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Friday, November 4, 2011

Muslim Unite Sunni and Shia KHUTBAH : EID AL ADHA 2011



EID AL ADHA KHUTBAH (6 November 2011)

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It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the

Criminals may become clear.

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.

Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.

Brothers and sisters, Committed Muslims…


Audio on http://www.islamiccenterdc.com/apps/podcast/podcast/19269 (11-27-2009)




On this day we observe and we honour our relationship with the Almighty. We say, we declare and we affirm Allahu Akbar. We say this, unfortunately in today's world, only as a matter of tradition; many of us do not say this as a matter of conviction. Allah has made the Hajj mandatory upon every able Muslim

… and it is incumbent upon those who are able from amongst mankind that they do the Hajj to the sanctified House for Allah… (Surah Aal Imran verse 97)

This Hajj is meant to bring the Muslims into the area of Makkah.

… Allah defines Makkah as a city, a congregation that is supposed to be blessed and a guidance for mankind. (Surah Aal Imran verse 96)

It turns out that many of us are not willing to live up to this responsibility. In the first instance we don't listen when Allah says to us

… the Hajj is a time period of three known months … (Surah Al Baqarah verse 197)

We should be asking ourselves if we are saying and if we are meaning Allah is greater why have we reduced this Hajj from the three months that Allah is telling us to the three weeks that the Saudi Arabian family Rulers are telling us? Why? When this becomes the case i.e. when the three months are cut down to three weeks this means that we are not serious when we say Allahu Akbar. If we were, we would have this lifelong duty at least a matter of two or three months. By all the opinions of the Scholars, the Fuqaha', the Ulema' the sha'aa'ir of the Hajj/the rituals of the Hajj can be done in three or four days- this cuts across Schools of Thought/Madh'habi lines- if we can perform our Hajj rituals in three or four days, then why is Allah telling us that the Hajj is a matter of three months?

… the Hajj is a time period of three known months … (Surah Al Baqarah verse 197)

The answer to that is so that we may bear witness to what is to our benefit in the Hajj. In another ayah that answers this question, Allah says

… so that these pilgrims/Hujjaaj may testify to what is to their benefit … (Surah Al Hajj verse 28)

But we are not allowed to do so by secular, worldly, god-denying powers, especially the one that rules over Makkah and Al Madinah. They tell us "no- you cannot testify to what is in your advantage. You are not allowed the meaning of this ayah." Tell us, (and some of you have been to the Hajj), what type of evidence were you privy to in this yearly congregation when you were there in the Hajj? You were not allowed to express your Islamic internal thoughts! You were not allowed to communicate concerning your common interests! This did not come from no where. There are people who are thinking and planning and strategising that we do not bear witness and testify and present evidence to that that is in our favour. Remember, these are Allah's words. We may, (as human beings), feel strongly about them, but beyond our human nature bear in mind that these are Allah's words

… so that these pilgrims/Hujjaaj may testify to what is to their benefit … (Surah Al Hajj verse 28)

Besides these few days of rituals, Allah is giving us a permit and He is giving us an order to congregate, to hold meetings in which our minds and our hearts can come together on our common good. That is taken away from us! The Prophet of Allah says humanity is Allah's family. The best one in humanity is the one who serves this family the most. Do you want to hear that again? Humanity, all of it, is Allah's family and the best person in this humanity is the one who gives benefit to this family. How come we cannot bring this meaning from the Prophet of Allah- which is an extraction of the ayah in the Qur'an

… so that these pilgrims/Hajeej may bear witness to what benefits them … (Surah Al Hajj verse 28)

