Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem. Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family. Committed Muslims… Audio on (01-14-2010)
PRE-ISLAMIC YAHUDI AND ARABIAN ASABIYYAH Our human nature catches up with us sometimes. It catches up some of us most of the times. Some people develop some questions and the attitude of "why can't we who are in this life long struggle together be smart about the mission at hand." We're just summarising the type of inert ideas/latent thoughts that many/most of us from time-to-time/many times think about/ have a feeling for. We are not the first ones to go down this path. There have been others who are much better/more honourable in the sight of Allah than our humble selves who also had the same responsibilities/objectives that we carry/share. First and foremost amongst them was Allah's final Messenger. Let us cover an area with you now, (we know it is cold out here), that we hope will not consume extra time. The Prophet of Allah was at Aqaba, (that's a place there in the Then we had another Asabiyyah and that was the Asabiyyah of the Arabians. They had their Asabiyyah. In one instance Abu Sufyan who is one of the headhantials of Makkah at the time, (so to speak), meets with a person called Urwah ibn Mas'ud ibn Al Thaqafi. He was another headhantial/leading figure in Thaqeef- that was his tribal affiliation or At Ta'if where he lived. So Urwah ibn Mas'ud asks Abi Sufyan there's a lot of talk about this person Muhammad. What do you think/say about him? Obviously a person from At Ta'if is asking a person from Makkah because the person in Makkah is living the facts and the daily life and what is going on in Makkah. They exchange some of what they had heard and then Abu Sufyan asks Urwah ibn Mas'ud would you ever contemplate becoming a follower of Muhammad? Listen- just like you listened before closely are you from the clients of Yahud that the Prophet of Allah asked Al Khazraj indicating their Asabiyyah, here we have Abu Sufyan asking Urwah ibn Mas'ud can you see yourself following that person, (in reference to the Prophet)? He said I can never see myself acknowledging a Prophet who does not come from Thaqeef, meaning not from us. This is Asabiyyah. Us! What's us! Who cares about Tribalism/Ethnicism/ Racialism/Nationalism- all of these components of this conflicting Asabiyyah?! The Prophet was living in the middle of all of this. So there were two significant expressions of Asabiyyah in the Prophet's lifetime- scriptural Asabiyyah expressed by Yahud there and then and then tribal Asabiyyah expressed by tribes/power factions such as Quraysh/Ath Thaqif and the rest of these tribes within whom the Prophet was trying to explain his mission to real people in the world. Then we have the interests that have a way of gelling together elites/powerful individuals. The Prophet came with a message that was meant for everyone- whether they are powerful/wealthy or not didn't matter. The words of the Qur'an were reverberating in the society of Makkah and We want to favor those who have been disenfranchised, dispossessed of power or who are powerless in the World and We want to render and make of them- through their own efforts- … leaders and inheritors when they are involved. (Surah Al Qassas verse 4) These words did not sit well with those who were high up in society. "What are you saying? You mean your God is saying that He wants to favour those who don't have anything- the poor/dislocated/poverty stricken/hungry/displaced?! What is this?! No. No. No. Don't bother us with this." Brothers and sisters- this ayah, (provided people think and know what they are saying and listening to), irritates those who have power. (If) you come and tell them that Allah wants to favour/bring up the poor person around the corner there who doesn't have a home/shelter/money… No. They don't want to hear that. This is nothing new. In previous times people in the history of Bani Isra'eel said (in the) time of Talut just a regular person/ average individual in the eyes of the elites was plucked out of society and then became the commander/leader – no-no-no don't give us that! The words of the Qur'an eternalise this attitude. … and how can this person be our leader when we are more qualified to be the leaders than he is and besides, he doesn't have that much money/wealth ...(Surah Al Baqarah verse 247) These words in the Qur'an mean to us that this attitude is not going to go away. It was there thousands of years ago, at the time of the Prophet and it is here now. We have people who act like that. Now when we have these facts of life what do you do? Some people think they are jammed/can't get anywhere (so) they want to deal/traffic with these Asabiyyaat- "hey, let us give you a meter/yard and you give us a meter/yard so that we can get our act together." You know - this explains to us many of these people who used to be here for Jum'ah prayers twenty-five/thirty years ago. Where are they now? Some of them have their normal activities in life that take them away and that's understandable but those who are supposed to be in Islamic positions and who are supposed to have an Islamic mind/heart go traffic with those who occupy/steal the Masajid/Hurumat/sanctities of Allah?! We have these types of people. Why? Because they say "we want to get our act together." Well- who do we have as reference in all of this? Many people have different thoughts/ideas and they are entitled to that but who is their reference? Is it Allah and His Prophet or is it something else? The Prophet of Allah stood on principle and he did not give an inch to these Asabiyyaat. He did not relinquish some principle because of these Asabiyyaat but in our days/times that's exactly what we have. We have some people who think (this is) the best way to get things done and for us to begin to have traction with the people. They will not say/express this in public and we need not hear their words in public because their actions speak louder than any eloquent speeches that they may have prepared or can buy with their money! The Prophet of Allah stood on principle and Allah caused a change to occur. Allah will bring a respite and a breakthrough provided Muslims remain devoted to their principles. Don't loose sight of principles! Brothers and sisters- this is cold weather and we have no time to elaborate at length but please if you forget everything that was said don't forget that a Muslim does not/ will not surrender one scintilla/iota of his principle. Committed Muslims… In the course of the past week or so we have been privy to what appears to be the beginning of the unravelling of the proxy Zionist/Imperialist network in what is called the This khutbah was presented by Imam Mohammad Al Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 14 January 2011 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in |
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