this world and we just went into the fast lane of life. (Surah Al Mudd'dathir verse 42-45)
Doesn't this very accurately define and describe those today who have all of this money, especially those who come from an Islamic heritage, who have all of these resources and we have plenty of Masakin in this world but we don't find anything going from those who have to those who do not have. And talk about the fast lane in life, (take a) look at how fast they are going down that fast lane to their demise and to their miserable end. Do we have to name names? Do we have to bring to your attention the names of these individuals? The Muslim psychology is so weak, so fragile that if we begin to mention names some people begin to say "we are doing something wrong." That's how weak the psychology of Muslims is and they can only overhaul that psychology by enlightening their minds so that they can move ahead. Don't destroy an endowment that Allah has given you. Your thinking ability, reasoning capability is an endowment from Allah- don't destroy that. They have programs, they have strategies, they have curricula that are meant for us not to read the Qur'an in context, for us not to read the Qur'an in real time, for us not to understand Allah's Prophet in context, for us not to understand Allah's Prophet in real time.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 11 November 2011 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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