The Prophet's hadith says the most beloved of these people to Allah is the one who is advantageous to His family. Why are we not allowed to express this meaning in the Hajj? The Prophet of Allah says he's not a mu'min/he's not committed to Allah… Who's this person? … whoever goes to sleep on a full stomach while his neighbour is hungry and he, (meaning the person who went to sleep with a full stomach), knows about it, (knowing that his neighbour is hungry). Saudi Arabia- the problem that we have to step beyond is that when we listen to Allah and when we listen to His Prophet is that we think about what they are saying to apply to individuals, only few of us can take what they are saying to apply to populations. The Government that rules over Makkah and Al Madinah and Al Hejaz and most of Arabia goes to sleep with a full stomach; next to them the people in Yemen go to sleep while they are hungry! Can we say that these are "the Custodians of the Haramayn?!" The Prophet of Allah says  they are not committed to Allah/they are not mu'mineen… How come we consider them to be in the service of the Muslims? How can this be? Can't we remember what we are saying? We are saying at this day, at this time Allahu Akbar. The information that comes to us from Allah is superior to other types of information and the Prophet of Allah is explaining to us, so how come some/many of us continue to think that these Rulers in Arabia are "The Custodians/Up-keepers of Makkah and Al Madinah?" At this time of Hajj in Ash Shahr Al Haram-Dhu Al Hijjah is one of the ash'hur al hurum. It's a secure month of the year, it's a safety zone of the year. There's no conflict; there's no clash; there's no tension; there's no warfare during this month. What are these people who are occupying Makkah and Al Madinah doing in this month- we should ask ourselves. Instead of feeding their brothers/millions of Muslims who live on their Southern borders, they are bombing them. Then, the recent news is they need help. These criminals in Arabia need help so they are asking for more troops and they are asking for more troops from certain countries. They've made official requests, (we are told through the media), to Bahrain and Qatar and Pakistan and Jordan (saying) "send us troops." These are people who observe Ash Shahr Al Haram?! Even pre-Islamic Arabians used to observe ash shahr Al Haram. Quraysh and all the tribes who were in Arabia before the Qur'an, before the Prophet (and) before Islam observed Ash Shahr Al Haram as an Ibrahimi tradition; these people today don't observe it as an Ibrahimi tradition (and) they don't observe it as a Muhammadi tradition! What do they do? While they are fighting, instead of feeding innocent Muslims, with the same breath during this time of Hajj they send one-hundred-thousand troops to Makkah. You would think by sending one-hundred-thousand soldiers/law enforcement agents to Makkah that these are Israelis who are going to Makkah to perform the Hajj! You need one-hundred-thousand?! You need a full fledged army to protect Makkah?! Muslims are going there to commit crimes?! To ignite a war?! Where do they come from? How do they think? How do they reason? This is what they are doing. They've caused even inside the Islamic Movement oddities to appear. In what is called the mother Islamic Movement in the world- Al Ikhwan Al Muslimeen- all of them, with one exception, requested from the king in that land "(to) stop this war." He's not listening. Then one of their branches, the Syrian branch says "no. This type of Kingdom has the right to protect it's sovereignty, it's independence, it's borders." Listen to this! Then, in another stroke of things you have a Salafi in Algeria, (we don't want to mention names, but if you want to know the persons name, we're willing to tell you the person's name after the Khutbah; but the person is very well known even though belonging to the Islamic Movement (of) a Salafi background), comes out in public and states to the effect "there's no legitimacy in this war by the Saudi Government against the freedom fighters in Yemen" while a Shi'i Scholar from Saudi Arabia itself says "that the Saudi Government has all the right in the world to defend the homeland." Because he belongs to the country and he's a well known person. The Saudi Establishment says- they use this ayah to try to tell Muslims "leave you hearts and you minds outside of Makkah and Al Madinah when you come to them." To try to convince Muslims that they should come mindless and heartless to Makkah they tell them- quoting the ayah out of context, of course, and taking advantage of the ignorance that dominates everywhere.

Let there be no obscenity, nor wickedness, nor wrangling in the Hajj… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 197)

Now what does this mean? We want to take this same ayah and we want to throw it back, (so to speak), at these people who don't speak the truth. Wa la Rafath means,(to put it in easy language), there's no hanky-panky stuff in the Hajj; wa la Fusuq means there's no degenerate behaviour, no pervert conduct is expected in the Hajj; wa la Jidaal means there's no argumentation in the Hajj. OK-fine. We all agree. Who's going to the Hajj to court the opposite sex?! Who goes to do that? Tell these people who are quoting these ayaat and these are people who belong to Dar Al Iftah and they belong to Dar Ad Da'wah and they belong to the religious establishment in that country. "What do they mean? We Muslims go to Hajj to get involved in foreplay?! They're out of their minds!" Fusuq/degenerate behaviour- who goes to the Hajj to display a rowdy personality? Where do you see that? Some of you who have been to the Hajj, where do you seen that? Where are these rowdy personalities coming? Is that displayed there? Up to here we may say "OK fine, we may find a common ground to agree upon." They say "wa la Jidaal means there's no argumentation in the Hajj." They say this to people who want to express the meanings of the first twenty-nine verses of Surah Bara'ah. They tell them "wa la Jidaal means there's no argumentation in the Hajj." Wait a minute here! They should go to their own book, the religious books that they read- the major references- and these references will tell "jidaal/arguments does not apply to inkaar al munkar/disapproving the munkar and idh'haar hudud ad deen/establishing the facts of this deen." These are the words from their own books! So don't tell us and don't tell every thinking Muslim "you cannot go to the Hajj, Al Bayt Al Haram and not express the meaning of the ayaat of Bara'ah." Then, they followed up and their religious officials, prompted by their political officials, (these are their words brothers and sisters; this is the verbatim translation of what they are saying), "you cannot politicise the Hajj." Can they say this to Allah and His Prophet? These ayaat that are clear in the Qur'an, the Bara'ah- the whole Surah is called Surah Bara'ah which means disavowal and severance of relationships- military, economic political- with the Mushrikeen. Ask them, "is this a political statement or not?" We didn't invent these ayaat! These ayaat came to us from Allah via His beloved Prophet; the only thing that we are doing is understanding these ayaat. We ask them, "is understanding these ayaat a politicisation of the Hajj?"


