Salam and Dua, It does not hurt the Shi'a community if they stay vigilant about the dangers to the community. Their enemies are powerful as well as resourceful. However, our faith is based on truth. There is no need to fabricate silly conspiracy theories to raise our guard. This message has been circulating for the last several years. It was originally a letter written in Urdu. It has since been translated into English. The last time I had received this same letter was back in 2006. I questioned the various items in the letter and tried to get answers but none was coming. I have attached below the Urdu version for everyone to see. For example the letter states: <<< In the book, "A Plan to Divide and Destroy the Theology", an interview with Dr. Michael Brant has been published. >>> I have searched for this book on No such book exists. There is no Michael Brant who has ever written any book on the Shi'a. Now I ask this: Has anyone read this book? Who is the publisher of the book? Which library in the world has a single copy of this book on its catalogue? The original Urdu version also included the story that Bob Woodward, the CIA Director, was also involved in the conspiracy. I pointed out back in 2006 that Bob Woodward was a journalist who worked (in fact still works) for the Washington Post. He was never the CIA Director. After I had written those things, the letter has been revised since and the part about Bob Woodward has been deleted from it. The version kept on the Victory Magazine website does not have the Bob Woodward story in it. That means there is an active person(s) or organization working on this conspiracy theory and pushing it forward all the same. May Allah give 'Aql and better sense to those people who are busy in such meaningless and useless activities. The original story also had a piece claiming that to complete his research on the Shi'a community, Dr. Michael Brant came to Karachi and stayed at Rizvia Society. Now, I and my family had lived in Rizvia Society for some fifteen years. So I asked the writer of the message to give me the exact dates when Dr. Brant had come to Karachi and also tell me the address where he had stayed at Rizvia. No response was received. As the saying goes, "a lie does not have any legs." I insist, dear brothers and sisters, once again: Please stop getting involved in silly conspiracy theories and check every message that you receive, on the balance of your own common sense before forwarding it into an open forum. Azadari is an institution that has kept us alive through the centuries as a unified community. However, Azadari is not the end. It is a means to get to the end. Our purpose is to receive the message of the holy Ahlul-Bayt, understand it and fashion our own life according to those teachings and then propagate that message to our future generations. In the background, Azadari also works as the implied D'awa to the wider world to hear and receive the message of the Ahlul-Bayt. There is no doubt that the way we have been observing Azadari across the Globe has developed some problems. We have to fix those problems. We are not living in the 7th century Arabia. We are living all over the world in the 21st century. Recently, Ayatullah Khamenai has issued a fatwa declaring the cursing of the Senior Sahaba of the Prophet of Islam from public pulpits. This is a very timely ruling and it will go a long way to bring peace, harmony and unity within the larger Muslim Ummah in the world. We have to train our speakers to stay away from making provocative speeches from the pulpit of Azadari. YOUTUBE is full of video clips where Iraqi mothers are shown splitting the skin over the head of their infant children with a sharp knife in the name of Matam of Imam Husayn. The mothers smile as the children scream with pain and horror. Matam is one thing but abuse and torture of small children who have no control over the actions of their parents, in the name of religion is quite another thing. I don't think we can bring those children closer to the cause of Imam Husayn by those actions, neither can we impress any non-Muslim by those actions. Let us use this period of world-wide information explosion to spread the call of Imam Husayn – the call of peace, the call for struggle against tyranny, and the call of universal human brotherhood based on equality and justice for each and every human being on this earth. Please, brothers and sisters, reflect on these ideas and act soberly and intelligently. We have to educate ourselves and we have to educate our children. Stop getting involved in silly conspiracy theories and start educating your children appropriately; so that, they become good Muslims as well responsible and prosperous professionals in any society where they live. If anyone of our readers has any doubts about any points that I have raised here in this message, please respond by return e-mail so that we can discuss and clarify further. I live in the NY/NJ/PHILA area of the USA. If anyone wants to meet up with me to have a discussion, I promise I will make time for that. If anyone wants to call me, please call me on 732-501 1168. For calls from outside the US, please prefix the number by 1 and the international dialing code in your own country. Very sincerely, Syed-Mohsin Naquvi ======================================
--- On Mon, 1/3/11, mohammad ali <> wrote:
From: mohammad ali <> Subject: Fw: A plan to divide and Destroy the Shia Date: Monday, January 3, 2011, 3:13 PM
----- Forwarded Message ---- From:To:Sent: Fri, December 31, 2010 4:44:43 PM Subject: A plan to divide and Destroy the Shia ALIAKBAR DHARAMSEY AsSalaam-O-Alikum, Just keep name not the e-mail address when forwarding, SEND IT FORWARD PLEASE, Not backward!
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