The founder of Makkah, Ibrahim (alayhi as salaam) said

… cause the hearts of people to gravitate towards Hajar and Isma'eel … (Surah Ibrahim verse 37)

The policies of Officialdom in Arabia is "No! You are not allowed to carry/have a heart that gravitates towards Makkah, Hajar and Isma'eel (alayhima as salaam)." What you are allowed to do is follow the leader. In other words you are allocated a mutaw'wif and the mutaw'wif will lead you and you repeat- like Simon says! That's what you are allowed to do and when these few days are over then you leave. The whole purpose of Makkah is smothered with these policies and then the basic message of the Hajj is lost. What's the basic message of the Hajj? When the committed Muslims go through the activities, the stations there at the Hajj; because we have not been privy to these meanings, they are lost to us. The basic message of the Hajj is survival. Hajar survived against all odds; Isma'eel survived against all odds. Hajar was a woman; Isma'eel was a baby. The weakest elements in humanity survived against all odds! The message from Makkah should be that the weakest parts of humanity can also survive. If they are hungry they can survive. If they are thirsty they can survive. If they are isolated they can survive. If they are alone they can survive. But all of us go to the Hajj and the word survival doesn't even occur to us! Why? Because we were trained in the years prior to going to the Hajj not to think and so these Rulers steal the show and they impose on us their sterile practise of this Hajj and we lose an opportunity every year to bear witness to our common good.

… so that these pilgrims/Hajeej may bear witness to what benefits them … (Surah Al Hajj verse 28)

We are aware of this and being aware of this we say with confidence Allahu Akbar.


Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims…

This is a day of confidence. When we say Allahu Akbar these words express an unlimited confidence in Allah. When we say Allahu Akbar there's a comparison here. Ask yourself: Allah is greater than what? He is greater than every power and every authority that demeans Him, that excludes Him. When we say Allahu Akbar we realize in Allah's words that the powers of Shaytaan, his ploys (and) his troops are almost meaningless for Allah says in an ayah

… Indeed the summing up of all the intrigue of Shaytaan is an act without results, it's a futile act, an act in futility. (Surah An Nisa' verse 76)

Knowing what we know- just as an example of the forces that are trying to team up against Allah in our wretched world… The Government in Tunis had issued a law that says "if a person wants to go to a Masjid, he needs a magnetic card. Any person has to define the Masjid that he goes to and when he tells the authorities the Masjid that he goes to, they issue that person a magnetic card so that he has access to his neighborhood Masjid. If he wants to go to Jum'ah prayers and he chooses a few Masajid he has to also inform them of the few Masajid that he will go to during Jum'ah prayers. And for the Muslims who are not Tunisian…" Let's say you or any one of us here, (I don't think anyone of us is not from Tunis, Tunisia), wanted to go there, this law that they are trying to enact would have us register, we have a special case, we have a special card by which we register to register to have access to some of these Masajid. Now, ask me- isn't this their ploy? Isn't this one of their tricks to try to keep tabs (or) keep an eye on our relationship with Allah? When has this ever happened? Who ever thought of something like this? But this is the real world! They want to keep a watchful eye on our entering and exiting the Masajid. They tell us "they want to close the Masajid also if it's not time for the salaah." They want to close the Masajid! This is what happens (when) you give them the freedom to destroy the meaning of Makkah so they say "ok- we got away with that; let's extend that to destroy the meaning of the Masajid." Not that there has been much meaning in them but they see there's something coming on, something that's going to happen so they try, they plot, they think the best that they can think and that's why we say regardless of what they are doing and the type of surveillance instruments at their disposal we say Allahu Akbar and we mean Allahu Akbar and this is going to be more practice than theory as the days go by. We say Allahu Akbar. We know the condition that we are in. We know that we are physically weak but at the end of the day its not our physical might that is going to count; it is our attachment and commitment and adherence to Allah that's going to count.


And we say in conclusion Kullu aamin wa antum bi khayr. We hope and we pray that each year when this day comes around it will bring us more prosperity and more blessings. Eidukum Mubarak- may this Eid of yours be a blessed Eid and carry the spirit and the mindset of the superiority of Allah over everything else and congratulate yourself on this day for having a free conscience when other Muslims have their hands tied and their tongues twisted and their minds muffled- who cannot speak the truth when the truth has to be spoken.


Wa Salaamualaykum wa Rahmatullahi Ta'ala wa Barakaatuh


This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Eid on 27 November 2009 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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